Start off the New Year with a Bang
Posted by Donna DeVane on December 27, 2009
A lot of people make New Year’s Resolutions only to fall back into old habits a few months in. Here are a few tips to help you stay on course for the whole year.
First get rid of 50 items in 24 hours. There are lots of things, stacks of magazines, toys, shoes, clothing, etc, that are not being used. They are just taking up space and making you feel cluttered. Go through closets and release these unused items. Move into the kitchen, sort through those “junk” drawers. You will quickly realize why we call them junk drawers.
If you have a garage or storage building go through and get rid of things you haven’t used in the last 2-3 years. Chances are if you have used it or worn it in 2-3 years you will not. Letting go of unused items frees up your home and you for new to move in. Be aware of emotional connections to the clearing out process. Sort through these as well.
A few years ago I had a client who told me of a painting at the foot of her staircase. Each morning when she came downstairs she saw that painting and felt bad. It was connected to something painful in her past. I suggested she throw it out. After much thinking on her part she got rid of it. A few days later she called to tell me how wonderful it was coming downstairs first thing in the morning now. If you have an emotional connection to something that doesn’t feel good.. THROW IT OUT! And the emotional connection as well.
After the sorting process is finished take it to the trash, call a charity to pick it up or get online to find a Free Cycle near you where you can re-house the items. I love using free cycle for toys, clothes and furniture. It keeps the landfills clearer and helps others who need these items.
Next move through your home with a bell, incense or smudge, walking around the walls of each room. This clears stagnant energy and brings a fresh feel to your home. Arrange the furniture, pictures etc in a pleasing way. Place a stone or bowl of crystals in each room to remind you to stay aware of the “energy” of each room in the home. A Feng Shui Sun-catcher is also helpful to bring positive energy into the home.
Now sit down and make a list of all the things you’ve accomplished this year. Note where you’ve grown in wisdom and understanding, all the goals you’ve accomplished. Pat yourself on the back a few times. Make a second list of all the things you would like to experience in the new year. Keep these lists together so that as you make a new note of something desired you will be reminded of what you’ve accomplished.
Come back to the 50 in 24 hours exercise several times during the year. You will find it easier each time to release stuff and the emotions that you’ve been holding onto as well.
Happy New Year!
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This entry was posted on December 27, 2009 at 8:16 pm and is filed under GIYAME, Law of Attraction, My LOA Creations, The secret, crystals, healing, manifestation, reiki, secret, shamanism, spiritual healing, stones, well being. Tagged: emotions, feng shui, new year, new years resolutions, suncatchers. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Start off the New Year with a Bang « Secret Design Creations
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Taking it easy with the law of attraction « Secret Design Creations
Taking it easy with the law of attraction
Posted by Donna DeVane on December 21, 2009
As a coach I am asked a lot of questions. I love the questions as they always get me thinking. If I don’t have information about something I know how to find out. Been that way my whole life and it’s served me well.
The other day a client asked me “what about all those people who live on welfare”, “they don’t work and yet they have health care, help paying their utility bills, they get food vouchers and even a check each month, what about them”?
I do some of my best thinking in a hot tub and as I relaxed in water almost hot enough to boil shrimp an idea came to me about this subject. What if these folks understand something that a lot of people forget? What if they understand that life is supposed to be easy, their needs are supposed to be taken of?
I’m not suggesting that we all quit our jobs and sign up for welfare, I am suggesting that perhaps we’ve been looking at the outer appearance of a situation and not seeing something important.
Life IS supposed to be easy. Needs are supposed to be met. Everyone should have enough food, shelter, clothing, health care to do a bit more than survive.
Perhaps we have something to learn here. I know a few people on welfare and they spend their days doing what they really enjoy doing. Most spend lots of time with their small children, learning about the world together.
The law of attraction brings us what we expect. If you expect that you have to work really hard for a really long time to succeed, then that’s what you get to experience.
If, on the other hand you see life as about doing what really thrills you, feeds your soul.. you already are successful.
I’m often asked how I got started coaching and why I do it. The answer is simple, I love learning and sharing that with others. It thrills me to help someone discover how powerful they are and how easily they can create the life they really desire to experience.
