WE are alive for change, our souls are crying out for change.
For too long we have continued doing things in the same manner and hoping for different results.
We are now seeing that this is folly.
Our nation is crying out for change in energy, demanding cleaner, more earth and pocket book friendly choices for car and house fuel.
We are crying out for the ceasing of nuclear weapons being built, biological weapons to no longer be considered options.
We are declaring our intention for a more peaceful, loving, helpful and interactive community, planet wide.
The internet has helped us to see one another as the same, humans all living with the same Life Force Energy flowing in and through us. We are becoming more aware of our connection with each other and the more awareness we understand the less dis-connected we feel from one another.
We see our planet as more than just a means of gathering fuel, food and housing for our needs; we are beginning to understand we are also connected to her and her well being insures our well being.
As I watch the news I am awed by the changes spoken of and represented by the stories of politics, human interest and world news.
All over the planet people are crying out for us to do things differently.
As I watched the Unity Speeches of Hillary Clinton and Obama I was moved almost to tears with the message of change. It is more than two politicians using the message of change to campaign, it's a reflection of what We the People are saying, feeling, intending and praying for.
It makes you wonder why it took us to over $4.00 a gallon for gas, global warming, melting glaciers, pollution over the top and nations at war to bring us to this out cry for change.
This is the way we create it..
It's not necessary for us to create it hard and painful, but nonetheless we still do it over and over again.
We don't listen to the small inner voice guiding us to make small changes all along the way where there is little or no pain, maybe no more than slight discomfort.
We wait it out, tough it out fighting to make the thing work, resisting and refusing change until change or destruction are our only choices.
We do this as nations and as individuals.
How many situations have you gone through that ballooned to large proportions because you ignored the little nudges all along the way?
If you are like most people you could write a book on the subject of not listening to yourself and making it so hard that you had to change how you were doing things.
This is a common habit of humans. We forget that we are the co creators of our life experience and that our thoughts, emotions, actions and non actions result in experiences.
Just as we are finding many options for fuel and helping our economy as a nation we are realizing that we can adjust our thinking and realize great changes in our personal lives too.
Our thoughts become our beliefs. We instill great passion into these beliefs and act upon them, thus creating experiences that reflect those very beliefs.
Whether it's a nation's beliefs or an individual, the process, the principles work the same way.
We are the constant in all we experience. As an individual you are co creating through your beliefs with passion, your day to day situations.
As a nation we are co creating high prices, shortages and reflections of not having enough.
In order for us to change the on the global, national or personal level, we must change what is inside us. This is where it is all coming from . Each of us is a powerhouse of creative energy churning and calling molecules into form, congealing in physical manifestation our fears, beliefs, worries, stress, hopes and dreams. WE are the chefs of this huge pot of experiential soup.
Abraham tells us to be for something, not against anything. The more energy we give to a thought, outcome, person, experience, the more fuel we are applying to create that very thing.
Make a list of your pet peeves, those cliches you use over and over again. These reveal your core beliefs and standards for creating.
If these beliefs are not what you wish to experience.... now is the time to replace them with thoughts that take you, our nation and our planet where you really desire it to be.
Working in your own life you have great power to create your experiences, working together for a common goal, a common dream... we are awesome in our ability to create.
Now is the time for Unity, unity of thought, belief in a kind, loving and abundance of prosperity for all.
Now is the time for each of us to be for something.. against nothing. Together we are the ones we have been waiting for to change the world.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Create Another Illusion
It's all illusion, everything, every bit of it. No matter what you are experiencing right now it's illusion.
It's only real in your head. It's all a bunch of vibrating energy molecules moving to and fro giving the illusion of being a real situation.
This illusion is wonderful when you've co created something you enjoy and find pleasant. “ Feel good” hormones rush through your body and you are in love with life. It feels good and you desire more of it.
If, however what you have co created isn't very pleasing to you and it does feel real.. different chemicals and emotional reactions are rushing through your body. You feel frightened, worried, anxious, in a rush to do something to change things.
Resistance is futile. The more you fight, push, pull and resist the present situation the bigger it gets. The stronger it feels and the more stress and worry you experience.
What to do?
First acknowledge that's it illusion. It's energy, nothing more, nothing less. It's also your creation. See how powerful you are? Look what you created, now that's power.
The same power that you used to create your present circumstances you can also use to create something different.
