Shaping your life with thought
I'm sure you've heard the old joke about the man who goes to see the doctor and moving his arm round and round says, “Doctor, it hurts when I do this”. At which the doctor says, “then don't do that”.
It's an old and corny joke but it does bear some truth.
There is another saying that tells us that to do the same things the same way over and over again expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
We are creatures of habit more often than not. We get into a routine of thought, feelings and actions and just keep pressing on hoping that we can force things into our will.
Many times we move through similar experiences making the same choices and wonder why each subsequent situation resembles all the others. We just keep doing the same things, feeling the same way and expecting different results.
We experience pain, frustration and unhappiness, never realizing or accepting that we are at the root of it all.
Whatever you experience with no matter how many people, you are the only constant. No matter where you go, there YOU are.
The Law of Attraction is always at work bringing about more of the same energy you are using to create your experiences with.
My mother used to tell me that birds of a feather flock together. It peppered my life with thoughts of similar people, circumstances and even thoughts and emotions and how they reflected my life choices at the time.
Teachings about the law of attraction are all around us. Our parents have subtly taught us with their cliches, holy books have proclaimed it in many different ways, yet we somehow missed the big picture of it all.
When the New Testament told us that we reap what we sow, we thought this only applied to sinners getting punishment for being sinful. We didn't realize that we were being taught something powerful here.
When you cast your bread upon the water after many days it will return to you,
As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things. And what you learned and received and heard and saw in me, do these things. And the God of peace will be with you.
We are surrounded with evidence of the law of attraction, a kernel of corn planted does not give us just a kernel in return but several ears of corn containing many kernels. All flowers seed themselves after their kind, bearing more fruit than the one seed planted. This is the way of nature.
Thoughts work the same way. A kind thought attracts not only more kind thoughts but kind actions. When we focus our thoughts on things we really do desire to experience it is powerful and magical, bringing about a stream of good feeling thoughts right behind the first one. Of course it also works the other way. When we start down the road of resentment and disappointment more similar thoughts follow just as quickly.
The quote as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he provides us with deep truth and understanding. Thoughts become our beliefs. These beliefs bring about more of themselves in our daily lives. We create our experiences through our thoughts/beliefs. and unless we change our thinking patterns our beliefs will not, nor can they change.
The power to attract is awesome and constant. It does not cease to work as it is law, principle, the way the thing is set up to work. This isn't saying we can't work with it to enjoy a life of abundance and joy. Just the opposite is true. By awareness of the principle we can choose thoughts in line with abundant life, with joy, with well being, with prosperity.
Our choice is what type of thoughts/energy do we hold in our hearts.. the essence of defining our selves and our life experiences. Thoughts have a feeling, we experience it at once. Take a moment to think of an experience that frightened or saddened you. In just a few seconds those old experiences begin feeling real to you as though you were experiencing the situation again right now. Now think of something that brought laughter, joy and excitement to you. The same principle at work again, your emotions follow your thoughts.
This is why thoughts are so important, they are vital to your emotional well being. You can not think happy thoughts and feel bad, just as a fountain can not offer up bitter and sweet water at the same time.
By paying attention to the thoughts that go through your head day and night and choosing the ones that bring about the feeling.. the emotion that you wish to experience, you can begin attracting not only more of the same thoughts and feelings, but experiences that match the vibration of thoughts and feelings.
In order to begin creating life the way you really want to experience it you need only to change your thinking patterns. Your emotions and actions will then begin being in line with these new higher vibration thoughts and attract more positive and enjoyable experiences.
You will change your life by changing your thoughts, it must happen, it's the law.
Today, starting right now make a decision to choose thoughts that are in line with well being. Thoughts of joy lead to feeling joy and attract situations of joy. Loving thoughts attract the feeling of love and being loved, and situations in which to experience it. Be a conscious creator, choose your life one thought, one emotion, one experience at a time. Direct your thinking to the place of joy, bliss, abundance and well being which is your birthright.
By remembering that your beliefs come about from thinking the same thoughts over and over again, you can shift from thoughts that do not serve you to ones that do by practicing new thoughts.
The process is easy and simple, it's a matter of practice. You move your life into new spaces of experience by thinking new thoughts and feeling new emotions. As these gain momentum in your heart, that place of believing, they will create realities that match them. Do yourself a favor today and get off the merry go round of limiting thoughts and expand your world with thoughts and emotions more in line with what you really imagine your life can be.
