Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Reiki Energy Healing Tools Marked down, ready for new Earth Keeper

Rainbow obsidian Travel Spheres Matched Pair 7494

$ 119.99 USD" />
These are perfect for the healer who does out of body travel either to heal clients or to work on self.
As you can see they are very nice pieces, large and so powerful that you will want to keep them covered when not in use.

Message from the stones;
We are travel stones, bringing you the lift you need to leave the physical form of body and move into the larger body which is you.
By placing one of us in each hand, we will tell you which hand to place us in, we deepen your relaxation and invite you to journey with us to places of healing and well being.
You may also use us in the hands of your clients to bring them into a deepened state of relaxation while you connect to our energy to "see" into the etheric realm of perfection.

WAS $149.99


Cross Cluster for travel healing work 7596

$ 149.99 USD" />
She is a beauty. I dug her several years ago and she is ready to go to her next Earth Keeper.
Here is what she has to say.. and as you listen she will reveal more of her teachings.

I am from of the Earth Mother, connecting with Sky, Water, Wind, here, now, forever, eternity, yesterday and NOW>

There is only now no matter the direction in which we move.
My formation of cross is more than healing energy, it crosses all time, all energy, revealing the connection between All That Is and you as All That IS.

You are the energy of perfection, you have only forgotten. I will show you through travel that crossing over to any place, any time, any space is only a matter of Being in Now.


This is a Master Teacher Crystal formation.  She has cross, grooved records and on the underside many, many new crystals in all sizes.  As you work with her she will continue to grow and share with you the records she holds for healing your own life and body.. as well as working with others through Energy Healing.

This is a Lightworker Crystal.  She is what Lightworker means. 

She measures 6 inches long.
You will enjoy your journey with her.. she is a powerful crystal teacher.
WAS $149.99
NOW $119.99


Isis Healing Temple of the Goddess Crystal 7597

$ 39.99 USD" />
This is a beautiful and powerful Temple crystal. The formation on front is the entrance way to the "healing chambers" of the Goddess Isis. 
During meditation and energy work you may enter by sitting in the silence and waiting for the invitation.
The crystal told me...

I am the entrance for the hidden chambers of healing. I represent THE Goddess.. that is you.. connected to all the many sisters, mothers, daughters who have shared healing knowledge.
When you desire to enter me.. when you feel the tug on your solar plexus.. sit or recline.. be still.. be quiet.. listen for my voice guiding you inside the crystal and into the Healing Chamber.

Working with a Temple Crystal is very exciting and insightful for the energy worker.
You will want to work with her several times on your own before guiding your clients into her chambers. Ask for guidance and it will be provided to you on both you and your client entering the Healing Chamber where others will come and help you both.
Your client receives high level energy work and you get information on deeper methods.

She measures 3 7/8 inches.

I also suggest that you sleep with her for a week or two after receiving her.  She will teach you during dream time and even travel with you.
WAS $49.99
NOW $39.99


Smokey Quartz Record Teacher Cleanse 7598

$ 24.99 USD" />
Amazing energy.. amazing records.
You will find numerous records, "triangles" of information in this teacher crystal.
As you work with it you will notice it pulls.. quickly and strongly any dense, compacted energy from any of the bodies.
Use as a raking tool to move through the energy clearing and cleansing as you move.
By opening the records before you begin a Reiki or other energy session, you can access information stored within the crystals and the Ages.
Open by rubbing upward on crystal, close rubbing downward.

Placing in a room will keep the vibrations form "bogging" down with the negative energy of others.

Measures 3 inches
WAS $29.99
NOW $24.99


Goddess Chylorite Crystal Formation Healing Power 7599

$ 79.99 USD" />
Do you see the Goddess? Arms outstretched.. she stands with crystals around and beside her.
She is a chylorite crystal... the only one like this I've found in all my years of working with the Stone and Crystal People.
She is a major healing crystal.  She brings to each person that which they most need to remember in order to experience balance, well being and health on all levels.

The bottom of the crystal is covered with triangles, new growth, records.. the energy of the Goddess Crystal is .. well.. you'll just have to see and feel for yourself.. beyond power..
Is she calling you?

Measures 3 inches
WAS $99.99
NOW $79.99


Window Vision Quartz Crystal 7600

$ 24.99 USD" />
She is stunning.. a perfect window with the vision crystal aspect.  She has a ding at the top, doesn't disperse the energy though.  It's a generator.
Hold in your hands and let your eyes relax.  Gaze softly into the crystal.  She will not only "show" you things.. but will take you there.
Wonderful moon and sun shapes from fractures.. what magic will they reveal to you???

Use her over your client's energy to "see" what needs your attention.

As you work with her she said she will form self healed aspects on the bottom..

Measures 2 1/2 inches
WAS $29.99
NOW $24.99


Chlorite Crystal Keeps energy clear 7602

$ 19.99 USD" />
This is a perfect piece for home, office.  It stands alone.  The chlorite is natural, but the shape has been enhanced by man.
The energy is very crisp and clear.. perfect for office, home or Reiki room.

Place at the feet during sessions to clear and bring crisp energy to the body.

Measures 2 1/2 inches
WAS $24.99
NOW $19.99


Large Natural Fluorite Cluster Clearing energy 7608

$ 39.99 USD" />
Nothing beats fluorite for clearing energy. I love keeping it around the house to keep vibes high.
In areas where there is lots of negativity I suggest keeping several pieces, in corners, on tables.. it's perfect for breaking down the low vibrations and bringing a more positive and uplifting energy to a space.
This is a natural piece, several crystals inside the mother stone, matrix.
Place at the feet of clients when using Reiki or other energy work to draw out toxins and impurities.
Weight is over 1 pound.
 WAS $45.99
NOW $39.99

Elestial Records Smokey Quartz Crystal 7609

$ 32.99 USD" />
This beautiful Smokey quartz crystal is covered with Elestial Records..
Each record will help you to grow in your own healing methods and heal your own life.
Rub the etched triangles upward to open and activate.. downward to close when you are not working with the crystal.

Perfect choice for healing trauma and physical injury to the body.
Measures 3 x 4 inches
Weight 9 1/2 ounces
Place at feet of client to draw out blocked energy.
WAS $39.99
NOW $ 32.99

These and other stones and crystals are marked down on my website. Is one calling for you?
Use the link to see the photos

Posted via web from Earth Mother Self Heal

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Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

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Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.

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