A Verb Is An Action Word It’s All A Verb
Posted by Donna DeVane on December 23, 2010
Do you Google for information? Google is a thing, not actually a grammatical verb. However, even though it’s not grammatically correct, it’s energetically correct. It’s all a verb. It’s all energy and energy affects energy. Thoughts are a verb, feelings are another verb. I’m not actually trying to teach a new style of grammar just pointing out something awesome. Everything is energy and everything whether it be a thought, feeling or action, shifts the energy about. Remember cause and affect, action and reaction?
Each thought brings about a shift in molecules which causes change. Those feelings you are experiencing are also creating changes in molecules bring changes with them. You see whether you are thinking, feeling or doing; you are the originator of change. What you change affects others and the planet, the universe. That’s awesome isn’t it? It also brings a new awareness of the responsibility you have to create on purpose taking into account the highest good of all. That’s even more awesome.
Take not of the action you are setting in gear. What cause and affect are you moving into play? Is it what you want? Is it what you want to create for yourself, your family, the whole world? That’s how it works. You, along with everyone else on the planet, are setting energy into motion where it expands creating more in it’s own image. When you understand this principle of creation your thoughts and feelings have more meaning to you. You understand the awesome power you are setting into motion and realize as well that everyone on the planet is affected by what you think, feel and do. You are always changing things, setting energy into motion where it expands and creates more like itself. This is how you create. It’s how it’s set up to work.
This cause and affect of energy is why you keep getting what you don’t want. You keep setting the same thoughts and feelings into action where the only thing they can do is create in their own image more like unto the original energy. The reason we have so much poverty is our attention to poverty. We talk about it, think it, feel it into more forms. It expands creating more of itself. The same process works for abundance. Thinking, feeling, being prosperous brings about more prosperity. We get to decide, you get to decide what energy to set free and expand. You create with those thoughts, feelings and actions. You are creating your own experiences and influencing, affecting, others at the same time.
Your thoughts and feelings are linked to your beliefs of who you are, how the world is and how others are. Your beliefs are the jumping off point, the start of your creating process. Beliefs that money is hard to get, that the world is not supportive of you, that life is hard, create just that. Trying to change the energy you set into motion with the conscious mind is not very affective as you will always create with your unconscious, those beliefs you hold about who you are and how the world is towards you. Changing out outdated beliefs is the key to changing what you are creating, how you are influencing the world.
Rather than spending time staring at a vision board look within yourself and locate your beliefs. It’s easy to discover what you believe as it shows up constantly in your experience. Take you life experience and look at it. What are the common threads, those experiences that you have over and over again even though you know they’re not what you want? Those are backed by and created through your beliefs which give way to thoughts, lead to feelings which cause molecules to be activated resulting in stuff and experiences.
Go back to the root of your beliefs, allow yourself to see where they got started. Experience the first feelings associated with the beliefs and then heal that first cause. Let it go. Cry it out, feel the emotions that were the root of this belief’s start. As you move through the feeling of the first experience, the conversation, the judgment that led to the belief you can heal it and let it go. Now you are ready to install a new program for creating based on your freedom, your power and your desire to experience something new.
Discover how easy it is to Shift Your Beliefs; I’ll help you through the process and set you on the path to FREEDOM!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
A Verb Is An Action Word It’s All A Verb « Secret Design Creations
Change the direction you are going or you’ll end up where you’re headed « Secret Design Creations
Change the direction you are going or you’ll end up where you’re headed
Posted by Donna DeVane on December 27, 2010
If you keep going without any changes you will end up where you are headed right now. Is that where you really want to go? Is it what you really want to experience? If you keep thinking what you’re thinking, feeling those same feeling, making the same choices based on the same energy you will end up with exactly what you are creating. In order to get somewhere different, to experience something different, something must change. You are what must change. Your thinking, feeling, doing; is what’s bringing it all into form.
What energy are you making your decisions with now? Fear? Worry? Anger? Resentment? Joy? Love? Excitement?
It really matters if you want to experience something else, something new. Most are stuck in a rut carved out by the same beliefs, the same thoughts, the same feelings and yes, the same actions. That’s why nothing much changes. In order for things to change… well… things gotta change.
When you identify the thoughts, those pesky beliefs that you keep creating the same things over and over with and replace them with thoughts and beliefs that are in line with what you really want to experience you will begin to notice a shift in the way things line up in your life. Notice how opportunities to make difference choices present themselves. With the new opportunities be awake to what you are thinking and feeling, that’s how you make a different choice. It’s easy to go back to your old style so be alert. If you’ve dealt with beliefs that limit and replaced them with new empowering ones the choices will feel easier to make.
Changing directions doesn’t have to be hard. Get caught up in the excitement of creating something new, connect with the feelings of having this new life. Let that energy direct and encourage you to move forward in a new direction. Getting out of your comfort zone opens you up to a whole new world of experiences and opportunities. Run with them and let the celebration begin.
Be honest with what you feel, trace it backwards till you discover where it’s coming from. Now you can let it go and keep moving forward. Practice this process of change and watch how your life changes.
I’d love to hear about the changes you make in your life. Leave me a comment.. tell me about it.
If you’d like a guidebook to changing things at the energy level check out my book.
Healing with Turquoise Energy « Secret Design Creations
Healing with Turquoise Energy
Posted by Donna DeVane on December 27, 2010
Turquoise Amber Frog Healing Medicine Woman Necklace
Turquoise is an all around good for everything healing stone. It’s been called the “Master Healer” of stones for centuries. It connects you to Well Being, reminds you of balance, love, acceptance and appreciation.
