Thursday, January 24, 2008

Happiness is a Choice

Choose to Be Happy

Everything in life is a choice. No matter what the topic, choice is always there. Most of the time there are many choices about any particular topic that we encounter.

The gift of life is understanding it's all about choice and being aware that our choice creates our experiences.

At every given moment, in every experience choice is always there for you. It's the key to treasure house.

When you get up in the morning you begin making choices based on desires, expectations, beliefs and emotions.

You pick out clothing, decide coffee, tea or juice. You decide what to eat, where, when and how.

You continue making choices as you gear up for the drive to work or start your day of caring for home and family.

Your thoughts are always swirling about in your head, announcing your fears, joys, ambitions, limits, self image and projections of how the day will turn out.

As you become more aware of choices, thoughts, emotions all playing hand in hand in your life you can better pick and choose which ones to run with.

If you really do want to feel good and be happy today, you will choose thoughts, feelings, actions based on feeling good.

As you go through the day making decisions based on how you feel, your choices become much easier.

You choose your conversations wisely, you socialize based on your desired outcome. You shift your actions to be in line with your desires. Choices are seen as you best friend.

In real life how do choices work to our advantage? You already know through your experience how certain choices create certain outcomes. You are now armed with understanding and insight into how your thoughts, beliefs, expectations, feelings and outcome are all linked together.

Say your spouse, child, co worker brings a situation to you that you know already how it most likely will play out based on your experience, you now have the tools to change, shift and create anew.

Rather than choosing to argue, banter, or defend your stand, you take another road. You make your choices now on how you desire to feel throughout the day. Is it more important to you to feel good or be right?

While maintaining the desire of feeling happy today, each choice is made from the point of Being happy. It's a wonderful turn of energy. As you go through each interaction today choose to feel good, to be happy. If you find yourself back in the habit of defending yourself, arguing for your point of view, just shift back over to feeling good. From this vantage point making choices in line with being happy is much easier.

How you feel is not Dependant on what others are doing. Really, it isn't. It only depends on your choices to be happy. When how you feel is number one on your priority list, all else falls into place.

As you focus on being happy today you will being noticing how many other happy people come into your life. You will find the perfect parking space, the house work and office work will get done easily and with little resistance.

Only when we place our happiness in the hands of outside forces do we experience unhappiness. Take back your power to be happy, think happy, feel happy, act happy and happy will surround you all the day long.

When people in your life are determined to share their unhappiness with you, focus again on your thoughts and emotions. At this point you get to choose how and what to think and feel. Take a deep breath and gather your mental images. Get out of the habit of reacting to what others say and do. This is an endless loop. Get into a place of action based on how you want to feel and how you wish to experience your life.

The more you practice filtering all actions through the desire to be happy, the easier it gets and the more filled with joy your life becomes.

Start right now, choose to be happy.

Get my new Ebook and Create the Life of your dreams today

Law of Attraction Feng Shui Cures, Jewelry, Reiki healing stones

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Welcoming Help

Welcoming help

Throughout our lives we encounter many situations which are easier with help.

Thinking that you have to do it all by yourself is a long, hard row to hoe, as my grandmother used to say.

It's a trust issue.

When you don't feel comfortable letting others in your life and allowing their input and help from time to time, you deny yourself many magical miracles and make your life much harder than it has to be.

I like the Feng Shui concept of “helpful people'. These are your relatives, friends etc who are in your life to lift you up and encourage you to greater accomplishments.

In business we are aware that it's really challenging to make it all by ourselves. It's obvious that you need backers, buyers, employees, etc.

In our daily lives we also need a support system. People who tell us straight, encourage us to always aim higher and point out when we are being too closed off to the Universe.

Years ago I had an insight which changed my life. I had built walls around me to keep myself from being hurt. One day I understand that the same walls that prevented pain also kept out helpful, loving people and kept me locked inside the walls of distrust and limits.

I began chipping away at those walls and as people began pouring in and I began running outside the wall to play in other neighborhoods, I began to really grow.

By our nature we avoid pain and hurtful situations, problem is when we wall ourselves off we all avoid all the wonderful experiences as well.

When we open our lives up to others we encourage our own growth and wonderful experiences begin arriving in our lives.

As parents, business people, friends, mates, etc, we all need a hand now and then.

Here's to tearing down the walls and throwing a party for the world.

Happy Creating

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Think Your Life Into Being

Think Your Life Into Being

Our mind is filled with racing thoughts every moment of the day. Trying to keep up with them would probably make us crazy.

While we don't want to try to control our many thousands of thoughts, awareness of the type of thoughts is necessary in order to work with the Law of Attraction to create the life of our dreams.

Thoughts attract more like energy, so if you are spending your day thinking about things that make you feel angry, unworthy, unattractive, poor, sick and sad, you are using the Law to attract more of the same.

Ever had one of those days when you got out of bed thinking how you would never get everything done? You felt overwhelmed at the start and had probably gone to bed thinking about all the many things you had to do. As you get up from sleep you stub your toe on the dresser and then realize you are out of toothpaste.

The energy takes a turn as you focus on this FEELING. That's the thing, thoughts become our feelings. Feelings begin their magic by attracting more of what we are thinking, feeling about.

While controlling every thought would be too time consuming a task, choosing our thoughts is easy and fun.

While still in bed begin to go over all the things you are thankful for. Name them out loud and allow yourself to really feel the gratitude.

Next pick out good feeling thoughts for your day. You choose your clothing with foresight, so do the same with your thought wardrobe.

What are you wanting to accomplish today? Choose thoughts that compliment these desires.

Throughout your day monitor what type of thoughts are running through your head. Don't try to control them, just be aware of what you are thinking and made a decision to shift gears when the thoughts don't line up with what you desire to feel and experience today.

As you interact with others be conscious of where your thoughts are going. If they tend to stray towards judgment, criticism, angry and frustration: grab a good feeling thought and stay focused on that until your feelings shift. Do this over and over during your day.

By consciously practicing thought monitoring and picking better feeling thinking you are creating a new habit of thought. This new thought habit will begin transforming your life into more of what you desire. This is a guarantee.

Practice the process of intending throughout your day and you will begin seeing magical transformations in your life.

Intending works like this, you decide ahead of time how you desire to feel and how you wish things to work out. Don't work on every little detail, that's not your job.

Your part is to intend your thoughts and feelings ahead of time.

Set yourself up for good feelings and good outcomes by planning to feel this way ahead of time.

For instance if you have a phone call to make. Decide before you pick up the phone that you will be pleasant, feel good, share this positive outlook with the person on the other end of the phone and the call will have a positive outcome.

With all your interactions with people go through this process of planning ahead, placing your intentions before you begin the activity. You will be so amazed at how easily things work out.

The Law of Attraction always works, every time, for every one and everything.

Your thoughts become feelings.

Feelings become things.

Pick in accordance to your desires.

You are the attracting magnet for your life. Being aware of thoughts and feelings provides a smooth road to the life of your dreams, every time.

Check out my new Ebook Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA and begin creating the life of your dreams.

For Law of Attraction Feng Shui Cures, Jewelry, stones and healing crystals visit my store

Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

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Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.