Chaos and Change Power of Something New
Posted by Donna DeVane on August 16, 2011
The death of of a Caterpillar is the birth of a butterfly. The end of the seed is the beginning of a plant. Destruction of night time instruction of day. In these examples I’m attempting to make a point, spreads with some understanding chaos as a part of change. Without endings there’s never a beginning. Globally we’re seeing the ending of the way America used to be. Not long ago and now, was number one in producing products for export, not today. American corporations have taken the American taxpayer money and moved their whole business overseas to be assured of higher profits. At present up to 30% of Americans are unemployed or underemployed. Bankruptcy numbers increase almost daily. Even our food isn’t real anymore as its genetically modified play it, an animal, an insecticide combinations. Our work contains fluoride and other toxic chemicals, vaccines contain mercury and what is supposed to be medicine often causes more harm than good.
We have military bases in practically every country on the planet, and are involved in 4 to 6 wars at the present time. What is going on? Is the whole world coming apart at the seams, is it be the end of life as we’ve known it? Millions across the globe are asking what can we do now, how can we make this better? Fear is prevalent America and across the globe hundreds of millions of people realize that the power, control, and natural resources is increasingly in fewer and fewer hands. What does it mean, how did we get to this point, and most importantly why can we do now?
How we got to this point is simple weekday of a personal power and authority away a to a small group of people. For thousands of years we have let the religious and political leaders decide for us on more and more issues. Humanity has become less and less aware of our own power to divert our lives and make wise decisions. We’ve been programmed to always look outside of ourselves to some other authority for help, safety, and wisdom. Now as we look at the power of corruption and greed sitting home here in America as well as other countries across the globe, we feel fear. It’s time for us to take action using the fear as the energy to move us forward. There are after all below onions and a lot of us, regular humanity, then there are of the ruling class.
We have only to decide to reclaim our power and self govern. Now that we’ve been painted into a corner it’s time to not be concerned about walking in the wet paint, it’s time to run through the wet paint into a new creation of our choice. The question before us now is what type of life do we want to live? Will we take the energy of chaos and change it into something more acceptable to all of us? Like now the fewest of humanity has the vast majority of all well sources. While millions died from lack of food and clean water that few of the talk tell us we need to sacrifice and cut back while living in their $50,000,000 homes and flying in their private jets. This is completely insane!
As individuals or as the global residents of earth we can change this. There’s no doubt that we have the power and the ability to make things different, the only question is will we come together as ONE People and do so. It’s time for us as individuals to ask ourselves honestly who have we given our power to? Why have we given up by authority over our own lives? What lies and deceit have we bought into that we now feel dependent upon all those outside of us to make our choices and decisions? We need to understand that the battle for power and control begins the moment we are born. Parents and other adults expect, sometimes even demand, that we comply with their wishes. Some degree this is helpful to we need to learn that a hot stove will burn, falling out of trees can break bones, and playing in traffic is not a wise choice. However when religious and political authorities combined with teachers and other adults try to force compliance over every belief and action we began going downhill in our experience of being powerful beings. More often than not it takes tremendous conflict and chaos before we break out against the system programmed within us from others and make different choices. This where we all are at the present time.
We are faced with a choice, do we continue to go along with the program is planned or do we make use of the fear and the chaos to create something different and more to our liking? Regardless of whether it is on a personal level or a global level the principles of creation work the same. Four great change comes great chaos. In a moment of chaos you can look fear in the eye and choose to act rather than continue to react. When you choose two that you begin the process of creating a brand new experience for yourself and because we are all connected, you begin changing the world. We all the ones we’ve been waiting for, as the Hopi Elders say. Time of great ending can be used as the catapult for humanity to create a wonderful and brand new beginning.
The power is in your hand, the choice is yours, you have only to decide to create something better and different. Decide to create a brand new life experience for yourself and watch as it magically transforms the world around you. You have the power, you all are the power!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Chaos and Change Power of Something New « Secret Design Creations
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Life is an all you can eat buffet « Secret Design Creations
Life is an all you can eat buffet
Posted by Donna DeVane on August 13, 2011
Have you ever been to in all you can eat restaurant? When you work in the door you’re surrounded by all manner of food, each call that vegetables and glorious dessert. All you have to do to begin dining is take a plate and begin filling it with just what you want. You are not obligated to eat everything that offered, can pick and choose exactly what you want. The great thing about all you can eat buffets and is that why are all manner of food is offered now are the one who gets decide what you eat. If you don’t like liver and onions you simply do not put it on your plate. If you prefer fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy then you heap your plate full of that.
