Are you looking for something to enhance the energy in your home?
Let me suggest a genuine gemstone Feng Shui cure suncatcher.
I so enjoy creating designs that add love, prosperity, success, weightloss and much more to your home and life.
Each is crafted by me and when hung in your window you will enjoy dancing rainbows of color and energy.
As an energy healer I combine my knowledge of stones/crystals/color for their metaphysical energy.
click the link in order to see three pages of designs.
Love yourself well.. always..
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Healing Gemstone Energy in windows Feng Shui Cures to enhance your life
Monday, September 28, 2009
What do you really really want? It's already yours, you've only to receive it
What is it that you really want? Do you dream about it? Think about it often?
Now the big question is... do you think and dream about having it or not having it???
That's the biggie.
Most people stay in the state of wanting something they don't have so what they want stays in that state too.. not having.. yet wanted.
The secret here is wanting, being clear.. really clear.. and knowing that it's already yours.
Before you even finish asking it's on it's way to you. Particles are coming together forming the very thing you ask for.
Wanting or needing something is a signal from Source that YOU CAN HAVE THAT VERY THING!!
You couldn't desire something that was not possible for you to have.. do you understand that? Really understand it?
What stands in the way of getting then?
YOU being determined that you don't have.
It's a cycle. The more determined you are that you don't have what you want the more it stays in that stage of developement.
You've got to get over into faith.. believing that what is not seen is yours.. it's being brought to you and will show up as soon as you can accept that things not seen are just as real.. even more real actually ... than things seen.
That's the part that trips most people up. They don't see it.. so they see lack. Seeing lack.. keeps lack showing up.
As Wayne Dyer says, "change how you look at things and the things you look at will change". There's a powerful truth in those words ..
I want to help you discover this truth.. that's why I'm running a contest where you can win four hours of coaching / energy work with me..
Find out more and enter today.. it's the last day.. so do it now while you're thinking about it.
Last day to enter. Win over $500.00 products services. Tell your friends.
UP TO OVER $500.00 Will be won September 29th, 2009
With just one more day to the drawing I want to thank everyone who entered. Tell your family and friends about the contest and let them have a chance to enter.
I appreciate your participation and all the positive feedback.
Monday September 28th is the LAST day to enter.. so click the donate button now to get your name in the drawing. I will announce the winner on Twitter tomorrow.. and will email the winner,
You Deserve The Very Best
I love helping people feel like a winner.. you deserve that. You might be asking yourself, Who is Donna DeVane?
If you Google my name you will see that I've been teaching online since 1995 with my first website EarthMotherSelfheal. Classes for energy healing as well as one on one healing sessions, spiritual life coaching, speaking, writing, sharing... That's what I do.. the reason I do these things is I love helping people to realize You Can Be Happy!
No matter what you are presently experiencing you can be happy. I've written several books on the energy of being happy, my articles are all over the internet about the law of attraction and spiritual healing.
As a mother of four and grandmother I've experience a lot of life. Each thing has been a blessing though sometimes in hiding.. the gift had to be looked for. Life is like that.. there is always a gift.. you just have to be open to it.
What I've learned.. I share with others. At almost 54 I could be mother to most of you reading this.. the rest I could be your best friend. My point is that like you life has happened to me. I have learned about myself through each situation.. becoming more of my Highest Inner Self.
I also enjoying having fun and bet you do too.
Here's my latest inspired thought to help and to share the fun.
You have a chance to WIN the dream catcher pictured and described below PLUS 4 one hour coaching sessions,$400.00 value,plus my newest ebook "Parable of Liver & Onions, plus.. a year's membership in my healing network.. a $120.00 value.
Why am I doing this? I want to help you discover how easy it is to be happy, prosperous and healthy.
I've been an energy healer and spiritual life coach for many years, I also enjoy creating spiritual aids to help you along your path. I've been creating primitive Native American Style dream catchers in honor of my Cherokee Ancestors in order to share the simple and beautiful spirituality of this culture.
Here's how it works. Use the Paypal link to donate $1.00, that's right ONE DOLLAR! For each dollar you donate you get a chance in the drawing September 29th 2009.
This would have been my oldest daughter's 35th birthday had she lived. She was killed in a car wreck March 15th. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to a woman's charity which helps to empower women to live a joyful and empowered life.. just like my daughter did.
My youngest daughter wanted to know what we could do on her sister's birthday this year.. and I think this will honor her.
ONE DOLLAR gets you a chance to win the dream catcher.. plus $400.00 worth of coaching,plus ebook,plus membership in healing network.
That's a deal. Please use whole dollar amounts as each dollar gets you a chance in the drawing. I will place your email in a box, one for each dollar and will announce the winner on Facebook, and Twitter on September 29th, 2009.
Please follow me on Twitter to read the latest updates. The more people donate the more I will add.
