Monday, July 21, 2008
The Blessing of Failing; Failure is Your Friend
Everyone has dreams.
You look around and see so many who have made their dreams come true and yet yours doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
. Perhaps you are feeling discouraged and frustrated. You've had this dream for years and thought about it over and over. You've tried and failed so many times that you are ready to give up.
Good. Now you are ready to take some positive steps forward.
You know how to not create your dream, you've done things that didn't work. You are now ahead of the game. You already have a long list of actions that you know don't work.
Because you've already processed through many failures you are closer to your dream now than you've ever been.
When Edison was working on the light bulb he failed thousands of times. His comment was that he knew thousands of ways not to make a light bulb. He didn't give up, he didn't quit. He used each failure as the jumping off place for the next idea.
Perhaps you have listened to others tell you that failure is a “bad” thing so many times that you've adopted it as your own belief.
Failure is a matter of perspective. It's all in how you look at it. You can stop trying and certainly fail, or use your failures to motivate you to try the next thing.
No one has ever failed or succeeded without giving it a go first. As long as you do nothing, little happens. It's only when you are willing to learn from your failed actions and move forward with the next step that you find yourself living your dream.
Failure is actually a blessing. It says to you, “keep going, try something else”. You've got an idea, you know the next steps. You know what doesn't work. Take another action and see where it leads. As long as you are moving forward you are getting closer to your dream.
Giving up and setting limiting beliefs are the only things standing in your way.
I recently watched a video by a guy with no arms and no legs. He talked about limits all being in your head. He didn't see himself as limited, rather he saw opportunity to do things a different way. This young man is very successful because he just doesn't believe in limits. He believes in opportunity.
Every thing is your life is another opportunity to do something a bit differently than it's been done before.
Shift your thinking and keep taking action. Your dreams are much closer than you think.
Affirmations for courage and belief in yourself.
Write these down. Read them out loud several times a day. They will help you reprogram your thinking and in turn attract the experience of success into your life.
I can master anything with enough practice
I am totally capable of accomplishing my dreams.
I am grateful for each failure, failure paves the road to success.
I always look for and get excited by a new way of doing something.
I know that if I can dream it, I can do it.
I trust my inner guidance to lead me always forward.
Each step takes me closer to my goals.
I let go of fear and move forward to victory.
Through intuition and belief, I steadily move forward.
I trust my inner guidance to lead me.
My gifts and talents bless the world and lift others up.
Gratitude is the energy that always leads to success.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Mental Recession; Are hard times all in your head?
Did a series of thoughts just dance through your head?
By asking yourself the question you also gave yourself the answer. Whatever you are experiencing is all in your head.
I'm not saying the circumstance isn't happening or that the situation isn't there, I am saying that the “reality” of it, how you define it and choose to interact with it is your thoughts.
Nothing has any meaning at all until you choose to give it meaning. Things are neither good, bad, pretty, ugly or anything else until you tag them with a judgment. The very act of naming it reveals how you are choosing to experience it.
Many times situations that are unpleasant seem to hang on forever. It seems as though you no sooner get out of one jam than another pops up.
When situations appear in your life that you are not really enjoying, what is your response?
Do you discuss them with everyone who will listen? Do you go over them one by one, delving into the possible reasons for them and who might be at fault?
Do you stay awake at night worrying, feeling restless and stressful?
This in and of itself continues the cycle of these types of experiences. They will not stop until and unless you change how you are reacting to them. Most likely you act the same way to each situation that arises in your life, thus the continuing cycle of same energy occurrences.
When you are with family and friends what do you talk about? Do you get caught up in the chaos of rising prices, sickness, dis-ease, poverty and how hard life is?
The recession, hard times, unhappy relationships, terrible job, nosy neighbor, high prices, unsafe world, etc. etc. are all in your head and the heads of most humans on this planet.
Take a hard, honest look at what you talk about and think about.
If you were to begin seeing what is as just an experience, a passing moment, a fleeting situation that had no power over you, your whole attitude about it would change in an instant.
It's the rehashing of it over and over in your thoughts, giving more meaning and more passion to it that makes it seem even worse with each rethinking.
Nothing in life is permanent, even the great mountains erode over time.
Seasons change, babies turn into adults, leaves fall from trees, flowers bloom again in spring after being dormant all winter.
If you remember that every thing in your life right now is there by your invitation and your consent, that it is not forever; then you can move more easily through anything that comes into your experience
Focus on the gift, the blessing that comes with each new interaction. Everything brings a message of deeper self understanding, deeper experience with remembering Who You Are and that Source Energy always flows through you.
As you shift your thinking to one of allowing and receiving, life feels easy and things flow through your experience with a greater ease and deeper spiritual meaning.
It's only when you choose to resist, fight against, blame, judge and condemn that life feels hard.
Pay attention to your feelings, when you notice that they are out of line with what you wish to experience you are then aware that you can change them by simply shifting your thoughts.
You can pay attention to the problems and keep them in your experience or release them and change your thoughts along with your feelings and attract something different.
The choice is always up to you and it all lives in your head.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
What you give your attention to is what you are asking for
But what are you really asking for?
The answer is whatever you are giving your attention to. The more attention you are offering, the more energy you are focusing on the asking.
This is the key to creating your life with your thoughts. Thoughts become things.
Not every single thought, hope, worry, becomes it's physical counterpart right before your eyes, but each thought has life that leads to more thoughts similar to itself.
This is why when you first start with a little worry it quickly grows into a mountain.
It also works this way with thoughts of what you do desire. The more attention you give to the thoughts or the thing, the situation, the more of it you receive.
The power of your thoughts is such that whatever you can believe, you can receive. This principle works with all types of thoughts, all dreams, all nightmares, all hopes, all fears.
Step back from your constant thinking and be the witness to your thoughts.
Some have reported that the average person has around 90.000 thoughts running around their head each day. Most of these are recycled thoughts, not fresh, inspired thinking, but old stuff.
The power of thinking is such that if you were to imagine your thoughts as a law mower or a car and you as the power, the control behind them you can better see the need for your being a thought witness.
If you were to start your law mower or your car, put it in drive and pay no further attention to where it went or what it interacted with what would be the result?
This is exactly what happens inside your head when you are not aware of your thoughts. They run around the same cycle of worry, stress, anxiety, fear and dread that you say you don't want any more of. Yet, without your being the power, the director of them you create on auto pilot exactly what you are thinking and in quantity of the energy applied to the thoughts.
The more passion the quicker and stronger the creation.
Turn it around and consciously choose a thought. Stay with it a few seconds. Watch what happens. Another thought similar to the first shows up. If you stay with this thought it gives way to another, stronger thought similar in energy to itself.
By being aware of what you are thinking and staying focused on thoughts in line with what you desire you are actually praying, asking for these types of things in general. As you get specific about your thoughts and guide them as you would the car or mower, you build steam, build up creation energy to move more steadily in that new direction.