Creative Principle, law of attraction is easy. It’s simple and natural. You’ve always known that.. you just forget now and again.
Let me help you remember how easy life is.
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This entry was posted on December 21, 2009 at 11:25 pm and is filed under GIYAME, Law of Attraction, My LOA Creations, The secret, healing, manifestation, reiki, secret, shamanism, spiritual healing, well being. Tagged: creation principles, Law of Attraction, Law of Attraction.creative principles. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Heal_Your_Life with Law of Attraction - Do More Than Wish Live Abundantly
Today, right this very moment you can change your life.
If you are living in the pain of the past, shackled by emotional and physical pain..the Law of Attraction is at work in your life bringing you more of the same energy.
The principles of the Law always work, every time for every one.
Your feelings are the magnets, the Secret Attractors that continue the theme of your life experience.
The more deeply you feel about what is in your life and has been in your life, the stronger and faster the Law of Attraction works to bring more of the same to you.
It's not a Secret just for a few, The Secret to the Law of Attraction is available to you right now.
Your emotions, your past memories are keeping you where you are, locked in a prison of your own creation.
You can heal... starting today.
My new Ebook will take you step by step through the process of identifying the events of the past that are holding you in place.
When you keep the pain of the past alive through your thoughts and expectations, it's much like have a chain and ball wrapped around one leg. You may move forward a bit, but you alway stop before getting to far into a new way of living.
If you are not living the life you desire, you need this book.
If you are not successful, living joyfully and abundantly.. you need this book.
I have worked as a shamanic energy healer and life coach for over 15 years and know that the main reason you don't move forward in your life is that you are keeping your past alive.
o you experience recurring thoughts about the past and feel sad, angry, afraid?
Do you have nightmares, cold night sweats?
Do you have trouble trusting people and forming strong loving relationships?
Are you experiencing pain, worry, stress, fear and anxiety about your finances, love life, relationships with work, friends or family?
Do you desire a better life, more money, a new job?
Do you yearn for a loving relationship?
Are you tired of feeling sick, worried and drained?
Now you can do more than just wish for a better life, you can use the Secret Law of Attraction principles and create one.
Heal_Your_Life with Law of Attraction - Do More Than Wish Live Abundantly
Which one are you?
Breaking news!
Inspiration has hit me full force right between the eyes. This is the most powerful and life changing ebook I've written thus far.
Secrets....Yes, I reveal the secrets of changing your life from the inside out. You already know that your thoughts become things. You see examples of this every day in your life.
You've tried vision boards, reading books and watching movies and still can't get you life in line with what you really desire.
Urgent action is required. Just like I was inspired to work to finish this powerful and life changing book.. it's urgent that YOU take action to change your life starting today.
Just imagine how you would feel finding out the secret to shifting your consciousness so that you create in vibrational alignment with your goals and dreams.
Your thoughts and desires must be on the same page so to speak in order for them to move into your experience. The reason you've not experienced the reality of the new home, new car, new love, financial freedom.. is you are not in alignment with it.
You probably already know this. Your present reality is the direct result of thoughts, beliefs and expectations you've held up to this point. No exceptions. The law of attraction always works, every time, all the time. You attract exactly in proportion to your beliefs and expectations.
You've spent years bringing your present circumstances into existence. Nothing is in your life without your permission... nothing.
Isn't it time you do things differently?
Now I would like to help you experience being in sync with your dreams. It's my passion to help you discover and manifest your dream of abundance, prosperity, relationships, and all the joys that brings.
Imagine what you could do if you really understood how to change the way you think. What would happen if you not only had an intellectual understanding of thoughts becoming things, more importantly you knew how to really shift from the inside out?
Now let yourself get in touch with the feelings of being a powerful creator of your perfect life. Close your eyes for just a moment and imagine the new car, home, life partner.. feels good doesn't it?
How do you get from where you are to the fulfillment of these dreams?
Since you've made it clear down here, I'll assume you are interested and you are ready to invest in yourself and make major changes.
What does this information mean to you? It means I am offering you the tools to change what you think, how you think, why you think... into alignment with your goals.