You might be saying right about now, “it sure looks and feels real”. Have you ever watched images on a wall put there by a projector? They look real, movies and TV look real too. They are not, they are mirror images of something else.. thought.. feelings..
In order for you to create something different than what you are now experiencing you just have to think and feel differently.
Stop for just a moment and think about something really pleasant. Think about how good a hug feels, remember a recent hug that really warmed your heart.
Now, you've just created something different than what you were experiencing a moment ago.
This is the process that we all follow all the time. We think, we empower the thoughts with feeling and passion, thinking them and feeling them over and over again until we call them into form.
When you shift your thoughts and your feelings, you shift reality. You begin the process of calling into your experience that which you believe you will experience.
We've all done it many times. Ever think of someone and in just a little bit the phones rings and that person is on the phone?
When you begin to realize that the present is the result of past thoughts, emotions and beliefs, you are empowered with understanding that in order to change your experiences you simply shift your thought and beliefs.. your expectations.
Whatever your present circumstance, it's a wonderful teacher showing you how creation, reality works.
Look at the situation and trace back your part in it. What thoughts, beliefs, expectations did you use to bring it into form?
Now that you know how you did it, simply use that same principle to create another physical illusion of reality.
Start right where you are. Begin by shifting your thoughts and feelings about the present. Rather than being worried and stressed, be thankful for the lesson this brings you. Be grateful for the insight and understanding you now have because of this situation.
As you change how you think and feel about the present continue that energy into what you really would like to experience. What are you desiring? Think it, feel it, follow inspired action to bring it into your physical illusion of reality.
You know you can do it, you just saw how powerful you really are.
It's only real in your head. It's all a bunch of vibrating energy molecules moving to and fro giving the illusion of being a real situation.
This illusion is wonderful when you've co created something you enjoy and find pleasant. “ Feel good” hormones rush through your body and you are in love with life. It feels good and you desire more of it.
If, however what you have co created isn't very pleasing to you and it does feel real.. different chemicals and emotional reactions are rushing through your body. You feel frightened, worried, anxious, in a rush to do something to change things.
Resistance is futile. The more you fight, push, pull and resist the present situation the bigger it gets. The stronger it feels and the more stress and worry you experience.
What to do?
First acknowledge that's it illusion. It's energy, nothing more, nothing less. It's also your creation. See how powerful you are? Look what you created, now that's power.
The same power that you used to create your present circumstances you can also use to create something different.
You might be saying right about now, “it sure looks and feels real”. Have you ever watched images on a wall put there by a projector? They look real, movies and TV look real too. They are not, they are mirror images of something else.. thought.. feelings..
In order for you to create something different than what you are now experiencing you just have to think and feel differently.
Stop for just a moment and think about something really pleasant. Think about how good a hug feels, remember a recent hug that really warmed your heart.
Now, you've just created something different than what you were experiencing a moment ago.
This is the process that we all follow all the time. We think, we empower the thoughts with feeling and passion, thinking them and feeling them over and over again until we call them into form.
When you shift your thoughts and your feelings, you shift reality. You begin the process of calling into your experience that which you believe you will experience.
We've all done it many times. Ever think of someone and in just a little bit the phones rings and that person is on the phone?
When you begin to realize that the present is the result of past thoughts, emotions and beliefs, you are empowered with understanding that in order to change your experiences you simply shift your thought and beliefs.. your expectations.
Whatever your present circumstance, it's a wonderful teacher showing you how creation, reality works.
Look at the situation and trace back your part in it. What thoughts, beliefs, expectations did you use to bring it into form?
Now that you know how you did it, simply use that same principle to create another physical illusion of reality.
Start right where you are. Begin by shifting your thoughts and feelings about the present. Rather than being worried and stressed, be thankful for the lesson this brings you. Be grateful for the insight and understanding you now have because of this situation.
As you change how you think and feel about the present continue that energy into what you really would like to experience. What are you desiring? Think it, feel it, follow inspired action to bring it into your physical illusion of reality.
You know you can do it, you just saw how powerful you really are.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Is Sanity Returning to America???
Hip Hip Hurray!!
Finally, after almost 8 years of insanity our Supreme court is coming to grips with what this nation stands for.
It decided... again.. that all prisoners held in the States or out.. do have rights.
Wow.. it's hard for me to even consider that anyone in this nation, especially our president would think otherwise.
What makes our nation the envy of others? Why do people from all over the world want to move here?