What ever you are most focused on is exactly what you are creating the most of. It only makes sense that you choose thoughts in line with what you wish to feel and experience.
It makes no sense to spend time on thoughts of worry, fear and dread. These thoughts do not feel good and attract only more to feel that way about.
Write down what it is that you really wish to experience for today. How do you desire to feel, to be treated?
Write down a few words on this goal for today.
For example.
Today I wish to experience loving and respectful relationship.
Now go ahead and begin using your thoughts to see and feel this energy. Imagine yourself being greeted every where you go by smiling, helpful and caring people.
Get into the feeling of this.
Stay focused throughout the day on these types of thoughts. Treat yourself and others with this same energy and watch as miracles take place right before your eyes.
After practicing with these types of experiences for a few day, move onto something bigger. Keep it in line with what you can belief for.
The more you practice asking for what you are thinking about with consciousness, the easier it becomes to be the master of your own thoughts and your own creations.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
America Cries Out For Change The World Desires It
For too long we have continued doing things in the same manner and hoping for different results.
We are now seeing that this is folly.
Our nation is crying out for change in energy, demanding cleaner, more earth and pocket book friendly choices for car and house fuel.
We are crying out for the ceasing of nuclear weapons being built, biological weapons to no longer be considered options.
We are declaring our intention for a more peaceful, loving, helpful and interactive community, planet wide.
The internet has helped us to see one another as the same, humans all living with the same Life Force Energy flowing in and through us. We are becoming more aware of our connection with each other and the more awareness we understand the less dis-connected we feel from one another.
We see our planet as more than just a means of gathering fuel, food and housing for our needs; we are beginning to understand we are also connected to her and her well being insures our well being.
As I watch the news I am awed by the changes spoken of and represented by the stories of politics, human interest and world news.
All over the planet people are crying out for us to do things differently.
As I watched the Unity Speeches of Hillary Clinton and Obama I was moved almost to tears with the message of change. It is more than two politicians using the message of change to campaign, it's a reflection of what We the People are saying, feeling, intending and praying for.
It makes you wonder why it took us to over $4.00 a gallon for gas, global warming, melting glaciers, pollution over the top and nations at war to bring us to this out cry for change.
This is the way we create it..
It's not necessary for us to create it hard and painful, but nonetheless we still do it over and over again.
We don't listen to the small inner voice guiding us to make small changes all along the way where there is little or no pain, maybe no more than slight discomfort.
We wait it out, tough it out fighting to make the thing work, resisting and refusing change until change or destruction are our only choices.
We do this as nations and as individuals.
How many situations have you gone through that ballooned to large proportions because you ignored the little nudges all along the way?
If you are like most people you could write a book on the subject of not listening to yourself and making it so hard that you had to change how you were doing things.
This is a common habit of humans. We forget that we are the co creators of our life experience and that our thoughts, emotions, actions and non actions result in experiences.
Just as we are finding many options for fuel and helping our economy as a nation we are realizing that we can adjust our thinking and realize great changes in our personal lives too.
Our thoughts become our beliefs. We instill great passion into these beliefs and act upon them, thus creating experiences that reflect those very beliefs.
Whether it's a nation's beliefs or an individual, the process, the principles work the same way.
We are the constant in all we experience. As an individual you are co creating through your beliefs with passion, your day to day situations.
As a nation we are co creating high prices, shortages and reflections of not having enough.
In order for us to change the on the global, national or personal level, we must change what is inside us. This is where it is all coming from . Each of us is a powerhouse of creative energy churning and calling molecules into form, congealing in physical manifestation our fears, beliefs, worries, stress, hopes and dreams. WE are the chefs of this huge pot of experiential soup.
Abraham tells us to be for something, not against anything. The more energy we give to a thought, outcome, person, experience, the more fuel we are applying to create that very thing.
Make a list of your pet peeves, those cliches you use over and over again. These reveal your core beliefs and standards for creating.
If these beliefs are not what you wish to experience.... now is the time to replace them with thoughts that take you, our nation and our planet where you really desire it to be.
Working in your own life you have great power to create your experiences, working together for a common goal, a common dream... we are awesome in our ability to create.
Now is the time for Unity, unity of thought, belief in a kind, loving and abundance of prosperity for all.
Now is the time for each of us to be for something.. against nothing. Together we are the ones we have been waiting for to change the world.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Create Another Illusion
It's only real in your head. It's all a bunch of vibrating energy molecules moving to and fro giving the illusion of being a real situation.
This illusion is wonderful when you've co created something you enjoy and find pleasant. “ Feel good” hormones rush through your body and you are in love with life. It feels good and you desire more of it.
If, however what you have co created isn't very pleasing to you and it does feel real.. different chemicals and emotional reactions are rushing through your body. You feel frightened, worried, anxious, in a rush to do something to change things.
Resistance is futile. The more you fight, push, pull and resist the present situation the bigger it gets. The stronger it feels and the more stress and worry you experience.
What to do?
First acknowledge that's it illusion. It's energy, nothing more, nothing less. It's also your creation. See how powerful you are? Look what you created, now that's power.
The same power that you used to create your present circumstances you can also use to create something different.
You might be saying right about now, “it sure looks and feels real”. Have you ever watched images on a wall put there by a projector? They look real, movies and TV look real too. They are not, they are mirror images of something else.. thought.. feelings..
In order for you to create something different than what you are now experiencing you just have to think and feel differently.
Stop for just a moment and think about something really pleasant. Think about how good a hug feels, remember a recent hug that really warmed your heart.
Now, you've just created something different than what you were experiencing a moment ago.
This is the process that we all follow all the time. We think, we empower the thoughts with feeling and passion, thinking them and feeling them over and over again until we call them into form.
When you shift your thoughts and your feelings, you shift reality. You begin the process of calling into your experience that which you believe you will experience.
We've all done it many times. Ever think of someone and in just a little bit the phones rings and that person is on the phone?
When you begin to realize that the present is the result of past thoughts, emotions and beliefs, you are empowered with understanding that in order to change your experiences you simply shift your thought and beliefs.. your expectations.
Whatever your present circumstance, it's a wonderful teacher showing you how creation, reality works.
Look at the situation and trace back your part in it. What thoughts, beliefs, expectations did you use to bring it into form?
Now that you know how you did it, simply use that same principle to create another physical illusion of reality.
Start right where you are. Begin by shifting your thoughts and feelings about the present. Rather than being worried and stressed, be thankful for the lesson this brings you. Be grateful for the insight and understanding you now have because of this situation.
As you change how you think and feel about the present continue that energy into what you really would like to experience. What are you desiring? Think it, feel it, follow inspired action to bring it into your physical illusion of reality.
You know you can do it, you just saw how powerful you really are.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Is Sanity Returning to America???
Finally, after almost 8 years of insanity our Supreme court is coming to grips with what this nation stands for.
It decided... again.. that all prisoners held in the States or out.. do have rights.
