Self empowerment movement is calling you
Posted by Donna DeVane on October 21, 2009
Since 1995 I’ve been working on line as a healer, a spiritual coach, teacher and writer. Over the past several years I’ve watched many changes take place not only on the Internet but in our world as well. I’ve seen a wall of fear energy grow and fill even our light workers and our energy healers.
I guess on the one hand it’s understandable because you cannot turn on the television or even ride down the road without being bombarded by messages of fear. It seems sometimes that fear is coming at us from all directions.
People on the left , liberals and Democrats, energy workers and healers, greenies and recyclers, are all telling us that we’re bringing destruction to our planet and that in a few more million years it will be uninhabitable for the human race. We are also being told that due to genetic manipulation of our foods that they’re not nutritional for us any longer and we must spend four times as much in order to get food that nourishes our body.
The right, Republicans and conservatives tell us that we’re losing sight of our righteousness and gaining the disapproval of GOD. This message is that all good things and approval of the Creator are outside ourselves and must be sought, even earned through our suffering and sacrifice. Now we are bombarded with the threat of a new fear in the form of a flu or the very vaccine that is supposed to help keep you from having this flu.
It seems that no matter where one looks fear is on the menu. Recently during meditation Spirit ask me to stop pussy footing all round some hard truths. These truths only appear to be hard due to so many people not wanting to listen to them. This is a spiritual fact; there is love and there’s fear.
Everything falls into one of these two camps. It doesn’t matter whether you were metaphysically inclined, are dogmatically religious , there are only two energies at play and these are love and fear. I am very perplexed at the amount of brainwashing affecting most people in this country. Someone who is supposed to be in authority tells you something to be afraid of and you just immediately fall in line with the fear. You accept without any conscious thought whatsoever what you are told in the news media and advertising and even in the pulpit.
We say that we are conscious beings , but most have very little if any awareness of where their beliefs come from. I am amazed at the similarity between the two camps of spirituality and religious people. Both have given way to fear of disease, war, poverty, and lack.
This is a wake-up call. A call to consciousness, a reminder of who you are and how powerful you are. Whether you were trying to change the world so that it will not overheat and boil us all into steam, or you were trying to save us from the liberals who would socialize our government thus controlling our every thought and action, the energy is the same; FEAR! Fear only and always reproduces in its own image. This is LIFE, ever expanding, ever reproducing more in its own likeness. It does not matter which fear camp you to set your tent up in, fear is fear. Today Spirit is inviting you to join in a new movement which only sees perfection , love, harmony and abundance. You can only bring this forth into physical experience when this is the only reality you see. Some will say, but Donna don’t we need to pay attention to all the horrible things going on in the world today? My answer is, only if you wish to continue by the giving of your energy to the states to see more of them. This is truth. What you give your attention and your energy to, always, always, creates more of itself in its image and likeness. This is creative principle, it is spiritual law.
I would like to invite you to join my healing network where you can add your positive energy to the positive energy of others around the world as we bring forth awareness of divine perfection, love, harmony, an abundance for all beings. As a healer and teacher I feel inspired to work with as many who are ready to hear so that they too may be empowered by and of the truths to take his powerful message to the world.
I do hope you’ll join me and tell all your friends so that together we create a world that is in harmony with spiritual law reflecting our inner harmony and understanding of spiritual truths.
Click here to join on Earth Mother Self Heal network and make a positive difference in our world
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This entry was posted on October 21, 2009 at 9:05 pm and is filed under Law of Attraction, healing, manifestation, political spirituality, spiritual healing, well being. Tagged: empowerment, fear, harmony, healing, spiritual truth, well being. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Self empowerment movement is calling you « Secret Design Creations
Monday, October 19, 2009
Stand up and BE You are not a chicken, you are an Eagle
Stand up and BE
Posted by Donna DeVane on October 19, 2009
Have you heard the story of the hawk who was raised by chickens? She ate with chickens, slept with chickens and believed herself to be a chicken. After all she had spent her whole life being in the company of chickens so her identity was set; she WAS a chicken.
One day while out in the chicken yard scratching for worms a male eagle flew over and spotted her. He wondered what in the world a beautiful eagle was doing living among chickens and scratching worms from the earth for food. He decided to fly down and ask. As he decended to the ground all the chickens were terrified and ran squaking for cover. The female eagle was doing her best to get away but the male eagle landed right in front of her and held up his wings so she could not escape. She had never experienced such fear and begged the male eagle not to kill and eat her.
