You have a dream.
Everyone has dreams.
You look around and see so many who have made their dreams come true and yet yours doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
. Perhaps you are feeling discouraged and frustrated. You've had this dream for years and thought about it over and over. You've tried and failed so many times that you are ready to give up.
Good. Now you are ready to take some positive steps forward.
You know how to not create your dream, you've done things that didn't work. You are now ahead of the game. You already have a long list of actions that you know don't work.
Because you've already processed through many failures you are closer to your dream now than you've ever been.
When Edison was working on the light bulb he failed thousands of times. His comment was that he knew thousands of ways not to make a light bulb. He didn't give up, he didn't quit. He used each failure as the jumping off place for the next idea.
Perhaps you have listened to others tell you that failure is a “bad” thing so many times that you've adopted it as your own belief.
Failure is a matter of perspective. It's all in how you look at it. You can stop trying and certainly fail, or use your failures to motivate you to try the next thing.
No one has ever failed or succeeded without giving it a go first. As long as you do nothing, little happens. It's only when you are willing to learn from your failed actions and move forward with the next step that you find yourself living your dream.
Failure is actually a blessing. It says to you, “keep going, try something else”. You've got an idea, you know the next steps. You know what doesn't work. Take another action and see where it leads. As long as you are moving forward you are getting closer to your dream.
Giving up and setting limiting beliefs are the only things standing in your way.
I recently watched a video by a guy with no arms and no legs. He talked about limits all being in your head. He didn't see himself as limited, rather he saw opportunity to do things a different way. This young man is very successful because he just doesn't believe in limits. He believes in opportunity.
Every thing is your life is another opportunity to do something a bit differently than it's been done before.
Shift your thinking and keep taking action. Your dreams are much closer than you think.
Affirmations for courage and belief in yourself.
Write these down. Read them out loud several times a day. They will help you reprogram your thinking and in turn attract the experience of success into your life.
I can master anything with enough practice
I am totally capable of accomplishing my dreams.
I am grateful for each failure, failure paves the road to success.
I always look for and get excited by a new way of doing something.
I know that if I can dream it, I can do it.
I trust my inner guidance to lead me always forward.
Each step takes me closer to my goals.
I let go of fear and move forward to victory.
Through intuition and belief, I steadily move forward.
I trust my inner guidance to lead me.
My gifts and talents bless the world and lift others up.
Gratitude is the energy that always leads to success.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Mental Recession; Are hard times all in your head?
Stop for just a moment and ask yourself where all your problems are. What's the source of your challenges, things that are wrong in your life?
Did a series of thoughts just dance through your head?
By asking yourself the question you also gave yourself the answer. Whatever you are experiencing is all in your head.
I'm not saying the circumstance isn't happening or that the situation isn't there, I am saying that the “reality” of it, how you define it and choose to interact with it is your thoughts.
Nothing has any meaning at all until you choose to give it meaning. Things are neither good, bad, pretty, ugly or anything else until you tag them with a judgment. The very act of naming it reveals how you are choosing to experience it.
Many times situations that are unpleasant seem to hang on forever. It seems as though you no sooner get out of one jam than another pops up.
When situations appear in your life that you are not really enjoying, what is your response?
Do you discuss them with everyone who will listen? Do you go over them one by one, delving into the possible reasons for them and who might be at fault?
Do you stay awake at night worrying, feeling restless and stressful?
This in and of itself continues the cycle of these types of experiences. They will not stop until and unless you change how you are reacting to them. Most likely you act the same way to each situation that arises in your life, thus the continuing cycle of same energy occurrences.
When you are with family and friends what do you talk about? Do you get caught up in the chaos of rising prices, sickness, dis-ease, poverty and how hard life is?
The recession, hard times, unhappy relationships, terrible job, nosy neighbor, high prices, unsafe world, etc. etc. are all in your head and the heads of most humans on this planet.
Take a hard, honest look at what you talk about and think about.
If you were to begin seeing what is as just an experience, a passing moment, a fleeting situation that had no power over you, your whole attitude about it would change in an instant.
It's the rehashing of it over and over in your thoughts, giving more meaning and more passion to it that makes it seem even worse with each rethinking.
Nothing in life is permanent, even the great mountains erode over time.
Seasons change, babies turn into adults, leaves fall from trees, flowers bloom again in spring after being dormant all winter.
If you remember that every thing in your life right now is there by your invitation and your consent, that it is not forever; then you can move more easily through anything that comes into your experience
Focus on the gift, the blessing that comes with each new interaction. Everything brings a message of deeper self understanding, deeper experience with remembering Who You Are and that Source Energy always flows through you.
