Sunday, November 29, 2009
Stop rushing about in the shopping crowds
I know the frustration of shopping during the holidays. To be honest.. I don't do it. I have all my shopping done before Thanksgiving. That way I can enjoy the decorating of the tree, cooking of food and hanging out with friends without the frenzy of the malls and shopping centers.
By taking time off from the rush and hurry of the holidays you can actually enjoy them. Family and friends are more enjoyable when you don't feel like you haven't slept in a week of Sundays and there is just way too much left to do.
Be good to yourself this holiday season. Take plenty of rests.. watch a good movie.. read a book, listen to music and dance. Eat out rather than cooking every meal.
Take long baths with candles and music. Get plenty of sleep. Feeling over tired leads to frustration and family arguements during the holidays.
Remember that you can say NO.. you can be firm, polite and still simply say NO to anything you are not wanting to interact with.
The holidays are about feeling good, having fun, sharing the love and joy we feel. Don't create stress.. let it go easy and with a lot of laughter.
I can help with the shopping. Visit my website for gemstone jewelry, healing energy stones, crystals, dream catchers, medicine bags, medicine woman shaman hair feathers and much more.
Buy today.. I'll ship it out tomorrow. World wide shipping.. no shipping fees. The price you see is the price you get it for. Each item is handcrafted and one of a kind. Once it's gone.. well... it's gone..
Happy Holidays.. and happy shopping!
Healing Stones & Medicine Bags perfect for healers
I craft each medicine bag by hand.. listening to Spirit.. Some of my medicine bags come with stones and crystals.. some do not. These are perfect for storing your stones or carrying them with you.
Right now is the perfect time to check out my site.. see what I have done.
Buy today.. I'll ship tomorrow.
World wide shipping.. no shipping charges..
Use link under photo
Weightloss Feng Shui cure.. Get in the groove.. create your dreams
Gemstone Reiki Weight loss Feng Shui Cure AVenturine
$ 16.99 USD
This divine energy piece brings the energy of Aventurine and Jasper, a wonderful combination for weight loss and self esteem, with glass crystal beads to enhance , self love, respect, insight in your life.The Jasper heart brings healing, soothing energy to the heart and heart relationships, while grounding your intentions and helping you to stay focused.
Measures 9 inches
Hang your Feng Shui Sun Catcher in a window to invite dancing rainbows, beauty and balance to the room.
This is perfect for the person who is loving their body and reducing it's size. Use the link to see this and other Feng Shui Cures..
Buy today.. ship tomorrow. I ship world wide.. no extra charge for shipping.
Dreamcatcher Wish makers.. perfect for Holiday Trees
I love these little dream catcher wish makers. Have your child make a wish and breathe it into the dream catcher. Now hang it on the tree. I use these on my tree in my living room. We all make a wish before hanging. The rest of the tree hang in window or car.
Check out the selection on my website.. not many left. Buy today.. I'll ship tomorrow.. world wide shipping.. no shipping cost to you..
Shaman Medicine Dreamcatchers Perfect for the holidays
I create each dream catcher the way my ancestors did, with vines gathered with respect and giving something back. I decorate them.. add "medicine" according to the inspiration of Spirit.. to bring this healing energy into your personal life.
A dream catcher is much more than just something to hang over your bed to tangle up the bad dreams, it's a help to your consciousness.. helping you to connect with your Soul's purpose and walk your path.
Each one is hand crafted by me.. generally once a year. No additional shipping.. I ship world wide.
A perfect gift for yourself.. or for someone who is asking for insight into their path.
Use the link to see this and other dreamcatchers I have on my website.
Buy today.. I'll ship it tomorrow.
Get clear for the holidays with coaching clearing session I make it easy. You just choose to do it.
Are you ready for your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?I'm talking about more than just coaching.. this is real energy work that will transform you today. Get your vibration out of the rut, lift it up and watch your life change.
Are you worried about the economy?
Are you concerned about how to make it?
What to do, where to go?I understand. Many are out of jobs, worried about their house payments, car payments.. what to do next to bring about more opportunities for success.
Stop worrying, stop stressing.. you are harming your body... you are limiting your life.
Perhaps you are experiencing dis-ease in your body already. I will help you experience a brand new you.. the you that you were designed to BE.
Dis-ease is connected to your energy level, to what you are creating. The body is giving you notice that something is wrong and needs to be balanced.
Let me help you find this point of balance.
