Thursday, December 27, 2007
Appreciation: Acts of Kindness
What power and freedom is in the act of appreciation.
The attitude of deeply feeling grateful for people and conditions in your life opens the floodgate for more of the same.
It also lifts the countenance of all those around you. There was a report done that showed when acts of kindness were done that the giver and the receiver at once felt good: what is even more incredible is that the same thing happened to those who witnessed the act.
Our bodies create a "feel good chemical" when we engage in acts of kindness, receive them or even witness them. This is so powerful that once we really understand the possibilities we can change the world.
Just think for a moment of a world where people are being kind to each other. Think about the chemical affects on each person as they act with kindness, receive kindness and witness kind acts.
This natural high of good feelings would reach further and further affecting more and more people, filling them with a sensation of kindness as well.
Imagine kindness and appreciation catching on and spreading throughout the land.
Just think how powerful this would be. If each of us decided to act with appreciation and offer acts of kindness to all we come in contact with we could in fact change our world.
Simple things like saying Thank you offer appreciation and the energy of feeling good to all you meet.
Telling the people in your life how talented, loving, and how much they mean to you creates an environment where kindness grows.
When you are in the check out line at the store, take a moment to appreciate the person helping you to make your purchases.
As you drive down the road be aware of opportunities to be kind: let someone get in front of you, smile, offer blessings as you go down the road.
I read recently that "to bless means to give it your best energy, your highest thought, your grandest wish. You send a thing good energy when you bless it. This is something physical that you are doing, not merely
conceptual or philosophical."
As you go through your day at home, work, shopping, driving through traffic: remember to appreciate, to be kind, to bless all you come in contact with.
To appreciate you must bless; you must offer your grandest, highest thought of well being and goodness. This is always followed with acts of kindness, which have the power to change the world.
Lift up each person today with your highest thought, see the Divine within each, that spark of love and light that always burns within each created being.
Allow yourself to feel love and move in appreciation and follow with actions of kindness.
When each of us dares to live a life where appreciation and kindness are standard each and every moment of the day, we then, change the world and greater yet: we change ourselves.
You will know when your feelings of appreciation are genuine by the washing of love and positive energy that suddenly flows through you and touches those around you.
Appreciate each moment and each person with acts of kindness and lift the world to the highest place where love and joy reign.
Learn how to create the life of your dreams.
Visit for my latest ebook on changing your life from the inside out.
Click here to read more about it
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Who Do I Want To Be
Sounds like a silly question, but when you think about it, you must be the person who experiences the life you dream of.
How can you experience abundance unless you are the person experiencing it?
How can you experience health unless you are the healthy person?
An inner shift of self status must take place in order to you to experience outwardly anything.
As long as you are seeing yourself as the person who struggles, who isn’t loved, who is overweight, who is lonely, you will continue to be that person.
Think back to when you were a little child and the world was your oyster.
You believed in all possibilities. You thought you could fly, grow up and be superman or cat woman.
You believed in the magic of Santa and the Easter bunny. You knew the magical powers of imagination and you played with it each moment.
How do you go back to that magical knowing?
In order to know a thing you must experience it.
If you wish to experience kindness, be the person who does the act of kindness.
If you wish to be the person who experience love, then be the loving person.
If you wish to be the brave person then step into your fear and be the act of courage.
If you wish to be wealthy and experience abundance, live abundantly.
Be the person today that you wish to be.
Make a choice and Be.
Love and Gratitude,
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Foundation of Beliefs, Core to your LIfe
What am I made of is a question little children often ask their parents.
We generally answer bones, blood, skin, cells and brain.
At our very core we are the beliefs which we hold onto so tightly.
We are programmed with many beliefs about ourselves; our world, work, GOD, relationships, money and even love from the time we are born.
These core beliefs dictate our lives each and every day. These are the subconscious thoughts that move energy in a steady and constant flow creating and attracting more of the same energy vibration.
You will notice that your life flows in a similar direction, steady and regular. Relationships with people, money, health, all follow a pattern.
This pattern is the result of your inner programming.
When we seek change in our outer world we often fall prey to the illusion that simply changing our words and working harder will produce the desired changes.
Seldom does this happen because our inner program is still running amuck.
To simple apply lip service to a changed outer expression of life brings about frustration and even anger.
We must go deeper if we are to really experience a changed life.