Wow.. it's hard for me to even consider that anyone in this nation, especially our president would think otherwise.
What makes our nation the envy of others? Why do people from all over the world want to move here?
Our freedom, our Constitution. Without the Constitution we are no different than any other nation in world.
The truth about this current President, George W. Bush is coming to light. Motions are being made to impeach him, too late though for all the damage he has done in our country.
I love this country and have been ashamed of many things that have happened over the last several years. Whenever we use terror to fight terrorist.. how are we then any different?
When we deny people a right to legal counsel and jail them for years without any rights whatsoever and use torture against them, please tell me how these acts differ from the ones we say we are fighting.
I am glad our Supreme Court made this decision. I am saddened that once again the Republicans including our president are upset about this decision. Are we going to turn from insanity back to the core of what our nation has always stood for?
I hear a lot of conservatives talking about how the morals and ethics in this nation are being eroded by abortion, gay rights, TV, books and movies.. yet none of the talk about denying other human beings protection from torture while in American custody.
How can this be?
Perhaps when a nation decides to believe the lies told by government to invade another country for oil they will fall for anything. I hope not. I hope we are waking up to what has been going on. We were told too many lies and lost too many freedoms to let it go on.
Hip hip Hurray Supreme Court of the United States of American for understanding that when it is legal to deny the constitutional rights to even one person, they have no value for anyone, American citizen or not.
Let's bring this nation back to sanity and shine truth and light on lies, fear and those who promote it.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
These Amazing Times We Live In
I remember when I was a little girl I so wanted to see a woman as president of the United States.
I also wanted to see equal rights for every person in this nation.
I grew up when little girls couldn't wear pants to school, people of different races didn't share the same schools and a movement for civil rights was taking place.
I wasn't quite old enough to march in the streets so I watched it on my black and white TV and cheered people onward to equality.
Women also wanted equal jobs for equal pay. Not many women were doctors, lawyers, none were politicians when I was a little girl.
I remember the first day our “white” school was open to the first African American student. It was an amazing thing as not many months before our governor of Alabama had stood before the college and refused to let black students enter.
What courage it took for that first black student to step into our school. I was so proud of her and so proud of the other white students who although amazed were open to change. As I stepped forward to welcome her and tell her my name I felt a surge of electricity go through the crowd.. yes.. change was here and it was good.
I remember hearing Kennedy telling us all that it wasn't what our country could do for us, it was what we could do for our country. My heart swelled with pride even as a teenager to be included in the possibilities for our nations growth and change.
About the same time the schools were open to all races we girls also got to wear pants. We couldn't wear jeans, that came years later, our clothing had to be pant suits.. double knit if you remember that hot thick fabric.
I grew up being taught how to duck under my desk in case Cuba decided to drop a bomb on us. The fear was terrible and it saddens me to this day when this same fear tactic is used on Americans to get us to release some of the freedoms and rights we value.
My children were not as aware of different color skin as I was as a child. My oldest daughter came home from school day after day telling me about her best friend, Johnathan. She thought he was just the neatest and sweetest child in her whole class. One afternoon when she got in the car she looked at me and said, “Mama, you know what”? When I answered, “no, what”?.. She said, “did you know that Johnathan was black”? “His skin is black”.
I answered “really, what does that mean”? She looked at me for a moment and said, “I don't know what it means, David told me that Jonathan was black.”
I knew then that we as a nation were on the right track for change, someone had to point out the difference between skin color to my child. Children don't see difference until someone points it out.
We were ready with a new generation who were more open, accepting and loving than the one I grew up in.
Last night as I watched the results for the last night of voting for our Democratic nomination I was amazed and delighted to see both a woman and a black man ready to lead our nation, and being accepted as wonderful potential presidents for this great land.
I think Lincoln and King, as well as all the Americans who fought and marched for equality are proud. Wherever they are they are smiling, knowing that even though it took a while.. we, the American people finally understand what this country is about.
We are ready to embrace change, to be open to discussion, opportunity for peace, and finally.. equality for all our citizens.
I am proud to be American. I am proud of my nation, my great country, who though sometimes slow to do the right thing, eventually comes around in the power of understanding, acceptance and love.
Thank you everyone who came before me. Your belief in freedom has come true. I celebrate with you this awesome moment in history and will enjoy the opportunity for even more change in this great nation.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Shaping your life with Thought
I'm sure you've heard the old joke about the man who goes to see the doctor and moving his arm round and round says, “Doctor, it hurts when I do this”. At which the doctor says, “then don't do that”.
It's an old and corny joke but it does bear some truth.
There is another saying that tells us that to do the same things the same way over and over again expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
We are creatures of habit more often than not. We get into a routine of thought, feelings and actions and just keep pressing on hoping that we can force things into our will.
Many times we move through similar experiences making the same choices and wonder why each subsequent situation resembles all the others. We just keep doing the same things, feeling the same way and expecting different results.
We experience pain, frustration and unhappiness, never realizing or accepting that we are at the root of it all.
Whatever you experience with no matter how many people, you are the only constant. No matter where you go, there YOU are.
The Law of Attraction is always at work bringing about more of the same energy you are using to create your experiences with.
My mother used to tell me that birds of a feather flock together. It peppered my life with thoughts of similar people, circumstances and even thoughts and emotions and how they reflected my life choices at the time.
Teachings about the law of attraction are all around us. Our parents have subtly taught us with their cliches, holy books have proclaimed it in many different ways, yet we somehow missed the big picture of it all.
When the New Testament told us that we reap what we sow, we thought this only applied to sinners getting punishment for being sinful. We didn't realize that we were being taught something powerful here.
When you cast your bread upon the water after many days it will return to you,
As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things. And what you learned and received and heard and saw in me, do these things. And the God of peace will be with you.
We are surrounded with evidence of the law of attraction, a kernel of corn planted does not give us just a kernel in return but several ears of corn containing many kernels. All flowers seed themselves after their kind, bearing more fruit than the one seed planted. This is the way of nature.
Thoughts work the same way. A kind thought attracts not only more kind thoughts but kind actions. When we focus our thoughts on things we really do desire to experience it is powerful and magical, bringing about a stream of good feeling thoughts right behind the first one. Of course it also works the other way. When we start down the road of resentment and disappointment more similar thoughts follow just as quickly.
The quote as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he provides us with deep truth and understanding. Thoughts become our beliefs. These beliefs bring about more of themselves in our daily lives. We create our experiences through our thoughts/beliefs. and unless we change our thinking patterns our beliefs will not, nor can they change.
The power to attract is awesome and constant. It does not cease to work as it is law, principle, the way the thing is set up to work. This isn't saying we can't work with it to enjoy a life of abundance and joy. Just the opposite is true. By awareness of the principle we can choose thoughts in line with abundant life, with joy, with well being, with prosperity.