We will root out the reasons for dis-ease and change the foundation of your energy so you will heal.I really do want to help.. and am offering a one hour life coaching / healing session with you by phone to get you started.
I have been a healer and life coach for many years. I understand the fear and stress of life. I am a mother, grandmother and do know about wanting to provide for your children.
You need an objective person to listen and lift you up. I can see behind the outer stress and into the heart of the matter. I can help.
What you need is an energy shift..not just more motivational conversation.. Let's get to work shifting your energy.. on a spiritual.. basic.. who you really are level.....
Perhaps you are one of those people who get excited about all these changes. You see change as an opportunity to shake things up and find new ways of succeeding.
This is great.. you just need someone to help you sort through all the possibilities and find the best actions to take to get your dreams rolling.Have you got plans and dreams for a new joy, new relationship? Are you ready to succeed in your business? Working together with me you can achieve so much more in a shorter period of time.
Let me help. Go ahead, reach out and let someone make a difference in your life. You deserve understanding and encouragement.
My coaching and healing work is designed to help you see opportunities that you are missing right now. As a healer I understand self imposed limits, beliefs that keep you from succeeding. Let me help.The best gift you can give yourself is getting your life on track.
Why am I offering an hour of coaching/healing for a donation?
Because I really care. It's more than the money, it's the change that is taking place right now across our planet. We need each person living free and successfully to move these changes forward.Rather than take on new clients as I usually do, I was inspired to offer this type of coaching sessions as I realize so many are deeply worried and concerned, you are ready for things to be really different in your life... no matter what your present circumstance.
This is my way of being the change I wish for the world. I desire everyone to live their dreams, to be happy, to enjoy life.
I know this is outrageous.. I want it to be. I want to be involved in really helping you shift your life.. live your dreams.. enjoy a passionate life..I'm not even going to tell you what I normally get for an hour of coaching. I leave it up to you. Make a donation that you are comfortable with. Here's how it works.
Decide to change your life
Decide to let me help you.
Decide how much you want to donate.
Use the donation button to donate with your Paypal account or credit card.
Once I receive notice of your donation I will email you to set up a phone call. If you are in the US I can call you. Outside the USA we can use Skype.You decide.. to change your life.. you decide how much energy to exchange..
You get excited, motivated, encouraged to follow your dreams and change your life.
It's a win win for both of us.I am also offering this hour as a healing/balancing session. Right now I am offering to work with you using my huge manifestation crystal to transform your energy vibration TODAY!
Many have asked and I will now offer your choice, life coaching or healing/balancing session.
Be sure to tell me before the phone call which one you are requesting as I have to prepare differently for them.This isn't a gimmick. I'm serious about helping. I will even promise to keep you as a client for three months on a donation only basis. This is plenty of time to get you started on the road to change and success.
You've got everything to gain.. so go ahead and give it a try.
If you have questions email me
Have you still got questions about life coaching and what it means?
I have a free ebook report that will answer many of your questions.
Use this link, right click, open in new browser to stay here on this site.
I've made it easy for everyone.. that includes YOU to get clear.. to heal your life. You just have to take action.
You get the same quality life changing coaching for a donation that my other clients get.. You just get to decide to give it a chance.
use the link.. decide to change your life today...
This offer is for the holidays.. I really want you to get clear of old baggage and fully ENJOY the holidays..
Cosmic Stone of Creativity GOD energy
I have only a few of these amazing stones in stock. You will not believe the energy of GOD connection. Use the link to read about them. I promise you will love working with this energy. Reiki healer's, meditation, personal energy healing work.. this is a must have stone.
Buy today I ship tomorrow.. No shipping costs added.. I also ship worldwide..
Tektite Stones Connect with your Guides
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Talk about Well Being You don't get what you want, you get what you believe.
You don't get what you want or what you need. You get what you believe
November 28, 2009Law of attraction is easy. You get what you believe.
Most people try to get what they want or what they need and what happens is they keep getting more of needing and wanting something.It's not complicated. It's about the thoughts, feelings and energy of what you believe. IF you WANT something.. Need something.. and that's what you are thinking and feeling about.. what you get is more wanting and needing.
That's easy to understand.. what most don't understand is how to shift from needing and wanting to believing..Believing is what you accept, what you know about life. If you believe that life is hard, that you must work long hours to achieve your goals.. that is what you get more of.
Look around at Life. Life is easy.. it's always moving, changing, flowing.. creating more like itself. This is the Creative Principle at work. It's set up so that whatever you fill yourself with.. multiplies and becomes more of like energy for you to interact with. What are you filled up with? That's the question you must answer in order to change what's coming into your experience.