Just added a copy of my newest ebook, "A Parable of Liver and Onions, The Key to the Kingdom". This is the plainest explanation of the law of attraction on the planet. Perfect for adults and children to understand exactly how the law of attraction works..and to work with it to create the life you dream of.
Just added membership in my healing network.. $120.00 value.
REMEMBER>>> Donations must be at least $1.00 US. You can do as much as you like in whole dollar amounts.
Good Luck.. and while your here.. take a look around my website.
I love you.. Donna
Earth Mother Selfheal
The only way you can win is to enter. If you haven't entered yet.. what are you waiting for? This is the last day to get your name in the drawing.
Help me get the word out today.. I will host other contests later on.. this has been great fun. I've met a lot of wonderful new people.. and each person who enters.. will get a little surprise.. just for entering..
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Cause and effect the key to creation « Secret Design Creations
Cause and effect the key to creation
Posted by Donna DeVane on September 27, 2009
Even though you have read the books on law of attraction and perhaps even gone to seminars…you still don’t seem to be getting something quite right…
There is a basic understanding that you are missing.
Cause and effect is the key to creation.
Your thoughts combined with beliefs.. are the effect of everything that shows up in your life.
It can be no other way. Cause and effect is the law of creation.
You are a powerful creator able to bring forth from the cosmic realm of unformed energy potential that forms into matter. You accomplish this by thinking. Thoughts held long enough become the very thing as the thought. It can be no other way.
There is a Source Energy which works with you to bring about those things which you focus on. When you add your thought to the Energy Bank of Source Energy movement begins to happen bringing together unformed energy into the formed.
Your thoughts are the cause. What you experience is the effect.
Most people attempt to control the effect. It will not work this way, can not work in this manner. Effect is the result of the cause, your thought.
Your imagination is the creative womb of effect. Thoughts, images held here are linked with Source Energy and the action of bringing forth into what we call manifested reality happens. There is no need to work after the effect, it is done. You can however begin creating again by starting at the point of conception.. your thoughts. Hold a vision of what it is you desire in your mind. Feel this creation as a done deal. Experience it in your imagination. Be in a state of appreciation for the fact that it is now yours. Know that as you link your thought to Creative Source, what you are desiring is forming and is already yours.
Now take actions from the point of having, of Being the person in this state. Discipline your thinking mind to stay where you wish to create. Wandering thoughts are not the tools of conscious creation. Know what you are thinking, be aware to them. Hold them in respect as the powerful co creator that they are.
Once you realize this principle of cause and effect, disciple your thinking mind, you will be begin to co create what is desired.
There are only 2 days left to enter my give a way to win over $500.00 in products and services from me. Coaching / healing, ebook on LOA, healing network membership and a prosperity dream catcher. Click here for more information on entering. This will change your life.. promise.
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This entry was posted on September 27, 2009 at 7:16 pm and is filed under Law of Attraction, The secret, healing, manifestation, secret, spiritual healing, well being. Tagged: coaching, Law of Attraction, Law of Attraction.creative principles, Source energy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Law of attraction Giving is receiving The NEW Secret
Click the link to listen to this and other podcasts.. or listen in iTunes.Podcast SummaryGiving people the motivation and tools to claim their power and create the life of their dreams.
Law of attraction, energy healing, meditation, spiritual insights for living.
Be sure to subscribe to my podcasts through iTunes.
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podcast possible.
About DonnaDonna DeVane
View Profile ## Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, whose work includes teaching, writing, radio show host. She also provides coaching for grief, energy healing and life success. Donna offers many ebooks, classes, plus healing network and one on one coaching to help people live empowered lives. Donna is available as a guest speaker for radio show, teleseminars and public speaking.
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Giving is means of receiving more « Secret Design Creations
Giving is means of receiving more
Posted by Donna DeVane on September 26, 2009
I don’t know about you but I realized a while back that there is more to the law of attraction than what’s being taught in most books and movies.
If it was just thinking about what you want and feeling good everyone would be rich already.
The truth is there is so much more to the story. Several aspects of the law of attraction creative principles are being left out or barely mentioned.. and without them.. you just sit and wish.. getting tid bits of what you really want.
You gotta know what you want.. and why you want it.
Yes, you’ve got to believe that you have it.
You’ve got to be grateful.. I don’t dispute these teachings.. they are true.. but they stop short of one very important aspect of being successful.
You’ve got to GIVE>> Give from the State of Being successful.. abundant.
Can you get soda from a water fountain? Of course not. You can stand there all day thinking and feeling your way to believing that soda will show up in the water fountain.. but it will not.
My point is .. the flow of money comes from the flow of money. Well being comes from the flow of well being.
In order for money to flow into your life.. it has to flow from you into Life.
You are the channel.. the fountain through which it must flow.
Most people hold on to their money so tightly that it screams for release. There is no joyful letting go knowing that it must flow in order for more to flow in.