Eat you, declared the male eagle, I want to know why you are down here on the ground scratching the earth for worms when you could be flying high in the sky with me.
What do you mean asked the female eagle, I am a chicken and this is what chickens do. Even though the male eagle pointed out that their wings, talons, heads were the same, the female eagle would have none of it. Finally in disquest the male eagle flew off to leave her to a life of being a chicken.
I told you that story because most people are just like the female eagle. They don’t know who they are and live their whole lives scratching out a meager living looking for scraps and worms to exisit on. They don’t know that they are really magnifienct creative beings able to experience whatever they choose simply by focusing their attention on that very state.
I want to tell you the truth about yourself. You are NOT a chicken. Neither are you destined to live in pain, misery, dis-ease, or poverty. This is not for you. The only reason you experience these things is due to your acceptance of what everyone around you your whole life has told you. All the chickens in your life have told you that you too are a chicken, and you bought it hook, line and sinker.
Now it’s time to realize that the truth is that you are an eagle. You are created to fly high in life, living wisdom and truth.
You have the choice, always, you have the choice of whether to be a chicken or an eagle. You are free to continue on as you have been or taking steps right now to realize your own creative power and change your life to reflect who you really are.
I want to help you discover this power within yourself. As a energy worker, coach and spiritual healer I offer you my wisdom and tools to transform yourself. You have only to accept that you are an eagle.
I offer a full one hour session of energy work for a donation of your choice. My regular price is $100.00 per hour, but you need only exchange energy with me that you are comfortable with. When you are ready to fly.. click this link.. and together we will discover the freedom of flying high.. Being FREE.
This is the perfect way for you to try out healing work with me. You decide what it’s worth to you to discover who you really are.
Working with me you will discover the truth about who you are.
You will understand that you are a powerful creative Being.. bringing forth all your experiences.
Also tools will be given to you that will help you to understand how to consciously work with Creative Principle, or law of attraction, to bring into form what you really desire to experience.
We will work to heal the inner child, release fear, find you sense of self worth and personal empowerment.
I offer the session on a donation basis because it’s very important to me that Eagles fly.. rather than scratching around for worms.
Take a positive step that will change you and change your life starting right now. You can do it, you are meant to fly.
Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)
This entry was posted on October 19, 2009 at 8:41 pm and is filed under Law of Attraction, healing, manifestation, reiki, spiritual healing, well being. Tagged: chicken, creative energy, creative principles, eagle, healing, Law of Attraction, Law of Attraction.creative principles. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry.
Isn't it time you stood up and realized your own power?
I would be honored to work with you on a donation basis or set you up as a recurring client. Just do it. It's time to FLY
Friday, October 16, 2009
Stones Crystal Kits for Balance Reiki healing, lightwork, meditation SALE Prices on many pieces
What we focus on, we attract into our life. Much as a magnet attracts metal, we attract the creation of our thoughts. Where our thoughts and our intentions flow, there is what we are creating to experience.
What is in your life now, has been drawn to you by your thoughts and beliefs. Changing your thought patterns, changes what you experience. You will notice many changes right away, some take a bit longer to bring into your experience.
I offer stones and crystals as a means of helping you to focus your thoughts and beliefs into areas in line with what you wish to experience.
Using stones and crystals for meditation and manifestation is an ancient practice, still used today by Shamans and healers.
When looking for a stone or crystal to work with, be aware of your inner voice and feelings. You will "know" when you have found the "right" piece for you.
Change your thinking, change your life!
Love yourself well... alwaysAll prices include shipping
I have been busy marking down prices on stones, crystals and jewelry on my website.
I haven't hosted a sale in over a year and thought it would be fun to have a pre holiday sale before everyone gets in a hustle.
Several pages have been marked down with sale prices... this is a good one to start with.. Reiki Chakra stones crystals kits. I have gathered together stones and crystals in combination with their energy.
Perfect for laying on the body or carrying in your medicine bag.
Start with this page and have a look around.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Reiki Energy Healing Tools Marked down, ready for new Earth Keeper
Rainbow obsidian Travel Spheres Matched Pair 7494
$ 119.99 USD
These are perfect for the healer who does out of body travel either to heal clients or to work on self.