This powerful secret is ready for you. You are now ready to grab this tool and apply it to your life.
I've been teaching self healing classes for over 15 years online and I must say this book is inspired.
Learn to understand why you think and create the way you do. This ebook takes you step by step, belief by limiting belief through the process of self discovery.
What if you could read a book and have your eyes opened, at once understanding why your life is the way it is right now?
Would you be interested in learning more? I bet you would.
STOP right now and picture yourself free from limiting beliefs. FREE from the endless cycle of creating what you don't want..
AND imagine your life a few months from now after learning this information.
You will BE FREE to create your life and your dreams in exactly the way you wish to experience them.
Certainly you feel the benefits of investing in yourself, in your perfect life. Do it Today.. and start on an exciting journey of self discovery, adventure and magical creating.
Follow your inner guidance right now and break free of doubts. Go ahead.. you know you are ready to change.
$14.99 After payment you will be redirected to the download page.
Heal_Your_Life with Law of Attraction - Do More Than Wish Live Abundantly
By practicing different thoughts you create a different experience. If your thinking is stinking.. your life will reflect that in experiences that you really didn't want to deal with.
By changing your inner programming you can change your life.
Learn to use your subconscious and conscious mind to change your life and begin creating what you really wish to desire.
Meditation opens up new connections in your brain.. making new connections for new thought.
Work with the Law of Attraction to program your thinking to manifest your desires.
Your life right now is a perfect reflection of what you are really thinking and believing.
You can change.. your thoughts.. your feelings.. your beliefs.. and your life..This is my gift to you.. for a harmonic life
Click here for more information on the course. Links open in new windows
Spiritual Coaching for Spiritual Beings Discover the power of YOU
Spiritual Coaching for Spiritual Beings
Hello, I’m Donna DeVane and I have an offer that will transform your life. I’m a spiritual healer and life coach, my joy is helping others discover how to live empowered and limitless lives.You have read the books, seen the movies, taken classes.. yet it hasn’t fallen into place for you as you would like it to.
What I offer you is coaching from a spiritual level of Beingness. You are spirit.. everything is spirit.. it’s energy. Things and experiences are spiritual energy brought into matter.. form through thought and feelings combined with actions.
You probably know that, you’ve read it. What you really need is a way to live these truths.. make them a daily, moment by moment part of your conscious thought and actions. That’s where it gets sticky for most people. You have affirmations all around your house yet the “old” thoughts keep coming back. You try to tame them only to have them pop up more often.
You are resisting.. and the more you do the more they come out to play.
Working with me provides you intuitive insight, I read between the lines of what you say.. into what you believe yourself to be. I bring this to your attention so that you can better understand how you are creating your life.
By working with spiritual energy you develop more awareness of yourself, and who you wish to experience yourself as Being. This is what we nurture.
Presently I am offering a trial coaching / healing session for a donation of your choice. Why do I do this? I was inspired a year ago by Spirit to reach out and help all who are willing to change. I realize that money is a factor for many who would love coaching but the money just isn’t there for you right now. You might also wonder if coaching really works.
I could give away a free session.. but you wouldn’t get to experience yourself as Being prosperous by giving. Money is a big hang up for most people. You keep putting things off until you have enough or more money. That attitude and the actions that follow keep you from having more.
You decide what to invest in YOURSELF. What are you comfortable with? I don’t want your utility or grocery money, I don’t need it. You are not my Source. I ask for a donation so you can experience prosperity flowing through you. You give something of value in exchange for something of value.
Here’s what a recent coaching client wrote me this morning after his first coaching session with me last evening.
“hi Donna
mindful stuff! i was looking for my homework to follow through with our discussion – i have never had such a discussion in my life. I have read many things in my life, but the discussion opened up many things. I am more conscious of my thoughts and whenever the “fear” shows i acknowledge and move up the emotional ladder
thank you
- Mo”
What does this mean for you?What do you get out of it?
Coaching from a spiritual point of view takes into consideration that you are a Whole Being. You are only experiencing yourself as a created illusion of poverty, sickness, etc. By focusing on Who You Really Are we bring your attention back to Truth.