Out of abundance comes abundance. Thinking yourself abundant must result in the State of BEING Abundant. People say, “when I have money I will give money”. You will never get much money that way.
You are the fountain. What you ARE is what flows in and through your life.
Giving 1/10 of your income is the place to start. Give at least one tenth.. to people, or organisations which bless you. Give freely, joyfully knowing that you are abundance, this is your state of being.
The more giving you are.. the more open the stream flows through you the more flows in.
This is the part of law of attraction teaching that must be acted on or little will change in your life. The rest of the secret to life abundantly is giving.
Try it. Tithe 10% for just one month and you will be amazed at how the stream flows into your life bigger than ever. Giving opens up the doors and windows to blessings in your life.
This entry was posted on September 26, 2009 at 12:18 am and is filed under Law of Attraction, manifestation. Tagged: giving, Law of Attraction, Law of Attraction.creative principles, secret, secret law of attraction, tithing. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry.
Changing your life takes action on your part
I hear from a lot of people who tell me all the books they've read, the movies they've watched, audio listened to and even classess and seminars they've attended.
They have spent thousands of dollars and hours and still not much has changed in their lives.
Gaining a lot of knowledge will NOT change your life. Using knowledge so that is becomes wisdom in action is the key.
See, just knowing about the law of attraction, healing, wealth, and feeling motivated will not change your life because they don't change you.
Everything in your life began inside of you, in your thoughts and feelings. Your subconscious beliefs are the result of thinking the same things over and over until they have become automatic.
Just feeling motivated by getting a constant fix is very similar to alcohol and drug addiction. Once the motivation energy wears off you need another speech, class or book to get that feeling again. Motivational teaching and coaching are great to make you feel good and keep you going once you have accomplished the "inner work" of lining up your desires with Source Energy. You must know what you want, why you want it. You must be very clear.. so clear that when you think about it you are THERE as though it's happening right now.
You must be giving. Only from abundance can abundance flow. Only from well being can well being flow.
You must be in gratitude all the time for what you are experiencing now and for those things you are believing for.
According to your faith is more given. Faith isn't just about what you are going to get.. it's about giving from your state of abundance and well being right now.
If you don't believe yourself to BE abundant or healthy.. how can it flow through you?
It can not.
I want to help you to understand this on a deep level so you can work with these principles to change your life and enjoy experiences that please you.
To this end I am offering a give a way.. to help you get in the abundance flow of life.
Here's the deal. You invest by donation $1.00... that's ONE DOLLAR.. to get a chance to win over $500.00 in products and services. This has many levels for you.
First it helps you to see yourself as abundant enough to donate.. give away a buck. I know this isn't much.. but it's the principle of it rather than the amount.
This sends your subconscious the message that you are seeing yourself as successful. Giving opens doors to blessings, to more abundance.
You are not limited to one dollar donation, but it's the first step.
Next you bless the money to serve the Highest Good of All... knowing that as you give you are setting the energy of abundance in motion in your life.
Your email address will be entered to win the contest. If you are the winner you get four hours of one on one energy coaching with me.. this is my top of the line offering of helping you reach down to the subconscious to change those beliefs and help you connect with Your wisdom.
The winner also gets a free membership to my healing network.. plus a copy of my newest law of attraction ebook. . plus a dream catcher created by me to promote well being, abundance and prosperity.
You can not prosper if you will not give. This is truth. It's the secret to the law of attraction. I'm offering you a chance not only to win products and services but to open the doors of blessing into your life.
Each morning when I get on my Pc and check my finances from the night before I automatically give away at least 10%. I do this every day. Some days I give over the 10% as seed money. I know that giving works.
I give because I know this is the key to knowing myself as successful, prosperious and the channel of abundance.
I dare you to invest one dollar in this experiment.. see for yourself that giving is the best and fastest way of changing your subconscious beliefs about financial well being in your own life.
Here's where you can get more information on the contest and enter.
Only as you see and believe yourself to be a channel of abundance can abundance flow through your life. I promise you this is truth.
Love yourself well.. always..
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
You Deserve The Best Enter to win over $500.00 in give a way. only 7 days left enter today
UP TO OVER $500.00
You Deserve The Very Best
I love helping people feel like a winner.. you deserve that. You might be asking yourself, Who is Donna DeVane?
If you Google my name you will see that I've been teaching online since 1995 with my first website EarthMotherSelfheal. Classes for energy healing as well as one on one healing sessions, spiritual life coaching, speaking, writing, sharing... That's what I do.. the reason I do these things is I love helping people to realize You Can Be Happy!
No matter what you are presently experiencing you can be happy. I've written several books on the energy of being happy, my articles are all over the internet about the law of attraction and spiritual healing.
As a mother of four and grandmother I've experience a lot of life. Each thing has been a blessing though sometimes in hiding.. the gift had to be looked for. Life is like that.. there is always a gift.. you just have to be open to it.