As you think yourself to Be, you will experience yourself as that very thing.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
Patience and the law of attraction
We are a work, work society, filling our days with busy work. We've been taught that only through hard work and the sweat of our brow do we succeed.
So we toil and slave over jobs and chores from early morning to almost bedtime. Even our children have been caught in this loop of always having to do something. We rush them from one activity to another until they fall exhausted into bed at night.
What if we've got it all wrong?? Perhaps this attitude of having to work all the time actually does the opposite. Rather than attracting success it pushes it away? I know this flies in the face of what a lot of folks out there are saying.
I also know that stress related dis ease is up sky high in this nation. Not only are adults taking pills to chill and cope, we have the highest rate of drugged children in the world. The market is flush with energy drinks to get you through your day and then another to cover the crash. At night we need a sleeping aid to help us let go of the worry and rush mentality so we can grab a few hours before heading out to start the race to win all over again.
Perhaps what we are lacking is patience, faith in the goodness of Universal Energy. If we truly understood that we do indeed “reap what we sow”, we just might relax a bit more and enjoy life.
All the rushing to and fro and chaotic energy only serves to bring about more of the same. It's like being in a race that never ends with no prize to claim.
When we choose patience we are saying that we understand the way things work. We do our part and the Universe does it's part. We understand that the law of attraction always works, all the time, every time, to bring about more like energy to what we are giving out.
Patience gives us time to reflect, to actually enjoy our life without rushing around chasing our tails and accomplishing nothing but stress related illnesses.
With patience also comes a space for inspiration, that ah ha moment when we know what the next step is for us to more closer to our dreams. This can only be heard when we are still and quite long enough to listen. Action is a wonderful and positive thing when in tune with the flow of life. When we are moving in an energy of inspiration and awe things flow easily and without stress. Much more is accomplished due to our actions being in line with the current of creativity.
When you are trusting in the goodness of life, having faith in all good things come to those who wait, you enjoy the gift of your life and all the experiences that come your way. You see each as a sign telling you to continue onwards toward your goal.
There is no need to feel hurried, stressed out and out of control.
One of the most powerful things I've ever heard is Be still and know that I Am GOD. By being still you experience the power and reality of this life energy in and through you. You find peace, joy and inspiration.
Patience gives space for joy and stillness from which inspiration comes. Inspiration moves you in the flow of energy which takes you into each new experience on the path of your dreams.
Make space for patience and stillness in your life. Allow yourself to get in the flow of goodness and joy. You will find that you are far more productive when you take time out to renew your inner connection to Creative Energy and allow inspired thoughts to flow rather than busy got to get it done now thoughts.
Be easy and be in joy.
So we toil and slave over jobs and chores from early morning to almost bedtime. Even our children have been caught in this loop of always having to do something. We rush them from one activity to another until they fall exhausted into bed at night.
What if we've got it all wrong?? Perhaps this attitude of having to work all the time actually does the opposite. Rather than attracting success it pushes it away? I know this flies in the face of what a lot of folks out there are saying.
I also know that stress related dis ease is up sky high in this nation. Not only are adults taking pills to chill and cope, we have the highest rate of drugged children in the world. The market is flush with energy drinks to get you through your day and then another to cover the crash. At night we need a sleeping aid to help us let go of the worry and rush mentality so we can grab a few hours before heading out to start the race to win all over again.
Perhaps what we are lacking is patience, faith in the goodness of Universal Energy. If we truly understood that we do indeed “reap what we sow”, we just might relax a bit more and enjoy life.
All the rushing to and fro and chaotic energy only serves to bring about more of the same. It's like being in a race that never ends with no prize to claim.
When we choose patience we are saying that we understand the way things work. We do our part and the Universe does it's part. We understand that the law of attraction always works, all the time, every time, to bring about more like energy to what we are giving out.
Patience gives us time to reflect, to actually enjoy our life without rushing around chasing our tails and accomplishing nothing but stress related illnesses.
With patience also comes a space for inspiration, that ah ha moment when we know what the next step is for us to more closer to our dreams. This can only be heard when we are still and quite long enough to listen. Action is a wonderful and positive thing when in tune with the flow of life. When we are moving in an energy of inspiration and awe things flow easily and without stress. Much more is accomplished due to our actions being in line with the current of creativity.
