Let the past move you forward not hold you back
Posted by Donna DeVane on June 28, 2010
Things happen, you have a past. Some of the things in the past you think about and smile. Some bring forth emotions that hold you in a place that is painful and unpleasant. What is the power of these past memories? How do they affect your now?
That depends on what you do with those memories. If you take a different look at how experiences benefit you the past can be very helpful. At some point in life you’ve touched a hot stove or a candle. What did you learn from that uncomfortable experience? You learned not to do it that way again. You realized that candle flame and stove heat could be painful and useful at the same time. The candle can light a dark room, the stove can cook you delicious meals. You didn’t stay stuck in the painful memory of being burned, you learned from it and put the experience to good use.
Take that same principle with all the other painful things in your past. You now know what actions you took that did not work the way you wanted them to. You can use that information to take a different path next time.
When you are tempted to look backwards rather than move forward in life, take into consideration what the past taught you about yourself and your choices. What were the thoughts and feelings going on that led to that choice? Do you see how the energy is connected? Fear thoughts and choices create with that energy. Desperation creates with the energy of desperation. Love and hope create with the energy of love and hope. The energy of the creation will always match the energy used to create with.
Trying to create the experience of abundance with the energy of lack will always brings about abundance of lack. That’s the way creative principle, law of attraction, works.
Look at what you’ve created, realize the why of it and then move forward to a new kind of energy. Remember, if you can create anything, you can create anything else. There are always endless possibilities waiting for your attention. By learning from the past, you are free to move into the now and follow that to the new future.
I’d love to hear what you think about this topic. Leave a comment about how the past has helped you to discover where you want to go and what you want to create.
Let the Ancestors Guide You Amber Lizard Necklace is looking for a new home
Connect with the Ancient Ones.. Amber takes you into the ALL.. past.. present .. future.. to receive teaching from those who have walked before.
I used genuine amber beads, vintage German glass beads and a pewter lizard to create a very unique and powerful Medicine Necklace.
Measures 20 inches
Monday, June 28, 2010
Let the past move you forward not hold you back « Secret Design Creations
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Jewelry That Makes a Big Difference
I began creating jewelry years ago for my students. As you move into a deeper understanding of the metaphysical properties of stones and crystals you realize how powerful your jewelry is.
Providing healing, motivational, calming, insightful energy, my jewelry creations are all original. I only make one of each designs so you do truly get a one of a kind creation that not only looks good but feels good as well.
I find these designs are very helpful to people as a reminder of what you are focused on. For instance This Medicine Necklace is for either man or woman.
the center is a quartz crystal wrapped with copper and garnets.
it is surrounded by copper, garnets and bone skull beads.
Walk with the Ancient Ones.. listen to their messages..
Power, healing, intuition.. all this and more is brought to you through the energy of this necklace.
Measures 22 inches
Check out this necklace as well as a few dozen more on my website. They are looking for a new earth keeper and are ready to work with you to keep you focused.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Law of Attraction Tools for Success Abundance Prosperity « Secret Design Creations
Law of Attraction Tools for Success Abundance Prosperity
Posted by Donna DeVane on June 14, 2010
What do stones and crystals have to do with the law of attraction? How about books, classes, tele-seminars and such? They are all tools for your law of attraction success. Each helps you stay focused, keep your energy in the flow of what you desire to call into form. Working with stones and crystals for meditation, healing and focus work is a very old practice.
Shamans have worked with the energy of stones and crystals for century in ceremony and healing rituals. Knowing the metaphysical properties of a stone or crystal is a fun process. Of course you could get a book on it or you could sit in the silence and listen to the message.
Basically for healing work you match the color of the stone with the color of the chakra. This brings a positive and balanced spin to the energy center. Most crystals can be used anywhere on the body to restore and balance.
As a GIYAME energy healer I have used stones and crystals for many years. I enjoy teaching others to work with them as well. They are perfect focus tools and lend their properties for healing work easily and joyfully to the healer and the one receiving healing.