Begin by identifying your core beliefs about life and how life works for you.
Hints are all around you in the form of your experiences.
What is going on in your life right now that is a repeat of all that has happened before?
If you are struggling with bills then examine your beliefs about money; trace them back to the roots.
Do you believe that you must work hard, work more hours to get ahead?
Do you believe that life is hard and a constant struggle?
If you have problems in relationships take a look at your relationships with your parents, siblings and even grandparents.
If you deal with health issues look around for the messages about well being in your past.
Do you feel like you get more attention by being sick? Was someone in your family sick often and you adopted the idea that this is a way to get people’s focus on you?
How do you see yourself?
Who do you believe yourself to Be?
Your self-image controls your thoughts, emotions and actions that in turn continue to attract the same type of experiences over and over again.
Do you see yourself as the person who struggles for abundance, love and acceptance?
Do you see yourself as the person who is successful, love and appreciated?
The answer to these questions opens the window to who you see yourself to be.
Once you have an understanding of the foundation upon which you have built your life you can begin remodeling it and build your life with a truer foundation of thought and expectations.
Begin the process with some word association.
Fill in the blanks.
Life is______________
Love _________________
In order to be successful _____________________
My family _________________________
My Friends_________________
You get the idea. By going through your cliches about life and relationships you begin to see a clear picture of the beliefs which rule your life.
After you have spent a while doing this go back and ask yourself if this belief actually works to your best interest.
Is this belief moving you towards your goals?
Does this belief foster a kind and loving life experience?
How can you change your core beliefs?
First you must know and accept what your beliefs are. You have to be honest with yourself about the foundation on which you have built your life.
Beliefs are strong and hold on tightly. The ego doesn’t like to let go of old memories, emotions, and expectations.
By being honest about what you believe and why you bring light to your old wounds and begin to see how your expectations are repeated in one experience after another. Your foundation of beliefs proves itself true to you throughout your life.
When you are honest about what you believe and why you can then begin to form new ideas and beliefs.
I prefer ideas, as it’s much easier to change these and update them later. Ideas don’t struggle to stay in power like beliefs do.
Take you beliefs one by one and examine them for workability. If they are aiding you in getting where you want to go in life, then by all means keep them.
However, if you sense that they are limits, then reform them into something that better represents what you desire.
For example, if you identify a belief that life is hard then you can reshape it into “life flows easily and moves me from one positive experience to another”.
From here you can begin expressing a more positive expectation of your life situations. When we see each experience as an opportunity for understanding, growth and renewal of energy, each experience is exciting.
This process will not happen overnight. It took you years of practice to get where you are in your life beliefs and will probably take more than a few weeks to change.
Be patient with yourself.
Be honest about your emotions, beliefs and actions.
You are developing new habits of thoughts.
Build gently your new foundation and enjoy each experience and the opportunity for growth it brings.
Donna DeVane
©2007 Donna DeVane Earth Mother Selfheal
I have written A Journey Back To Self and Creating Yourself in order to provide step by step guidelines to help you change your life and create it the way you really desire.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Power of Love
I was listening to an audio this morning called, “Zero Limits”.
I have to tell you I was blown away by the information.
There is this guy in Hawaii who heals people without ever seeing them.
He does this by healing within himself what is wrong in the other person or situation.
This is a very simplified explanation, it’s much more and much deeper than this short blog will explain.
What it boils down to is taking full and complete responsibility for everything and everyone who comes into your life.
Whatever it is that you know about, think about, feel about, learn about.. you are responsible for it.
I know this is big.. but it’s also very powerful.
Just think.. if every thought and feeling you have affects not only you, but the whole world.. Wow.. see why I was blown away?
Each and everything that I know about I am responsible for. I also have the power to change it through love.
This is the exciting and fun part.
Put simply you say these four things every time you think, feel or experience anything that is not pleasant or to your liking.
I love you
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I’ve been doing this for about 5 hours and am amazed at the changes in me. I feel so much lighter and filled with joy.
I did it for my home, my children, my business, my friends.
All the Ancient Ones have always taught that every thing is alive and connected. We have forgotten this for the most part.
This teaching empowers and enlightens you to better thinking and state of Being.
Try it for today and see what a difference it makes in your life.