As you can see they are very nice pieces, large and so powerful that you will want to keep them covered when not in use.Message from the stones;
We are travel stones, bringing you the lift you need to leave the physical form of body and move into the larger body which is you.
By placing one of us in each hand, we will tell you which hand to place us in, we deepen your relaxation and invite you to journey with us to places of healing and well being.
You may also use us in the hands of your clients to bring them into a deepened state of relaxation while you connect to our energy to "see" into the etheric realm of perfection.WAS $149.99
Cross Cluster for travel healing work 7596
$ 149.99 USD
She is a beauty. I dug her several years ago and she is ready to go to her next Earth Keeper.
Here is what she has to say.. and as you listen she will reveal more of her teachings.I am from of the Earth Mother, connecting with Sky, Water, Wind, here, now, forever, eternity, yesterday and NOW>
There is only now no matter the direction in which we move.
My formation of cross is more than healing energy, it crosses all time, all energy, revealing the connection between All That Is and you as All That IS.You are the energy of perfection, you have only forgotten. I will show you through travel that crossing over to any place, any time, any space is only a matter of Being in Now.
This is a Master Teacher Crystal formation. She has cross, grooved records and on the underside many, many new crystals in all sizes. As you work with her she will continue to grow and share with you the records she holds for healing your own life and body.. as well as working with others through Energy Healing.
This is a Lightworker Crystal. She is what Lightworker means.
She measures 6 inches long.
You will enjoy your journey with her.. she is a powerful crystal teacher.
WAS $149.99
NOW $119.99
Isis Healing Temple of the Goddess Crystal 7597
$ 39.99 USD
This is a beautiful and powerful Temple crystal. The formation on front is the entrance way to the "healing chambers" of the Goddess Isis.
During meditation and energy work you may enter by sitting in the silence and waiting for the invitation.
The crystal told me...I am the entrance for the hidden chambers of healing. I represent THE Goddess.. that is you.. connected to all the many sisters, mothers, daughters who have shared healing knowledge.
When you desire to enter me.. when you feel the tug on your solar plexus.. sit or recline.. be still.. be quiet.. listen for my voice guiding you inside the crystal and into the Healing Chamber.Working with a Temple Crystal is very exciting and insightful for the energy worker.
You will want to work with her several times on your own before guiding your clients into her chambers. Ask for guidance and it will be provided to you on both you and your client entering the Healing Chamber where others will come and help you both.
Your client receives high level energy work and you get information on deeper methods.She measures 3 7/8 inches.
I also suggest that you sleep with her for a week or two after receiving her. She will teach you during dream time and even travel with you.
WAS $49.99
NOW $39.99
Smokey Quartz Record Teacher Cleanse 7598
$ 24.99 USD
Amazing energy.. amazing records.
You will find numerous records, "triangles" of information in this teacher crystal.
As you work with it you will notice it pulls.. quickly and strongly any dense, compacted energy from any of the bodies.
Use as a raking tool to move through the energy clearing and cleansing as you move.
By opening the records before you begin a Reiki or other energy session, you can access information stored within the crystals and the Ages.
Open by rubbing upward on crystal, close rubbing downward.Placing in a room will keep the vibrations form "bogging" down with the negative energy of others.
Measures 3 inches
WAS $29.99
NOW $24.99
Goddess Chylorite Crystal Formation Healing Power 7599
$ 79.99 USD
Do you see the Goddess? Arms outstretched.. she stands with crystals around and beside her.
She is a chylorite crystal... the only one like this I've found in all my years of working with the Stone and Crystal People.
She is a major healing crystal. She brings to each person that which they most need to remember in order to experience balance, well being and health on all levels.The bottom of the crystal is covered with triangles, new growth, records.. the energy of the Goddess Crystal is .. well.. you'll just have to see and feel for yourself.. beyond power..
Is she calling you?Measures 3 inches
WAS $99.99
NOW $79.99
Window Vision Quartz Crystal 7600
$ 24.99 USD
She is stunning.. a perfect window with the vision crystal aspect. She has a ding at the top, doesn't disperse the energy though. It's a generator.
Hold in your hands and let your eyes relax. Gaze softly into the crystal. She will not only "show" you things.. but will take you there.
Wonderful moon and sun shapes from fractures.. what magic will they reveal to you???Use her over your client's energy to "see" what needs your attention.
As you work with her she said she will form self healed aspects on the bottom..