Life is like an all you can eat buffet. You were always surrounded by millions of choices. You alone get to decide what you will experience. And just like at the buffet if you don’t like what you choose you are not obligated to consume it. And I’ll personally do not like liver and onions so when I go to the buffet and I simply do not choose that dish. I don’t fuss and make a scene, by simply choose something more to my liking. I don’t try to force the restaurant to stop serving liver and I onions either. I noticed the liver and onions are being offered and move right along to choose exactly what I want. Most of our unhappiness and two to staying focused on what we don’t want to go longer than on what we do want. Where your attention goes creation grows.
Getting what you want is much easier than you’ve been taught. Simply spend more time thinking, feeling it, and believing you can have what you want then you do focused on what you don’t want. You would think me silly if I went to the restaurant and had a fit the cause the restaurant serve liver and onions and I don’t like them. How long would I have to complain about not liking liver and onions before I got something different? Wouldn’t it be much simpler to notice the liver and onions and then walk to the chicken and put that on my plate? Something to think about; how often do you really want chicken yet spend most of your day complaining about the liver and onions you have? Doesn’t it make more stance simply focus on the chicken?
This is the process of creating with law of attraction principles and once you understand how simple it is you will pay more attention to what you are focused on and make sure that your thoughts, feelings, and actions lead you to what it is wanted rather than more of what is unwanted. Doing what you want mail eat it is the result of paying attention only to what is wanted. There is no harm and noticing unwanted situations just don’t stay there too long. Know what you want, delete that you can have it, and keep working in that direction. The way of successfully creating what you want every time. Have fun with the process and create to your little hearts content.
Visit today
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011 How to Thrive in a Survival Mindset World eBook: Donna Devane: Kindle Store
This is my newest boo, How to Thrive in a Survival Mindset World. It packs a punch to break you out of limiting thinking so that you can experience life fully and joyfully. It's a kindle book, don't worry if you don't have kindle, there is a free software download so you can read it on your PC or laptop.
It will be in print as well soon, I encourage you to get a copy and share the link with all your friends. It's time for us to be Awake, Aware, Alert and Create on Purpose.
Monday, August 01, 2011
Spirit answers to YOUR Questions
You've got questions... about love, money, happiness, success... we'll let's find some answers!
I've worked with many people helping them to find the answers to life's questions using tarot and intuitive psychic readings. As a healer who has worked with the healing properties of stones and crystals for many years now, I am also offering a message from a stone or crystal at the end of your session. As I was sitting in the silence this morning I received the message from Spirit to add this to each reading for those who wish to hear. Stones and crystals have been used for centuries for their healing properties as well as meditation and focus helpers.
Now it's your time to get a reading that gets to the heart of the matter.. where your answers are.
If you are ready to discover the next step in your journey you have come to the right place at the right time. This offer will not stay here forever.. it will be up off and on as I am led to help people in this way. You must decide you want answers.. you must decide to exchange energy for the answers.. you must decide to follow the guidance Spirit offers you.
You can change your life today.. or keep struggling around in the dark and confusion. The choice is yours. I have answered Spirit's call to help you.. will you answer and make an appointment? What do you need answers to? Do you need a job? Is your love life in heaps? Do you want to know the next step to success? I'll help you hear from Spirit.. connect with you Spirit Guides and teach you how to listen.. to your answers..
Here's how it works.. you click the button..under the crystal investing $20.00 to communicate with Spirit.
I will email you within a few hours with my phone number and confirm your time. Remember I'm in central.. so be sure to adjust for your time zone. We can also use Skype for the call. Add me under earthmotherselfheal
The email will also includes steps I want you to take to prepare for the reading. It is important that you follow these steps as it places you in a more receptive energy. Visit the site with the link below to hear an audio message I've made just for you. Donna DeVane: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Get your answer from Spirit
You've got questions... about love, money, happiness, success... we'll let's find some answers!