When thinking about a problem, anything that bothers you say out loud to yourself,
I love you
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
Love gratitude joy
I love you
Thank you
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Changing your life with joy
Have you ever wondered why it is that so many people just aren’t happy?
Doesn’t it seem strange that so many of us are putting off being happy until something happens?
I listen to people talk and say things like; wow, when I get that new job, car, home, lover, more money, clothes, etc. etc.; I will be so happy.
What’s wrong with being happy right now in this moment?
Why is it that most adults just can’t seem to feel joy without something happening?
It’s like we are addicted to happenings and have forsaken joy for joy’s sake.
I watch little babies and toddlers and am amazed at how joyful they are. For the most part they are in an almost constant state of joy. They smile without reason, and giggle with delight over the light fixture hanging overhead.
Babies remind us of a basic wisdom, joy just in being.
Some people say to me; what do I have to be happy about? After that question they go on to communicate a long list of what is wrong in their lives.
Here is the key difference between those who are joyful and those who are not.
What are you focused on in you life?
Do you fill your day with gratitude for all that you already have rather than moaning over what you don’t have?
Do you go on and on about aches and pains, bills, relationships or lack thereof?
There’s a cycle of unhappiness that we need to break in order to change our lives. You knew long ago how to be happy for happiness sake. You felt the joy of connection to Spirit and all of Creation. You didn’t focus on what you didn’t have; you just basked in the beauty of the moment and the thrill of being alive.
Think back to the days of youth when you passed many hours watching the animal parade in the clouds. You rode your bike for hours in a state of bliss. You built forts with sticks and vines and imagined yourself a knight or Robin Hood.
You listened to music and were swept into a state of joy and oneness by the music.
You can feel this way again by tapping into gratitude for your life.
I just recently took my studio totally apart. I had furniture and boxes spread out over two rooms while I replaced carpet and washed walls.
I spent a week sweating and panting as I moved heavy objects and put down carpet.
During this long and sweaty process I worked 10 hours a day for a week moving out and putting back. I washed each item before replacing it in my studio. I thrilled at finding things that I had forgotten I had and bringing them to the light.
This morning as I came into my studio I was delighted at the new look of my studio. I did a little dance of joy for the ability to physically move all these around. I thanked my mind for it’s creative ability and my body for its strength and power.
Gratitude feels my soul as I enjoy my computer, move about my home, enjoy the feeling of a hug from my daughter. There is so much to be grateful for each moment of each day.
I find that where gratitude goes, joy flows. This flow of gratitude and joy is the creative energy to bring more to feel about.
Knowing that the law of attraction works to attract more of what we are focused on, it only makes sense that we practice being happy.
This is a simple process of shifting gears and changing thoughts. Line your thoughts and statements up with what you do want.
Spend a few moments throughout the day with thought shifter statements. A few of the thought shifter statements that I use are;
I AM so happy and joyful to be alive.
I AM so happy and grateful for this wonderful mind and body that allows me to enjoy touch, taste, sound, and movement.
I AM so happy and grateful for my family and friends and the love we share.
I AM so happy and grateful for my home and utilities.
I AM so happy and grateful for my computer, my internet, my ability to type and share with friends all over the world.
I AM so happy and grateful for Love, prosperity, abundance, joy, laughter, giggles, and all the smiles shared with others.
Taking time and attention to be in the now, this present moment, and saying thank you for all these little things opens us up to bigger blessings.
Don’t put off being happy, go ahead, BE happy right now.
Fill yourself up with joy. Take time each day to focus on all the beauty in your life, and you will find yourself surrounded by more and more beauty.
The act of gratitude opens the floodgate to blessings and joy. You will find that your cup does indeed run over with love.
I AM so happy and grateful for you reading this.
Thank you,
Donna Devane
©LyonZPath Creations Earth Mother Selfheal 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Waiting for your dreams
So you’ve been reading all about the law of attraction and waiting for it to kick in and change your life, right?
Now you feel stuck and frustrated that it’s not happening for you right?
You got all excited when reading the books and watching the movies and swirled around doing the dance of joy for a few days or weeks.
But today, you feel like it isn’t working and you want to know why.
Do you have your vision board up? Are you taking time throughout the day to read your affirmations? Are you playing in your imagination and putting yourself in the scene of your new life?
Often times we get really excited about the law of attraction and our dreams and run with this powerful energy until we are exhausted and feel disappointed.