Measures 2 1/2 inches
WAS $29.99
NOW $24.99
Chlorite Crystal Keeps energy clear 7602
$ 19.99 USD
This is a perfect piece for home, office. It stands alone. The chlorite is natural, but the shape has been enhanced by man.
The energy is very crisp and clear.. perfect for office, home or Reiki room.Place at the feet during sessions to clear and bring crisp energy to the body.
Measures 2 1/2 inches
WAS $24.99
NOW $19.99
Large Natural Fluorite Cluster Clearing energy 7608
$ 39.99 USD
Nothing beats fluorite for clearing energy. I love keeping it around the house to keep vibes high.
In areas where there is lots of negativity I suggest keeping several pieces, in corners, on tables.. it's perfect for breaking down the low vibrations and bringing a more positive and uplifting energy to a space.
This is a natural piece, several crystals inside the mother stone, matrix.
Place at the feet of clients when using Reiki or other energy work to draw out toxins and impurities.
Weight is over 1 pound.
WAS $45.99
NOW $39.99
Elestial Records Smokey Quartz Crystal 7609
$ 32.99 USD
This beautiful Smokey quartz crystal is covered with Elestial Records..
Each record will help you to grow in your own healing methods and heal your own life.
Rub the etched triangles upward to open and activate.. downward to close when you are not working with the crystal.Perfect choice for healing trauma and physical injury to the body.
Measures 3 x 4 inches
Weight 9 1/2 ounces
Place at feet of client to draw out blocked energy.
WAS $39.99
NOW $ 32.99
These and other stones and crystals are marked down on my website. Is one calling for you?
Use the link to see the photos
Monday, October 12, 2009
Parable of Liver and Onions You'll really GET the law of attraction
Here's what people are saying about this book and it's message:
The “Parable of Liver and Onions” is a uniquely sweet story with an underlying message that encourages children to equate the power of their thoughts with what actually happens in their lives. Although my children have been raised with an understanding of the principles of the law of attraction, they became very excited to have this story to share with their friends to help them understand how “important thinking positive thoughts are.” (Their words)
The fact that the “Parable of Liver and Onions” is an eBook provided my children with the added benefit of having an opportunity to use their imaginations to create drawings to go with the story!
I would encourage parents who are interested in teaching the principles of the law of attraction and positive thinking to their children to use this eBook as a teaching aid to explain the most fundamental principle of the law of attraction…the power of our thoughts.
Denny Hagel
Co-owner Innovative Parenting LLC
Co-Author The Law of Attraction: The Next Generation
Rita B. Alabama
Donna's new ebook, Liver and Onions woke up the child in me. I'm 70 years old and had just about forgotten how to believe in new possibilities till I read this book. Now I feel like anything's possible again. Thank you Donna.
Shirl G. Colorado
I got Liver and Onions for my children, but in reading it to them I found a new way of looking at my own life. What a powerful message, Donna. The message is simple and straight to the point, just like all Donna's messages. Thank you, I see how my thoughts and feelings are creating in my life.. and the kids got that too.
Use the link to get your copy today
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Let's transform your energy vibration in an hour with manifestation crystal
Are you ready for your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?I'm talking about more than just coaching.. this is real energy work that will transform you today. Get your vibration out of the rut, lift it up and watch your life change.
Are you worried about the economy?
Are you concerned about how to make it?
What to do, where to go?I understand. Many are out of jobs, worried about their house payments, car payments.. what to do next to bring about more opportunities for success.
Stop worrying, stop stressing.. you are harming your body... you are limiting your life.
Perhaps you are experiencing dis-ease in your body already. I will help you experience a brand new you.. the you that you were designed to BE.
Dis-ease is connected to your energy level, to what you are creating. The body is giving you notice that something is wrong and needs to be balanced.
Let me help you find this point of balance.
We will root out the reasons for dis-ease and change the foundation of your energy so you will heal.I really do want to help.. and am offering a one hour life coaching / healing session with you by phone to get you started.
I have been a healer and life coach for many years. I understand the fear and stress of life. I am a mother, grandmother and do know about wanting to provide for your children.
You need an objective person to listen and lift you up. I can see behind the outer stress and into the heart of the matter. I can help.
What you need is an energy shift..not just more motivational conversation.. Let's get to work shifting your energy.. on a spiritual.. basic.. who you really are level.....
Perhaps you are one of those people who get excited about all these changes. You see change as an opportunity to shake things up and find new ways of succeeding.