When you are trusting in the goodness of life, having faith in all good things come to those who wait, you enjoy the gift of your life and all the experiences that come your way. You see each as a sign telling you to continue onwards toward your goal.
There is no need to feel hurried, stressed out and out of control.
One of the most powerful things I've ever heard is Be still and know that I Am GOD. By being still you experience the power and reality of this life energy in and through you. You find peace, joy and inspiration.
Patience gives space for joy and stillness from which inspiration comes. Inspiration moves you in the flow of energy which takes you into each new experience on the path of your dreams.
Make space for patience and stillness in your life. Allow yourself to get in the flow of goodness and joy. You will find that you are far more productive when you take time out to renew your inner connection to Creative Energy and allow inspired thoughts to flow rather than busy got to get it done now thoughts.
Be easy and be in joy.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
My Dream and lessons learned from politics
I have a dream for the month of May.
Ambitious though it may be I want to sale 1000 copies of my ebooks this month.
I have been writing and blogging off and on and realize that in order for people to buy the ebooks I have got to go where the people are.
So I have been building my friend list on Facebook. I signed up a while ago but didn't do much with it as I figured it was pretty much the same thing as MySpace.
I was wrong. Facebook is much easier to use and offers groups, pages you can follow, and people from all ages, all around the world.
I spent several days finding friends who knew how to travel the roads of Facebook with the most ease. I am amazed at how helpful people are and how willing to join your network.
It's easier to make friends with just a simple click or two.
I like being able to make pages about each of my books as well as my jewelry and dream catchers. There is also a market to list items I have for sale.
While working on Facebook I have been watching MSNBC news. This is my favorite news, don't really know why.
I listened to how Clinton is now wanting to change the rules so she can be ahead. While I don't support her as far as voting for her, I have to give her credit for knowing what she wants and being willing to never be deterred from reaching her goals.
I watch Obama take punch after punch and part of me applauds his unwillingness to play the game as usual but the other part says, come on dude, answer back.
I'm happy to see that Rev. Wright isn't as much a part of the news, I had just about worn out the mute button on my remote so I wouldn't have to listen to people telling me how offended I should be by his statements. I guess what Mother said when I was a child holds true for lots of folks, “you are known by the company you keep”.
Sometimes I think one or the other should say enough already and support the other so that we can have one Democrat and one Republican for the nation to choose from. I guess it's good for McCain though, he gets to go about his business while the two Democrats chip away at each other and pay no attention to his remarks. While democrats stay focused on whether there are racial divides, gender differences and income niches that we all fit into, no one pays attention to McCain saying that once we get independent of foreign oil we will never again have to send our soldiers to middle east to fight for oil. Wow.. can't believe so many people missed that one.
As I watch Clinton punch, duck and sway while changing the rules to suit her I do have to give her credit. She's a one tough cookie. She sticks to her guns and sips Crown Royal rather than chugging it back. I've often said it's probably a sin to mix it or drink it quickly and I 'm glad to know I'm in presidential company.
Neither Obama nor Clinton want to give up no matter what is said about them. Clinton will even make pie in the sky promises she and most Americans know she can't deliver on. Obama answers by saying it will not work. Ok, you've got my attention, go on.. tell me what will.
Americans are tired of high oil prices and the outrageous price on human life and suffering by the “war” in Iraq. Now we want to threaten Iran with blowing them off the map. Wow.. is this America?
I love this country, but I've always thought that when you act the same way as those you disagree with there is no difference between you. I guess our nations motto has changed to Might Makes Right rather than the land of the free and the brave.
I do get one good thing from all the political fussing and fighting though. Don't give up on your dreams. If what you are doing isn't working, change what you're doing. Throw in the baby and the bathtub to live your dreams. AND if you don't get it this time, there's always four years down the road.
Ambitious though it may be I want to sale 1000 copies of my ebooks this month.
I have been writing and blogging off and on and realize that in order for people to buy the ebooks I have got to go where the people are.
So I have been building my friend list on Facebook. I signed up a while ago but didn't do much with it as I figured it was pretty much the same thing as MySpace.
I was wrong. Facebook is much easier to use and offers groups, pages you can follow, and people from all ages, all around the world.