You didn’t wake up this morning in your new home. Your new car isn’t in the garage. You bank account isn’t filled with millions, yet.
This is the most important stage of creation. You are in the germination period. Your field is plowed and planted with wonderful seed. They just haven’t come up yet.
This is the time when you really need to hold on to your vision. Go ahead and feel the way you think you’ll feel when you do have all the things on your vision board.
If our dreams were a garden, we wouldn’t go dig up the seed every few days to check on the progress. We know how devastating this would be.
We wouldn’t stop eating until the harvest came in either. WE would continue to eat and enjoy our daily life while feeling good about the new crop of veggies growing in the garden.
This is the point at which you are right now. You know you’ve planted the seed. You know the seed are good. You know you deserve a good harvest and anticipate the bounty.
Just as you wouldn’t put off eating until the garden came in, don’t put off living your life joyfully while your creations are en route to you.
Think for a moment how you will feel in that new home, car, or job. Ah, that’s good.
Are you living each day with this energy? Are you allowing yourself to enjoy the home you are now in? Are you keeping it as clean and orderly as you plan to keep the new one?
How bout your car? Do you thank it each time you get in and drive it? Are you keeping it up, keeping it clean?
Are you doing your very best at your present job? Are you smiling and laughing while working?
Go ahead and be happy right now. Don’t put off feeling good and enjoying your life waiting for it to “happen”. That’s the quickest way to slow it down.
Get up each morning and feel the joy of the day. Anticipate good things flowing into your life. Can you feel them? Feels good.
Do some weeding while waiting
While waiting for my garden to break the soil and begin the process of making a harvest I do the weeding. I pull out by the roots all the weeds and unwanted grasses. This makes it much easier for the baby plants to grow and be abundant with produce.
Use this time to weed out stray thoughts and beliefs about limits in your life.
While waiting you can sift through your thoughts and feelings and be real picky about what’s going on inside your head.
You might also add some fertilizer during this germination time. Read another really good book about law of attraction. Go watch that movie that really inspired you.
Pile up the good feeling thoughts as though they are mulch in your garden. Mulch keeps the weeds down and the moisture in the soil.
Don’t pull the plants out by the roots and give up. Stay focused on your dreams and goals. Stay grateful, stay happy.
Make the garden, which is your life, sturdy with good thoughts and good feelings.
The most important thing during this time of creation is to live your life. Don’t put off being happy, creative, until “you arrive”. This slows the process of germination.
Live each moment of each day as joyfully as you know you will when your dreams are manifested.
Live it that way right now.
Donna DeVane
Monday, April 30, 2007
Law of Attraction in Action
Do you know what you really, really want? Are you clear on the details or thinking in general terms?
The more specific you are in your goals, the more likely you are to hit them. It’s like an archer aiming at a bull’s eye. Only by looking at the target and aiming for it is he likely to hit it.
This knowing what you really want is the result of passion connecting to your dreams. Do you feel passionate about your desires?
Most people want money, lots of money. What do you want to do with money? When people tell me they really, really want lots and lots of money, I get the image of Scrooge sitting in a vault counting and playing with all the coins. Is this what you want money for?
Do you see where I’m going with this? If you only have a general idea of what you want, you get general results. However if you are specific then your results are more specific.
If money is your goal, take it a step further this week. Sit down and think about what you want to DO with the money. Get specific. Experiment a little bit. Say you found a new dress, computer, etc. that you really want. Hold onto this image and put yourself in the dream. See yourself wearing the dress on a date, to work, twirling around and laughing, having fun.
If it’s a computer you want, then imagine sitting with your fingers on the keyboard typing. Imagine surfing the net with ease and joy.
The point is that the more specific you are about what you wish to attract the easier and faster the attraction manifests.
Write down what you want this week. Be very specific, go into lots of details. Include how you feel with this new treasure in your life. Spend a few minutes several times a day playing with these images in your imagination. Be open to inspiration and opportunities to let the flow of abundance into your life.
Be aware that some action on your part is needed most of the time to attract your desires. The most important action is being clear about what you want and why you want it. You may feel inspired to do other things, be open to all possibilities.
Someone told me the other day that they had everything they needed in their life. They were thankful for all their needs being met and happy with their state of affairs. I thought to myself that while I am very grateful for my life and all the many blessings in it, I still have many expectations.