This is great.. you just need someone to help you sort through all the possibilities and find the best actions to take to get your dreams rolling.Have you got plans and dreams for a new joy, new relationship? Are you ready to succeed in your business? Working together with me you can achieve so much more in a shorter period of time.
Let me help. Go ahead, reach out and let someone make a difference in your life. You deserve understanding and encouragement.
My coaching and healing work is designed to help you see opportunities that you are missing right now. As a healer I understand self imposed limits, beliefs that keep you from succeeding. Let me help.The best gift you can give yourself is getting your life on track.
Why am I offering an hour of coaching/healing for a donation?
Because I really care. It's more than the money, it's the change that is taking place right now across our planet. We need each person living free and successfully to move these changes forward.Rather than take on new clients as I usually do, I was inspired to offer this type of coaching sessions as I realize so many are deeply worried and concerned, you are ready for things to be really different in your life... no matter what your present circumstance.
This is my way of being the change I wish for the world. I desire everyone to live their dreams, to be happy, to enjoy life.
I know this is outrageous.. I want it to be. I want to be involved in really helping you shift your life.. live your dreams.. enjoy a passionate life..I'm not even going to tell you what I normally get for an hour of coaching. I leave it up to you. Make a donation that you are comfortable with. Here's how it works.
Decide to change your life
Decide to let me help you.
Decide how much you want to donate.
Use the donation button to donate with your Paypal account or credit card.
Once I receive notice of your donation I will email you to set up a phone call. If you are in the US I can call you. Outside the USA we can use Skype.You decide.. to change your life.. you decide how much energy to exchange..
You get excited, motivated, encouraged to follow your dreams and change your life.
It's a win win for both of us.I am also offering this hour as a healing/balancing session. Right now I am offering to work with you using my huge manifestation crystal to transform your energy vibration TODAY!
Many have asked and I will now offer your choice, life coaching or healing/balancing session.
Be sure to tell me before the phone call which one you are requesting as I have to prepare differently for them.This isn't a gimmick. I'm serious about helping. I will even promise to keep you as a client for three months on a donation only basis. This is plenty of time to get you started on the road to change and success.
You've got everything to gain.. so go ahead and give it a try.
Use this link to email me or to donate for your personal one hour session with me.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Spiritual coaching for Spiritual Beings
Spiritual coaching for Spiritual Beings
Posted by Donna Devane on Saturday, October 10, 2009 Under: Donna DeVane's News![]()
This flower is from my garden. It is a beautiful expression of life unfolding and revealing the beauty of Source Energy.
Take a moment to enjoy the glory of the bloom, the fullness of beauty.Close your eyes and think that you too are the expression of Spirit, of Source Energy.
Just as the flower reveals the glory of Life.. you too are intended to express that very same Life.All That Is.. is Spirit.. including you.
This is the reason that a lot of people do not see results with most coaching and self help programs. They deny the Truth.. the Truth that You Are Spirit. You can only work with spiritual things in a spiritual manner. Working from the outside in will never work, it can't, it's Creative Principle.
Source always works from the inside out, never the other way around. In order for you to experience anything you must Be that energy. This is the same for insight, abundance, prosperity, health, home, car.. etc.
Law of attraction is a spiritual law.. not physical law.
I offer coaching that works from the inside out, helping you to see the Truth of who you are and how to work with Creative Source, the law of attraction to BE whatever you are desiring.
You are Spirit, everything is Spirit. To work from any other direction is illusion and will only bring about more of the same energy manifested into what we call reality.
I have a free ebook report just for you. It discusses what a life coach is and why you might benefit from working with one.
You can get a copy hereI look forward to working with you .. and know you can change your life.. you do have the power.
In : Donna DeVane's News
Tags: creative principle law of attraction spiritual coaching physical law spiritual law truth creative source
Friday, October 09, 2009
I want to help Spiritual life coaching for a donation of your choice. Friday Saturday ONLY
With all the changes happening in our world right now many have questions. Perhaps you are wondering how you can line up with the positive changes and discover the inner power of your Being?
I've been involved in spiritual coaching and energy healing work for many years and am always excited when someone begins asking the deeper questions about life. It's an honor to help people discover their answers and their own power to create a life that pleases them in every aspect.
Now and again I leave my coaching schedule open so that I can offer coaching for a donation. Today and tomorrow I have some open time slots. I hope you will click the link to find out more about working one on one with me to discover the secrets of your own power..