Our choice is what type of thoughts/energy do we hold in our hearts.. the essence of defining our selves and our life experiences. Thoughts have a feeling, we experience it at once. Take a moment to think of an experience that frightened or saddened you. In just a few seconds those old experiences begin feeling real to you as though you were experiencing the situation again right now. Now think of something that brought laughter, joy and excitement to you. The same principle at work again, your emotions follow your thoughts.
This is why thoughts are so important, they are vital to your emotional well being. You can not think happy thoughts and feel bad, just as a fountain can not offer up bitter and sweet water at the same time.
By paying attention to the thoughts that go through your head day and night and choosing the ones that bring about the feeling.. the emotion that you wish to experience, you can begin attracting not only more of the same thoughts and feelings, but experiences that match the vibration of thoughts and feelings.
In order to begin creating life the way you really want to experience it you need only to change your thinking patterns. Your emotions and actions will then begin being in line with these new higher vibration thoughts and attract more positive and enjoyable experiences.
You will change your life by changing your thoughts, it must happen, it's the law.
Today, starting right now make a decision to choose thoughts that are in line with well being. Thoughts of joy lead to feeling joy and attract situations of joy. Loving thoughts attract the feeling of love and being loved, and situations in which to experience it. Be a conscious creator, choose your life one thought, one emotion, one experience at a time. Direct your thinking to the place of joy, bliss, abundance and well being which is your birthright.
By remembering that your beliefs come about from thinking the same thoughts over and over again, you can shift from thoughts that do not serve you to ones that do by practicing new thoughts.
The process is easy and simple, it's a matter of practice. You move your life into new spaces of experience by thinking new thoughts and feeling new emotions. As these gain momentum in your heart, that place of believing, they will create realities that match them. Do yourself a favor today and get off the merry go round of limiting thoughts and expand your world with thoughts and emotions more in line with what you really imagine your life can be.
As you think yourself to Be, you will experience yourself as that very thing.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Patience and the law of attraction
So we toil and slave over jobs and chores from early morning to almost bedtime. Even our children have been caught in this loop of always having to do something. We rush them from one activity to another until they fall exhausted into bed at night.
What if we've got it all wrong?? Perhaps this attitude of having to work all the time actually does the opposite. Rather than attracting success it pushes it away? I know this flies in the face of what a lot of folks out there are saying.
I also know that stress related dis ease is up sky high in this nation. Not only are adults taking pills to chill and cope, we have the highest rate of drugged children in the world. The market is flush with energy drinks to get you through your day and then another to cover the crash. At night we need a sleeping aid to help us let go of the worry and rush mentality so we can grab a few hours before heading out to start the race to win all over again.
Perhaps what we are lacking is patience, faith in the goodness of Universal Energy. If we truly understood that we do indeed “reap what we sow”, we just might relax a bit more and enjoy life.
All the rushing to and fro and chaotic energy only serves to bring about more of the same. It's like being in a race that never ends with no prize to claim.
When we choose patience we are saying that we understand the way things work. We do our part and the Universe does it's part. We understand that the law of attraction always works, all the time, every time, to bring about more like energy to what we are giving out.
Patience gives us time to reflect, to actually enjoy our life without rushing around chasing our tails and accomplishing nothing but stress related illnesses.
With patience also comes a space for inspiration, that ah ha moment when we know what the next step is for us to more closer to our dreams. This can only be heard when we are still and quite long enough to listen. Action is a wonderful and positive thing when in tune with the flow of life. When we are moving in an energy of inspiration and awe things flow easily and without stress. Much more is accomplished due to our actions being in line with the current of creativity.
When you are trusting in the goodness of life, having faith in all good things come to those who wait, you enjoy the gift of your life and all the experiences that come your way. You see each as a sign telling you to continue onwards toward your goal.
There is no need to feel hurried, stressed out and out of control.
One of the most powerful things I've ever heard is Be still and know that I Am GOD. By being still you experience the power and reality of this life energy in and through you. You find peace, joy and inspiration.
Patience gives space for joy and stillness from which inspiration comes. Inspiration moves you in the flow of energy which takes you into each new experience on the path of your dreams.
Make space for patience and stillness in your life. Allow yourself to get in the flow of goodness and joy. You will find that you are far more productive when you take time out to renew your inner connection to Creative Energy and allow inspired thoughts to flow rather than busy got to get it done now thoughts.
Be easy and be in joy.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
My Dream and lessons learned from politics
Ambitious though it may be I want to sale 1000 copies of my ebooks this month.
I have been writing and blogging off and on and realize that in order for people to buy the ebooks I have got to go where the people are.
So I have been building my friend list on Facebook. I signed up a while ago but didn't do much with it as I figured it was pretty much the same thing as MySpace.
I was wrong. Facebook is much easier to use and offers groups, pages you can follow, and people from all ages, all around the world.
I spent several days finding friends who knew how to travel the roads of Facebook with the most ease. I am amazed at how helpful people are and how willing to join your network.
It's easier to make friends with just a simple click or two.
I like being able to make pages about each of my books as well as my jewelry and dream catchers. There is also a market to list items I have for sale.
While working on Facebook I have been watching MSNBC news. This is my favorite news, don't really know why.
I listened to how Clinton is now wanting to change the rules so she can be ahead. While I don't support her as far as voting for her, I have to give her credit for knowing what she wants and being willing to never be deterred from reaching her goals.
I watch Obama take punch after punch and part of me applauds his unwillingness to play the game as usual but the other part says, come on dude, answer back.
I'm happy to see that Rev. Wright isn't as much a part of the news, I had just about worn out the mute button on my remote so I wouldn't have to listen to people telling me how offended I should be by his statements. I guess what Mother said when I was a child holds true for lots of folks, “you are known by the company you keep”.
Sometimes I think one or the other should say enough already and support the other so that we can have one Democrat and one Republican for the nation to choose from. I guess it's good for McCain though, he gets to go about his business while the two Democrats chip away at each other and pay no attention to his remarks. While democrats stay focused on whether there are racial divides, gender differences and income niches that we all fit into, no one pays attention to McCain saying that once we get independent of foreign oil we will never again have to send our soldiers to middle east to fight for oil. Wow.. can't believe so many people missed that one.
As I watch Clinton punch, duck and sway while changing the rules to suit her I do have to give her credit. She's a one tough cookie. She sticks to her guns and sips Crown Royal rather than chugging it back. I've often said it's probably a sin to mix it or drink it quickly and I 'm glad to know I'm in presidential company.
Neither Obama nor Clinton want to give up no matter what is said about them. Clinton will even make pie in the sky promises she and most Americans know she can't deliver on. Obama answers by saying it will not work. Ok, you've got my attention, go on.. tell me what will.
Americans are tired of high oil prices and the outrageous price on human life and suffering by the “war” in Iraq. Now we want to threaten Iran with blowing them off the map. Wow.. is this America?
I love this country, but I've always thought that when you act the same way as those you disagree with there is no difference between you. I guess our nations motto has changed to Might Makes Right rather than the land of the free and the brave.