I've worked with many people helping them to find the answers to life's questions using tarot and intuitive psychic readings. Now it's your time to get a reading that gets to the heart of the matter.. where your answers are.
If you are ready to discover the next step in your journey you have come to the right place at the right time. This offer will not stay here forever.. it will be up off and on as I am led to help people in this way. You must decide you want answers.. you must decide to exchange energy for the answers.. you must decide to follow the guidance Spirit offers you.
You can change your life today.. or keep struggling around in the dark and confussion. The choice is yours. I have answered Spirit's call to help you.. will you answer and make an appointment? What do you need answers to? Do you need a job? Is your love life in heaps? Do you want to know the next step to success? I'll help you hear from Spirit.. connect with you Spirit Guides and teach you how to listen.. to your answers..
Here's how it works.. you click the button..under the crystal investing $20.00 to communicate with Spirit.
I will email you within a few hours with my phone number and confirm your time. Remember I'm in central.. so be sure to adjust for your time zone.
The email will also includes steps I want you to take to prepare for the reading. It is important that you follow these steps as it places you in a more receptive energy.
Get My Answers | |
$ 20.00 USD | |
Your answers are just a few hours away! |
Pick your time
I do readings from 11 am to 8 pm central time. I will get a form for you here soon, in the meantime be ready with at least two times that are good for you. I schedule all calls on the hour. Each call is 45 minutes long. If you wish to use Skype for the call please add me now. earthmotherselfheal
I can fit you in if it's an emergency. I don't schedule every hour, so there is always an open slot or two for those who need help NOW!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Medicine Dream Catchers to help you stay on track
I've been busy creating some new dream catchers. These are not intended for just hanging up, they are "medicine" dream catchers. Each one is hand woven and I add items Spirit tells me the new Earth Keeper needs to stay on path.
Perhaps I've created one just for you.
I'm adding a few a day so keep checking back if you don't hear one calling you.
Remember I also do custom work, all you have to do is ask. I'll talk with you on the phone, the consult is free and we'll see what Spirit has to say.
I also have stones, crystals, gemstone jewelry, hair feathers and sun catchers. All are hand crafted by either me or the Earth Mother.
Visit The Barefoot Guru today and see what's calling you.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
YouTube - Japan evacuating now! Nuclear meltdown! Tokyo Evacuation! Japan meltdown www keepvid com
Japan evacuating now! Nuclear meltdown! Tokyo Evacuation! Japan meltdown www keepvid com
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It's My Time Stand Against Sexual Abuse Assault
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Monday, March 28, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Death Destruction Radiation « Secret Design Creations
Death Destruction Radiation
Posted by Donna DeVane on March 15, 2011
Listen to internet radio with Empowered Women on Blog Talk RadioAs the world watches in horror at one explosion after another in Japan I wonder if we are getting the message. Do we see how this destruction falls to us, how it’s our responsibility? We continue to use technology without any concern for the future. When nuclear power plants were first being built there was concern as to their long term safety as well as questions about what to do with the radioactive waste products. While some chained themselves to fences in protest most of the world only heard how much more cheaply power would be for household use.
Well, the cost of electricity isn’t any cheaper and it’s much more dangerous. Of the over 100 power plants here in America several of them are along fault lines. There is the chance of the same thing happening here as we are witnessing in Japan. We still have people pushing to build even more nuclear plants, in neighborhoods and on boats at sea. Have we gone insane?
Is this the best that humanity can do? At what point do we understand that insisting on different results from the same actions is the very definition of insanity?
As clean coal power plants are shut down across America the push by the likes of GE continues to build even more radiation centers. What’s the root of this? Is it about providing energy to Americans at a cheaper price? Is it about reliability??? Or is it about control and profit?
In one quarter American corporations made almost 1 1/2 TRILLION DOLLARS in PROFIT! All the while over 27 millions Americans are unemployed or under employed. Greed is the root of our problems. Greed for money, power and control.
This is nothing new. History reveals the few controlling the many for thousands of years. Fear of GOD and the politics of government and religion have kept humanity enslaved throughout the history of man. It’s time for us to wake up and see what’s going on. We can be free, we only have to open our minds, hearts and eyes to step into our power. This means we take responsibility for what’s happening in not only our private lives, but what’s happening in our world as well. We have given our consent to what’s happening in Japan. We sat silent as technology was used to create such a destructive force.