Don’t close the windows and doors of your life to abundance and joy. There is so much in this world to smile and laugh about. What wonderful adventures will you attract to yourself today?
Be Happy,
Donna DeVane
© LyonZPath/EarthMotherSelfheal/SecretDesignCreations 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Looking Ahead
The other day my five-year-old grandson was hit in the eye with a stick. It tore his cornea and he required surgery to repair the eye. Throughout the process I keep seeing and thinking of him whole, healed, and happy.
During the process to repair his little eye, we had many turns and twists in the road which I watched with fascination. As I held the picture of the right doctor in my mind a series of events unfolded which amazed me.
A friend called me early the morning after the accident and told me of a show she had watched where a doctor in my hometown had built a robotic eye for a child and restored his sight.
Next my neighbor gave my youngest daughter a card from her doctor who is also her son in law. Guess who this doctor is? You got it; he is the doctor from the TV show.
I called and we got an appointment the next day. Less than 24 hours later my grandson was in surgery having his eye repaired by one of the best eye surgeons in the country.
Hundreds of people joined me in seeing my grandson healed, and his vision restored. The energy was so wonderful; it was like a bubble around his whole little body.
While dealing with what is, we kept our vision on what we really desired and it manifested. There was no way that healing could not come, many of us agreed that this was reality and so it was.
The Law of Attraction works every time, all the time. The Secret is what are we focused on and how do we feel about our focus. During this past week I have surrounded myself with people who are able and willing to look ahead to what we do want.
I am amazed and so grateful today that by Law Of Attraction, we have worked with The Secret to bring about our heart’s desire and my grandson is whole, happy and enjoys seeing this beautiful world.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Living My Life Like Its Golden
The other day I was watching some TV when a commercial came on. A lady was singing the theme song for the new show. The words were, “Living my life like’s it golden”. She sang these words several times to a rather catchy tune. I found myself smiling at the idea of living every moment of my life like it’s golden. Actually my life is golden, although I may not live every moment of it that way. I started thinking how would one live each moment as though it were a treasure. I thought about how little children live, so in the moment, full of laughter, joy and adventure, that sometimes I envy them.
I decided to “become as a little child” where my life is concerned. I will laugh more, smile most of the time just because it feels good to do so. I will run barefoot through the grass and the mud and giggle with delight. I will lay on my back and watch the animal parades in the clouds at least several times a week. I will eat my dessert first and if there is still hunger, have the main course.
I will greet the new morning with anticipation of all great things coming to me this day. I expect goodness and joy and it comes through for me time after time. I will set aside my preconceived notions of how people and the world “should be” and will greet each experience with a sense of awe and joy.
I will trust my intuition more and go with the gut feeling into new adventures and possibilities. I will play and then play some more, if there is time at the end of the day and I feel inspired to, I will do a bit of work.
I will trust Source more and let go of trying to control others. I will rejoice in the beauty of life, the song of wonder in a child’s giggle and join in, celebrating my Golden Life.
Living my life like it’s golden,
Monday, March 19, 2007
Between Asking and Getting
We have many wants, new cars, homes, money, relationships and love, just to name a few. We don’t run out of things and experiences to want for, to ask for. Wanting and asking are the really easy parts of our creating process. How to actually get what we are wanting is what we all want to know how to do.
Let’s cover some basic steps in working with the Law of Attraction. First we want. Our wants are generally based on a natural need and desire for creature comfort. We all want a comfortable home, trusty car, health, love, food and money.
When we don’t have these things in the quantity or quality that suits us we are aware of our wanting. We say out loud and to anyone who will listen that we want something. Our awareness of lack in our lives gives us opportunity to express a desire for something we do want.
The other day I had a unique experience of understanding the in between time .. that time between asking and getting. I awoke early with pain in my back. Now this made me realize that I really wanted to experience wholeness in my body. I was more aware of my desire for health and a good feeling back as I walked down the steps bent over. I went into the kitchen and took two Advil. My expectation was that the Advil would relieve the pain in my body. I swallowed them down with a cup of coffee and went off to the office to read email. I realized in just ten minutes or so that my back was perfect. I was experiencing perfection in my body.