What I've learned.. I share with others. At almost 54 I could be mother to most of you reading this.. the rest I could be your best friend. My point is that like you life has happened to me. I have learned about myself through each situation.. becoming more of my Highest Inner Self.
I also enjoying having fun and bet you do too.
Here's my latest inspired thought to help and to share the fun.
You have a chance to WIN the dream catcher pictured and described below PLUS 4 one hour coaching sessions,$400.00 value,plus my newest ebook "Parable of Liver & Onions, plus.. a year's membership in my healing network.. a $120.00 value.
Why am I doing this? I want to help you discover how easy it is to be happy, prosperous and healthy.
I've been an energy healer and life coach for many years, I also enjoy creating spiritual aids to help you along your path. I've been creating primitive Native American Style dream catchers in honor of my Cherokee Ancestors in order to share the simple and beautiful spirituality of this culture.
Here's how it works. Use the Paypal link to donate $1.00, that's right ONE DOLLAR! For each dollar you donate you get a chance in the drawing September 29th 2009.
This would have been my oldest daughter's 35th birthday had she lived. She was killed in a car wreck March 15th. I will donate some of the proceeds to a woman's charity which helps to empower women to live a joyful and empowered life.. just like my daughter did.
My youngest daughter wanted to know what we could do on her sister's birthday this year.. and I think this will honor her.
ONE DOLLAR gets you a chance to win the dream catcher.. plus $400.00 worth of coaching,plus ebook,plus membership in healing network.
That's a deal. Please use whole dollar amounts as each dollar gets you a chance in the drawing. I will place your email in a box, one for each dollar and will announce the winner on Facebook, and Twitter on September 29th, 2009.
Please follow me on Twitter to read the latest updates. The more people donate the more I will add.
Just added a copy of my newest ebook, "A Parable of Liver and Onions, The Key to the Kingdom". This is the plainest explanation of the law of attraction on the planet. Perfect for adults and children to understand exactly how the law of attraction works..and to work with it to create the life you dream of.
Just added membership in my healing network.. $120.00 value.
REMEMBER>>> Donations must be at least $1.00 US. You can do as much as you like in whole dollar amounts.
Good Luck.. and while your here.. take a look around my website.
I love you.. Donna
Earth Mother Selfheal
If you haven't entered you better do so quick.. only 7 days left till the drawing. Someone will be a big winner... is your name in the pot????
Monday, September 21, 2009
Feng shui abundance necklace get your LOA groove going on
I made this piece to have a bit of fun. It's a beautiful necklace that puts out the statement of what you want in no uncertain terms I love the chinese prosperity symbols and the dollar sign.
Click here to see more about it.
Healing Stones Jewelry Goddess energy jewelry
Celebrate Goddess Venus Love Pendant Shell Glass Bead Necklace
$ 24.99 USD
Celebrate Goddess of Love Venus NecklaceThis piece is stunning.. the gold tone Venus pendant shows her clothed only in her beauty.. celebrating the wonders of the feminine. Her hair flows about her bringing you the message to celebrate you.. and love.
I surrounded her with genuine shell beads.. and glass faceted crystals and glass beads.
Her clasp is gold plate filigree.. beautiful.
Celebrate the Goddess you Are.. and share the beauty of the feminine Goddess with all.
Measures 18 inches inside, 2 inch Goddess.
Be sure to click here to see the photo and the other pieces of jewelry.. I craft each piece for a specific energy.
Reiki healing stones crystals kits
OUtstanding Healer's kit Record Crystal
$ 29.99 USD
This is outstanding.. and powerful.
An activation crystal with records right on the face. This is a most unusual formation..
Second crystal offers clarity and insight.
Also in the kit sunstone, unikite,selenite,spectrolite,amber,kunzite sheet.This powerful kit brings you the energy of intuition as a healer, seeing behind the physical symptoms to the root cause, often going back several life times.
You will be helped to go back in time and sear the blockages out with the sunstone and selenite.
This is a gotta have kit.
I enjoy working with the energy of stones and crystals to focus attention for healing and meditation. It's a great joy to combine them in ways that work wonderfully together and offer them to you for your personal use or for use in your healing practices.
Be sure to check my website for the many stones and crystals I offer.
Gemstone Healing For Windows
For under $20.00 you can add the positive vibrations of stones and crystals to your home with my hand crafted Feng Shui Suncatchers.
I create designs for love, weightloss, prosperity, healing and well being.
Take a look at all my designs.. perfect for every room of the house... or office..even your car..
Healing Stones & Medicine Bags Handcrafted by me for your medicine
Energy Healing Tools Goddess Stone
See Beyond Into Tomorrow Kundalini Vision Crystal
Kick Start Your Life Quick session for changing your vibration right now
Validate Yourself for Happiness
As a spiritual life coach I hear from a lot of people who don't feel validated They are suffering with low self esteem, feeling low and unsuccessful. This is not a good way to feel. Waking up in the morning with nothing to look forward to, nothing that excites you and gets your juices flowing just isn't living, it's surviving.