I have just begun a new healing class. A Journey Back To Self is a method of energy healing I’ve used and taught for fifteen years with amazing results. Every person who has taken the 22 lesson course has had amazing results.
You are taught about chakra spins, how to balance, how to release blocked energy which allows you to heal your life. As you let go of old emotions and baggage you allow yourself to live Free.. to Be who you really are.
You also get information of which stone to use where for healing. This information is the result of my working with the Stone and Crystal People over the years.
I guarantee each person who takes the class that if you will commit to working through each lesson and home you WILL see a transformation in your life.
I have a special offer going on right now where you can get the complete class for a reduced price plus free access for one month to my healing support network. After the first month the only charge you will have is $10.00 which allows you to experience yourself as prosperous. The network provides you with communication with me and others to ask questions and make comments about the lessons.
Over the years I’ve found that the intense changes taking place in students is greatly benefited by support and communication with myself and others taking the class.
Things are changing. We see it and feel it. It’s time to shift. 2012 is right around the corner. Get your vibration lined up with the coming changes. The transition can be easy when we take steps to cooperate with the changes.
I invite you to transform your life. While I can not do the work for you I will walk with you guiding and supporting your transformation. Click here, scroll down to the third option for the course and get your copy today.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
It's Your Time to Heal; Self Empower Course
Selfheal Lessons on CD or Ebook digital download
These lessons help you establish a better life and understanding of purpose. Balance physical and auric energies for harmony and health.
Taught for several years online.. they are now available for your home use. This option is perfect for the person who wishes to work through the lessons
Online Support offered.
Weekly lessons for self discovery.
Online support.
Heal physical and emotional pain.Find your Life Path and direction.
You will learn how to balance chakra energies, work with meditations, stones and crystals for balance and healing. This is my NEW option for this course. I am SO excited. So many have asked so here is the answer.
I'm reducing the cost of the course, it's a download. After purchase you will be directed to the download page. Save to your computer. You will also be given a URL for my private healing network. Your first month member ship is FREE. This will give you a good start on the lessons with video, audio, groups and much more. You will be able to post your questions and comments and have me respond as well as others taking the class. Great support while you are healing old hurts, emotions, clearing out limiting beliefs and moving forward in your self awareness.
After the first free month you may continue as a member for a monthly fee of $10.00. This allows you to continue working with me in a very affordable manner. I will also offer one on one spiritual coaching and healing sessions for a donation of your choice. I really want to get this healing energy out in our world. It is a time of great change as the Earth Mother rebirths herself and Us. You have the power to change you and your life and our world.
CD opens in Adobe Reader so that you can print out the lessons one at a time. Work them on your computer or in a seperate journal.
$39.99 Special Price.. help me get the word out. With this special offer I request that you tell your friends on Facebook, Twitter and other social network so we can get as many as are ready to heal their lives and help heal our planet involved.. right now.. We don't dare wait longer..
Ebook opens as a download in Adobe Reader.
This is a very powerful course that will change your life. If you are ready to commit to living a different life, let go of old emotional baggage.. this is the tool you've been looking for.
I've taught this course to hundreds and each one has rejoiced at the outcome.. they have come out.. different than when they started.
You know things are changing.. now it's time for YOU to change...
I have set up a network where I will work with you as you complete these powerful life changing lessons.
Change your life.. starting today!
Chlorite Crystal Healing Balancing Energy
Chlorite Crystal Healing Balancing Energy
Price: $19.99
This item is in stock
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E-mail a friend about this item.
This and other healing energy crystals can be found in my store, click on Return to Catalog above to visit today. Great energy..
Charging Cluster Clarity Certainty Crystal
Charging Cluster Clarity Certainty Crystal
Price: $16.99
This item is in stock
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E-mail a friend about this item.
Click Return to Catalog above to go to my store and see this plus others beautiful and powerful healing crystals.
Etched Lemurian Wand
Etched Lemurian Wand
Price: $19.99
This item is in stock
Brief DescriptionDetailed DescriptionSpecifications
E-mail a friend about this item.