You will discover how to work with your feelings, thoughts, experiences to transform them rather than fighting them.You will be given homework after each session to make it real. You receive follow up through email.Applying what you have learned is key to the knowledge becoming wisdom that changes you and your life.
You are so much more than you believe yourself to be and have experienced. Do this for you. Do it to change your life.It’s easy, simple and you decide the amount. All sessions will be held within 48 hours.
You are under no obligation to continue or buy anything else.I agree to continue working with you on a donation basis for as long as you like.
You can change your life today… the question is … will you?
Use this link for more information and to donate. I use paypal, have since it first started. Once I receive an email of your donation I will email you to set up a time.
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Saturday, December 19, 2009
Law of Attraction You Daily Living « Secret Design Creations
Law of Attraction You Daily Living
Posted by Donna DeVane on December 19, 2009
The law of attraction is often overlooked for regular day in day out stuff. Listen to the conference call where we discuss the LOA and weight, health, relationships, love, prosperity and much more.
Creative Principle is the Spiritual understanding of law of attraction. Just thinking and feeling will not change your life much. You gotta BE..
This is the first time I’ve used this system, we had a glitch so the call is in two parts.
They will open in a new window, they are mp3
Today is the perfect time for you to decide to change yourself and your life.
Coaching / healing is a powerful tool that allows you to access your answers within yourself. Working with a coach provides insight, intuition and guidance as you move through the limits and come into a limitless life style.
I am presently offering you a try it for a donation of your choice. The donation is any amount you feel led to give. Giving makes you experience the reality of abundance and creates a foundation to your subconscious telling it you are serious about change.
I generally can do the coaching / healing session within 24 hours of donation. This is a life changing opportunity for YOU.. it also makes a wonderful gift for others. You deserve the life you dream of.. let’s work together so that you can easily create just that life.
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This entry was posted on December 19, 2009 at 8:11 pm and is filed under Law of Attraction. Tagged: abundance, beliefs, change, creating yourself, creative principles, emotions, Law of Attraction.creative principles, prosperity, secret law of attraction, wealth, well being. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry.
Friday, December 18, 2009
The Law of Attraction and YOU How do you know it's working?
The Law of Attraction and YOU
Posted by Donna DeVane on December 18, 2009
You have read the books, seen the movies, taken the classes about law of attraction and still you have questions.
You know there is something you just are not getting.. it’s not working or so it seems.
It is working.. sometimes you just don’t see behind the veil at all the stuff happening on your behalf bringing your dreams closer and closer to your physical reality.
When you get in your car to take a trip, you don’t expect to be there the instant you start the car do you? Of course not, you realize that there is a process involved..
Everything in your life works with this same process. It’s Creative Principle.. always working behind the scenes to bring forth that which you are desiring to interact with. Sometimes it’s fast.. like the perfect parking place, or a phone call from someone you’ve been thinking about.
As long as you stay on track, stay the course you will realize the physical experience you are desiring.. but most people give in and give up before the seed of desire has been able to germinate and break forth from the soil of dreams into physical form.
You wouldn’t plant a garden and dig up the seed every few days looking for proof that the seeds are sprouting. You trust that they will do what they were intended to do, sprout, grow and produce harvest. You believe that things are taking place even though you can’t see them.
This is the way of creative principle, law of attraction. Things are always happening behind the scenes. Believe in yourself.. believe in your dreams. They are growing and taking form even when you can’t see the process.
FREE Teleseminar December 18th, 2009 at 8 pm Central time…
Join in and share your wisdom and questions on the Law of Attraction and You.
Dial 1 208 895 3842 enter passcode 685 995 to join in.
Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)
This entry was posted on December 18, 2009 at 9:44 pm and is filed under GIYAME, Law of Attraction, The secret, crystals, healing, manifestation, reiki, secret, spiritual healing, well being. Tagged: believe in your dreams, believe in yourself, creative principles, dreams, Law of Attraction. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Curved Etched Magical Crystal Energy
RARE Curved Etched Record Crystal 6846
$ 59.99 USD
This is a rare formation.. a true curved crystal. She also features selfhealed records and etched records.