As you shift your thinking to one of allowing and receiving, life feels easy and things flow through your experience with a greater ease and deeper spiritual meaning.
It's only when you choose to resist, fight against, blame, judge and condemn that life feels hard.
Pay attention to your feelings, when you notice that they are out of line with what you wish to experience you are then aware that you can change them by simply shifting your thoughts.
You can pay attention to the problems and keep them in your experience or release them and change your thoughts along with your feelings and attract something different.
The choice is always up to you and it all lives in your head.
Did a series of thoughts just dance through your head?
By asking yourself the question you also gave yourself the answer. Whatever you are experiencing is all in your head.
I'm not saying the circumstance isn't happening or that the situation isn't there, I am saying that the “reality” of it, how you define it and choose to interact with it is your thoughts.
Nothing has any meaning at all until you choose to give it meaning. Things are neither good, bad, pretty, ugly or anything else until you tag them with a judgment. The very act of naming it reveals how you are choosing to experience it.
Many times situations that are unpleasant seem to hang on forever. It seems as though you no sooner get out of one jam than another pops up.
When situations appear in your life that you are not really enjoying, what is your response?
Do you discuss them with everyone who will listen? Do you go over them one by one, delving into the possible reasons for them and who might be at fault?
Do you stay awake at night worrying, feeling restless and stressful?
This in and of itself continues the cycle of these types of experiences. They will not stop until and unless you change how you are reacting to them. Most likely you act the same way to each situation that arises in your life, thus the continuing cycle of same energy occurrences.
When you are with family and friends what do you talk about? Do you get caught up in the chaos of rising prices, sickness, dis-ease, poverty and how hard life is?
The recession, hard times, unhappy relationships, terrible job, nosy neighbor, high prices, unsafe world, etc. etc. are all in your head and the heads of most humans on this planet.
Take a hard, honest look at what you talk about and think about.
If you were to begin seeing what is as just an experience, a passing moment, a fleeting situation that had no power over you, your whole attitude about it would change in an instant.
It's the rehashing of it over and over in your thoughts, giving more meaning and more passion to it that makes it seem even worse with each rethinking.
Nothing in life is permanent, even the great mountains erode over time.
Seasons change, babies turn into adults, leaves fall from trees, flowers bloom again in spring after being dormant all winter.
If you remember that every thing in your life right now is there by your invitation and your consent, that it is not forever; then you can move more easily through anything that comes into your experience
Focus on the gift, the blessing that comes with each new interaction. Everything brings a message of deeper self understanding, deeper experience with remembering Who You Are and that Source Energy always flows through you.
As you shift your thinking to one of allowing and receiving, life feels easy and things flow through your experience with a greater ease and deeper spiritual meaning.
It's only when you choose to resist, fight against, blame, judge and condemn that life feels hard.
Pay attention to your feelings, when you notice that they are out of line with what you wish to experience you are then aware that you can change them by simply shifting your thoughts.
You can pay attention to the problems and keep them in your experience or release them and change your thoughts along with your feelings and attract something different.
The choice is always up to you and it all lives in your head.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
What you give your attention to is what you are asking for
What are you asking Source for more of? I know you are writing down and saying words, petitions for all those things you desire. You have a vision board, you sit still for a bit every day and think of what you want in your life.
But what are you really asking for?
The answer is whatever you are giving your attention to. The more attention you are offering, the more energy you are focusing on the asking.
This is the key to creating your life with your thoughts. Thoughts become things.
Not every single thought, hope, worry, becomes it's physical counterpart right before your eyes, but each thought has life that leads to more thoughts similar to itself.
This is why when you first start with a little worry it quickly grows into a mountain.
It also works this way with thoughts of what you do desire. The more attention you give to the thoughts or the thing, the situation, the more of it you receive.
The power of your thoughts is such that whatever you can believe, you can receive. This principle works with all types of thoughts, all dreams, all nightmares, all hopes, all fears.
Step back from your constant thinking and be the witness to your thoughts.
Some have reported that the average person has around 90.000 thoughts running around their head each day. Most of these are recycled thoughts, not fresh, inspired thinking, but old stuff.
The power of thinking is such that if you were to imagine your thoughts as a law mower or a car and you as the power, the control behind them you can better see the need for your being a thought witness.
If you were to start your law mower or your car, put it in drive and pay no further attention to where it went or what it interacted with what would be the result?