We have scientists crashing molecules into each other under ground and they even admit they don’t know what the results will be. We have GMO foods, really not food at all, flooding our grocery shelves. We are told to take vaccines that contain poison, to drink poison in our water, to swallow pills that cause more damage that the reason you take them for. When do we wake up?
Throughout history mankind has suffered through the greed and destruction of the few until things became so horrible that a few just couldn’t stand it any longer. At that point people began realizing that things could be different. Force was used to change things and it was generally very bloody, ugly and hard.
We don’t have to do it that way this time. We can wake up now and make different choices. We can begin supporting new technology that provides energy for us all at no risk. We can turn on our creativity and come up with something better than what we’ve created to this point.
It’s time to WAKE UP! I invite you to join me on Empowered Women Radio and share your thoughts.
Sunday, March 06, 2011
Feel Better Today Create Something Better for Yourself
Every month I run a contest. This month, March, each time you watch and comment on one of my YouTube videos you are entered into a drawing to win a FREE One Hour Coaching Session. Last month I gave away a gift certificate.
It's easy to enter.. and you can enter as many times as you watch a video and leave a comment. Tell your friends. I'm really excited about all the videos I've posted and love sharing the Great News that we can Create Something Else...
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Wise Women Unite to Create a New Way of Life for Americans « Secret Design Creations
Wise Women Unite to Create a New Way of Life for Americans
Posted by Donna DeVane on March 2, 2011
As a talk show host I realize the power of sharing a message with people all around the world. Because of this I have begun a new show every Wednesday, “Wise Women Wednesday”. This show is for women only on the air. Men are welcome in the chat room, but women are on the air sharing a message of healing, hope and empowerment to all who are willing to BE the Change in their homes and community.
The truth is that we are all, always, making a difference in the world. Each thought, belief, action and non action is creating ripples of change throughout our universe. The way to something different, something better, is to create on purpose. By paying attention to the energy you are using you can direct creative energy to bring forth what you really want rather than just a reflection of your fear, and belief in lack.
Wise Women Wednesday invites women to join hearts, minds and energy to find solutions to the problems we deal with in every day life. We will discuss everything from community issues, family challenges, jobs, unemployment, politics in America and around the world.
Women naturally know the healing energy of a touch, a kind word. I am calling upon this wisdom on my show so that we can through unity make a positive change in our world on purpose. We are being asked to wake up, create on purpose and change things. Will you answer the call? If you are a wise woman, please join me on Empowered Women Radio every Wednesday at 2pm central time.
Listen to internet radio with Empowered Women on Blog Talk
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Hunger in America Will it Lead to Violence? « Secret Design Creations
Hunger in America Will it Lead to Violence?
Posted by Donna DeVane on February 1, 2011
Right now 27 million Americans are either out of work or underemployed. Not long ago they had good paying jobs, nice homes and all the perks we think of when we think of the United States. 1 out of 7 American families are not getting enough to eat. Shocking!
There are an estimated 3.5 million Americans who are homeless. These are not all drug addicts, the mentally ill or drunkards. Many of these are families who a short while ago had jobs, homes and mortgages. As the bankers swindled our nation out of trillions in bogus wall street deals and begged for bail outs, Americans were being foreclosed on with no “bail out” in sight. The real wealth of the American people has been sucked up into the greatest redistribution of wealth known to mankind.
Not only have the American people lost their money and their jobs, but they’ve lost their real wealth; their homes. Now they find a box or a shelter to call home while bankers and corporations sit on an outrageous amount of profit. “The U.S. Department of Commerce reported last week that American companies just had their best quarter ever, earning profits at an annual rate of $1.659 trillion in the third quarter. The next-highest annual corporate profits level on record—$1.655 trillion—was in the third quarter of 2006. In fact, American corporate profits have grown for seven straight quarters at some of the fastest rates in history.”
Bankers are also sitting on excess money, money that could be used to put people back to work and save homes. One has to wonder with all the bail outs for bankers and profit barons, where is the bail out for the American people? Something is out of whack here. How did we get to this point where profits always come before people? This is backwards and should not be tolerated.