Our freedom, our Constitution. Without the Constitution we are no different than any other nation in world.
The truth about this current President, George W. Bush is coming to light. Motions are being made to impeach him, too late though for all the damage he has done in our country.
I love this country and have been ashamed of many things that have happened over the last several years. Whenever we use terror to fight terrorist.. how are we then any different?
When we deny people a right to legal counsel and jail them for years without any rights whatsoever and use torture against them, please tell me how these acts differ from the ones we say we are fighting.
I am glad our Supreme Court made this decision. I am saddened that once again the Republicans including our president are upset about this decision. Are we going to turn from insanity back to the core of what our nation has always stood for?
I hear a lot of conservatives talking about how the morals and ethics in this nation are being eroded by abortion, gay rights, TV, books and movies.. yet none of the talk about denying other human beings protection from torture while in American custody.
How can this be?
Perhaps when a nation decides to believe the lies told by government to invade another country for oil they will fall for anything. I hope not. I hope we are waking up to what has been going on. We were told too many lies and lost too many freedoms to let it go on.
Hip hip Hurray Supreme Court of the United States of American for understanding that when it is legal to deny the constitutional rights to even one person, they have no value for anyone, American citizen or not.
Let's bring this nation back to sanity and shine truth and light on lies, fear and those who promote it.
Finally, after almost 8 years of insanity our Supreme court is coming to grips with what this nation stands for.
It decided... again.. that all prisoners held in the States or out.. do have rights.
Wow.. it's hard for me to even consider that anyone in this nation, especially our president would think otherwise.
What makes our nation the envy of others? Why do people from all over the world want to move here?
Our freedom, our Constitution. Without the Constitution we are no different than any other nation in world.
The truth about this current President, George W. Bush is coming to light. Motions are being made to impeach him, too late though for all the damage he has done in our country.
I love this country and have been ashamed of many things that have happened over the last several years. Whenever we use terror to fight terrorist.. how are we then any different?
When we deny people a right to legal counsel and jail them for years without any rights whatsoever and use torture against them, please tell me how these acts differ from the ones we say we are fighting.
I am glad our Supreme Court made this decision. I am saddened that once again the Republicans including our president are upset about this decision. Are we going to turn from insanity back to the core of what our nation has always stood for?
I hear a lot of conservatives talking about how the morals and ethics in this nation are being eroded by abortion, gay rights, TV, books and movies.. yet none of the talk about denying other human beings protection from torture while in American custody.
How can this be?
Perhaps when a nation decides to believe the lies told by government to invade another country for oil they will fall for anything. I hope not. I hope we are waking up to what has been going on. We were told too many lies and lost too many freedoms to let it go on.
Hip hip Hurray Supreme Court of the United States of American for understanding that when it is legal to deny the constitutional rights to even one person, they have no value for anyone, American citizen or not.
Let's bring this nation back to sanity and shine truth and light on lies, fear and those who promote it.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
These Amazing Times We Live In
These are exciting and magnificent times we are living in. Change and hope intertwine to reshape our nation and fulfill the dreams of so many Americans.
I remember when I was a little girl I so wanted to see a woman as president of the United States.
I also wanted to see equal rights for every person in this nation.
I grew up when little girls couldn't wear pants to school, people of different races didn't share the same schools and a movement for civil rights was taking place.
I wasn't quite old enough to march in the streets so I watched it on my black and white TV and cheered people onward to equality.
Women also wanted equal jobs for equal pay. Not many women were doctors, lawyers, none were politicians when I was a little girl.
I remember the first day our “white” school was open to the first African American student. It was an amazing thing as not many months before our governor of Alabama had stood before the college and refused to let black students enter.
What courage it took for that first black student to step into our school. I was so proud of her and so proud of the other white students who although amazed were open to change. As I stepped forward to welcome her and tell her my name I felt a surge of electricity go through the crowd.. yes.. change was here and it was good.
I remember hearing Kennedy telling us all that it wasn't what our country could do for us, it was what we could do for our country. My heart swelled with pride even as a teenager to be included in the possibilities for our nations growth and change.
About the same time the schools were open to all races we girls also got to wear pants. We couldn't wear jeans, that came years later, our clothing had to be pant suits.. double knit if you remember that hot thick fabric.
I grew up being taught how to duck under my desk in case Cuba decided to drop a bomb on us. The fear was terrible and it saddens me to this day when this same fear tactic is used on Americans to get us to release some of the freedoms and rights we value.