You are not here to just survive, to manage, to get through one more set of challenges.
You are here to Thrive... to be happy, to enjoy each moment of your physical existence.
I know the feeling, I've been there. One of the reasons I don't go there now is I don't like the way it feels. I bet you don't like feeling low and down either. We are Beings of joy, love, happiness and pleasure. We thrive on feeling good. We are at our eternal best when we are excited, inspired and motivated.
You know you want to feel good. You strive and struggle to get into that place of joy and excitement about life. Sometimes you make it and sometimes you just can't seem to reach that far.
Here's what I want you to do starting right now. Validate yourself. That's right I want you to validate yourself.
Out loud I want you to say three things that you really like about yourself. Go ahead, say I have beautiful eyes, delightful hair, my body is perfect for me.
Say them again. You can use something different from the examples I give.
Now think of three more things you really appreciate about yourself.
I love my sense of humor, my smile is awesome, I am very loving.
Say it again, a bit louder. You are validating yourself and it's really important.
You are a wonderful, powerful, creative, magical being. Sometimes you just to to be reminded of it.
You are talented, giving, generous, caring, motivating, inspiring, wise, funny, loving and strong.
Go ahead and say those things about yourself. Validate yourself some more. It's good for you.
We talk a lot about the attitude of gratitude. It's wonderful and powerful, yet it's only a step in the direction of appreciation. Appreciation is the vibration of the Creative Source of which you are a part. You can't severe your tie from Source Energy, that's who you are. You can however stop being aware of the connection. This is where the validation comes in. It's a means of feeling the connection. Getting you back in line with who you are rides the wave of appreciation. Using the tools of self validation several times each day will help you to see yourself as you really are.
You have many dreams that you haven't brought into physical for yet because you don't believe in the dreams and you don't believe in yourself. Through self validation you will be able to tear down that wall of limiting beliefs and move through with inspired action.
Now I want you to make a list of all the things you've achieved in the past week.
Write down every goal you've accomplished for the week. Include everything you can think of from the little to the large.
Allow yourself to feel good about these accomplishments.
Say out loud, I accomplish my goals and bring my dreams into reality. I am a powerful creator, following inspiration with motivated action.
Now take the list to a month.
Go for six months, then a year. This is a powerful exercise to do at the end and the beginning of each New Year. It's also a great boost when you are feeling stuck.
Everyone feels a bit low now and then. We tend to let our emotions be in charge of what we are thinking and thus how we feel. Through the process of these exercises you can bust loose anything and move into a better feeling energy.
I encourage you to do the validation exercise first thing each morning. You will find that it empowers you with joy, hope, and belief in yourself.
If you really want to boost the energy quickly set aside 15 minutes to do an appreciate exercise.
Start off by letting your eyes move around the room until something catches your attention that really pleases you. Say out loud I am so appreciative of _____________.
Move on to the next thing in the room, look outside and see what pleases you. In just a few minutes this will take on a life of it's own as things to appreciate flow quicker and quicker to your awareness.
Through self validation and Appreciation exercises you will quickly transform your feelings, your thoughts and in a short time your physical experiences.
I want you to know just how beautiful, gifted, talented, important, loved, and inspiring you really ARE.
My passion is helping you really realize who you are. Right now I am running a special Validate yourself offer. For a $10.00 donation I will help you validate yourself. I will give you 15 minutes of intense life coaching/validation to get you started on the road to changing your life. You owe it to yourself to feel validated and I will help you.
After you make the donation you will receive an email from me setting up a time for your session. It will include my phone number.
You owe this to yourself, so do it right now and show yourself that, "yes I can".
Magical Energy to Balance Life
Rare Eight Sided Cross Cluster Quartz Crystal 7192
$ 39.99 USD
This is most unusual. The main crystal in this cluster is eight sided, which is rare in an of itself.
There are also cross crystals in the cluster and the whole cluster is infused with Golden Healer energy.Place on the body or at the head for a whole body healing and aligning of chakra energy.
The eight sided aspect also works as a manifestation crystal, bridging the connection between physical and spiritual understanding and creative energy.
Measures 2 x 3 inches
Click to see this wonderful crystal along with others.
I will also provide a FREE consult as you shop if you'll go to the home page and email me asking for one.. or Tweet me at earthmotherheal on Twitter
Stone of Serenity
Add amethyst to your medicine bag or place it on your desk or bed side table.
Let the energy of serenity flood your body and remind you that you are the one with the power to change whatever is not wanted.
Click the link to see stones plus many others on my website.
Parable of Liver and Onions
When you were little you knew life was magical. Children know these things. They expect good to come to them and it flows easily into their lives.Over time most children are talked out of the magical understanding by well meaning, but mistaken parents who think they are serving their children by preparing them for the hardships of life.