Corporations were given the rights of the people and people were placed in the role of businesses. We are workers for the money men, nothing more than a source of income for those who now have more money than care for their brothers and sisters.
How can we reverse this? How can we bring about an awakening that will create jobs, food and help for millions of Human Beings right here at home? Must we go the way of Egypt, must violence break out in our streets before we demand that our representatives actually represent the people? We have become confused, seemingly believing that we work for Big Brother Government rather than them working for US!
Let’s wake up, find our voice and speak out for what is right. Bankers and corporations sitting on mountains of money while people starve in the streets is WRONG! Demand the bail out money be returned with interest. Demand corporations who don’t have actual businesses on American soil pay huge taxes to bring in products created with slave labor in third world countries.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. No one will change this unless WE Do! Start in your community. Support local merchants. Boycott “ChinaMart”. Refuse to shop anywhere that Homeland Security encourages you to turn in your neighbors. Wake Up America!!!!! Before it’s too late to do it peacefully!
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Monday, January 31, 2011
Poverty Homelessness in America
Time to Decide to Stand Up and Speak Out
Posted by Donna DeVane on February 1, 2011
Protestors all around the world are standing up, swarming the streets and speaking out against poverty, hunger, joblessness and injustice. We here in America haven’t gotten to this point, YET! Will it take this in the United States before we realize that something is bad wrong? How many need to be without before we notice and take action?
Right now millions of Americans are jobless, living in the streets, can’t find a job and have no money. How long will they stay quite, how hungry will they need to be before they join together and demand food, jobs and shelter?
What can we do? Can violence be averted in America? I think it can. Churches, community centers can all come together to provide food and shelter. We can work together to create jobs putting a few people to work. Spring is coming, plant gardens, give away and sale all the extra produce.
Boycott “ChinaMart”, support locally owned businesses. Make phone calls and visits to your state reps. It’s time to stop supporting corporations and begin supporting people
People BEFORE Profits!!!!
We bailed out big banks and businesses.. it’s time to create jobs, to lift up our brothers and sisters.
I want to ask you a question. If you are a mother or father how long could you stand your child asking for food and shelter before you became desperate and made an act of desperation? Now multiply that my the millions of Americans out of work, out of their homes with no hope, no choice.
This is serious. We don’t have to resort to violence. Let us find our ONE voice and stand up for all our brothers and sisters here in America and around the world.
We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the power of change!
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Saturday, January 29, 2011
Journey Book Special - A Journey Back To Self
Have you gotten your copy of my guide to self healing?
I know these principles work, I've taught them to hundreds of students who have changed their lives, creating health, well being and financial prosperity for themselves.
You get a signed copy plus a free life time membership to a group coaching support network which includes free support group phone calls.
Are you willing to invest less than $20.00 to change your life?
if so go to right now
EarthMotherSelfheal - Jewelry Sale on Healing Energy Jewelry
Each piece is handcrafted by me. I listen to what the stones and crystals want to present energy wise as I am creating. Earth Mother Selfheal Jewelry does more than just look good.. it feels good.
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Malachite Medicine Woman Necklace of Well Being 7716
$29.99 $25.99
Inner Sight Tiger Eye Skull Necklace 7714
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Intuitive Healing Peridot Necklace 7713
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Turquoise Bone Turtle Medicine Woman Necklace 7712
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Power of intuition Lapis Hematite Necklace 7711
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Medicine Woman Healing necklace earring bracelet set 7710
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Lapis Garnet Tiger Charm Necklace 7709
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Heart Chakra Healing Necklace Bracelet set 7707
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Citrine to create your dreams Medicine Woman Charm Necklace 7706
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Goddess Necklace Pearls Agate Healing Energy 7705
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Medicine Woman Inner Sight Necklace 7704
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Healing energy created just for you by a healer... It not only looks good.. it feels good, keeps you balanced and focused.
Thank you for shopping with me!
Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.
Law of Attraction Jewelry Spirt Dolls Dream Catchers
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- Message of Snake Shed the Old to Experience Somet...
- How to Thrive in a Survival Mindset Wo...
- Spirit answers to YOUR Questions
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