Who do I want to be?
Sounds like a silly question, but when you think about it, you must be the person who experiences the life you dream of.
How can you experience abundance unless you are the person experiencing it?
How can you experience health unless you are the healthy person?
An inner shift of self status must take place in order to you to experience outwardly anything.
As long as you are seeing yourself as the person who struggles, who isn’t loved, who is overweight, who is lonely, you will continue to be that person.
Think back to when you were a little child and the world was your oyster.
You believed in all possibilities. You thought you could fly, grow up and be superman or cat woman.
You believed in the magic of Santa and the Easter bunny. You knew the magical powers of imagination and you played with it each moment.
How do you go back to that magical knowing?
In order to know a thing you must experience it.
If you wish to experience kindness, be the person who does the act of kindness.
If you wish to be the person who experience love, then be the loving person.
If you wish to be the brave person then step into your fear and be the act of courage.
If you wish to be wealthy and experience abundance, live abundantly.
Be the person today that you wish to be.
Make a choice and Be.
Love and Gratitude,
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Foundation of Beliefs, Core to your LIfe
Foundation of Beliefs, Core to Your Life
What am I made of is a question little children often ask their parents.
We generally answer bones, blood, skin, cells and brain.
At our very core we are the beliefs which we hold onto so tightly.
We are programmed with many beliefs about ourselves; our world, work, GOD, relationships, money and even love from the time we are born.
These core beliefs dictate our lives each and every day. These are the subconscious thoughts that move energy in a steady and constant flow creating and attracting more of the same energy vibration.
You will notice that your life flows in a similar direction, steady and regular. Relationships with people, money, health, all follow a pattern.
This pattern is the result of your inner programming.
When we seek change in our outer world we often fall prey to the illusion that simply changing our words and working harder will produce the desired changes.
Seldom does this happen because our inner program is still running amuck.
To simple apply lip service to a changed outer expression of life brings about frustration and even anger.
We must go deeper if we are to really experience a changed life.
Begin by identifying your core beliefs about life and how life works for you.
Hints are all around you in the form of your experiences.
What is going on in your life right now that is a repeat of all that has happened before?
If you are struggling with bills then examine your beliefs about money; trace them back to the roots.
Do you believe that you must work hard, work more hours to get ahead?
Do you believe that life is hard and a constant struggle?
If you have problems in relationships take a look at your relationships with your parents, siblings and even grandparents.
If you deal with health issues look around for the messages about well being in your past.
Do you feel like you get more attention by being sick? Was someone in your family sick often and you adopted the idea that this is a way to get people’s focus on you?
How do you see yourself?
Who do you believe yourself to Be?
Your self-image controls your thoughts, emotions and actions that in turn continue to attract the same type of experiences over and over again.
Do you see yourself as the person who struggles for abundance, love and acceptance?
Do you see yourself as the person who is successful, love and appreciated?
The answer to these questions opens the window to who you see yourself to be.
Once you have an understanding of the foundation upon which you have built your life you can begin remodeling it and build your life with a truer foundation of thought and expectations.
Begin the process with some word association.
Fill in the blanks.
Life is______________
Love _________________
In order to be successful _____________________
My family _________________________
My Friends_________________
You get the idea. By going through your cliches about life and relationships you begin to see a clear picture of the beliefs which rule your life.
After you have spent a while doing this go back and ask yourself if this belief actually works to your best interest.
Is this belief moving you towards your goals?
Does this belief foster a kind and loving life experience?
How can you change your core beliefs?
First you must know and accept what your beliefs are. You have to be honest with yourself about the foundation on which you have built your life.
Beliefs are strong and hold on tightly. The ego doesn’t like to let go of old memories, emotions, and expectations.
By being honest about what you believe and why you bring light to your old wounds and begin to see how your expectations are repeated in one experience after another. Your foundation of beliefs proves itself true to you throughout your life.
When you are honest about what you believe and why you can then begin to form new ideas and beliefs.
I prefer ideas, as it’s much easier to change these and update them later. Ideas don’t struggle to stay in power like beliefs do.
Take you beliefs one by one and examine them for workability. If they are aiding you in getting where you want to go in life, then by all means keep them.
However, if you sense that they are limits, then reform them into something that better represents what you desire.
For example, if you identify a belief that life is hard then you can reshape it into “life flows easily and moves me from one positive experience to another”.
From here you can begin expressing a more positive expectation of your life situations. When we see each experience as an opportunity for understanding, growth and renewal of energy, each experience is exciting.