As children we give up on the magic slowly, but eventually most do give in to the pressure of parents and other well meaning adults. Then we start living the hard life that we were prepared for.. and it's gets harder to longer we struggle.
This little ebook will change your life if you understand what I'm saying and take it to heart.
I'm not offering you more information.. there are millions of books for that.
What I'm offering is inspiration and motivation to change your life starting RIGHT THIS VERY INSTANT!
You have inner wisdom, intuition, knowing.. far greater than what you are aware of. This parable will help you discover the greatest secret known to man.
You know about law of attraction, you've read the books, seen the movies, perhaps even worked with a life coach and still you are not getting it.
That's why I was inspired to write this.. it will help you get it. It points it out so plainly.. makes it so simple that you will laugh with joy and relief while you are reading.
Get this ebook and read it, then read it to your children, your neighbor's children. Read it to every child you meet. As you help children remember who and what they are you will remember too.
As a mother and grandmother I know the power of parables, I've used them for years with my own four children and grandson. They love the book, they understand it's message and your children will too. They will even help you to understand it's powerful, yet simple message.
I double dog dare you to get this book, read it each day and then let me know how amazed you are at how your life is changed. I want you to tell me about all the incredible things that happen to you starting day one after reading the book.
Go ahead... it's time to stop putting it off and take YOUR POWER back. Change YOUR LIFE!
I am not offering to sale you yet another ebook. This is an offer of insight, connecting with your inner wisdom.
This is not an offer to sale you more information. This is the key that will open the door to the kingdom for you.. if you'll read and understand what I've shared with you.
Do the children in your life a favor and read this, then share it with them. You will be amazed at how easily they understand the concepts and principles. They will put them into action at once and inspire you to the ease of creation.
$9.99 $5.99 Limited time ONLY
You will be directed to the download page after you complete checkout
PAY attention to the page you land on when you finish paying. It has the link to download on it. If you miss it, just email me and I'll send it right out.
After you finish reading it to your children, send me an email about their response, I'll use it on the website to encourage others..
I believe in the power of this book, it's message will open your eyes and your heart to the powerful creator you really are...
Power of blessing others « Secret Design Creations
Power of blessing others
Posted by Donna DeVane on September 21, 2009
When you feel angry, hurt, disappointed by someone, what is your first reaction?
For most people it’s to give back the same type energy that they received. Feeling a loss of personal power brings about a pair of choices. Many choose to strike back in order to get that instant “fix” of feeling in control.. but it wears off in a bit and must be repeated.
A wise man once a long time ago gave us the answer which empowers not only ourselves, but others as well.
Bless those who curse you.
We know that the creative principle, law of attraction is always at work in our lives bringing us more of what we are giving our attention to. At this juncture you decide what you want more of and focus on that. By choosing to bless others silently through a prayer of well being for them, you not only open a door whereby they may see things differently, but you change you by changing your attitiude towards another.
People strike out with angry words due to the misery inside themselves. When you realize that they do not feel connected to Source you will better understand where it’s coming from.
Think of a pink or white light bubble that softly surrounds the person you are feeling out of sorts with. See it offering them love and acceptance. Think loving and forgiving thoughts towards them.
Your exercise in love will change you.. and change the way people act towards you.
Love is the answer.. let us remember this.. love is also an action.. remember this also.
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This entry was posted on September 21, 2009 at 7:32 pm and is filed under Law of Attraction, healing, manifestation, spiritual healing, well being. Tagged: forgiveness, Law of Attraction, Law of Attraction.creative principles, love. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Energy Healing Tools ISIS Healing Temple of the Goddess Crystal
Isis Healing Temple of the Goddess Crystal 7597
$ 49.99 USD
This is a beautiful and powerful Temple crystal. The formation on front is the entrance way to the "healing chambers" of the Goddess Isis.
During meditation and energy work you may enter by sitting in the silence and waiting for the invitation.The crystal told me...
I am the entrance for the hidden chambers of healing. I represent THE Goddess.. that is you.. connected to all the many sisters, mothers, daughters who have shared healing knowledge.
When you desire to enter me.. when you feel the tug on your solar plexus.. sit or recline.. be still.. be quiet.. listen for my voice guiding you inside the crystal and into the Healing Chamber.Working with a Temple Crystal is very exciting and insightful for the energy worker.
You will want to work with her several times on your own before guiding your clients into her chambers. Ask for guidance and it will be provided to you on both you and your client entering the Healing Chamber where others will come and help you both.
Your client receives high level energy work and you get information on deeper methods.She measures 3 7/8 inches.
I also suggest that you sleep with her for a week or two after receiving her. She will teach you during dream time and even travel with you.
Use the link to see this and other stones, crystals on my website.
Ease Heal Pain, Restore Balance
These are lithium quartz crystals that I dug several years ago.
They are very powerful for easing physical pain in the body and emotions.