Monday, October 05, 2009
Ease Heal Pain, Restore Balance Reiki Energy healing, light workers
These are lithium quartz crystals that I dug several years ago.
They are very powerful for easing physical pain in the body and emotions.
Wash crystal with cold running water, clearing it. Hold it in your hand and see yourself pain free and happy. Breathe this intention into the crystal and place in fresh, clear water. A glass bottle is best, plastic will work, just make sure it's very clean, no paper wrappers, etc.
Let the bottle with the crystal in it sit for at least 24 hours in a window. Sun and moon charging takes place activating the extreme energy of the crystal.
Refrigerate water and drink no more than 1/4 cup to start. One client didn't listen and drank a whole cup, sleeping for 18 hours straight afterward. Don't drive, etc after drinking.
I am required by law to state, I am not a medical doctor. I do not prescribe medical treatments.
This is for metaphysical purposes only.
For photos of the crystals click the link. These are a natural pain reducer and will also calm the emotions. Pay careful attention to the instructions, too much is not better.. it will knock you out..
Stones Crystal Kits for Balance Reiki healing, lightwork, meditation
I love using stones and crystals in my energy work. Each one offers a message of Spirit.. healing, well being.
When used with healing energy, meditation you enhance the energy. It's like an OM meditation when placed on the body. Use the color of the stone to match the chakra color.. for Reiki and other energy healing work.
Weave the life of your dreams
Spider reminds us that we weave the threads of our lives. We have the power not only to weave but to cut away those things which no longer serve us. What have you included in your life web that is holding you back?
Beliefs can set you free or bind you to people, places, things which don't allow you to grow and Be fully who you are.
Take a lesson from Grandmother Spider, weave with care, let go whatever does not serve you. It's your creation after all.
click link to see my other spiders.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
One plus one equals ONE we call this love « Secret Design Creations
One plus one equals ONE we call this love
Posted by Donna DeVane on October 4, 2009
There is TRUTH. This has always been and will always been TRUTH.
It’s Universal Principle, Divine Creative Principle.. GOD. First Force, Source.. it matters not what you call this.. personally I like LOVE>
There are not many, there is only One. We are all One. Take the ocean, filled with billions of drops of water, each drop makes up the whole, the ONE.
Religion has done as much if not more to confuse mankind to the Truth of GOD.. Divinity within Man.. the Christ of God.. which man is.. than anything else. Religion teaches that GOD is outside of man.. man is not good enough for GOD. This is not truth.. it only appears to be true to those who choose to believe it as such.
All of man’s problems are the result of believing a lie.
We have come to the point where so many are now seeking answers to the questions of life. Why is there poverty? Sickness? Lack? Dis-ease?
The answer is simple. Mankind believes in a LIE>> that he is somehow not good enough to be anything other than a being who struggles to find GOD’s favor and perhaps eternal joy.
There is another way. Rather than seeing yourself as a drop of ocean that matters little.. see yourself as the ocean. The ocean is made up of all it’s parts. This is why it is an ocean. Without the drops of water there would be no ocean. Which is more important the drops or the whole of the ocean? They are the same, they are ONE.
There is much teaching today about the law of attraction and Being the thing or the person experiencing the thing wanted.. this only scratches the surface of TRUTH.
You are the energy of All Things.. you are Source Energy. The real secret to life is that you are LIFE. Life is not seperate from you, GOD is not out there somewhere waiting for you to find him. I AM is what who you ARE.
Put aside the beliefs of childhood, of confussion. Come back to Truth. Herein lies peace, joy, abudance, love. You are those things. Stop seeing yourself as seperate from and see beyond the veil of illusion.
Today be still. Breathe in deeply. As you exhale think/feel/say.. “I AM love”.
“I AM Light”“I AM Truth”
“Source, Life, GOD, flows through me, always”
You are Love… remember that.
This entry was posted on October 4, 2009 at 10:32 pm and is filed under Law of Attraction, The secret, healing, manifestation, well being. Tagged: creative principles, god, Law of Attraction, Law of Attraction.creative principles, secret, secret law of attraction. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry.
Friday, October 02, 2009
Prosperity Abundance Meditation
Click to take my free online class. It will help you line up with prosperity in your daily life.