I didn’t even think about the process of how the Advil worked, I didn’t pester it, checking on it’s progress or directing it’s movement in my body. I didn’t think about it as I sat reading email and smiling, feeling good about my life. At this point I had one of those “AH Ha” moments. I realized that between asking and getting is expecting. I expected the Advil and my body to work together to bring about the condition which I expressed a desire for. I know that my body’s natural state is health, anything other than that is not normal for me.
This place of “knowing” is the between asking and giving part of creating. I know that my body is perfect, right now. Any sign of discomfort is outside what is normal for me. So asking for my body to return to it’s normal state is very believable for me. This principle applies to others acts of creation as well. If I ask for more money, but deep down inside my ‘knowing’, my belief, is that money is hard for me to come by.. then that is what I continue to create.
I read a while back that we don’t get what we ask for, or what we want; rather we get what we expect. If my expectations, my beliefs are on lack, then lack is what I expect and what I attract over and over again.
The key is to identify your beliefs about your health, money, relationships, etc and work on changing these core values, your expectations.
Begin by identifying what you do believe and expect in life. In a notebook begin a page titled “What I believe”.
On the first line write About my body. Now off the top of your head begin to write down the things that come to you. Write quickly, don’t think, just write.
Continue until you feel you have covered your thoughts on your body.
Go to another page and write What I believe about money. Continue this exercise with as many subjects as you can think of. For example you can pages on love, relationships, children, jobs, parents, friends.
Each day go over what you have written and begin a new page with your belief system.
If you wrote on the About my body page that it’s fat, sick, tired, ugly. Then write My body is perfect right now. My body knows how to heal itself and does so constantly. All the cells of my body work in harmony to restore balance and wholeness.
If you wrote that money is hard to come by, there is never enough, etc, then proceed by writing something similar to… There is abundance everywhere. I am always surrounded by abundance. Prosperity and well being are natural for me.
What you are in the process of doing is changing your core beliefs into beliefs that will attract what it is that you really want in your life. This is the fastest and easiest way to create and attract what you really want. If you are not aware of the core beliefs in your life then you will experience frustration and aggravation trying to create something you don’t really believe in. It’s not just a matter of saying positive things and thinking positive things, although these activities will eventually point out to you that you don’t really believe what you are saying, they will not change your expectations.
It’s like wanting to be healthy and telling yourself that your body is created to be perfect… BUT a lot of my family members suffered this same affliction. You cancel out the positive thoughts with the core belief. The core belief is where the power is.
We all have reprogramming to do in our lives. We have adopted many beliefs without even thinking about them since childhood. Some of the all time favorites are
life is hard wow, do we really want life to be hard?
No pain no gain, horrible thought. Why do I want to hurt in order to be successful?
I don’t have a money tree in the backyard. Money doesn’t grow on trees. Tell that to the people with all the big bucks who trade in trees, let’s see paper companies, lumber companies. LOL you get the idea.
Sickness runs in families. Drug companies and doctors really love this one, it keeps them in business.
When we identify our core beliefs we are then able to shift them to beliefs that are more in line with what we really want. Remember, beliefs are your expectations about life and how it works. Your expectations are what you continually attract more of to yourself. By being aware of and working to change your beliefs, you change your expectations and change your life.
Donna DeVane
©LyonZPath 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Asking and Receiving Law Of Attraction
The other morning I had an opportunity to understand allowing and receiving. I awoke early with the small of my back very uncomfortable. I turned and twisted and couldn’t find relief. I came downstairs and got the bottle of Advil, taking two pills out I knew that these were created to relieve pain and promptly took two of them.
Going into my office I booted up the computer and began to read email. Within a few minutes I was aware that my back was perfect. It was one of those delightful Ah Ha moments in life where the light bulb over your head lights up and you just Know something. I realized that my need for a perfect feeling back led to action; taking the Advil. My expectations were that Advil works, easily and quickly without any further supervision on my part. There was no need for me to direct it’s path through my body, no need to check in every few minutes to make sure it was working. I know that my natural state of Being is Wholeness. I also expect to experience this. The stiff and sore feelings in my back were also created due to my thinking that all the standing I did Saturday would lead to a backache, which it did. LOL
As I sat at my desk I accepted the wholeness in my body and the working of Advil to bring relief. This is the answer to one of my biggest questions in the Law Of Attraction. That question is, what do I DO while waiting for the desired manifestation to show up in my life???