By rubbing her etchings upward you can enter a Lemurian Crystal Healing Temple and receive teachings of healing, find balance, well being and spiritual understanding.
This is a very powerful and rare offering. She wishes to work with someone who is interested in learning and understanding balance and well being, applying it to self and then sharing these teachings with others.
Measures 3 inches
NOW $59.99
Messages for Crystal Healing
I am Sunstone, the power of the sun driving away the dark, dense energy held within you, no longer needed.
I have come to share my strength and power with you in understanding how to let go of that which holds you back from accepting your wholeness. Those self imposed limits you have kept for years deep within yourself, the reasons you choose not to succeed, not to be prosperous, to stay in denial of the wonder and power of your True Self.
I am renewal, returning to knowing . Together we will rediscover your true self, the brilliance and glory of who you are created to be.
I am acceptance of light energy, bringing you into a place of total freedom.
I will go with you into the dark, forgotten areas of your past and show you how to raise these areas to the power of the light, where healing and wholeness dwell.
This journey I invite you to will surprise you in it’s lightness and joy. I bring unto you the gift of healing, acceptance and fun, the offer of newness in beginnings and hope .
I will bring you into a place of light and acceptance with great joy and enthusiasm
I will help you to restore the vibrancy of youth.
You will remember your power, your light, and your truth. You will no longer fear your power, but will embrace it to live a glorious and joyful life which inspires others to accept their greatness as well.
Come, let us journey together.
Jewelry for total Well Being
I'm often asked why I create jewelry when there are so many folks doing the same thing. My answer is always the same. I create what Spirit Inspires to me to bring into physical form. My jewelry really does make a difference in the life of the one wearing it. Each piece is an answer to someone's prayer for guidance, direction, healing, prosperity. I am honored to bring these answers into physical form for you.
I don't create jewelry often, just a few times a year when I feel moved by inspiration. On this and other pages you will discover the difference in my jewelry offerings. The energy is awesome. I design jewelry for the healer, medicine person and those asking for these energies.
Price is as shown, no additional cost unless you want special shipping. If that is the case, please email me before purchasing. I do ship worldwide. My jewelry now circles this planet.. I am honored.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Fear is your wake up call « Secret Design Creations
Fear is your wake up call
Posted by Donna DeVane on December 16, 2009
Fear is a sure sign that you are being told by your Soul that you are not being who you really are.
Fear is feeling disconnected from the Whole, from Source. Fear is the symptom of feeling alone, being in a state of belief and experience that is contrary to Who You Are.
Most people try to avoid fear, thinking it points to a lack of spiritual understanding. The opposite it true. All emotions, including fear serve us when we keep our eyes and understanding open to what they are showing us about self.
You can not know yourself as you are without the contrast of who you are not. Hot would have no meaning to you if you had never experienced anything but hot. We know what things are by the opposites that we experience. This is a good thing. Problem is most of us stay in experiences that we don’t enjoy because we don’t understand that they are sign posts pointing the way to the next experience of self.
You can be, do, feel, have, experience ANY thing.. Your beliefs determine what you think and feel into being. Just because you have brought one situation into physical form doesn’t mean you are stuck in it. Use the experience to help you determine what you do wish to experience yourself as Being.
For example; you are not enjoying a lack of money. You don’t like not being able to pay your bills on time, go shopping, purchase wonderful gifts for family and friends. Most people spend all their energy fussing about how unwanted this situation is… how horrible, uncomfortable and don’t see it as the gift that it actually is.
A gift??? you ask??? YES>> it’s serves a wonderful purpose to show you that what you have created yourself to Be, in poverty.. lack.. in contrary to who and what you actually ARE.
By looking inside the present situation you will all the answers to what you are really wanting, what you soul is trying to urge you towards.
Fear is also a powerful sign. It shows you that you are not fear. Your soul is trying to get your attention so that you will look for the opposite of fear. When your emotions and situations in life don’t feel good.. that’s your soul talking to you, telling you that you are denying Who You Are.
