This network is an outreach of Earth Mother Selfheal.. offering support, wisdom and inspiration for all members.
It's easy to become a member. You use the paypal button to pay a $10.00 monthly fee and once I receive notice of the subscription I will email you an invitation. You can not join without the invitation.
Some ask why charge anything at all with so many free groups on the net to join.
That's my reason. How many groups do you belong to? How many of them do you actually visit each week to read and share?
We humans value what we put our money in. I want you to value this network. It will help you change your life.
The $10.00 a month provides you access to groups, discussions and real support from me, Donna DeVane.After you join I will send you the download link to get your copy of my new Ebook, Be Happy Live Happy.
This along with all the information on this site will get you off to a great start in transforming your life experience.I began this family network in order to reach out and help my coaching and healing clients. It's grown into a place of learning and self discovery and family.
If you would like to join use the paypal button to subscribe. You will be agreeing to a $10.00 a month recurring fee.
Look through this front page and you'll get an idea of what's inside this network.
Real life information that helps YOU put the law of attraction to work in your real life on a day to day basis.
This is your chance to change your life for $5.99. Get my new ebook, Parable fo liver and onions, the key to the kingdom, read it and we'll have a free 15 minute coaching session about your number one burning question. It doesn't get any better or easier than this. Why am I giving away coaching time??? I really want you to get this. I know it will change your life. Click this to go to the website and get your copy today.This is the reason I created this network. I want to help YOU move into the present and create a future that is exciting, glorious and fun. I want you to understand that being happy comes first. All the "stuff" out there will NOT make you happy. Be happy then all the stuff will be fun.
If you are really ready to change your life.. and change yourself.. go ahead and join. If you are not ready right now, that's ok.. be blessed.
I double dog dare you to get this ebook and read it. YOU WILL CHANGE and your life will transform. This is the most powerful thing I've ever shared with people.
Get it and read it.. Get ready for the ride of your life!If you click on My Blog you can listen to several voice blogs I've made.
These are fun.
If you have a subject you'd like me to talk about.. send me a message.
Thank you so much for joining my healing community.
As a healer for almost twenty years it's my intention to bless others as I am blessed.This network is part of my family of websites and means to offer help.
How is what I offer different from the thousands of ebooks, coaching, healing, teaching offers already on the internet and in bookstores?
I am a real person. My business is me. I don't have a vast army of folks on payroll. When you email me, I am the one who answers. Yes, it may take a day or two, but I will answer you.
Creating this network is my way of working with many people closely and intimately in real time, real life situations. I really do want to help you.
I've been there, broke, sad, lonely, not knowing where to turn. I know how it feels when hope is about gone, and you don't know how to make it through this one day.By joining this network, this family of well being and healing, you have taken the first and maybe the biggest step in moving your life forward.
I will provide you with lots of free articles, groups, forums, discussions, answers to your questions and much more.
You are important to me and to Source. I want to help you understand this and feel this.
Of course you will be offered ebooks, classes and one on one coaching/healing sessions for money exchange. Just like you I exchange money for utilities, food, shelter. Smile
It's not all about the money though. It's about us being real, realizing who we really are. We are the Masters of our Lives. We create it one thought, one feeling, one belief at a time.
I want to help you see and understand this so you can stop doing it without consciousness and begin doing it ON PURPOSE>
To get your answers more quickly start a discussion or join a group on the topic. I come here many times a day to respond to what you say.
If you need to talk with me privately, just message me. I will get back to you generally within 24 hours.
I have classes, some free, some charged that you can take. Read the thread about Places to find Tools for growth. I will add links to all my websites, and class sites.
Others may also list their websites there.I am presently offering a coaching or healing session for a donation of your choice. I can do this as long as I have open spots.
Soon I will have spots for paid ads on this site. If you have a business you would like to advertise you will be able to place ads on the right side of the page for a small fee. I will also add a donation by Paypal in the near future so you can be part of keeping the site up and running.