And the Winner Is
And the Winner Is
Posted by Donna Devane on Friday, October 2, 2009 Under: Contests Give A WayI am delighted to announce a winner of my give a way.
Thank you to everyone who entered.. you made it so much fun.
I love joining my excitement about life with yours.. it's an awesome force.
That's the reason I do the contests.. it allows us to feel excitement about life and that's what it's all about.The winner of over $500.00 in products and services is.....
Rita B
She gets four hours of coaching, a membership to my healing network, a copy of my newest law of attraction ebook, Parable of Liver and Onions, the Key to the Kingdom.. plus a prosperity dream catcher.
We've already had our first session and it was wonderful. I look forward to working with her.
I'll let you know when the next contest is.. so you can join in the fun..
Love yourself well.. always..
In : Contests Give A Way
Tags: contest give a way law of attraction coaching prosperity dream catcher
Miracles are Creative Principle « Secret Design Creations
Miracles are Creative Principle
Posted by Donna DeVane on October 2, 2009
I want to talk about miracles today. You probably are not aware of this, but miracles are natural… they occur constantly.
See the tomatoes in the picture? They began several months ago as tiny little seed. I took a small speck of a seed and placed it in the soil where I added water and the sun graced it with a beckoning of encouragement to grow and Become.
Inside the tiny see was an eight foot tall tomato plant covered with fruit. I didn’t create them, I only called them forth into Being by agreeing with Source Energy that they already were.
I lined up my desires with the vibration of what I wanted and it came about very quickly and easily. This is the creative principle at work. This is the natural way that we call to ourselves those things and experiences desired.
We don’t have to force them, or create them. At the instant we form a desire, the fulfillment of that desire already Is. You have only to line yourself up with it in order to receive it.
Now when I first thought of wanting tomatoes I took steps that were in line with having them. I purchased the seed and planted them. I took care to nurture the seed, seeing always the finished product.. fruit to eat and turn into spaghetti sauce.
While the seed was not the finished experience, nor was the large plant; I knew that they were all steps to having tomatoes.
This is the method for bringing about whatever you are wanting into your physical reality.
Know without doubt that whatever you desire already is there for you. It only awaits you to call it forth through your desire. Take steps in line with having the thing wanted, give thanks for it being yours already and stay focused on the end result.
Miracles are not rare, they happen constantly. They are natural. Locate the seed of the desired experience.. be that state.. give thanks for it already being yours. By staying in line with the vibration of the wanted experience you will soon see it unfold before you.
The law of attraction is the creative principle whereby we all cooperate with Source Energy to bring into physical form wanted experiences. We don’t have to struggle with GOD to get what we want, we have only to agree with Divine Principle that all good and perfect gifts are readily given to us.
It feels hard only because you do not understand how much Source desires to give you good and perfect gifts. It is always the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Line up with that.. and it’s easy..
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Thursday, October 01, 2009
Live Happy Be Happy
How to find happiness
Happiness is your natural state, you were born to enjoy happiness. Accepting this fact is the first step to living happy and being happy.
Until you accept that being happy is possible you will find only moments of feeling this way and they will be dependent on something happening.
Every cell of your being cries out for you to be happy, to live a wonderful and joy filled life.
You've spent so many years practicing not being happy that you've forgotten how to BE Happy.
There are steps you can take that will turn your life experience around starting today.
How do I know this you're asking?
As a spiritual healer and life coach for over 15 years, a mom, grand mom and person who has walked this path..
I share with you the tools to change your life.
By starting with yourself you change everything you experience.
I know you've seen, maybe even read hundreds of books on this subject.
Take a moment right now and be still. Take a deep breath. Fill up with the breath. As you exhale think and or say softly, Harmony. Now do it again saying joy.
Repeat this just a few times and you will feel a shift take place. Being and living happy is a choice, a state of mind.
My ebook takes the actual experiences of my clients and my own life and puts it in an easy to read, easy to apply and easy to experience form. As you read through the material you will have many AHA moments.
You are ready for this. That's why you were led here. This is the next step on your path to understanding and through that understanding... CHANGE.
Don't wait for happiness another moment.. right now.. get your copy of How to Live Happy and Be Happy.. Yes You Can.. and start creating a magical life.
You get a free membership at my healing network with purchase.
After purchase you will be taken to a download page. Download requires Adobe Reader to open ebook. Save it to your hard drive.
Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.
Law of Attraction Jewelry Spirt Dolls Dream Catchers
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