I spent several days finding friends who knew how to travel the roads of Facebook with the most ease. I am amazed at how helpful people are and how willing to join your network.
It's easier to make friends with just a simple click or two.
I like being able to make pages about each of my books as well as my jewelry and dream catchers. There is also a market to list items I have for sale.
While working on Facebook I have been watching MSNBC news. This is my favorite news, don't really know why.
I listened to how Clinton is now wanting to change the rules so she can be ahead. While I don't support her as far as voting for her, I have to give her credit for knowing what she wants and being willing to never be deterred from reaching her goals.
I watch Obama take punch after punch and part of me applauds his unwillingness to play the game as usual but the other part says, come on dude, answer back.
I'm happy to see that Rev. Wright isn't as much a part of the news, I had just about worn out the mute button on my remote so I wouldn't have to listen to people telling me how offended I should be by his statements. I guess what Mother said when I was a child holds true for lots of folks, “you are known by the company you keep”.
Sometimes I think one or the other should say enough already and support the other so that we can have one Democrat and one Republican for the nation to choose from. I guess it's good for McCain though, he gets to go about his business while the two Democrats chip away at each other and pay no attention to his remarks. While democrats stay focused on whether there are racial divides, gender differences and income niches that we all fit into, no one pays attention to McCain saying that once we get independent of foreign oil we will never again have to send our soldiers to middle east to fight for oil. Wow.. can't believe so many people missed that one.
As I watch Clinton punch, duck and sway while changing the rules to suit her I do have to give her credit. She's a one tough cookie. She sticks to her guns and sips Crown Royal rather than chugging it back. I've often said it's probably a sin to mix it or drink it quickly and I 'm glad to know I'm in presidential company.
Neither Obama nor Clinton want to give up no matter what is said about them. Clinton will even make pie in the sky promises she and most Americans know she can't deliver on. Obama answers by saying it will not work. Ok, you've got my attention, go on.. tell me what will.
Americans are tired of high oil prices and the outrageous price on human life and suffering by the “war” in Iraq. Now we want to threaten Iran with blowing them off the map. Wow.. is this America?
I love this country, but I've always thought that when you act the same way as those you disagree with there is no difference between you. I guess our nations motto has changed to Might Makes Right rather than the land of the free and the brave.
I do get one good thing from all the political fussing and fighting though. Don't give up on your dreams. If what you are doing isn't working, change what you're doing. Throw in the baby and the bathtub to live your dreams. AND if you don't get it this time, there's always four years down the road.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Appeasing the Fear
Appeasing the fear
You've got to be kidding me! That's what I said when I heard about the way Clinton and McCain plan to solve high gas prices.
For the summer, three whole months they want to roll back taxes on gas so you and I can save at most $30.00.
Now this doesn't guarantee that the gas companies just don't raise the prices even higher through the summer, it just plays with our fear of lack.
I've been following the presidential campaigns as I feel this is a very important election. Our country has need for a lot of changes, high gas prices being one of them.
Clinton and McCain are telling us that this $30.00 is a great big deal. I sat there in front of my TV stunned and shocked at this news. You gotta be kidding me, $30.00 over a period of three months solves this problem. Wow. I'm impressed that you think so.
Now Obama thinks more like me. It's a temporary game to win votes and pray on the fear of lack that a lot of Americans have. It's a gimmick offered up to appease us for a bit while solving nothing in the long run.
A speaker for the Republican party said that for lots of Americans this thirty bucks meant the difference between putting gas in the car or food on the table. Again I was shocked. He has been to the grocery store lately if he thinks thirty bucks will cover a table in good food.
I live in Alabama and $30.00 worth of groceries will not even do for getting by a week where food is concerned.
The thing that stands out the most to me about his plan is how so many of us will buy into it as a quick fix. We are caught up I in fear of lack and believe in “just making it through” till the next trickle of money comes into our life at the last moment.
Fear of lack has many faces. Poverty, illness, depression, anger, wars, starvation are a few of the symptoms of fear.
For a lot of people this just squeaking by with money, health and relationships is normal, it's how they've always lived.
It's a bandage on a broken leg, it really solves nothing.
As a nation we can do much better than this. We can solve the problems that seem to plague us, knowing that if we have the power to create such a huge mud puddle for so many to get stuck in, we have the power and creativity to create solutions that work as well.