When you use the emotions and situations to guide you to what you really are rather than just what you’ve created to experience you can easily move back into the energy of what you really are. Emotionally what do you wish to experience yourself as? Breathe deeply and let that energy flow through you. Now take actions that are in line with that energy.
Move through fear by taking an action that is courageous. Take a chance, do something a bit risky emotionally.
If poverty is your experience.. fill up on abundance by taking note of all the abundance in your life, around you. Next act abundant. Help one person. Give $1.00 to someone in need. This is abundance in action.
By remembering that all situations are temporary, that they have gifts of wisdom in between the lines, you can easily create the next experience.
Spiritual Coaching for Spiritual Beings
Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)
This entry was posted on December 16, 2009 at 10:11 pm and is filed under Law of Attraction, The secret, healing, manifestation, reiki, secret, shamanism, spiritual healing, well being. Tagged: abundance, emotions, experience, poverty, spiritual beings, spiritual coaching, spirituality. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Balance Your Chakras Transform Your Life « Secret Design Creations
Balance Your Chakras Transform Your Life
Posted by Donna DeVane on December 15, 2009
You are energy. Pure and simple, you are energy. Everything about you is energy. Your thoughts, emotions, actions.. all are energy. As a matter of fact there is nothing that is not energy.
Within you are chakras, energy wheels that correspond to color and certain aspects of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life. Whenever you feel out of sorts you are experiencing the energy that you are in a state of imbalance… asking to be brought back into balance.
All aspects of the chakras are equally important and balance in your emotions, body and life experience are the result of you being All Balanced. Some will spend more time trying to enhance the upper energy or chakras in order to “be more spiritual”, this is not balance.
True balance is the result of you allowing All That You Are to flow throughout the chakra system. Only as you are aware of and respectful of All Aspects of Self are you feeling safe, confident, spiritual, loved, capable, wise.
Pulling energy in by focusing on the colors of the chakras is a simple way to restore balance within the body. Go from red, orange, yellow, green/pink, light blue, dark blue, purple, gold.. thinking and feeling the colors moving from your feet to your head and down again.
Feel the difference in your body and emotions. This balance is maintained as you experience yourself as all aspects being One.
There in not a single aspect of your Being that is more than or less than another. YOU are a Spiritual Being.. all of you is spiritual energy.
Wearing clothing the color of a certain chakra will help you in restoring balance when you feel out of sorts. Let your intuition guide you as you dress… or choose colors for the room of your home.
You can also benefit from hanging Feng Shui Chakra sun catchers as shown in the photos in your home/windows.
Being in balance allows you to experience yourself as Who You Really Are.
Celebrate all aspects of Self.. Divine Spiritual Physical YOU!
This entry was posted on December 15, 2009 at 9:26 pm and is filed under GIYAME, Law of Attraction, My LOA Creations, The secret, crystals, healing, manifestation, reiki, secret, shamanism, spiritual healing, stones, well being. Tagged: chakra feng shui cures, chakra system, emotions, spiritual energy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry.
Monday, December 14, 2009
What Law of Attraction Creative Principles questions do you have?
I am interested in knowing what your most burning questions about the law of attraction are. Leave them for me and I'll write articles, do podcasts and radio shows to answer them.
I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts with me.
Oh the games people play « Secret Design Creations
Oh the games people play
Posted by Donna DeVane on December 14, 2009
Image via Wikipedia
I have a membership at an online game site where each member can rate other members with a thumbs up or thumbs down. Daily I am tickled by the giving of the thumbs to people who line up with player’s views of how the game “should” be played.
Keep in mind that all the players are adults. Most of the thumbs up are the result of players giving away their game pieces to help others get the most points. When a player decides to keep a piece in order to get point for herself she is often given a thumbs down for her self interest.
While this is a very silly example of adults acting more childish than most children I know it makes a very valuable point which when understood serves us well.
Our judgments of right or wrong, good or bad all depend on our personal preferences. When others line up with our judgments of these values all is well.. but.. when someone dares to have another view all heck breaks out. If it were only limited to a thumbs up or down situation it wouldn’t matter so much. However, our differences of opinion often lead to struggles, arguments and even war.