Wash crystal with cold running water, clearing it. Hold it in your hand and see yourself pain free and happy. Breathe this intention into the crystal and place in fresh, clear water. A glass bottle is best, plastic will work, just make sure it's very clean, no paper wrappers, etc.
Let the bottle with the crystal in it sit for at least 24 hours in a window. Sun and moon charging takes place activating the extreme energy of the crystal.
Refrigerate water and drink no more than 1/4 cup to start. One client didn't listen and drank a whole cup, sleeping for 18 hours straight afterward. Don't drive, etc after drinking.
I am required by law to state, I am not a medical doctor. I do not prescribe medical treatments.
This is for metaphysical purposes only.
Click the link to see the photos of these on my website. You will love this energy.
Balance with Selenite works on back, spine, body
Selenite Back Adjustment Sheet 7603
$ 74.99 USD
Working on the RNA / DNA level selenite is one of the most powerful restorative tools I've used.
This one is exceptional.
Do you see the line going upwards and outward?
These connect to every aspect of the inner body.
You may also use it like a x ray vision.. move the sheet over the body and be aware of what you see.. with your eyes.. and third eye..
You will also feel the tingle of the power of selenite.
It is set to the perfect vibration of OM. Nothing changes it's vibration so it's a great compliment in a healing room, massage, anywhere.
It will also work to clear and clean the vibrations of anyone or thing in contact with it.Powerful healer's tool.. you'll love it..
Measures 3 1/2 x 4 inches
Lemurian Magical Crystal Energy
See Beyond Into Tomorrow
Seven Sided Dreamer's Vision Crystal 7206
$ 29.99 USD
While this Grandmother crystal is a bit dinged.. her energy comes in loud and clear.
She is seven sided.. a healer's crystal.
Look softly and deeply into her and journey into the Healing Places.. Temples of long ago.. where you will be instructed in healing methods and enjoy the techniques for your own well being.
She measures 2 1/2 inches
Click the link to see the photo of this and other crystals on my website.
I am available for FREE consults as you shop. See the home page for information.
Healing Stones Jewelry
I love creating jewelry that feels as good as it looks. As a GIYAME energy healer I use my understanding of gemstone properties along with color play to create necklaces that really make a difference in your life.
Each piece is handcrafted to provide metaphysical benefit to the wearer.
See this and others at my website.. click the link above.
Earth Mother Selfheal - Healing and Well Being for an Empowered Life
This network is an outreach of Earth Mother Selfheal.. offering support, wisdom and inspiration for all members.
It's easy to become a member. You use the paypal button to pay a $10.00 monthly fee and once I receive notice of the subscription I will email you an invitation. You can not join without the invitation.
Some ask why charge anything at all with so many free groups on the net to join.
That's my reason. How many groups do you belong to? How many of them do you actually visit each week to read and share?
We humans value what we put our money in. I want you to value this network. It will help you change your life.
The $10.00 a month provides you access to groups, discussions and real support from me, Donna DeVane.After you join I will send you the download link to get your copy of my new Ebook, Be Happy Live Happy.
This along with all the information on this site will get you off to a great start in transforming your life experience.I began this family network in order to reach out and help my coaching and healing clients. It's grown into a place of learning and self discovery and family.
If you would like to join use the paypal button to subscribe. You will be agreeing to a $10.00 a month recurring fee.
Look through this front page and you'll get an idea of what's inside this network.
Real life information that helps YOU put the law of attraction to work in your real life on a day to day basis.
This is your chance to change your life for $5.99. Get my new ebook, Parable fo liver and onions, the key to the kingdom, read it and we'll have a free 15 minute coaching session about your number one burning question. It doesn't get any better or easier than this. Why am I giving away coaching time??? I really want you to get this. I know it will change your life. Click this to go to the website and get your copy today.This is the reason I created this network. I want to help YOU move into the present and create a future that is exciting, glorious and fun. I want you to understand that being happy comes first. All the "stuff" out there will NOT make you happy. Be happy then all the stuff will be fun.
If you are really ready to change your life.. and change yourself.. go ahead and join. If you are not ready right now, that's ok.. be blessed.
I double dog dare you to get this ebook and read it. YOU WILL CHANGE and your life will transform. This is the most powerful thing I've ever shared with people.
Get it and read it.. Get ready for the ride of your life!If you click on My Blog you can listen to several voice blogs I've made.
These are fun.
If you have a subject you'd like me to talk about.. send me a message.
Thank you so much for joining my healing community.
As a healer for almost twenty years it's my intention to bless others as I am blessed.This network is part of my family of websites and means to offer help.
How is what I offer different from the thousands of ebooks, coaching, healing, teaching offers already on the internet and in bookstores?
I am a real person. My business is me. I don't have a vast army of folks on payroll. When you email me, I am the one who answers. Yes, it may take a day or two, but I will answer you.
Creating this network is my way of working with many people closely and intimately in real time, real life situations. I really do want to help you.