Conscious Creating or just going with the energy flow « Secret Design Creations
How aware are you of what you are creating with your thoughts and feelings? If you don’t know how you got in the situations you find yourself in then you are not consciously creating, rather you are just riding with the energy flow. You can tell by things showing up that you don’t want. When you don’t think about what it is you really want to experience, rather you just get emotional and let your feelings follow worry, anxiety or fear thoughts, your creations roll with the energy wave of the emotions.
Start your day with these questions to get into the conscious creating groove. Who Am I? Line up with that. I AM success, love, prosperity, Source Energy, all potentiality. Next ask, What do I want to do today? What do I want to experience?
Realizing that you already are the energy of whatever you desire places you in the driver seat of your life. From there you decide what you want to experience. Lining up with who you are is easy with a little practice. Let it be a fun morning exercise. Begin with a few deep and complete breaths. On the exhale use I AM statements.
I AM Success
I AM Love
I Am Joy
I AM Prosperity
Let yourself really connect with those statements, that energy. You will feel it when you are in line with the truth of Who You Are.
After your realization of Who You Are ask yourself, “what do I want to do now”? “What do I want to play with”? Let it be light and playful. You are free to experience whatever you can imagine, whatever you think would be fun.
There is no reason to struggle, wrestle or resist. Life is easy, it’s one illusion of play after another. Get into the energy of joy. What would be pleasant for you to do? I Am Source Energy.. so what do I want to do next is the energy of conscious creating. It’s fun and easy.
All that you could ever want to interact with on a physical level is the same energy that you are. You are not disconnected from that source of supply, the Source of Supply flows always through you. From this realization you have only to step into what do I want to enjoy right now.
Line up with Who You Are, create from there. Be in joy. Have fun.
New students now being accepted for my course A Journey Back To Self. Discover your power, heal your past. Move into joy. A 22 lesson with homework course, with support through my healing network. You have access to me by interacting through the network. I, and others will communicate with you as you move through the lessons.
At the end of the course you will have all the tools you need to clear, balance and energize your chakras, clear your limiting beliefs, and if you desire, help others to do so as well.
Sign up today by clicking here.
Scroll down towards the bottom for the online course. It’s $39.99 which provides you with the complete course and a free month on the support network. After the first month on the network you can continue for $10.00 a month or work on your own. I will also be offering one on one phone coaching/healing sessions for a donation of your choice if you feel that would benefit you.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
The money obsession keeps you in poverty consciousness « Secret Design Creations
The money obsession keeps you in poverty consciousness
Posted by Donna DeVane on June 12, 2010
Money, Money, Money.. it’s the primary topic of conversation. Either you don’t have enough or you want more. Those with money can’t seem to get enough of the stuff and those who don’t have it are obsessed with the idea of having it. It’s like an addiction that takes over our lives. Thoughts of money filling your brain all the time, how to get it, how to keep it, how to prevent someone from getting your money, limit your enjoying what you can actually do with the money.
That’s really my point. What you can do with the money.. not the money itself. Money is paper or digits on a spread sheet somewhere. The real value of having money is all the cool things you can exchange it for. Even beyond the basics of food, shelter and utilities it’s good for trips, eating out, paying for higher education. You can give it to people with less of the green stuff. Many people enjoy using the money.. not just having it. Ask yourself.. what is it you want the money for? Is it just to store it up and play with it? Is it to have more of it than someone else? Is it to really let loose and enjoy things that you exchange it for? The exchange is where the fun is.
Shift your focus from having the paper to the new experiences and the feelings associated with the new experiences. That’s the real value of the stuff. It’s the pleasure, the enjoyment of life. Too often people get obsessed with the having of money, the getting more of it and lose sight of the fun, the joy of life itself.
The real question isn’t how much money do you have but how much are you enjoying living your life? Enjoyment isn’t dependant on lots of money. Actually there are people on the planet who have no money and they are delightfully happy. One of the main reasons that the obsession of money keeps you in poverty consciousness is your attention to never having enough. If you have fear of someone taking your money.. that’s poverty consciousness. I’ve met many people with loads of money who are afraid that the money will run out. They fear the stock market, they fear bad investments.