Can you allow that the actions of others are perfectly in line with their own views and beliefs about life or do you feel that you must insist on them seeing and believing as you do? Before you answer think about your daily life. How often to you use the judgment of good, bad, right, wrong in conversations? How often do you use these terms to get your children to cooperate with you in cleaning their rooms, doing homework?
Each person has strong opinions on how things are and how things “should” be done. This isn’t the problem.. the problem is the struggle with which most live trying to force another to agree with them, to play the game their way.
We see this in politics and religion. My way is the only right way is the energy of a lot of people as far as religious beliefs and political choices are concerned.
When you allow that there is not right or wrong.. there just IS.. you create a much more peaceful experience for yourself and for others. You have only to say “no thank you” and move on to play another game that’s more to your liking.
How do you deal with the issue of good, bad, right, wrong in your life?
I’d love to hear from you, leave a comment.
This entry was posted on December 14, 2009 at 9:30 pm and is filed under Law of Attraction, The secret, well being. Tagged: beliefs, children, energy, game, judgments, politics, religion, struggle, war. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry.
Leave a comment.. What are your thoughts about this subject?
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The power of delusion « Secret Design Creations
The power of delusion
Posted by Donna DeVane on December 13, 2009
Delusion is a wonderful and powerful energy. We create all manner of experiences that appear to be real and really are not using illusion, then we fall prey to our own creations and are in delusion of thinking they are all real.
This is why the creative principle is so challenging for so many people. They hear about the law of attraction and get excited at the promise of changing their lives. Making their dreams come true sounds wonderful and for a while they are sure they have found the key to everything.
What most don’t realize and why the become discouraged after a few weeks or months is that you must be willing to give up your connection to the illusion, you must be willing to realize you are under the power of delusion.. in order for anything to change outside yourself.
All creations are an inside job, you thought, felt, believed these experiences into the illusion of reality. You then forget that they are illusion and become deluded. This is a loop that many simply can not see their way out of.
Just like the once mighty dragon was tricked into becoming small, you have tricked yourself into believing you are powerless, that good luck just isn’t fated for you.
There is hope.. by working with your conscious thought, feelings to change your beliefs.. you can change the illusions and enjoy them. Once they are no longer pleasant you realize that you have only to create another illusion for yourself.
For more information on the peridot necklace shown in photo click the photo. It’s a beautiful metaphysical tool to help you see past the illusions you have created.
This entry was posted on December 13, 2009 at 9:52 pm and is filed under GIYAME, Law of Attraction, My LOA Creations, The secret, crystals, healing, manifestation, reiki, secret, shamanism, spiritual healing, stones, well being. Tagged: creative principles, energy, good luck, illusions, Law of Attraction, metaphysical, peridot necklace, reality. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
LyonZPath Healing OOAK Art Dolls Jewelry - Grandmother Lunar Goddess OOAK ARt Doll
Grandmother Lunar Goddess OOAK ARt Doll
GrandMother Lunar Goddess
Grandmother Lunar Goddess OOAK ARt DollI am the essence of intuition.. of knowledge and inner wisdom...
I bring you the Teaching of the Ancient Ones.. those Ancesters who have walked before you.. offering their wisdom.. to you on your path.
My body is red ... color of power.. blood.. life force.. energy..
I am wrapped with purple feathers.. opening the crown chakra.. seat of spirituality and wisdom..
My face is clay.. copper leaf.. embedded with Lapis Gemstones.. Psychic stones..
On my lower chakras.. is a moon..embedded with Tiger eye and Fluorite.. to open your inner eyes..
On my upper chakras.. a cab of Fluorite.. to cleanse, energize and heal.. bringing balance to the whole body..
I carry a dreamcatcher.. red and blue.. combining these colors gives you purple.. the color of wisdom.. hanging in the center.. a moonstone point.. goddess energy of psychic energy.. insight.. healing and flow of energy.
I measures 11 inches.. am signed and dated by Artist.. come with certificate of creation.. authenticity.
Price: $34.99
See the picture of this and other Spirit Dolls
Friday, December 11, 2009
Weaving Life by Design « Secret Design Creations
Weaving Life by Design
Posted by Donna DeVane on December 11, 2009
Dream Catcher Legend
Long ago Earth People saw, felt and heart Spirit all around. Becoming selfish and through neglect, most lost this ability. They began to follow every teacher, only a few continued to seek answers and truth.