I expect.. period. I know that this is LAW.. and this law works every time, all the time. A lot of the time I resist the manifestation by trying to do the work myself. My job is to be clear about what I want. I take time to fill in all the details of this want so I am really, really sure this is what is wanted by me. I ask, I do this by feeling myself having this very thing that is wanted in my life right now. The moment that I express a desire with words, thoughts, feelings; that thing is already on it’s way to me.
This period of time is where a lot of us get anxious and try to force the manifestation with work, begging, pleading, and worry thoughts. This is most often why it takes so long for us to receive, we are pushing it away by trying to force it.
As a gardener I understand this process with the seed I plant. I take time to prepare the soil, pick out the perfect flower or vegetable seed, make sure they are planted to the correct depth. I water and keep out the stray weeds. I expect the seed to sprout and grow into the correct plant that matches the seed I put in the ground. I never dig them up to make sure they are sprouting correctly. When I go into my newly planted garden I talk to them, telling them how wonderful they are, how perfect they are. I praise them and give thanks for the harvest I know is coming several months away.
I make preparation for this harvest by cleaning out my freezer, getting my canning jars ready and making sure I have enough of them to hold the magnificent bounty that is on it’s way into my life.
For all the things I am asking for in my life, this is the process I use to receive them. I ask, I expect, I make room for, and I receive.
Love yourself well,
Friday, March 16, 2007
© LyonZPath Donna DeVane
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Create a New Experience
Create a New Experience
Think new thoughts, new reality.
I read recently that we have about 60,000 thoughts a day.. wow that’s exciting. What’s more interesting to me is that 90% of them are old thoughts. We seem to get stuck in thought habits where we rehash the same material over and over again. With all this rethinking going on, it’s no wonder that most of us experience the same or very similar life experiences.
Our thoughts are alive, they are energy. Our mind and body takes notice of and works to bring about those things we think about. The longer we think a certain scenario the more likely we are to encounter it as an actual experience. Our thoughts are bouncing about all the time, even while we sleep. Personally the sleeping thoughts are the most insightful for me. As I awake I lay still and listen to the thoughts running through my head. I am often surprised to find worry thoughts, anger thoughts, depressing thoughts there. I know that I have to reclaim my mind and my thought life.
Change for most of us is something we resist. However, only by changing our thoughts can we really find ourselves free from all the thoughts that keep us in limited experiences. Take the example of the elephant who is trained from being held by a chain to a large tree to finally a small rope on a twig. He believes himself trapped and doesn’t attempt to free himself.
How often are we as adults held by a tiny rope of thought we learned and accepted as children. We adopted others opinions of ourselves and how life is supposed to work. We find ourselves frustrated by our lives and wonder why.. why.. The why is found in our thought patterns.
Spend a week or two being aware of your thoughts. Stop now and again what you are doing and listen to the information running around your head. Once you are aware of the type of thoughts you are having, make a conscious decision to change your thoughts.
I have challenged myself to change my world by changing my thoughts. I begin the day being aware of what I am thinking. Once I locate an area of thought which is a rerun of the past I pay attention to rethinking that situation in my life. For instance, if you are worried about a bill not yet paid, change your thinking to being thankful for the bills that you have paid.
Changing worries to blessings is a very empowering way of changing your reality by changing your thoughts.
If your toe hurts, change your thoughts to be thankful for the toe and for all of your body. This type of thinking directs the body to create more to be thankful for. This works by programming us to be aware of the blessings in our lives and being thankful. Our mind begins to create in accordance with the thoughts we are having.
If you are worried about money, change your thinking by being grateful for all the money that comes into your life. Honor the money energy with thought and perhaps even a little ritual. When I pay my bills online I always take the paper bill and write all over it. PAID Yipiee Thank YOU, then tear it up and throw it away. I thank the money for being in my life. I thank the utilities for making my life comfortable.
Personally I have come to the place in my life where I don’t resist change so much, rather I welcome it. I have come to realize that resisting change is resisting new experiences. I have never been a person who enjoyed re runs on TV and don’t much care for them in my life either these days. I have reached down and released myself from the tiny rope that kept me in the same place and have walked on down the road to see what I can see. I take a new attitude and new thoughts with me to create a new experience.
