Friday, March 26, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
PodOmatic | Podcast - Donna DeVane on Principles of Creation - What cha gonna do with all this fear? Do you get the message?
What cha gonna do with all this fear? Do you get the message?
March 24, 2010 07:04 AM PDT![]()
Fear has a powerful message for you. It's like a flashing sign reminding you of who you really are.
When you stop and take note of the messages, the reminders, in what you are afraid of, you discover that you are love, peace, abundance, joy and well being.
Stop running from fear, look it in the eye and ask for the message.
You are the power.. when you realize that.. the world is indeed your oyster.. and all the pearls are yours.
Visit my website
My newest podcast to help you discover just how powerful you are.
Thank you for listening.
Go to and be a member, it's free. Then you can subscribe to my podcast. You can also find them on ITunes.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Life Coaching Mentoring
Life Coach Gift Of Self HealingThis certificate entitles you an opportunity for self discovery and working with the power of your own life coach. I offer you the change to give coaching a test run without long term commitment. You even get to decide what it's worth to you by making a donation.
As a life coach,energy worker, my joy is to guide you as a Path Finder of old. One who listens and helps you discover your own answers, your gifts, talents, dreams and the motivation, combined with courage, to share them with the world.
Self Healing is the remembering of Who You Are. Most have forgotten, being brainwashed by those around us since childhood. You have forgotten how powerful, creative, insightful and wise you really are.
You have forgotten your first Cause.. that you are the Energy of Source.. the Child of GOD/Goddess..What I offer is total spiritual coaching.. energy work, intuitive healing of past emotions, limiting beliefs, fear, doubt and a release of what is holding you back from the realization of the life you desire.
Perhaps you are starting a business, new relationship or just need some extra insights into opening up to more prosperity and abundance.
Self image, weight, fitness, health, wealth, confidence, motivation, starting your own business, these and many more are topics we can cover and move forward to limitless living.
Spiritual coaching will help You to change YOUR life by changing YOU. Your experiences are a reflection of beliefs and habits formed over your life time. We will look at these and shift them about in order to allow a flow of new thoughts, feelings, beliefs to enter your subconscious mind that better serve you and your goals in life.
You did not come forth in physical form to struggle. You chose physical form in order to experience yourself as Creative Energy, creating happily as a little child.
For more information you may email me
Sunday, March 14, 2010
HealingStones Home Page
Welcome to HealingStones
Welcome to Healing Stones for Awakened Empowerment
...Each item is either hand crafted by me or the Earth Mother.
One of a kind is the way here. If something is calling your name.. add it to your cart as there is only one of each item.
I offer FREE shopping consults by phone.. just email me to set up a time to call you, or give me a call.I started online in 95 under EarthMotherSelfheal. That first site is still up and running, but so full I had to create another website for this store.
My intention is to offer you energy that will assist you on your journey. While I can not make the journey for you, I can walk with you for a while.Listen to your inner voice as you move through these pages, be aware of the tug that lets you know something wishes to work with you.
Remember, I offer FREE by the phone consults to help you choose just the right energy for your adventure and spiritual journey.
Feng Shui Abundance Prosperity Gemstone NecklacePrice: $19.99
Generator Crystal Generates FunPrice: $12.99
Price: $24.99
Love Well Being Law of Attraction Original Jewelry Feng Shui NecklacePrice: $34.99
Price: $14.99
Price: $24.99
Green Gold Chain Crystal Earring Necklace Feng Shui SetPrice: $14.99
RARE Curved Etched Record CrystalPrice: $59.99
E-mail a friend about HealingStones.
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Parable of Liver and Onions
When you were little you knew life was magical. Children know these things. They expect good to come to them and it flows easily into their lives.Over time most children are talked out of the magical understanding by well meaning, but mistaken parents who think they are serving their children by preparing them for the hardships of life.
As children we give up on the magic slowly, but eventually most do give in to the pressure of parents and other well meaning adults. Then we start living the hard life that we were prepared for.. and it's gets harder to longer we struggle.
This little ebook will change your life if you understand what I'm saying and take it to heart.
I'm not offering you more information.. there are millions of books for that.
What I'm offering is inspiration and motivation to change your life starting RIGHT THIS VERY INSTANT!
You have inner wisdom, intuition, knowing.. far greater than what you are aware of. This parable will help you discover the greatest secret known to man.
You know about law of attraction, you've read the books, seen the movies, perhaps even worked with a life coach and still you are not getting it.
That's why I was inspired to write this.. it will help you get it. It points it out so plainly.. makes it so simple that you will laugh with joy and relief while you are reading.
Get this ebook and read it, then read it to your children, your neighbor's children. Read it to every child you meet. As you help children remember who and what they are you will remember too.
As a mother and grandmother I know the power of parables, I've used them for years with my own four children and grandson. They love the book, they understand it's message and your children will too. They will even help you to understand it's powerful, yet simple message.
I double dog dare you to get this book, read it each day and then let me know how amazed you are at how your life is changed. I want you to tell me about all the incredible things that happen to you starting day one after reading the book.
Go ahead... it's time to stop putting it off and take YOUR POWER back. Change YOUR LIFE!
I am not offering to sale you yet another ebook. This is an offer of insight, connecting with your inner wisdom.
This is not an offer to sale you more information. This is the key that will open the door to the kingdom for you.. if you'll read and understand what I've shared with you.
Do the children in your life a favor and read this, then share it with them. You will be amazed at how easily they understand the concepts and principles. They will put them into action at once and inspire you to the ease of creation.
Get your own copy of this magical book that makes the law of attraction so real, so easy..
How To Live Happy Be Happy
I know you.
You want to live happy and be happy.
Each day you seek to feel good and put the past behind.
Things just keep getting in the way of feeling good.
Things that happened long ago, relationships that didn't work.
You just don't get it.. why aren't you happy?
Abundance and prosperity seem to always be right over the next mountain you must climb.
Physical well being and positive relationships just don't seem to be in the cards for your life.
The Good News is.. you can be happy and live happy.
You can learn how and each day enjoy more and more happiness.
I know how you feel. I've been where you are right now.
I've learned the Secrets to happiness and joy.
Let me share with you what I've discovered as a healer and life coach and a person..
You are ready to experience all the good things you see others enjoying.
How to find happiness
Happiness is your natural state, you were born to enjoy happiness. Accepting this fact is the first step to living happy and being happy.
Until you accept that being happy is possible you will find only moments of feeling this way and they will be dependent on something happening.
Every cell of your being cries out for you to be happy, to live a wonderful and joy filled life.
You've spent so many years practicing not being happy that you've forgotten how to BE Happy.
There are steps you can take that will turn your life experience around starting today.
How do I know this you're asking?
As a spiritual healer and life coach for over 15 years, a mom, grand mom and person who has walked this path..
I share with you the tools to change your life.
By starting with yourself you change everything you experience.
I know you've seen, maybe even read hundreds of books on this subject.
Take a moment right now and be still. Take a deep breath. Fill up with the breath. As you exhale think and or say softly, Harmony. Now do it again saying joy.
Repeat this just a few times and you will feel a shift take place. Being and living happy is a choice, a state of mind.
My ebook takes the actual experiences of my clients and my own life and puts it in an easy to read, easy to apply and easy to experience form. As you read through the material you will have many AHA moments.
You are ready for this. That's why you were led here. This is the next step on your path to understanding and through that understanding... CHANGE.
Don't wait for happiness another moment.. right now.. get your copy of How to Live Happy and Be Happy.. Yes You Can.. and start creating a magical life.
To get your copy of this life changing book visit today
Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.