Money isn’t your answer. It’s a tool, pure and simple. Having it will not force happiness or security on you. Those states are choices you make each day with our without money. In our society we use money to exchange for other things we enjoy, that bring convenience to our lives. The exchange is the activation of money’s energy. It sets it in movement. Rejoice when you exchange your money for something else. Celebrate the energy you have set into motion.
Shift your attitude about money and watch more of it flow into your life. Release it into action with joy, knowing that there is only abundance, success, plenty of everything. This is true success, living your life with joy, with pleasure, with celebration. Use the tool of money to open doors to new experiences. Money is not the experience, it’s the exchange tool which like a key in a door, provides you a path to walk down as you celebrate your life and your creations.
I am now taking students for my new self healing course. Learn about balancing chakras, letting go of old emotional baggage, releasing yourself from limiting beliefs. Find out more today.. change your thinking.. change your life..
Listen to my radio show and podcasts for more information on money, success and joyfilled living
Listen to internet radio with Empowered Women on Blog Talk Radio
Monday, June 07, 2010
A Journey Back To Self - Self Empower lessons
Selfheal Lessons on CD or Ebook digital download
These lessons help you establish a better life and understanding of purpose. Balance physical and auric energies for harmony and health.
Taught for several years online.. they are now available for your home use. This option is perfect for the person who wishes to work through the lessons
Online Support offered.
Weekly lessons for self discovery.
Online support.
Heal physical and emotional pain.Find your Life Path and direction.
You will learn how to balance chakra energies, work with meditations, stones and crystals for balance and healing. This is my NEW option for this course. I am SO excited. So many have asked so here is the answer.
I'm reducing the cost of the course, it's a download. After purchase you will be directed to the download page. Save to your computer. You will also be given a URL for my private healing network. Your first month member ship is FREE. This will give you a good start on the lessons with video, audio, groups and much more. You will be able to post your questions and comments and have me respond as well as others taking the class. Great support while you are healing old hurts, emotions, clearing out limiting beliefs and moving forward in your self awareness.
After the first free month you may continue as a member for a monthly fee of $10.00. This allows you to continue working with me in a very affordable manner. I will also offer one on one spiritual coaching and healing sessions for a donation of your choice. I really want to get this healing energy out in our world. It is a time of great change as the Earth Mother rebirths herself and Us. You have the power to change you and your life and our world.
CD opens in Adobe Reader so that you can print out the lessons one at a time. Work them on your computer or in a seperate journal.
$39.99 Special Price.. help me get the word out. With this special offer I request that you tell your friends on Facebook, Twitter and other social network so we can get as many as are ready to heal their lives and help heal our planet involved.. right now.. We don't dare wait longer..
Ebook opens as a download in Adobe Reader.
This is the way to change the world. First we must change ourselves, one person at the time.
Several have asked me to interact with them to teach the principles in the healing course and I have made a network available to interact with you as you journey through the 22 lessons and homework in the self heal course.
If you are weary of just talking about problems, tired of fussing about what's wrong and are ready to commit to Change.. this is for you.
Once you pay for the course pay attention to the page you are redirected to. On that page is the download for the pdf file as well as a link to the support network.
Save the course on your computer as soon as you download it.
Love yourself well..
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Why are we still stuck in the muck with oil? « Secret Design Creations
Why are we still stuck in the muck with oil?
Posted by Donna DeVane on June 3, 2010
Oil, Oil, Oil, it’s everywhere in the Gulf. It’s not supposed to be all in the water, all over the beaches, destroying the wild life, the way of life of those who have lived and fished in the Gulf for generations. What’s going on here? How did we do this? Could it have been avoided?