I do get one good thing from all the political fussing and fighting though. Don't give up on your dreams. If what you are doing isn't working, change what you're doing. Throw in the baby and the bathtub to live your dreams. AND if you don't get it this time, there's always four years down the road.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Appeasing the Fear
You've got to be kidding me! That's what I said when I heard about the way Clinton and McCain plan to solve high gas prices.
For the summer, three whole months they want to roll back taxes on gas so you and I can save at most $30.00.
Now this doesn't guarantee that the gas companies just don't raise the prices even higher through the summer, it just plays with our fear of lack.
I've been following the presidential campaigns as I feel this is a very important election. Our country has need for a lot of changes, high gas prices being one of them.
Clinton and McCain are telling us that this $30.00 is a great big deal. I sat there in front of my TV stunned and shocked at this news. You gotta be kidding me, $30.00 over a period of three months solves this problem. Wow. I'm impressed that you think so.
Now Obama thinks more like me. It's a temporary game to win votes and pray on the fear of lack that a lot of Americans have. It's a gimmick offered up to appease us for a bit while solving nothing in the long run.
A speaker for the Republican party said that for lots of Americans this thirty bucks meant the difference between putting gas in the car or food on the table. Again I was shocked. He has been to the grocery store lately if he thinks thirty bucks will cover a table in good food.
I live in Alabama and $30.00 worth of groceries will not even do for getting by a week where food is concerned.
The thing that stands out the most to me about his plan is how so many of us will buy into it as a quick fix. We are caught up I in fear of lack and believe in “just making it through” till the next trickle of money comes into our life at the last moment.
Fear of lack has many faces. Poverty, illness, depression, anger, wars, starvation are a few of the symptoms of fear.
For a lot of people this just squeaking by with money, health and relationships is normal, it's how they've always lived.
It's a bandage on a broken leg, it really solves nothing.
As a nation we can do much better than this. We can solve the problems that seem to plague us, knowing that if we have the power to create such a huge mud puddle for so many to get stuck in, we have the power and creativity to create solutions that work as well.
This is also true in our personal lives. Just think about it for a moment. If you have the power to create whatever mess you are now experiencing that proves you have the power to create. Now look at it from the other side, you have the power to create something different from the place you are now in.
A lot of people tell me they don't think that we are responsible for what happens to us privately or as a nation, a world. They just can't get with the idea that our choices, our thoughts, our feelings, our actions can and do bring about these experiences. They point out, but what about people who are born into poor countries, or babies born sick, or good people that bad things happen too.
All this must be because of “them” or GOD and HIS WILL.
Why would it be the will of GOD for these things to happen? How could a heavenly parent get so angry with his children as to judge them evil and plague them with poverty, sickness and war?
I just don't buy that theory. Fear did these things. People who forgot who and what they really are did these things because they don't remember that Abundance is all around us, there is more than enough for all. Human greed and apathy exist because of fear, not knowing who we are. When we get caught up in the not enough, not enough syndrome it's just a tiny step into greed and war.
We can get ourselves individually out of the giant mud whole as a nation, world people and individual by taking responsibly for what we have all created together and choosing to create with love, honor, respect and knowing. When we rediscover that we are ALL ONE, we are brothers and sisters, then we move away from fear of lack and step into heaven here on earth where there is always plenty in abundance.
Let's take our power back, never again being content to leave it up to our leaders to promote fear and lack in our nation.
Let's take responsibility for everything we've created individually and co created with our siblings on this planet.
As we move out of fear and into knowing who we are, we really will change the world with love, honor and respect. We can do it. Let us unite as ONE and create heaven here on earth for all.
Friday, May 02, 2008
I have a dream and you can help
It offered me opportunities to do a lot of thinking and reading since I couldn't create jewelry, dream catchers and spiders for the whole time.
I began podcasting answer to the Law of Attraction IN action group as typing just wasn't working for me. LOL
What began as a way to keep up with my group quickly turned into a fun way to share inspiration and hope with the world.
Yesterday I was picked up by ITunes for download on their system. This tickles me pink.
If you use ITunes, just search for Donna DeVane to listen to my podcasts that I have there now.
I will have more later. I am playing catch up still.
I have also done a few video casts and really think this is the wave of our group future as I can teach and actually show props to make a point.
Look for these later on.
My cast is off and I have another month of wearing a splint to go. I have been able to create a few new LOA spiders and got those listed today.
I also listed some wonderful orange agate LOA stones for focus. These are perfect for placing in your pocket or on your desk to help you stay focused on your goals and dreams. I only have a few of these so if you would like one, move quickly.
I have a dream I want to share with each of you. I desire to sale 1000 copies of my ebooks this month.
To celebrate motherhood and help us to share the inspiration and joy of change and spiritual growth I will be giving away free LOA ebooks with each purchase of either/both of my two that I am including in this promotion.
I want to ask each of you to share this dream with your CafeMom friends and real time friends and help me meet this goal.
I want to get a new video cam and mic for the video recordings and this promotion will do just that for me.
I appreciate all your prayers and positive energy this past month +, it has really made a difference in the healing of my arm. The doctor said my 52 year old bone was healing as quickly as a child's. Just goes to show it serves one to never grow old.. just stay a kid forever. LOL
My ebooks and the other items will be available in my Etsy store.
The ebooks are still on my websites too.
Help me meet my 1000 ebooks goal this month..
Happy Mother's day ... every day.. all day long,
Click here to see my new items
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Mud slinging, and soap opera drama
Seems that Hillary wants to sling mud and everyone talks about that. Then they turn sides and say what's wrong with Obama that he doesn't sling mud back? It's seen as weakness that he doesn't play as dirty as Hillary.
We've seen this aspect of politics forever and I am surprised that more of us are not just plain tired of it and demanding cleaner campaigns.
I turn on my TV and scroll through my options to find that most are violent in some manner or the other. People are either screaming at each other blaming them for what's wrong in the relationship, or sharing terrible secrets that shock and awe the audience.
Then there's reality TV where people are pitted against each other in order to win the prize at the end of the show.
Many ask why TV and movies are so violent these days and suggest that it influences our children to act in violent ways.
I suggest that TV and movie reflects the masses. It's because so many people love the drama, that's why they use it for amusement on TV and movie.
When people get to watch the intense emotional drama of others it helps them to forget their own drama. It also gives them a feeling of being part of the “drama tribe”. They can point out that this is normal, it's the way it is. Everyone experiences these same situations.
By immersing ourselves in this intense emotional drama and conflict all day long, we tend to be excited by the problems of others rather than dealing with our own lives and making choices which change our situations.
So many have a problem with the Law of Attraction saying it doesn't work and they don't understand that it's working alright. Just look around you. The more our society focuses on “reality” the more reality of the same genre we get.
All this starts with the individual and then builds up to include more and more people, each adding more drama to the world. Families, groups, states, nations, then the world join hands in creating and sustaining the drama of war, famine, poverty, and disease.
