Which one are you?
Breaking news!
Inspiration has hit me full force right between the eyes. This is the most powerful and life changing ebook I've written thus far.
Secrets....Yes, I reveal the secrets of changing your life from the inside out. You already know that your thoughts become things. You see examples of this every day in your life.
You've tried vision boards, reading books and watching movies and still can't get you life in line with what you really desire.
Urgent action is required. Just like I was inspired to work to finish this powerful and life changing book.. it's urgent that YOU take action to change your life starting today.
Just imagine how you would feel finding out the secret to shifting your consciousness so that you create in vibrational alignment with your goals and dreams.
Your thoughts and desires must be on the same page so to speak in order for them to move into your experience. The reason you've not experienced the reality of the new home, new car, new love, financial freedom.. is you are not in alignment with it.
You probably already know this. Your present reality is the direct result of thoughts, beliefs and expectations you've held up to this point. No exceptions. The law of attraction always works, every time, all the time. You attract exactly in proportion to your beliefs and expectations.
You've spent years bringing your present circumstances into existence. Nothing is in your life without your permission... nothing.
Isn't it time you do things differently?
Now I would like to help you experience being in sync with your dreams. It's my passion to help you discover and manifest your dream of abundance, prosperity, relationships, and all the joys that brings.
Imagine what you could do if you really understood how to change the way you think. What would happen if you not only had an intellectual understanding of thoughts becoming things, more importantly you knew how to really shift from the inside out?
Now let yourself get in touch with the feelings of being a powerful creator of your perfect life. Close your eyes for just a moment and imagine the new car, home, life partner.. feels good doesn't it?
How do you get from where you are to the fulfillment of these dreams?
Since you've made it clear down here, I'll assume you are interested and you are ready to invest in yourself and make major changes.
What does this information mean to you? It means I am offering you the tools to change what you think, how you think, why you think... into alignment with your goals.
This powerful secret is ready for you. You are now ready to grab this tool and apply it to your life.
I've been teaching self healing classes for over 15 years online and I must say this book is inspired.
Learn to understand why you think and create the way you do. This ebook takes you step by step, belief by limiting belief through the process of self discovery.
What if you could read a book and have your eyes opened, at once understanding why your life is the way it is right now?
Would you be interested in learning more? I bet you would.
STOP right now and picture yourself free from limiting beliefs. FREE from the endless cycle of creating what you don't want..
AND imagine your life a few months from now after learning this information.
You will BE FREE to create your life and your dreams in exactly the way you wish to experience them.
Certainly you feel the benefits of investing in yourself, in your perfect life. Do it Today.. and start on an exciting journey of self discovery, adventure and magical creating.
Follow your inner guidance right now and break free of doubts. Go ahead.. you know you are ready to change.
$14.99 After payment you will be redirected to the download page.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Heal_Your_Life with Law of Attraction - Do More Than Wish Live Abundantly
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Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.
Law of Attraction Jewelry Spirt Dolls Dream Catchers
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