Wearing turquoise gently restores healing and well being to the body and the emotions. The necklace in the photo also has amber which is a powerful and beautiful combination energy. Amber is a stone of remembering.. who you are… how things are. It points you to perfect and aided by turquoise it’s a winning design.
Your jewelry is more than just something pretty that you wear. It can be a tool to remind you of what you are creating in your life. A powerful or subtle reminder of making changes and doing things differently. I suggest to my students and coaching clients that when making changes in your mindset and belief system to wear a necklace, ring or bracelet that you’ve designated as a reminder of you new path. This helps you to stay on track and avoid the pitfalls of going back into old habits while setting the new beliefs in place.
Remember, beliefs are only thoughts you’ve had over and over until they’ve become habits. Wearing jewelry to remind you of the new creative, thinking, feelings, being, doing, habits is an awesome, fun and beautiful way to stay awake, aware and alert.
Wearing a necklace like the one above constantly reminds you of well being, perfection and allows your body, mind and spirit to come back to balance. Be conscious of what your jewelry if offering you energy-wise. It can add a whole new dimension to your state of mind.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
A Verb Is An Action Word It’s All A Verb « Secret Design Creations
A Verb Is An Action Word It’s All A Verb
Posted by Donna DeVane on December 23, 2010
Do you Google for information? Google is a thing, not actually a grammatical verb. However, even though it’s not grammatically correct, it’s energetically correct. It’s all a verb. It’s all energy and energy affects energy. Thoughts are a verb, feelings are another verb. I’m not actually trying to teach a new style of grammar just pointing out something awesome. Everything is energy and everything whether it be a thought, feeling or action, shifts the energy about. Remember cause and affect, action and reaction?
Each thought brings about a shift in molecules which causes change. Those feelings you are experiencing are also creating changes in molecules bring changes with them. You see whether you are thinking, feeling or doing; you are the originator of change. What you change affects others and the planet, the universe. That’s awesome isn’t it? It also brings a new awareness of the responsibility you have to create on purpose taking into account the highest good of all. That’s even more awesome.
Take not of the action you are setting in gear. What cause and affect are you moving into play? Is it what you want? Is it what you want to create for yourself, your family, the whole world? That’s how it works. You, along with everyone else on the planet, are setting energy into motion where it expands creating more in it’s own image. When you understand this principle of creation your thoughts and feelings have more meaning to you. You understand the awesome power you are setting into motion and realize as well that everyone on the planet is affected by what you think, feel and do. You are always changing things, setting energy into motion where it expands and creates more like itself. This is how you create. It’s how it’s set up to work.
This cause and affect of energy is why you keep getting what you don’t want. You keep setting the same thoughts and feelings into action where the only thing they can do is create in their own image more like unto the original energy. The reason we have so much poverty is our attention to poverty. We talk about it, think it, feel it into more forms. It expands creating more of itself. The same process works for abundance. Thinking, feeling, being prosperous brings about more prosperity. We get to decide, you get to decide what energy to set free and expand. You create with those thoughts, feelings and actions. You are creating your own experiences and influencing, affecting, others at the same time.
Your thoughts and feelings are linked to your beliefs of who you are, how the world is and how others are. Your beliefs are the jumping off point, the start of your creating process. Beliefs that money is hard to get, that the world is not supportive of you, that life is hard, create just that. Trying to change the energy you set into motion with the conscious mind is not very affective as you will always create with your unconscious, those beliefs you hold about who you are and how the world is towards you. Changing out outdated beliefs is the key to changing what you are creating, how you are influencing the world.
Rather than spending time staring at a vision board look within yourself and locate your beliefs. It’s easy to discover what you believe as it shows up constantly in your experience. Take you life experience and look at it. What are the common threads, those experiences that you have over and over again even though you know they’re not what you want? Those are backed by and created through your beliefs which give way to thoughts, lead to feelings which cause molecules to be activated resulting in stuff and experiences.
Go back to the root of your beliefs, allow yourself to see where they got started. Experience the first feelings associated with the beliefs and then heal that first cause. Let it go. Cry it out, feel the emotions that were the root of this belief’s start. As you move through the feeling of the first experience, the conversation, the judgment that led to the belief you can heal it and let it go. Now you are ready to install a new program for creating based on your freedom, your power and your desire to experience something new.
Discover how easy it is to Shift Your Beliefs; I’ll help you through the process and set you on the path to FREEDOM!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Healing With Crystals Holiday Special Extended Free Coaching Reduced Prices
Happy Holidays to you! Something Special Just for YOU...From now till January 15th each purchase up to $100.00 gets you a FREE 30 minute phone coaching session with me....!!!
Want Even MORE????? OK! $100.00 to $200.00 gets you a one hour coaching session FREE! Over $200.00 in purchases and you'll receive 2 Full Hours of Free Coaching! Give yourself something that will change your life while shopping for your family and friends on my website!
Offer good for limited time only... I've set aside loads of time just for you this holiday season. You owe it to yourself to love and nurture your own body, mind and spirit. I'm making it easy for you!Once your purchase is made I'll email you to set your coaching time. Day, evening and weekend slots available thur January 15th! If you would like help shopping, see the link below to set up a FREE shopping consult with me.
NOTE>>> A Journey Back To Self Book is now reduced in price.. Buy several for stocking stuffers and Christmas gifts..
HO HO HO Merry Christmas!Prices Marked down on many items throughout my website for the holidays.Check out the special deals on jewelry, dream catchers, sun catchers, healing gemstone jewelry! Great gifts for you and your friends!
Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.