If we take it back down to it's lowest denominator, one person at the time, and change our thinking which changes our feelings, which in turn changes our “reality”, we then make a different type of impact on the world.
Each of us gets to choose the energy we put out to the world and what it attracts back. Are you part of the drama or part of the solution?
I tell my 14 year old daughter and 6 year old grandson when they disagree this very thing. You can either be part of the problem or part of the solution.
We are part of the problem, the drama when we enjoy conflict as entertainment, getting pleasure from the hardships of others. It might make you feel powerful for a few moments.. problem is though it's like an addiction. It takes more and more of it to maintain these false feelings of power and control.
I notice on line that the blogs that generally get the most hits are the ones where emotions are most inflamed. People want to jump right into an argument and add more wood to the fire.
We can continue this rather than joining together to create solutions for our world at our own peril.
If we join together in gratitude and thankfulness, love, harmony and oneness we can and will find new energy sources that don't pollute. We will discover that there really is more than enough of everything for everyone.
We will discover how working together in peace creates more peace.
We can change the world.. but first we must change ourselves.
My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-c55108e35a8c816eda68e1561c61d81a}
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Creatures of Habit
Today it's in our genes, to create habits for ourselves that are repeated without thought.
We get dressed the same way each morning, put on the coffee, grab a bagel and run out the door.
It's amazing to me how easy it is to create a new habit.
Recently I broke my arm and it was really hard the first few weeks to do every day things. I had to stop and think now about how to get dressed, get coffee made and even had to learn to type with one finger of my left hand instead of the way I had done it for years.
After a month of doing things with thought before hand I managed to create new habits.
When the cast came off and I had just a brace I caught myself many times doing things automatically the same way I had done them while the cast was on. It's amazing just how quickly we get in a rut of doing things and just do it that way without any thought whatsoever.
We do the same things with beliefs. Beliefs are thoughts we think over and over until we just accept them as truth/fact and think no more about them. They become a habit.
While this may serve us well in an emergency life or death survival situation, it limits us in every other aspect of our life experiences.
While we are going through our day without any thought at all about what we are thinking and or doing, our mind is racing with thoughts that confuse, conflict and limit us.
This lack of consciousness gives way to constant thinking without awareness.
Lack of awareness keeps us doing and believing things and even creating situations which seem to confirm them, thus we don't stretch out and think or try something new.
After the cast was off my arm actually hurt when I stretched it out. It had stayed in one position for so long that it forgot how wonderful and easy it was to be at full length. I had to work with it many times a days slowly reaching forward and reminding it of it's full glory. The muscles had also gotten smaller, the skin had begun to shed and peel.
With renewed energy I worked the muscles in the arm to restore it to fullness and it worked with me to change.
Habits are easy to change and pretty quick too. The trick is realizing that you are living by habit, sort of like a robot without thought, or reason other than you've always done it that way.
Today do something in a different way. Think about what you are doing and why. Be open to the experiences of your day rather than just moving through them unconsciously. Throw open the doors and windows of your life and be aware of your life, your thoughts and your actions.
By asking yourself what am I doing and why am I doing it this way your give yourself pause to actually be present with each moment of your life experience.
Being present, being aware opens new doors and opportunities to create change and well being.
Today be aware of each step, each action and listen to your thoughts. They may need an overhaul too.
You can easily change from habit to awareness just by choosing to do so.
Make it a great day.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
You Have the Power
You have the power
What if I were to tell you that you have the power right now to change how you feel?
That no matter what is going on in your life, no matter how unpleasant and unwanted your present circumstance might be, you DO have the power to not only change how you feel, but to change what is going on.
I know, I know, you're thinking that I just don't understand this hard place you are in right now. You have a right to feel angry, frustrated, discouraged.. and you are correct. You do have the right to feel bad, but as Abraham says, “why would you want to exercise that right”?
What if I were to tell you that what you are experiencing right now is mostly due to how you have been thinking and feeling for years and years?
Your thoughts and feelings work like a giant magnet attracting more of the same energy, experiences into your life over and over again.
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
Even the writers of the Bible knew the principles of co creating. You reap what you sow.
If you have ever planted a garden or a plant you saw that you don't get corn from a rose bush, you get roses from a rose bush and corn from a corn plant.
One plant also bursts forth with many roses or kernels of corn, you get more than you first sowed.
This is the natural order of growth. When we apply this to our thoughts we realize that thoughts bring forth a harvest of feelings in line with our thoughts. These feelings then bring forth a harvest of experience in line with the feelings.
Now for the exciting part, when you choose our thoughts in line with what and how you wish to feel, you set in motion the manifesting magnet to attract more of the same energy.
This always works, all the time, every time. You can't get around it. So, work with the principles
yo co create what it is that you really wish to experience.
I know that sometimes it feels really hard to shift emotions. Things just are not the way you want them to be. Ok, that's what you are experiencing right now. It's proof that the Law of Attraction is at work in your life. Use this as you inspiration to experiment with different thoughts and feelings.
What can you think differently so that you can change your feelings even a little bit.?
Perhaps you can find one thought that feels better? The exciting thing is once you find that first thought that feels better another better feeling thought comes more easily to you. Stay with that one a bit and an even better feeling thought comes your way.
See where I'm gong with this?
Just like one bad feeling thought gives way to an even worse feeling thought and state of mind.. good feeling thoughts grow and bloom, bringing a harvest of good feeling emotions which in turn bring about experiences in line with what you are thinking and feeling.
Play with it and enjoy the power that is yours to change how you feel and what you experience by choosing thoughts that feel good.
You'll soon see that you are indeed a powerful creator and you will smile.
Visit my website for Ebooks that will hwlp you chanfe your life
Thursday, April 17, 2008
What Are You Looking At?
What are you looking at?
I have a cat living with me who really inspired me this morning.
When I woke up he came at once to me meowing telling me he was out of food. Sure enough his food bowl was empty.
Funny thing though is that a forty pound bag of food was sitting a little bit away from his dish.
Sasha the cat wasn't interested in the bag of food, nor was he trusting me to put food in his dish and being patient about it. He saw that his bowl was empty and was upset about it.
My reminding him that I always feed him and he has never been without food didn't seem to make sense to him. All he knew was that he was out of food.
His focus was totally on what he didn't have, not faith in me to deliver food or the big bag of food sitting in the floor.
How often do we do the same thing? We are so focused on what we don't have, on what is not the way that we want it right now, that we don't stop to realize all the blessings that are right in front of us.
By placing all our attention on what is not the way we want it, we don't have much space in our conscious thoughts and or emotions for inspiration and divine action.
While we sit beside an empty bowl meowing over it being empty all our energy is used in complaining and being afraid rather than trusting in the goodness of LIFE and a full bag of food.
This last month I have dealt with a broken arm from falling off a fast moving horse. The first few days I was tempted to think in terms of what I couldn't do now that my arm is in a great big cast. Typing is more challenging and creating jewelry with one hand isn't easy. I have had to find new ways to do everyday things from getting dressed to cooking food.