This process will not happen overnight. It took you years of practice to get where you are in your life beliefs and will probably take more than a few weeks to change.
Be patient with yourself.
Be honest about your emotions, beliefs and actions.
You are developing new habits of thoughts.
Build gently your new foundation and enjoy each experience and the opportunity for growth it brings.
Donna DeVane
©2007 Donna DeVane Earth Mother Selfheal
I have written A Journey Back To Self and Creating Yourself in order to provide step by step guidelines to help you change your life and create it the way you really desire.
www. SecretDesignCreations.com
What am I made of is a question little children often ask their parents.
We generally answer bones, blood, skin, cells and brain.
At our very core we are the beliefs which we hold onto so tightly.
We are programmed with many beliefs about ourselves; our world, work, GOD, relationships, money and even love from the time we are born.
These core beliefs dictate our lives each and every day. These are the subconscious thoughts that move energy in a steady and constant flow creating and attracting more of the same energy vibration.
You will notice that your life flows in a similar direction, steady and regular. Relationships with people, money, health, all follow a pattern.
This pattern is the result of your inner programming.
When we seek change in our outer world we often fall prey to the illusion that simply changing our words and working harder will produce the desired changes.
Seldom does this happen because our inner program is still running amuck.
To simple apply lip service to a changed outer expression of life brings about frustration and even anger.
We must go deeper if we are to really experience a changed life.
Begin by identifying your core beliefs about life and how life works for you.
Hints are all around you in the form of your experiences.
What is going on in your life right now that is a repeat of all that has happened before?
If you are struggling with bills then examine your beliefs about money; trace them back to the roots.
Do you believe that you must work hard, work more hours to get ahead?
Do you believe that life is hard and a constant struggle?
If you have problems in relationships take a look at your relationships with your parents, siblings and even grandparents.
If you deal with health issues look around for the messages about well being in your past.
Do you feel like you get more attention by being sick? Was someone in your family sick often and you adopted the idea that this is a way to get people’s focus on you?
How do you see yourself?
Who do you believe yourself to Be?
Your self-image controls your thoughts, emotions and actions that in turn continue to attract the same type of experiences over and over again.
Do you see yourself as the person who struggles for abundance, love and acceptance?
Do you see yourself as the person who is successful, love and appreciated?
The answer to these questions opens the window to who you see yourself to be.
Once you have an understanding of the foundation upon which you have built your life you can begin remodeling it and build your life with a truer foundation of thought and expectations.
Begin the process with some word association.
Fill in the blanks.
Life is______________
Love _________________
In order to be successful _____________________
My family _________________________
My Friends_________________
You get the idea. By going through your cliches about life and relationships you begin to see a clear picture of the beliefs which rule your life.
After you have spent a while doing this go back and ask yourself if this belief actually works to your best interest.
Is this belief moving you towards your goals?
Does this belief foster a kind and loving life experience?
How can you change your core beliefs?
First you must know and accept what your beliefs are. You have to be honest with yourself about the foundation on which you have built your life.
Beliefs are strong and hold on tightly. The ego doesn’t like to let go of old memories, emotions, and expectations.
By being honest about what you believe and why you bring light to your old wounds and begin to see how your expectations are repeated in one experience after another. Your foundation of beliefs proves itself true to you throughout your life.
When you are honest about what you believe and why you can then begin to form new ideas and beliefs.
I prefer ideas, as it’s much easier to change these and update them later. Ideas don’t struggle to stay in power like beliefs do.
Take you beliefs one by one and examine them for workability. If they are aiding you in getting where you want to go in life, then by all means keep them.
However, if you sense that they are limits, then reform them into something that better represents what you desire.
For example, if you identify a belief that life is hard then you can reshape it into “life flows easily and moves me from one positive experience to another”.
From here you can begin expressing a more positive expectation of your life situations. When we see each experience as an opportunity for understanding, growth and renewal of energy, each experience is exciting.
This process will not happen overnight. It took you years of practice to get where you are in your life beliefs and will probably take more than a few weeks to change.
Be patient with yourself.
Be honest about your emotions, beliefs and actions.
You are developing new habits of thoughts.
Build gently your new foundation and enjoy each experience and the opportunity for growth it brings.
Donna DeVane
©2007 Donna DeVane Earth Mother Selfheal
I have written A Journey Back To Self and Creating Yourself in order to provide step by step guidelines to help you change your life and create it the way you really desire.
www. SecretDesignCreations.com
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Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.