Beliefs are learned. You most likely got them from your parents and then friends added even more ideas on the subjects of money, success, love, relationships and health.
We are surrounded with ads telling us that we will GET sick, we Have to work hard.. these make their way into the subconscious which is running the show.Changing these beliefs is the result of first understanding the program as it's written. I bet you don't even know most of the beliefs you have about life. You are just running on automatic.
A good exercise is to write down your beliefs. Take a sheet of paper and write MONEY. Now quickly without thinking write down all the words and phrases that come to you. Don't think.. just write.
Do the same with success, relationships, love. You will discover the basic foundation upon which you are building your life. Once you have this understanding you can begin to shift these beliefs. This does require patience and practice on your part..If you are ready to really shift your beliefs.. I can help. I offer coaching, healing, and classes along with ebooks to aid you as you recreate yourself and your expression.
Email me if you would like more information.
Posted by Donna Devane
Friday, November 27, 2009
Buffalo Teeth Turquoise Medicine Man Woman necklace Reiki Chakra Energy Jewelry
This is one of the new designs I've just created and listed on my website. I promise you will feel the difference in my jewelry creations. More than just beautiful to look at.. they enhance your energy and intentions to aid you in self expression.
Take a look at all the designs.. pick out the one I made just for you.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Being Creative Express who you are Creative Principle at work
Being Creative Express who you are
Posted by Donna DeVane on November 23, 2009
You are a creative being. You are a creator. You create. You do this all day long every day, every minute.
Now you might not be aware of it but each thought expressed into emotions and spoken out loud by words brings forth molecules to create that very thing for you to experience.
This is a powerful truth. Once you grab hold of this and accept that you are the one bringing things, people, experiences, into your life to interact with it’s a simple step to begin being aware of what you are doing.
Most people create without any awareness whatsoever. They don’t connect the dots between thinking, feeling, doing.. and getting. This is why it’s so popular to blame others, family, friends, employer, government for what’s “wrong” in life.
The real deal is this.. you are the power behind everything that you experience. It all started out as a small thought that you added emotion to and spoke into existence. You didn’t realize you were creating but creating you were and still are.
In order to experience something different from what you’ve had so far something obviously must change. The common behavior is to try to wrestle with situations and people and force them to line up differently. This doesn’t work. It only brings about more of the same energy; something to wrestle with and fight against.
Here is the truth. You are a creator.. created in the image and likeness of Creator. Whether you believe this or not doesn’t matter.. to me or to Creator. Facts are facts, truth is truth and you can deny it if you want to but it will not change anything. You create out of the natural state of your Being.. that which you are. Your thoughts are powerful. Your emotions are powerful. When these thoughts are said out loud they become things. Some may take a while especially if you are not very passionate about them, but they will become things. In order for you to change what you’ve been bringing forth you have to start at the beginning… thought.
Thoughts are generally connected to beliefs about things that you think about. You believe life to be a certain way and all your thoughts are in vibrational alignment with that belief. Most of the time you are not even aware that the beliefs are connected to thought, emotion, action and created circumstances. You just go on as you’ve always done, as though before you told and showed you and create without much awareness always finding someone else to blame for how crappy some part of your life experience is.
Now is the time to change that. Lots of people talk with me each week about how the in laws, spouse, kids, neighbors are their problem. It’s never the other person. It’s always YOU. The reason for this is that you are the one that like a magnet, brings all these things and people into your life. You are the common denominator, the energy behind your experiences.
When you are really tired of the same old way of living that’s just not doing it for you things will begin to change. In the beginning you will start to notice how the thoughts and feelings are showing up as things. Then you will start to shift your thinking, taking note of old thoughts connected to beliefs. You will shift more quickly as you practice being aware. One day you will realize that through a process of small shifts things in your life are different..that you are different. Your experiences are like a mirror that reflect what’s going on inside of you. It’s an accurate way to intuit what you really believe and think. When you are not liking what’s outside you and realize these you can begin with awareness to shift your inner self into the person you wish to experience yourself as Being. It’s all about state of Being. You can not experience something outside yourself without it being a reflection of the inner self.
My writing is an outer expression of what’s inside me. My jewelry, dream catchers, home, lawn, all are reflections of how I express myself to Be. This is true for you as well. You can not stop creating, reflecting your inner self in the outer world, you can however change the inner and watch in amazement as the experiences line up as perfect reflections of who you are expressing and believing yourself to BE.