This is also true in our personal lives. Just think about it for a moment. If you have the power to create whatever mess you are now experiencing that proves you have the power to create. Now look at it from the other side, you have the power to create something different from the place you are now in.
A lot of people tell me they don't think that we are responsible for what happens to us privately or as a nation, a world. They just can't get with the idea that our choices, our thoughts, our feelings, our actions can and do bring about these experiences. They point out, but what about people who are born into poor countries, or babies born sick, or good people that bad things happen too.
All this must be because of “them” or GOD and HIS WILL.
Why would it be the will of GOD for these things to happen? How could a heavenly parent get so angry with his children as to judge them evil and plague them with poverty, sickness and war?
I just don't buy that theory. Fear did these things. People who forgot who and what they really are did these things because they don't remember that Abundance is all around us, there is more than enough for all. Human greed and apathy exist because of fear, not knowing who we are. When we get caught up in the not enough, not enough syndrome it's just a tiny step into greed and war.
We can get ourselves individually out of the giant mud whole as a nation, world people and individual by taking responsibly for what we have all created together and choosing to create with love, honor, respect and knowing. When we rediscover that we are ALL ONE, we are brothers and sisters, then we move away from fear of lack and step into heaven here on earth where there is always plenty in abundance.
Let's take our power back, never again being content to leave it up to our leaders to promote fear and lack in our nation.
Let's take responsibility for everything we've created individually and co created with our siblings on this planet.
As we move out of fear and into knowing who we are, we really will change the world with love, honor and respect. We can do it. Let us unite as ONE and create heaven here on earth for all.
You've got to be kidding me! That's what I said when I heard about the way Clinton and McCain plan to solve high gas prices.
For the summer, three whole months they want to roll back taxes on gas so you and I can save at most $30.00.
Now this doesn't guarantee that the gas companies just don't raise the prices even higher through the summer, it just plays with our fear of lack.
I've been following the presidential campaigns as I feel this is a very important election. Our country has need for a lot of changes, high gas prices being one of them.
Clinton and McCain are telling us that this $30.00 is a great big deal. I sat there in front of my TV stunned and shocked at this news. You gotta be kidding me, $30.00 over a period of three months solves this problem. Wow. I'm impressed that you think so.
Now Obama thinks more like me. It's a temporary game to win votes and pray on the fear of lack that a lot of Americans have. It's a gimmick offered up to appease us for a bit while solving nothing in the long run.
A speaker for the Republican party said that for lots of Americans this thirty bucks meant the difference between putting gas in the car or food on the table. Again I was shocked. He has been to the grocery store lately if he thinks thirty bucks will cover a table in good food.
I live in Alabama and $30.00 worth of groceries will not even do for getting by a week where food is concerned.
The thing that stands out the most to me about his plan is how so many of us will buy into it as a quick fix. We are caught up I in fear of lack and believe in “just making it through” till the next trickle of money comes into our life at the last moment.
Fear of lack has many faces. Poverty, illness, depression, anger, wars, starvation are a few of the symptoms of fear.
For a lot of people this just squeaking by with money, health and relationships is normal, it's how they've always lived.
It's a bandage on a broken leg, it really solves nothing.
As a nation we can do much better than this. We can solve the problems that seem to plague us, knowing that if we have the power to create such a huge mud puddle for so many to get stuck in, we have the power and creativity to create solutions that work as well.
This is also true in our personal lives. Just think about it for a moment. If you have the power to create whatever mess you are now experiencing that proves you have the power to create. Now look at it from the other side, you have the power to create something different from the place you are now in.
A lot of people tell me they don't think that we are responsible for what happens to us privately or as a nation, a world. They just can't get with the idea that our choices, our thoughts, our feelings, our actions can and do bring about these experiences. They point out, but what about people who are born into poor countries, or babies born sick, or good people that bad things happen too.
All this must be because of “them” or GOD and HIS WILL.
Why would it be the will of GOD for these things to happen? How could a heavenly parent get so angry with his children as to judge them evil and plague them with poverty, sickness and war?
I just don't buy that theory. Fear did these things. People who forgot who and what they really are did these things because they don't remember that Abundance is all around us, there is more than enough for all. Human greed and apathy exist because of fear, not knowing who we are. When we get caught up in the not enough, not enough syndrome it's just a tiny step into greed and war.