While it has been challenging my focus has been on what I can do rather than on what I can not do. Rather than so much typing I started a video and audio blog. These are great fun and something I have been wanting to do.
I have helped my youngest daughter learn how to cook some of our favorite meals and we have worked together to clean the house. She has even learned how to ship customers purchases, getting her more involved in our internet based business.
I have also used this time to catch up on some of my reading and be more aware of my thoughts and emotions.
The principles of Law of Attraction teach us that our thoughts give way to emotions, emotions are like magnets drawing more of similar energy into our lives. What you pay attention to with your thoughts become your emotions which in turn is your attractor factor. This is what you ask for more of with your energy vibrations.
Knowing that we attract based on being vibrationally in line with experiences, and things, it makes sense that we pay attention to what we are looking at.
If your are presently experiencing situations that are not pleasant to you, use these as contrast to help you define what it is that you really do want.
If presently you don't want to continue in poverty, no relationship, or unfulfilling job... this is your point of inspiration.
Write down what you don't want. Be honest about it.
I don't want to be poor.
I don't want to be in a relationship where I don't feel loved and honored.
I don't want to work a job that isn't fulfilling.
From this point you are clear about what you don't want. You have a living example of it right now.
Jump over to giving details about what you do want, be clear, be honest.
I enjoy having money to live in a wonderful, safe and comfortable home.
I enjoy having money to eat out, gift my family, friends and charities.
I enjoy relationships based on love, respect, honor and good times. I am a wonderful friend and enjoy wonderful friends.
I enjoy a job that allows me to share my joy with the world, inspiring others to joy and fulfillment.
I enjoy following my passion and inspiration.
I love what Echart Tolle says about it, Accept where you are right now. If you are stuck in the mud, struggling only gets you covered in more mud. Accept the Right Now of your life and allow inspiration to come to you. You will be delightfully amazed at how easily life changes when you change what you are looking at.
Get your copy of my newest ebooks today.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Are you dreaming big enough? Goals and intentions

This morning I got this from Tut, The Universe,
"Through the night comes the light that brings the day.
Through your mind goes the thought that forms the clay.
And every single chance I get, Donna, in every single way I know, I'm pressing out all that I have to you in exactly the amounts you've imagined."
It got me thinking. How big are my dreams? Do I put a ceiling on them or do I go for the gold?
I have read about and seen movies showing that people who are "winners" thought like winners.
No matter how many times they failed, they always saw themselves as winning it big.
When athletes are training they not only practice in real time by running, hitting the ball, etc, they also practice it over and over again in their imagaination.
Science shows that the body doesn't know the difference between really doing something and imagining doing it. The body and mind react the same way.
When you see your dreams, are they of you always winning? Are you there in your dreams interacting? Do you feel and smell and touch your dream in your mind?
How big is your dream? Are you really going for the gold or are you holding onto limits?
Law of Attraction brings to us in proportion to our beliefs and expectations. Are you expecting big enough or are your beliefs in lack keeping you to just getting by?
Edison failed thousands of times before he finally got the light bulb to work. He commented that he now knew thousands of ways not to make a light bulb.
Dreaming big enough and not giving up are key to success. Take time several times each day to dream big allowing it to feel real and see yourself in the stage of fulfilment. The more you dream, the bigger your dream and the more real, the faster it comes your way so you can once again dream.
Get your copy of my life changing new ebook Creating Yourself, A mini Guide to the LOA Today
Just listed new Dream Catchers, Feng Shui Cures, Gemstone Jewelry, visit today
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Climbing over your wall moving beyond limits
Climbing over your walls
Yesterday I went to a park to celebrate the birthday of a wonderful friend in Tae Kwon Do.
We had cake, pizza, chips and drinks.
There was a playground there with a wall for climbing, monkey bars, slides and bars for flipping.
As the children ran out to play I decided to join them. I wanted to see about the wall. I have never understood while people want to climb walls and rocks and wanted to check it out for myself.
As a youngster I would climb, jump, crawl anywhere, anytime. As I got older I began getting a bit wheezy about heights, so it was a challenge to myself to go past my fears and just do.
I began climbing the wall one step, one hand hold at the time. I finally reached the top and stayed there for a few minutes looking around and feeling pretty good about myself.
I slowly descended and when again on the ground held my arms up like Rocky and declared, “oh yea, I came, I saw, I conquered.”.
I went on to slide, and crawl through tubes and play on the monkey bar. This was a delightful experience for me, I felt just like a kid.
I went back to our group and asked several other “adults” to come play with me. One lady came and we went back to the wall. She said she was “afraid of heights” and didn't know if she could climb the wall. I told her I had done it and if I can do it, any one can.
She climbed to the top and then back down again. Another member of our group came over and asked me if I had climbed up and the over and down again on the other side.
No, I replied, I hadn't thought of that, so back up I went climbing to the top and staying there for a few moments to let my stomach settle itself. I swung on leg over and thought, how I'm committed, I have to go over.
I took a few deep breaths and swung the other leg over and began my decent into fame and glory.
I cried out, “I did it, I moved over my fear of heights”.
I was delighted as several adults in the park told me “good job”.
As I walked around people of all adult ages walked over to me and made statements telling me why they couldn't climb the wall, or go down the slide.
They had many different reasons for why they couldn't climb over the wall on the playground.
One lady said she was too old. I said you are never to old to play. She asked my age and when I told her I was 52 she stated that I couldn't be. I laughed and said I knew for a fact that I was cause I been counting birthdays for 52 years.
I realized something yesterday. One, a lot of adults stop playing because they are expected to. Mercy, the playground equipment is really undersized for most of us. I'm lucky to be 5' 2”, I only have to duck a bit or tuck my legs to do most things there.
Two, we don't believe we can any longer. We fill our heads with all the reasons why we can't flip anymore, or do cartwheels and we believe what we tell ourselves. We set up limits and walls and then use these as reasons for never moving past them.
Our reasons range for body aches and pains to being too old, not remembering how, we'll be too sore tomorrow, I don't want to look silly, etc.
The higher we build the walls and the more limits we create, the more likely we are to stop playing.
This is true for every aspect of our lives. Once we begin telling ourself what we can't do and why, the less likely we are to even attempt it.
I read somewhere years ago that the main reason most adults don't try something new is they are afraid of failing and looking silly. They are afraid that they will not be able to do it well on the first attempt. This fear of failing keeps them from even trying.
Today take a look at the walls in your life. One foot, one hand hold at a time climb up and sit at the top a moment. Take a few deeps breaths, then fling your legs over and climb down the other side. Celebrate your victory by doing a cartwheel or two.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Happiness is a Choice
Choose to Be Happy
Everything in life is a choice. No matter what the topic, choice is always there. Most of the time there are many choices about any particular topic that we encounter.