Let’s get clear with an energy healing session .. special deal going on now. Full 1 hour session for donation of your choice. It’s your choice.. and action is required for change to happen.
Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)
This entry was posted on November 23, 2009 at 9:37 pm and is filed under Law of Attraction, The secret, healing, manifestation, reiki, secret, shamanism, spiritual healing, well being. Tagged: creatiive, creating, emotions, expereince, Law of Attraction. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The power of one new thought can change your life
The power of one new thought
Posted by Donna DeVane on November 22, 2009
I generally wake up early in the morning before the sun comes up. Before 5:00 AM it is extremely dark and if I did not remember where everything in my room was I would most likely run into a few things. I enjoy the darkness and the quiet with a cup of coffee first thing in the morning . Recently I decided I would light one small candle. After lighting the candle I sat for a few moments pondering the power of one small point of light. I was amazed at how much illumination one tiny tea light produced. This small light made a huge difference in my ability to see and move about my room. There was no struggle between the light and the darkness, Light Just Was.
This same principle applies to our thoughts and feelings also. One small, new thought can shed light to our whole perspective of life and how we live it. Mostly we have the same thoughts or same type of thoughts over and over again. These are the energy we bring experiences into form to interact with. How much difference would just one small, new type of thought bring about? It is an easy thing to change your life, you simply light a small candle of new thought within you. This light spreads illuminating other thoughts of similar value, giving way to new types of experiences and physical forms to interact with.
There simply is no reason to sit and curse the darkness when by lighting a small candle light will spread throughout. There is also no reason to sit in sickness, disease and poverty when a new thought will lift you from your present state of lack into one of abundance and bliss.
Just as there is no battle between the light of the small candle and the darkness, there is no reason for struggle between a new thought and an unwanted state of being. You have only to hold onto your new thought and watch in amazement as it sheds it’s creative power to all aspects of your life.
Change is really easy. Going from darkness to light requires only that you hold to the light. A new experience requires only that you hold onto a new line of thought. No struggle, no battle. Just the easy action of allowing one to flow effortlessly into another.
Get up early tomorrow and sit for a few moments in the darkness, then light a small tea light. Let the truth of the light work within you so that understanding flows. Now go forth and speak into Being a new State to experience.
This entry was posted on November 22, 2009 at 8:37 pm and is filed under Law of Attraction, The secret, healing, manifestation, reiki, secret, shamanism, spiritual healing, well being. Tagged: change mental directions, Law of Attraction, light work, truth. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
I hope you'll read all the articles on my blog. Leave me a comment.. I love em...
Are you thriving or just surviving there is a big difference
Are you thriving or just surviving there is a big difference
Life Thrives
Donna DeVane
When you awake first thing in the morning what is the first energy that flows through you? Is it one of just making it through the day or are you excited at the possibilities that the day brings? Most people awaken to go through their day working jobs that they do not enjoy so that at the end of the week they might have a paycheck to meet the basic needs of their physical life. There's not much pleasure in this. The majority of human beings fall into this category. This mode of basic survival is similar to someone with physical ailment that the only a pill to cover up the symptoms. The sickness remains but you can continue on doing what is needed to us to survive another day, another week, another month.
Many people are not only physically diseased but financially sick. Their relationships also suffer from this just getting by ailment. Rather than suffering with lack in so many areas of life you have only to turn towards abundance and well being in order to experience those states. There is only harmony and abundance, everything else is in the shadow. Rather than living fully in the sunshine most survive , living in the shadows of life.
You continue in survival mode due to your not believing in any other possibility. You're limiting beliefs create your limited life experience. In order to live more fully and express yourself more fully you must become as a little child. Very small children are alive and awake to all the possibilities that are continuously before them. They do not judge what might happen based on the emotion of past experiences. Young children anticipate good things and therefore the world is always open for them. When adults can adopt this attitude towards life, life will then fulfill their expectations.
Releasing yourself of past associations is the key to having the expectations of a child. You must first realized that your now is a continuation of the past. The only reason it is a continuation of the past is that you will not let go of what has already happened. As long as you hold onto the experiences in the past, disappointments of the past, they are sure to be recreated time and again in your present now. How often have you heard someone tell a story that sounds and feels as though this experience happened only yesterday? When you realize that this thing happened twenty years ago you are surprised at the amount of pain that this person still carries. Yet most people do this to some degree bringing their past always into the present.
