Have you ever wondered why it is that so many people just aren’t happy?
Doesn’t it seem strange that so many of us are putting off being happy until something happens?
I listen to people talk and say things like; wow, when I get that new job, car, home, lover, more money, clothes, etc. etc.; I will be so happy.
What’s wrong with being happy right now in this moment?
Why is it that most adults just can’t seem to feel joy without something happening?
It’s like we are addicted to happenings and have forsaken joy for joy’s sake.
I watch little babies and toddlers and am amazed at how joyful they are. For the most part they are in an almost constant state of joy. They smile without reason, and giggle with delight over the light fixture hanging overhead.
Babies remind us of a basic wisdom, joy just in being.
Some people say to me; what do I have to be happy about? After that question they go on to communicate a long list of what is wrong in their lives.
Here is the key difference between those who are joyful and those who are not.
What are you focused on in you life?
Do you fill your day with gratitude for all that you already have rather than moaning over what you don’t have?
Do you go on and on about aches and pains, bills, relationships or lack thereof?
There’s a cycle of unhappiness that we need to break in order to change our lives. You knew long ago how to be happy for happiness sake. You felt the joy of connection to Spirit and all of Creation. You didn’t focus on what you didn’t have; you just basked in the beauty of the moment and the thrill of being alive.
Think back to the days of youth when you passed many hours watching the animal parade in the clouds. You rode your bike for hours in a state of bliss. You built forts with sticks and vines and imagined yourself a knight or Robin Hood.
You listened to music and were swept into a state of joy and oneness by the music.
You can feel this way again by tapping into gratitude for your life.
I just recently took my studio totally apart. I had furniture and boxes spread out over two rooms while I replaced carpet and washed walls.
I spent a week sweating and panting as I moved heavy objects and put down carpet.
During this long and sweaty process I worked 10 hours a day for a week moving out and putting back. I washed each item before replacing it in my studio. I thrilled at finding things that I had forgotten I had and bringing them to the light.
This morning as I came into my studio I was delighted at the new look of my studio. I did a little dance of joy for the ability to physically move all these around. I thanked my mind for it’s creative ability and my body for its strength and power.
Gratitude feels my soul as I enjoy my computer, move about my home, enjoy the feeling of a hug from my daughter. There is so much to be grateful for each moment of each day.
I find that where gratitude goes, joy flows. This flow of gratitude and joy is the creative energy to bring more to feel about.
Knowing that the law of attraction works to attract more of what we are focused on, it only makes sense that we practice being happy.
This is a simple process of shifting gears and changing thoughts. Line your thoughts and statements up with what you do want.
Spend a few moments throughout the day with thought shifter statements. A few of the thought shifter statements that I use are;
I AM so happy and joyful to be alive.
I AM so happy and grateful for this wonderful mind and body that allows me to enjoy touch, taste, sound, and movement.
I AM so happy and grateful for my family and friends and the love we share.
I AM so happy and grateful for my home and utilities.
I AM so happy and grateful for my computer, my internet, my ability to type and share with friends all over the world.
I AM so happy and grateful for Love, prosperity, abundance, joy, laughter, giggles, and all the smiles shared with others.
Taking time and attention to be in the now, this present moment, and saying thank you for all these little things opens us up to bigger blessings.
Don’t put off being happy, go ahead, BE happy right now.
Fill yourself up with joy. Take time each day to focus on all the beauty in your life, and you will find yourself surrounded by more and more beauty.
The act of gratitude opens the floodgate to blessings and joy. You will find that your cup does indeed run over with love.
I AM so happy and grateful for you reading this.
Thank you,
Donna Devane
©LyonZPath Creations Earth Mother Selfheal 2007
Law of Attraction Magic Creations
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