This is exactly what happens inside your head when you are not aware of your thoughts. They run around the same cycle of worry, stress, anxiety, fear and dread that you say you don't want any more of. Yet, without your being the power, the director of them you create on auto pilot exactly what you are thinking and in quantity of the energy applied to the thoughts.
The more passion the quicker and stronger the creation.
Turn it around and consciously choose a thought. Stay with it a few seconds. Watch what happens. Another thought similar to the first shows up. If you stay with this thought it gives way to another, stronger thought similar in energy to itself.
By being aware of what you are thinking and staying focused on thoughts in line with what you desire you are actually praying, asking for these types of things in general. As you get specific about your thoughts and guide them as you would the car or mower, you build steam, build up creation energy to move more steadily in that new direction.
What ever you are most focused on is exactly what you are creating the most of. It only makes sense that you choose thoughts in line with what you wish to feel and experience.
It makes no sense to spend time on thoughts of worry, fear and dread. These thoughts do not feel good and attract only more to feel that way about.
Write down what it is that you really wish to experience for today. How do you desire to feel, to be treated?
Write down a few words on this goal for today.
For example.
Today I wish to experience loving and respectful relationship.
Now go ahead and begin using your thoughts to see and feel this energy. Imagine yourself being greeted every where you go by smiling, helpful and caring people.
Get into the feeling of this.
Stay focused throughout the day on these types of thoughts. Treat yourself and others with this same energy and watch as miracles take place right before your eyes.
After practicing with these types of experiences for a few day, move onto something bigger. Keep it in line with what you can belief for.
The more you practice asking for what you are thinking about with consciousness, the easier it becomes to be the master of your own thoughts and your own creations.
But what are you really asking for?
The answer is whatever you are giving your attention to. The more attention you are offering, the more energy you are focusing on the asking.
This is the key to creating your life with your thoughts. Thoughts become things.
Not every single thought, hope, worry, becomes it's physical counterpart right before your eyes, but each thought has life that leads to more thoughts similar to itself.
This is why when you first start with a little worry it quickly grows into a mountain.
It also works this way with thoughts of what you do desire. The more attention you give to the thoughts or the thing, the situation, the more of it you receive.
The power of your thoughts is such that whatever you can believe, you can receive. This principle works with all types of thoughts, all dreams, all nightmares, all hopes, all fears.
Step back from your constant thinking and be the witness to your thoughts.
Some have reported that the average person has around 90.000 thoughts running around their head each day. Most of these are recycled thoughts, not fresh, inspired thinking, but old stuff.
The power of thinking is such that if you were to imagine your thoughts as a law mower or a car and you as the power, the control behind them you can better see the need for your being a thought witness.
If you were to start your law mower or your car, put it in drive and pay no further attention to where it went or what it interacted with what would be the result?
This is exactly what happens inside your head when you are not aware of your thoughts. They run around the same cycle of worry, stress, anxiety, fear and dread that you say you don't want any more of. Yet, without your being the power, the director of them you create on auto pilot exactly what you are thinking and in quantity of the energy applied to the thoughts.
The more passion the quicker and stronger the creation.
Turn it around and consciously choose a thought. Stay with it a few seconds. Watch what happens. Another thought similar to the first shows up. If you stay with this thought it gives way to another, stronger thought similar in energy to itself.
By being aware of what you are thinking and staying focused on thoughts in line with what you desire you are actually praying, asking for these types of things in general. As you get specific about your thoughts and guide them as you would the car or mower, you build steam, build up creation energy to move more steadily in that new direction.
What ever you are most focused on is exactly what you are creating the most of. It only makes sense that you choose thoughts in line with what you wish to feel and experience.
It makes no sense to spend time on thoughts of worry, fear and dread. These thoughts do not feel good and attract only more to feel that way about.
Write down what it is that you really wish to experience for today. How do you desire to feel, to be treated?
Write down a few words on this goal for today.
For example.
Today I wish to experience loving and respectful relationship.
Now go ahead and begin using your thoughts to see and feel this energy. Imagine yourself being greeted every where you go by smiling, helpful and caring people.
Get into the feeling of this.
Stay focused throughout the day on these types of thoughts. Treat yourself and others with this same energy and watch as miracles take place right before your eyes.
After practicing with these types of experiences for a few day, move onto something bigger. Keep it in line with what you can belief for.
The more you practice asking for what you are thinking about with consciousness, the easier it becomes to be the master of your own thoughts and your own creations.
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Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction
- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.