A young man in searching truth and vision came upon a Spider who said, " I will help, You must find the Seventh Direction, Within". "I will make medicine to help you."
The old Spider bent a twig and wove a web within. She hung a feather for the Winged Ones, the Bringers of Dreams; a shell for the Water People, so dreams might be clear. She sat in the middle and spoke. "BE patient with self and others, share, do not judge, be loving." "While you sleep I’ll entangle the dreams that would harm you and show the good dreams the way through to help you find the Seventh Direction; the Teacher Within." The Spider then began to glow, transforming herself into a clear crystal.
May this medicine help you find the Seventh Direction.Read the Spider’s wisdom again until you really “get” it. Realize that you are the weaver of your life, you are the power bringing into manifested form those things which you experience. It is not being done TO YOU, but by YOU. This is empowering when you accept it. You realize that even as you are powerful enough to bring about that which is not wanted you are equally powerful to change what you are creating and bring forth what is desired.
Many do not see this. Religious beliefs have brainwashed them into thinking that it’s all up to some “god” up there somewhere who gives them according to some law.. those things which they experience.
GOD is the energy which created you to be a Creator.. not to be less than.. but equal to.. responsible for your life’s creations.
Neale Donald Walsch states, “we are God Godding”. I love that. We are created to be the image and likeness of GOD.. not undeserving creatures. Stop living as though GOD does not love you. Realize who you are.. the power that you are.. and create with that.
There has been so much information about the law of attraction that we have over looked the spiritual aspect of this divine principle. Go deeper, realize yourself.. create a Higher Expression of you..
Dream Catchers, Coaching, Healing
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This entry was posted on December 11, 2009 at 9:08 pm and is filed under GIYAME, Law of Attraction, My LOA Creations, The secret, crystals, healing, manifestation, reiki, secret, shamanism, spiritual healing, well being. Tagged: coaching, creative principles, dream catcher, god, healing, Law of Attraction, manifestation. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Healing heart chakra with rose quartz Balanced empowered women
Healing heart chakra with rose quartz
Posted by Donna DeVane on December 9, 2009
Rose quartz is a very soft, gentle and loving energy stone. It is often used for the heart chakra as it soothes the emotions, bringing a healing energy that allows you to let go of past trauma and be more loving of yourself.
Women are taught to always think more of the needs of others than their own needs, this leads to an over active heart chakra, where self love and self respect is often not experienced as deeply as doing for others in search of love through acceptance.
As a healer I work with women who have spent their whole lives giving to others to the point of personal burn out. Through the creation of jewelry I offer you tools to help heal your own body, mind and spirit.
Notice that I don’t often use rose quartz alone as it tends to work with the illusion that giving to others is the only form of love. I combine it with amethyst for spiritual insight and wisdom.. and with green agate for a more self nurturing and healing energy.
Mothers be sure to add these other stones and colors to your daughters pink wardrobes.. we want balance for our daughters. Loving others is not the same as always doing for those around us and leaving ourselves out.
I notice a lot of young girls today mixing pink and black. I love this.. they are naturally grounding the energy of love into their own lives. Most are not aware of this, yet we automatically move towards colors that we need.
A new spirituality is emerging where we are beginning to understand that true love starts with us loving ourselves. This is a good thing.. empowered women bring balance to our world.
Love yourself well.. always..
Take a look at my jewelry creations and adopt one for your own well being.
I offer coaching / healing sessions to help you heal your life. The link above will go to my website where you can try out coaching / healing for a donation of your choice.
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This entry was posted on December 9, 2009 at 9:28 pm and is filed under GIYAME, Law of Attraction, My LOA Creations, The secret, crystals, healing, manifestation, reiki, secret, shamanism, spiritual healing, stones, well being. Tagged: amethyst, empowered women, heart chakra, quartz, rose quartz, self love, spirituality. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry.
Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.
Law of Attraction Jewelry Spirt Dolls Dream Catchers
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