The gift of life is understanding it's all about choice and being aware that our choice creates our experiences.
At every given moment, in every experience choice is always there for you. It's the key to treasure house.
When you get up in the morning you begin making choices based on desires, expectations, beliefs and emotions.
You pick out clothing, decide coffee, tea or juice. You decide what to eat, where, when and how.
You continue making choices as you gear up for the drive to work or start your day of caring for home and family.
Your thoughts are always swirling about in your head, announcing your fears, joys, ambitions, limits, self image and projections of how the day will turn out.
As you become more aware of choices, thoughts, emotions all playing hand in hand in your life you can better pick and choose which ones to run with.
If you really do want to feel good and be happy today, you will choose thoughts, feelings, actions based on feeling good.
As you go through the day making decisions based on how you feel, your choices become much easier.
You choose your conversations wisely, you socialize based on your desired outcome. You shift your actions to be in line with your desires. Choices are seen as you best friend.
In real life how do choices work to our advantage? You already know through your experience how certain choices create certain outcomes. You are now armed with understanding and insight into how your thoughts, beliefs, expectations, feelings and outcome are all linked together.
Say your spouse, child, co worker brings a situation to you that you know already how it most likely will play out based on your experience, you now have the tools to change, shift and create anew.
Rather than choosing to argue, banter, or defend your stand, you take another road. You make your choices now on how you desire to feel throughout the day. Is it more important to you to feel good or be right?
While maintaining the desire of feeling happy today, each choice is made from the point of Being happy. It's a wonderful turn of energy. As you go through each interaction today choose to feel good, to be happy. If you find yourself back in the habit of defending yourself, arguing for your point of view, just shift back over to feeling good. From this vantage point making choices in line with being happy is much easier.
How you feel is not Dependant on what others are doing. Really, it isn't. It only depends on your choices to be happy. When how you feel is number one on your priority list, all else falls into place.
As you focus on being happy today you will being noticing how many other happy people come into your life. You will find the perfect parking space, the house work and office work will get done easily and with little resistance.
Only when we place our happiness in the hands of outside forces do we experience unhappiness. Take back your power to be happy, think happy, feel happy, act happy and happy will surround you all the day long.
When people in your life are determined to share their unhappiness with you, focus again on your thoughts and emotions. At this point you get to choose how and what to think and feel. Take a deep breath and gather your mental images. Get out of the habit of reacting to what others say and do. This is an endless loop. Get into a place of action based on how you want to feel and how you wish to experience your life.
The more you practice filtering all actions through the desire to be happy, the easier it gets and the more filled with joy your life becomes.
Start right now, choose to be happy.
Get my new Ebook and Create the Life of your dreams today
Law of Attraction Feng Shui Cures, Jewelry, Reiki healing stones
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Welcoming Help
Welcoming help
Throughout our lives we encounter many situations which are easier with help.
Thinking that you have to do it all by yourself is a long, hard row to hoe, as my grandmother used to say.
It's a trust issue.
When you don't feel comfortable letting others in your life and allowing their input and help from time to time, you deny yourself many magical miracles and make your life much harder than it has to be.
I like the Feng Shui concept of “helpful people'. These are your relatives, friends etc who are in your life to lift you up and encourage you to greater accomplishments.
In business we are aware that it's really challenging to make it all by ourselves. It's obvious that you need backers, buyers, employees, etc.
In our daily lives we also need a support system. People who tell us straight, encourage us to always aim higher and point out when we are being too closed off to the Universe.
Years ago I had an insight which changed my life. I had built walls around me to keep myself from being hurt. One day I understand that the same walls that prevented pain also kept out helpful, loving people and kept me locked inside the walls of distrust and limits.
I began chipping away at those walls and as people began pouring in and I began running outside the wall to play in other neighborhoods, I began to really grow.
By our nature we avoid pain and hurtful situations, problem is when we wall ourselves off we all avoid all the wonderful experiences as well.
When we open our lives up to others we encourage our own growth and wonderful experiences begin arriving in our lives.
As parents, business people, friends, mates, etc, we all need a hand now and then.
Here's to tearing down the walls and throwing a party for the world.
Happy Creating
Law of Attraction Focus Tools Ebooks Jewelry Visit my Store
Don't Miss your Copy of my New Ebook Creating Yourself
Friday, January 18, 2008
Think Your Life Into Being
Think Your Life Into Being
Our mind is filled with racing thoughts every moment of the day. Trying to keep up with them would probably make us crazy.
While we don't want to try to control our many thousands of thoughts, awareness of the type of thoughts is necessary in order to work with the Law of Attraction to create the life of our dreams.
Thoughts attract more like energy, so if you are spending your day thinking about things that make you feel angry, unworthy, unattractive, poor, sick and sad, you are using the Law to attract more of the same.
Ever had one of those days when you got out of bed thinking how you would never get everything done? You felt overwhelmed at the start and had probably gone to bed thinking about all the many things you had to do. As you get up from sleep you stub your toe on the dresser and then realize you are out of toothpaste.
The energy takes a turn as you focus on this FEELING. That's the thing, thoughts become our feelings. Feelings begin their magic by attracting more of what we are thinking, feeling about.
While controlling every thought would be too time consuming a task, choosing our thoughts is easy and fun.
While still in bed begin to go over all the things you are thankful for. Name them out loud and allow yourself to really feel the gratitude.
Next pick out good feeling thoughts for your day. You choose your clothing with foresight, so do the same with your thought wardrobe.
What are you wanting to accomplish today? Choose thoughts that compliment these desires.
Throughout your day monitor what type of thoughts are running through your head. Don't try to control them, just be aware of what you are thinking and made a decision to shift gears when the thoughts don't line up with what you desire to feel and experience today.
As you interact with others be conscious of where your thoughts are going. If they tend to stray towards judgment, criticism, angry and frustration: grab a good feeling thought and stay focused on that until your feelings shift. Do this over and over during your day.
By consciously practicing thought monitoring and picking better feeling thinking you are creating a new habit of thought. This new thought habit will begin transforming your life into more of what you desire. This is a guarantee.
Practice the process of intending throughout your day and you will begin seeing magical transformations in your life.
Intending works like this, you decide ahead of time how you desire to feel and how you wish things to work out. Don't work on every little detail, that's not your job.
Your part is to intend your thoughts and feelings ahead of time.
Set yourself up for good feelings and good outcomes by planning to feel this way ahead of time.
For instance if you have a phone call to make. Decide before you pick up the phone that you will be pleasant, feel good, share this positive outlook with the person on the other end of the phone and the call will have a positive outcome.
With all your interactions with people go through this process of planning ahead, placing your intentions before you begin the activity. You will be so amazed at how easily things work out.
The Law of Attraction always works, every time, for every one and everything.
Your thoughts become feelings.
Feelings become things.
Pick in accordance to your desires.
You are the attracting magnet for your life. Being aware of thoughts and feelings provides a smooth road to the life of your dreams, every time.
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Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.