Remember back in the 70’s when we were told we had to make some changes. We didn’t listen. The “powers that be” were trusted to keep us in fuel, to keep the gas flowing at the pumps and to supply us with all the thousands of other products that oil is used for. It’s in your food, it’s in your shampoo, your conditioner, your fast food, as a matter of fact it in just about everything. And IT doesn’t HAVE to Be. We have an alternative. With talk about Cap and Trade heating up we need to take a good, hard and long look at what we can do before passing anymore laws that lead to more cost for Americans. Cap and Trade is a TAX LAW for us.. it will not clean up our world. That’s what we want, but that’s not what the bill is about. Check it out online and see for yourself. It does little to nothing to change our environment, it only makes more money for those who already have billions of dollars. It will raise the price of all the products we are now trying to afford for our families.
The easy, cheap, affordable option if Hemp. Not pot, weed, but commercial grade hemp. It can be used for 25,000 products we are now using oil for. It’s safe, clean, easy to grow and maintain. There are no dangerous side affects. It doesn’t harm the planet, it actually adds to the health of our earth. It’s good for us, good for the air, good for the soil.
Once again we’ve been lied to and told it’s a drug. Not true. Commercial hemp isn’t pot. You don’t smoke it. Instead you build with it, make clothes with it, use it for food, paper, containers,
“Hemp can be used to make an astounding 25,000 different products. In addition to well-known products like rope, twine, nets, canvas bags and carpets, the fiber from hemp stalks can be used to make textiles for apparel, diapers, sheets, towels, tents, drapes, knapsacks and shoes. The first Levi’s jeans were made of hemp fibers which are longer, stronger, more lustrous, absorbent and mildew resistant than cotton. The fibers and hurds (a pulp byproduct after the hemp fiber is removed from the plant) can make newsprint, cardboard and stationery. Hemp fibers will also strengthen and allow paper to be recycled indefinitely. In addition to salad oil, margarine and food supplements, hempseed oil has been used to make paint, varnish, ink, fuel, plastic resin, solvents and lubricating oils. It can also be used to make soap, shampoo, bath gels and cosmetics. Hempseed is the world’s second richest plant source of protein and is cheaper to cultivate than even soybeans. Hemp protein can be added to flour and animal feed instead of more expensive crops like soy and corn. Hemp hurds can be used to manufacture cellophane, plastic, building materials, insulation, fiberboard, cement blocks and mortar, and can even be made into a fiberglass substitute.
A hearty plant with few natural enemies, hemp requires no pesticides or fertilizers. Since it takes only 100 days to grow, several crops can be planted a year or after other crops are harvested. the leftover stalks make excellent mulch. A variety of hemp used for industrial purposes contains only minute amounts of the psychoactive chemical THC that is usually associated with hemp cultivation. “ From http://www.lightparty.com/Health/Hemp4.html Read the complete article. You will discover that there is just no need for all this drilling for oil, invading other countries for oil. We have an option that can be put into practice right now.
Greed is the reason it’s not grown and used. It cuts into the profits of the oil barons, wood barons, and other barons. Personally I think those guys have enough money. They’ve done enough harm to get their billions. It’s our turn. It’s our planets turn to be treated with dignity and respect. Join me in getting the world out about commercial hemp. Write articles and include the ling http://www.lightparty.com/Health/Hemp4.html
We don’t have to make more laws which lead to more money for the greedy corporations. We can change our planet starting this growing year. Come on, stand up, let your voice be heard. We want change and we want it NOW!
My new healing course is changing lives. This is your opportunity to learn about energy healing and personal transformation. Click here for more information Scroll through the page for all the options. I’m sure you will find one that will work for your schedule and pocketbook.
Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.
Law of Attraction Jewelry Spirt Dolls Dream Catchers
Blog Archive
- Let the past move you forward not hold you back « ...
- Jewelry That Makes a Big Difference
- Join others in healing the Gulf
- Law of Attraction Tools for Success Abundance Pros...
- It's Your Time to Heal; Self Empower Course
- Chlorite Crystal Healing Balancing Energy
- Charging Cluster Clarity Certainty Crystal
- Etched Lemurian Wand
- Conscious Creating or just going with the energy f...
- The money obsession keeps you in poverty conscious...
- A Journey Back To Self - Self Empower lessons
- Why are we still stuck in the muck with oil? « Sec...