My children were not as aware of different color skin as I was as a child. My oldest daughter came home from school day after day telling me about her best friend, Johnathan. She thought he was just the neatest and sweetest child in her whole class. One afternoon when she got in the car she looked at me and said, “Mama, you know what”? When I answered, “no, what”?.. She said, “did you know that Johnathan was black”? “His skin is black”.
I answered “really, what does that mean”? She looked at me for a moment and said, “I don't know what it means, David told me that Jonathan was black.”
I knew then that we as a nation were on the right track for change, someone had to point out the difference between skin color to my child. Children don't see difference until someone points it out.
We were ready with a new generation who were more open, accepting and loving than the one I grew up in.
Last night as I watched the results for the last night of voting for our Democratic nomination I was amazed and delighted to see both a woman and a black man ready to lead our nation, and being accepted as wonderful potential presidents for this great land.
I think Lincoln and King, as well as all the Americans who fought and marched for equality are proud. Wherever they are they are smiling, knowing that even though it took a while.. we, the American people finally understand what this country is about.
We are ready to embrace change, to be open to discussion, opportunity for peace, and finally.. equality for all our citizens.
I am proud to be American. I am proud of my nation, my great country, who though sometimes slow to do the right thing, eventually comes around in the power of understanding, acceptance and love.
Thank you everyone who came before me. Your belief in freedom has come true. I celebrate with you this awesome moment in history and will enjoy the opportunity for even more change in this great nation.
I remember when I was a little girl I so wanted to see a woman as president of the United States.
I also wanted to see equal rights for every person in this nation.
I grew up when little girls couldn't wear pants to school, people of different races didn't share the same schools and a movement for civil rights was taking place.
I wasn't quite old enough to march in the streets so I watched it on my black and white TV and cheered people onward to equality.
Women also wanted equal jobs for equal pay. Not many women were doctors, lawyers, none were politicians when I was a little girl.
I remember the first day our “white” school was open to the first African American student. It was an amazing thing as not many months before our governor of Alabama had stood before the college and refused to let black students enter.
What courage it took for that first black student to step into our school. I was so proud of her and so proud of the other white students who although amazed were open to change. As I stepped forward to welcome her and tell her my name I felt a surge of electricity go through the crowd.. yes.. change was here and it was good.
I remember hearing Kennedy telling us all that it wasn't what our country could do for us, it was what we could do for our country. My heart swelled with pride even as a teenager to be included in the possibilities for our nations growth and change.
About the same time the schools were open to all races we girls also got to wear pants. We couldn't wear jeans, that came years later, our clothing had to be pant suits.. double knit if you remember that hot thick fabric.
I grew up being taught how to duck under my desk in case Cuba decided to drop a bomb on us. The fear was terrible and it saddens me to this day when this same fear tactic is used on Americans to get us to release some of the freedoms and rights we value.
My children were not as aware of different color skin as I was as a child. My oldest daughter came home from school day after day telling me about her best friend, Johnathan. She thought he was just the neatest and sweetest child in her whole class. One afternoon when she got in the car she looked at me and said, “Mama, you know what”? When I answered, “no, what”?.. She said, “did you know that Johnathan was black”? “His skin is black”.
I answered “really, what does that mean”? She looked at me for a moment and said, “I don't know what it means, David told me that Jonathan was black.”
I knew then that we as a nation were on the right track for change, someone had to point out the difference between skin color to my child. Children don't see difference until someone points it out.
We were ready with a new generation who were more open, accepting and loving than the one I grew up in.
Last night as I watched the results for the last night of voting for our Democratic nomination I was amazed and delighted to see both a woman and a black man ready to lead our nation, and being accepted as wonderful potential presidents for this great land.
I think Lincoln and King, as well as all the Americans who fought and marched for equality are proud. Wherever they are they are smiling, knowing that even though it took a while.. we, the American people finally understand what this country is about.
We are ready to embrace change, to be open to discussion, opportunity for peace, and finally.. equality for all our citizens.
I am proud to be American. I am proud of my nation, my great country, who though sometimes slow to do the right thing, eventually comes around in the power of understanding, acceptance and love.
Thank you everyone who came before me. Your belief in freedom has come true. I celebrate with you this awesome moment in history and will enjoy the opportunity for even more change in this great nation.
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Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.