As we grow we will need more space and I want this to be a co creation with all of us building the dream.
I hope you'll share this site with family and friends. You can get a badge to add to your Facebook or MySpace page that will help people to find us.
I hope you'll read my Who is Donna Thread and then create one for yourself.
Please add me as a friend first thing. I want to get to know you.
If you have a need, please message me... I really do want to help.You will notice that I have a few groups started, please join right in.
I will be offering my products and services through this network as a means of helping you empower your life.
If you have a business, product or service, please keep it to your profile page or to a group you created.
Do not use others pages and groups to advertise, it bugs some people.
You may use a signature line with a link, but please, no full adds for comments or posts.
You are welcome to start a group that talks about your products or services. Please, don't use the email aspect to spam people selling to them.
Let's keep it clean, helpful and loving.
Notice that I've added my audio podcasts to this page. Give a listen and keep an ear out for new ones coming soon.
DonnaVisit my page for my latest offerings. For a limited time I am combining three of my best sellers for one low price. Get the new year started off in the direction of success.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Earth Mother Selfheal - Healing and Well Being for an Empowered Life
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Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.
Law of Attraction Jewelry Spirt Dolls Dream Catchers
Blog Archive
- Healing Gemstone Energy in windows Feng Shui Cures...
- What do you really really want? It's already yours...
- Last day to enter. Win over $500.00 products servi...
- Law of attraction in action podcasts for real lives
- Cause and effect the key to creation « Secret Desi...
- Law of attraction Giving is receiving The NEW Secret
- Giving is means of receiving more « Secret Design ...
- Changing your life takes action on your part
- You Deserve The Best Enter to win over $500.00 in ...
- Feng shui abundance necklace get your LOA groove g...
- Healing Stones Jewelry Goddess energy jewelry
- Reiki healing stones crystals kits
- Gemstone Healing For Windows
- Healing Stones & Medicine Bags Handcrafted by me f...
- Energy Healing Tools Goddess Stone
- See Beyond Into Tomorrow Kundalini Vision Crystal
- Kick Start Your Life Quick session for changing yo...
- Magical Energy to Balance Life
- Stone of Serenity
- Parable of Liver and Onions
- Power of blessing others « Secret Design Creations
- Energy Healing Tools ISIS Healing Temple of the Go...
- Ease Heal Pain, Restore Balance
- Balance with Selenite works on back, spine, body
- Lemurian Magical Crystal Energy
- See Beyond Into Tomorrow
- Healing Stones Jewelry
- Earth Mother Selfheal - Healing and Well Being for...
- Law of Attraction Podcasts, Healing Abundance Well...
- Law of Attraction Podcasts, Healing Abundance Well...
- Proof the Law of Attraction Works « Secret Design ...
- Thank you transforms everything « Secret Design Cr...
- You could win 4 hours coaching, dream catcher, hea...
- Live Happy Be Happy
- Open the windows of heaven to receive a blessing «...
- Win over $500.00 in products & services Coaching, ...
- Do you want to win over $400.00 in products and se...
- You Deserve The Best Win a dream catcher and four ...
- Law of attraction ordering from Source « Secret De...
- Donna's podcast
- Law of attraction for parents, children, grandchil...
- Law of attraction for parents, children, grandchil...
- Law of attraction for parents and children
- You are the creative principle
- I’ve done all I can, now it’s your turn to apply i...
- I’ve done all I can, now it’s your turn to apply i...
- What does it take to get you to take action
- The Law of Attraction and You
- Fear plays a powerful role in life
- Live Happy Be Happy Discover the Secret that will ...
- Parable of Liver and Onions Understand the Law of ...
- You are perfection in every petal « Secret Design ...
- Magical Crystal Energy Lemurian crystals for Reiki...
- Energy Healing Tools
- Energy Healing Tools
- Energy Healing Tools Large natural fluorite
- Parable of Liver and Onions The Key to the Law of ...
- Parable of Liver and Onions This will change your ...
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