My 5oth birthday brought about many changes in my thinking. I began to realize how limited I was in my life. I did the same things the same way I had done for years. I opened my arms to new experiences and challenge myself daily to new thoughts and new experiences. Will you take the new thought challenge with me?
Monday, March 12, 2007
Law of Attraction Creation Priciples
I don't know anyone who says that they want to be sick, poor, sad, depressed, lonely, unloved; yet I do know a lot of people who experience many of these "circumstances" on a daily basis. I hear them saying that they really don't want to be sick, poor, lonely, etc. They even state how tired of being in this state they are and how they yearn for a richer, better life. When we are not aware of our natural right to be whole, healthy, wealthy and wise, we focus on a false reality. This "reality" is due to our not accepting responsibility for our own creation of worldy experience.
What we think and feel about most, is what we experience the most of. When our thoughts and feelings are caught up in the loop of endless talk and feeling about being sick, sad, poor, lonely; we continue this state of creation over and over again.
To make a point of how powerful our thoughts and feelings are take a little mind journey with me for just a moment. Think of a time in your life when you were really happy, when you felt in love with the world. See it in your mind, notice the sounds, the smells, the colors and textures of this experience. Take 15 seconds or so for this remembering. Now how do you feel? Are you smiling, laughing? We have the power to Be in any state which we can imagine. This works with memories of the past as well as moving forward into new experiences by imagining ourselves already there. By thinking about good times in our lives we keep our bodies producing feel good chemicals which raise our vibration and attract more to feel good about. This works the opposite way just as easily. When we stay in a state of remembering circumstances which cause us to feel angry, sad, poor, etc.. we continute to attract these type of circumstances.
When we direct our thoughts with feelings quickly following into areas in which we feel good, good things happen. This sounds so simple that we often dismiss the power of it all. Many Teachers throughout history have shared this Principle of Creation with us. One of my favorite quotes is "as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is". How encouraging that statement is. If I can think it, I can do, be, have it. Where did all the wonders that we experience today come from? They came from Thought. Someone had a thought, an idea that they wanted to bring to life, to create. Just in my lifetime I have seen phones with no wires, computers in my most homes, wonderful new images on the television, I grew up with black and white.
Going back even further in time we realize that someone had to idea to create everything we now experience from flight travel around the country all the way to the moon. Where did it all start? It started as Thought and thought focused on creates. It has to, it can do nothing else. Our thoughts are the energy of creation, bringing into our lives all the magic we can accept. The Priciple of Creation always works, all the time, whether we consciously create or create without awareness. We are responsible for our experiences and knowing this, we can now consciously create a life that brings blessings to ourselves and our world.
Love yourself well,
Donna DeVane
March 12, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Law of Attraction Secret
Growing up we were all taught a set of "expectation", those beliefs which have governed our lives. If our family traditions were based on hard work, suffering and just getting by, then this is the life we have attracted to ourselves.
Those of us who had parents who knew how to work with the law were taught that life is joyful, wonderful and exciting, good things happen to us all the time.
Do you see the contrast? Both of these sets of expectations work equally well. They both attract to themselves more of what is expected.
If you are in the second group then go share the principles of Law of Attraction with everyone you meet. Let them know how this works.
For those in the first group who desire to be in the second group.. listen up. Your awareness of your expectations is the first step in changing your life. You might like to sit down with pencil and paper and do a little workshop. Write down what you belief, expect about life, money, relationships. Go ahead, be honest, no one is going to see this but you.
If your list looks something like this
Life is hard
Money comes by hard work and sweat
No pain no gain
Relationships are difficult and painful
Other people have all the luck
If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all
I am overweight due to bad family genes
Now to change your thinking and begin changing your expectations.
Let's take the beliefs one at a time and rephrase them so that we line up with what we really want in life
Life is filled with joy and beauty. I experience good times and joyful happenings each day.
My life is as easy and fun as I expect and make it, and I expect it to be joyful.
Money comes easily and constantly into my life
All my relationships are respectful and loving
I have good luck all day every day.
I expect good luck, intuitive actions and joy each day.
I am perfect in the eyes of GOD right now, my body is strong, beautiful and wonderful right now.
Take your list of expectations and rewrite them to state what you really desire.
Check back for more on this topic.. and how to begin attracting to you what you really really want.
To help you with your focus and intentions I have created a new line of Spiders.
Law of Attraction Spiders
Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.