We can get ourselves individually out of the giant mud whole as a nation, world people and individual by taking responsibly for what we have all created together and choosing to create with love, honor, respect and knowing. When we rediscover that we are ALL ONE, we are brothers and sisters, then we move away from fear of lack and step into heaven here on earth where there is always plenty in abundance.
Let's take our power back, never again being content to leave it up to our leaders to promote fear and lack in our nation.
Let's take responsibility for everything we've created individually and co created with our siblings on this planet.
As we move out of fear and into knowing who we are, we really will change the world with love, honor and respect. We can do it. Let us unite as ONE and create heaven here on earth for all.
Friday, May 02, 2008
I have a dream and you can help
As you may or may not know I have been in slow creative gear for the last 6 weeks due to a broken arm.
It offered me opportunities to do a lot of thinking and reading since I couldn't create jewelry, dream catchers and spiders for the whole time.
I began podcasting answer to the Law of Attraction IN action group as typing just wasn't working for me. LOL
What began as a way to keep up with my group quickly turned into a fun way to share inspiration and hope with the world.
Yesterday I was picked up by ITunes for download on their system. This tickles me pink.
If you use ITunes, just search for Donna DeVane to listen to my podcasts that I have there now.
I will have more later. I am playing catch up still.
I have also done a few video casts and really think this is the wave of our group future as I can teach and actually show props to make a point.
Look for these later on.
My cast is off and I have another month of wearing a splint to go. I have been able to create a few new LOA spiders and got those listed today.
I also listed some wonderful orange agate LOA stones for focus. These are perfect for placing in your pocket or on your desk to help you stay focused on your goals and dreams. I only have a few of these so if you would like one, move quickly.
I have a dream I want to share with each of you. I desire to sale 1000 copies of my ebooks this month.
To celebrate motherhood and help us to share the inspiration and joy of change and spiritual growth I will be giving away free LOA ebooks with each purchase of either/both of my two that I am including in this promotion.
I want to ask each of you to share this dream with your CafeMom friends and real time friends and help me meet this goal.
I want to get a new video cam and mic for the video recordings and this promotion will do just that for me.
I appreciate all your prayers and positive energy this past month +, it has really made a difference in the healing of my arm. The doctor said my 52 year old bone was healing as quickly as a child's. Just goes to show it serves one to never grow old.. just stay a kid forever. LOL
My ebooks and the other items will be available in my Etsy store.
The ebooks are still on my websites too.
Help me meet my 1000 ebooks goal this month..
Happy Mother's day ... every day.. all day long,
Click here to see my new items
It offered me opportunities to do a lot of thinking and reading since I couldn't create jewelry, dream catchers and spiders for the whole time.
I began podcasting answer to the Law of Attraction IN action group as typing just wasn't working for me. LOL
What began as a way to keep up with my group quickly turned into a fun way to share inspiration and hope with the world.
Yesterday I was picked up by ITunes for download on their system. This tickles me pink.
If you use ITunes, just search for Donna DeVane to listen to my podcasts that I have there now.
I will have more later. I am playing catch up still.
I have also done a few video casts and really think this is the wave of our group future as I can teach and actually show props to make a point.
Look for these later on.
My cast is off and I have another month of wearing a splint to go. I have been able to create a few new LOA spiders and got those listed today.
I also listed some wonderful orange agate LOA stones for focus. These are perfect for placing in your pocket or on your desk to help you stay focused on your goals and dreams. I only have a few of these so if you would like one, move quickly.
I have a dream I want to share with each of you. I desire to sale 1000 copies of my ebooks this month.
To celebrate motherhood and help us to share the inspiration and joy of change and spiritual growth I will be giving away free LOA ebooks with each purchase of either/both of my two that I am including in this promotion.
I want to ask each of you to share this dream with your CafeMom friends and real time friends and help me meet this goal.
I want to get a new video cam and mic for the video recordings and this promotion will do just that for me.
I appreciate all your prayers and positive energy this past month +, it has really made a difference in the healing of my arm. The doctor said my 52 year old bone was healing as quickly as a child's. Just goes to show it serves one to never grow old.. just stay a kid forever. LOL
My ebooks and the other items will be available in my Etsy store.
The ebooks are still on my websites too.
Help me meet my 1000 ebooks goal this month..
Happy Mother's day ... every day.. all day long,
Click here to see my new items
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Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.