Once you realize that the past is over and only affects your now due to your thinking and feeling about it. You can choose to think and feel something different. Through self discipline you can retrain yourself to think thoughts and to feel emotions that are more in line with what you would wish to experience. This is not hard to do, although it does require daily practice. Each time you catch yourself going back to the old experiences simply laugh at yourself and choose a different thought. As you practice new thoughts and emotions the world will begin to unfold as a magical field of possibilities as you continue to adopt the attitude of a child towards life itself.
Be as a little child and open up to the possibilities of each day. This is the surest way to live a life in which you thrive rather than simply survive. It's always up to you to choose the path that you walk down through your thoughts and your emotions. Choose to see yourself and experience yourself as a magical being living a magical life choosing what you get.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Dragonfly reminds you not to tangle yourself in your own illusions
This is an awesome necklace. I added a bit of whimsy with the little dragonfly.. Once he was a giant dragon.. but he tricked himself into being the dragonfly. Now he reminds us to be aware of the illusions we create and not to tangle ourselves up in them.
We are the ones creating it all.. so create with consciousness.
Be sure to check out this necklace as well as all the others I've just got up on the website. I took a few weeks off to make jewelry.. so you would have it before the holidays.
I also offer stones, crystals, dream catchers, hair feathers, Feng Shui suncatchers and more.
Love yourself well..
Friday, November 20, 2009
Rose Quartz Amethyst Medicine Woman Jewelry
I love this one.. pink and purple are great together. Love and insight.. peace, intuition..
This stunning necklace is one of the new designs on my website. Over 4 dozen new necklaces looking for a wearer.
Perfect for the holidays. I don't wait till after Christmas to mark down prices... I price them to sale now. I want you to feel the difference my designs bring to your life. More than just beautiful to look at.. they enhance your energy and your intentions.
Wear one today.. get one for a friend... Let's share loving energy and change the world.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wear the energy of abundance, well being, love. Jewelry that makes a difference
I love translating wisdom about healing, well being and the law of attraction into jewelry. Medicine woman healing jewelry is all about YOU>>> your power.. your well being. I know you will feel the difference. I create jewelry only a few times a year.. right before the holidays.. I follow the inspiration of Spirit to create necklaces with the energy to aid you on your path.
Check out all my new designs.. priced perfect for the holidays. Rather than waiting after Christmas to mark things down.. I price them perfectly so you can have them before Santa comes.
While shopping for others.. be sure to pick one out for yourself.
I ship world wide. shipping is included in the price shown.
Love yourself well..
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Rose Quartz Amethyst Necklace to change
Malachite Skulls Medicine Jewelry That Makes a Big Difference
This is one of the new pieces I just got up today. Only a few more to go and I'll be finished creating jewelry for a bit. I only create new designs when inspired by Spirit. Someone asked.. and this is your answer.
My jewelry enhances your energy and intentions. Visit my website to read more about my jewelry and see the necklaces.
Even cats forget who they are « Secret Design Creations
Even cats forget who they are
Posted by Donna DeVane on November 18, 2009
I share my home in my life with several cats. I don’t remember a time in my life when I have not aired my home with cats. Watching them soak up sun and window seal as they serenely groomed themselves has always been very relaxing to me. Recently though I began to realize that my cats have forgotten who they are. Sure they still bathe in the sunlight and enjoy a good game of pop about the house with anything not tied down, but they no longer have the instinct to hunt.
My daughter, the cats and I all live way out in the country where vermin or plenty. Are yard is visited daily by hundreds of birds nesting in the trees and eating from the feeders. At night rabbits hop freely through our yard. Deer run paths created most likely by their grandparents. We also have mice. Now understand me I have nothing against mice in general, actually I think they’re rather cute. What what do we go below noses and constantly moving whiskers and all that soft fur they beg to be petted. I’ve even had my life’s for pets purchased at the pet shop and kept in a cage.
Each time the field behind the house is plowed the wild mice see this as an invitation to move into my house. I hear you asking, but don’t lie stay away from homes with cats in it? The answer is no. These are these mice have never heard this myth or I must come to the logical conclusion that my cats have forgotten how to be cats. See my cats lay about the kitchen all day long waiting for someone to feel that dish with food Or offer a bit of Milk as a treat. The best part of the day is spent reclining about the kitchen or other rooms of the house lifting their heads when someone enters to see whether or not they will be fed.