I've been there, broke, sad, lonely, not knowing where to turn. I know how it feels when hope is about gone, and you don't know how to make it through this one day.By joining this network, this family of well being and healing, you have taken the first and maybe the biggest step in moving your life forward.
I will provide you with lots of free articles, groups, forums, discussions, answers to your questions and much more.
You are important to me and to Source. I want to help you understand this and feel this.
Of course you will be offered ebooks, classes and one on one coaching/healing sessions for money exchange. Just like you I exchange money for utilities, food, shelter. Smile
It's not all about the money though. It's about us being real, realizing who we really are. We are the Masters of our Lives. We create it one thought, one feeling, one belief at a time.
I want to help you see and understand this so you can stop doing it without consciousness and begin doing it ON PURPOSE>
To get your answers more quickly start a discussion or join a group on the topic. I come here many times a day to respond to what you say.
If you need to talk with me privately, just message me. I will get back to you generally within 24 hours.
I have classes, some free, some charged that you can take. Read the thread about Places to find Tools for growth. I will add links to all my websites, and class sites.
Others may also list their websites there.I am presently offering a coaching or healing session for a donation of your choice. I can do this as long as I have open spots.
Soon I will have spots for paid ads on this site. If you have a business you would like to advertise you will be able to place ads on the right side of the page for a small fee. I will also add a donation by Paypal in the near future so you can be part of keeping the site up and running.
As we grow we will need more space and I want this to be a co creation with all of us building the dream.
I hope you'll share this site with family and friends. You can get a badge to add to your Facebook or MySpace page that will help people to find us.
I hope you'll read my Who is Donna Thread and then create one for yourself.
Please add me as a friend first thing. I want to get to know you.
If you have a need, please message me... I really do want to help.You will notice that I have a few groups started, please join right in.
I will be offering my products and services through this network as a means of helping you empower your life.
If you have a business, product or service, please keep it to your profile page or to a group you created.
Do not use others pages and groups to advertise, it bugs some people.
You may use a signature line with a link, but please, no full adds for comments or posts.
You are welcome to start a group that talks about your products or services. Please, don't use the email aspect to spam people selling to them.
Let's keep it clean, helpful and loving.
Notice that I've added my audio podcasts to this page. Give a listen and keep an ear out for new ones coming soon.
DonnaVisit my page for my latest offerings. For a limited time I am combining three of my best sellers for one low price. Get the new year started off in the direction of success.
Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.
Law of Attraction Jewelry Spirt Dolls Dream Catchers
Blog Archive
- Healing Gemstone Energy in windows Feng Shui Cures...
- What do you really really want? It's already yours...
- Last day to enter. Win over $500.00 products servi...
- Law of attraction in action podcasts for real lives
- Cause and effect the key to creation « Secret Desi...
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- Giving is means of receiving more « Secret Design ...
- Changing your life takes action on your part
- You Deserve The Best Enter to win over $500.00 in ...
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- Healing Stones Jewelry Goddess energy jewelry
- Reiki healing stones crystals kits
- Gemstone Healing For Windows
- Healing Stones & Medicine Bags Handcrafted by me f...
- Energy Healing Tools Goddess Stone
- See Beyond Into Tomorrow Kundalini Vision Crystal
- Kick Start Your Life Quick session for changing yo...
- Magical Energy to Balance Life
- Stone of Serenity
- Parable of Liver and Onions
- Power of blessing others « Secret Design Creations
- Energy Healing Tools ISIS Healing Temple of the Go...
- Ease Heal Pain, Restore Balance
- Balance with Selenite works on back, spine, body
- Lemurian Magical Crystal Energy
- See Beyond Into Tomorrow
- Healing Stones Jewelry
- Earth Mother Selfheal - Healing and Well Being for...
- Law of Attraction Podcasts, Healing Abundance Well...
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- Proof the Law of Attraction Works « Secret Design ...
- Thank you transforms everything « Secret Design Cr...
- You could win 4 hours coaching, dream catcher, hea...
- Live Happy Be Happy
- Open the windows of heaven to receive a blessing «...
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- Donna's podcast
- Law of attraction for parents, children, grandchil...
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- Law of attraction for parents and children
- You are the creative principle
- I’ve done all I can, now it’s your turn to apply i...
- I’ve done all I can, now it’s your turn to apply i...
- What does it take to get you to take action
- The Law of Attraction and You
- Fear plays a powerful role in life
- Live Happy Be Happy Discover the Secret that will ...
- Parable of Liver and Onions Understand the Law of ...
- You are perfection in every petal « Secret Design ...
- Magical Crystal Energy Lemurian crystals for Reiki...
- Energy Healing Tools
- Energy Healing Tools
- Energy Healing Tools Large natural fluorite
- Parable of Liver and Onions The Key to the Law of ...
- Parable of Liver and Onions This will change your ...