I have mentioned to the cats on numerous occasions that they are supposed to eat mice. Only one momma cat will go to the bother to catcher a mouse now and again when she has kittens to wean. The rest of the cats lay about waiting for a human to offer them dinner. A friend recently said that I was possibly a overfeeding the cats and that’s why they would not go outside and hunt mice. I thought about that and came to the conclusion that my cats have forgotten who they are. Because they have all been raised inside my home, fed many times a day and petted since birth they have forgotten their natural state. Hardly does a cat even bother a bird on the bird feeder, a young cat will now and again will flick it’s tail and watch in wonder at the antics of the birds but it seems to be too much bother to try to catch one.
The cats have become hypnotized into a state of being which is not natural for them. Like most people they have forgotten who they truly are. It doesn’t matter a lot to the cats whether or not they remember their natural state of being hunters long as I continue to feed them. But for human beings it is very important that we remember who we are so that we can live life to the fullest extent possible. A lot of people run about like rats in a maze trying to work enough in order to get enough to be happy. Lifetimes are spent in pursuit of enough work so that at retirement one can be comfortable.
Human beings were created to be creators, working with source energy to bring forth one amazing human experience after another. Due to most humans forgetting their power to create and bring forth into form all good experiences life is more like a battle than a divine creation. Just as my cats have forgotten their natural state humans have forgotten as well. Due to this forgetfulness we create wars, dis-ease, poverty and lack. All unwanted states and experiences are the result of having forgotten who we are.
Upon remembering that you are Creative Source Energy bringing forth into form whatever you give your passion and attention to you can once again begin to experience life as you were intended to.
For more information on living fully
Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)
This entry was posted on November 18, 2009 at 8:32 pm and is filed under Blogroll, Law of Attraction, The secret. Tagged: abundance, emotions, energy, experience, healing, manifest, principles of attraction, secret law of attraction. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry.
Gemstone Healing For Windows Feng Shui Suncatchers
Making these beauties is so much fun. Combining beads with gemstones and charms allows me to offer you a powerful way of creating positive energy in your home.
With the holidays right around the corner.. thought I'd let you know that they look great on a Christmas tree too.
I offer them for weight loss, healing, prosperity, relationships, love and much more.
Use the link to check them out. I have a few dozen to choose from.. Each one is hand crafted by me.. so I know the energy is perfect..
Car Office Tree Dreamcatchers Wishmakers for the holidays
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Healing Cleansing Energy
Smudge fans are another of the things I love to create and share. I also have smudge kits, jewelry, dream catchers and much more on my website.
Creating for me is an outreach of inner understanding and wisdom. AS I grow I create a product to reflect that understanding and share it with you.
Smudging is a powerful way to clear the energy in your home or your body. Use the fans with smoke from a smudge bowl or even incense. You can also use them without the smoke by fanning around your body or home with the intention of clearing and restoring balance.
Use the link to see my fans, jewelry, dreamcatchers and much more.
Reiki Chakra Energy Medicine Jewelry
Goddess Healing energy jewelry
Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.
Law of Attraction Jewelry Spirt Dolls Dream Catchers
Blog Archive
- Turquoise Buffalo Teeth Arrowhead necklace Jewelry...
- Stop rushing about in the shopping crowds
- Healing Stones & Medicine Bags perfect for healers
- Weightloss Feng Shui cure.. Get in the groove.. cr...
- Dreamcatcher Wish makers.. perfect for Holiday Trees
- Shaman Medicine Dreamcatchers Perfect for the holi...
- Get clear for the holidays with coaching clearing ...
- Cosmic Stone of Creativity GOD energy
- Tektite Stones Connect with your Guides
- Talk about Well Being You don't get what you want,...
- Buffalo Teeth Turquoise Medicine Man Woman necklac...
- Being Creative Express who you are Creative Princi...
- Discover the Power of YOU
- The power of one new thought can change your life
- Are you thriving or just surviving there is a big ...
- Dragonfly reminds you not to tangle yourself in yo...
- Rose Quartz Amethyst Medicine Woman Jewelry
- Wear the energy of abundance, well being, love. Je...
- Rose Quartz Amethyst Necklace to change
- Malachite Skulls Medicine Jewelry That Makes a Big...
- Even cats forget who they are « Secret Design Crea...
- Gemstone Healing For Windows Feng Shui Suncatchers
- Car Office Tree Dreamcatchers Wishmakers for the h...
- Healing Cleansing Energy
- Reiki Chakra Energy Medicine Jewelry
- Goddess Healing energy jewelry