Butter Stone S Africa Ancient healing Prosperity
$ 16.99 USD
Prosperity Abundance Well Being Healing Reiki STone Butter JadeThis stone has wonderful soft energy, soothing the chakras and restoring energy of well being, prosperity, abundance and healing.
It comes from South Africa and is over 2500 millions years old, older than Dinosaurs.
Natural rock with two polished sides the other sides are natural.
2x2 inches.
You will enjoy the soothing, calming and healing energy of this beautiful stone. Place on the heart chakra for a wonderful balancing energy.
Law of Attraction Stones & Crystals
What we focus on, we attract into our life. Much as a magnet attracts metal, we attract the creation of our thoughts. Where our thoughts and our intentions flow, there is what we are creating to experience.
What is in your life now, has been drawn to you by your thoughts and beliefs. Changing your thought patterns, changes what you experience. You will notice many changes right away, some take a bit longer to bring into your experience.
I offer stones and crystals as a means of helping you to focus your thoughts and beliefs into areas in line with what you wish to experience.
Using stones and crystals for meditation and manifestation is an ancient practice, still used today by Shamans and healers.When looking for a stone or crystal to work with, be aware of your inner voice and feelings.
You will "know" when you have found the "right" piece for you.
It is my joy to share stones and crystals with you that lift you up and help you to create the life of your dreams.
Change your thinking, change your life!
NOW $16.99
Raw Sunstone Reiki Healing Chakra Clean Energy
$ 12.99 USD
This beautiful raw, natural piece of sunstone is a must for Reiki healers and those involved in healing.
Long ago this stone was said to represent the Sun God.. and thus carry intense energy for healing and insight.
Sunstone is a very powerful energy stone to clear and energize the chakra system.. washing away quickly all dense, stuck energy and replacing it with the burning energy of the Sun.
Used in Ancient times to bring courage, fearlessness and energy to the user. Placed in water and charged in the Sun.. it creates a very power elixer for healing and personal power.
Used in healing.. laying on of stones.. you will enjoy the freshness it brings to the chakras.. body and aura..
Measures 1 x 2 inches..
NOW $12.99
Mica Protection Seer Stone Reiki Healing Energy Stone
$ 12.99 USD
Micca Protection Seer StoneMicca is a wonderful stone to place in the corners of rooms or in the four directions for protection.
It also provides the user with "seer" properties.
May also be placed among your stones and crystals to keep the energy free of other vibrations.
This piece is good size, 1x2 inches, there are many sheets here. You can use it together or gently pull them into several sheets.
You will enjoy this natural piece..
NOW $12.99
Rainbow Hematite Joy Stone Acenscion Chakra Balance
$ 19.99 USD
Joy Of Living
I am a stone of balance,helping to bring clarity to reason and emotion. Where the emotions are charged with excess energy I will help to bring peace and in that peace understanding of the next step. I will help to open you to a deeper understanding of how to use the fire of emotion and imagination to move forward in your life. I bring the acceptance of the fire and passion within you for life and living. Passion is often denied out of fear of being out of control emotionally. I open your inner eyes that you may see that passion for life is a natural state for you.
I fan the flames of life energy within you,helping to ground you to the Earth while reaching for the Sky. My message is joy, in life,i n living, in fullness. I come to help you understand abundance and joy. As you walk feel the earth beneath you, grounding you in your beliefs and grounding into the center of the earth those things no longer needed. As you feel the sky at your head, open your creative ability to explore new thoughts,ideas and methods. Know and accept that you have and know no bounds, other than those you place upon yourself. You are as limitless as you dare to be. You are as big as the Universe and as small as an atom. You know no beginning or end,for my message tells you that you are the beginning and therefore the end.
AS you hold me, feel the blood within your body vibrate faster and at a higher level. I remind it of the excitement of living, of the power within you to do all things. Your blood carries within it the memory of fire and energy. Allow your cells to each be awakened to the passion of being present in each moment of all time. Feel the connection which you are to all things. Know the heartbeat of the Earth is your heart beating in rhythm with the heart beat of the whole. As you sing, know that all of life sings in harmony with you.
I bring acceptance of the fire of your emotions, and through acceptance balance is yours. No longer will you feel the need to stiffle your creative ability or your love, laughter, sorrow or aspirations. You will understand that these aspects of you are perfect and serve to guide you ever forward into joy. I bring alignment of the physical body as you experience alignment of your emotional and mental aspects. I bring the message that life is to be lived in pleasure,acceptance and with passion. I break down the barriers of fear and insecurity,that the floodgate may open and you will find yourself in the river of ecstasy. You now may move forward in balance with what you think, what you feel and who you are. Knowing that you were created for joy,vitality,and passion.
Channeled through
Donna Devane/Manyfeather
January,11,1999©LyonZPath Earth Mother Selfheal 1999-2009
This piece is exceptional with a wonderful array of little crystals, colors and exciting energy.
I only offer a few of these per year.. this is one of those rare times when I am offering one.
You will love working with this stone and enjoy the energy of joy, love and excitement it brings into your life.
Measures a little over 1 1/2 inches
NOW $19.99
Aquamarine Gemstone Stone of Awareness
$ 19.99 USD
This is a beautiful light blue piece of aqua marine.
This stone provides enhanced and deepened spiritual awareness.
By reminding you who you really are and balancing your energy, it also promotes a sense of safety and well being.It helps to soften speech and soothes sore throats.
Measures 3/4 inch
NOW $19.99
Pair Amber tourmaline crystals Reiki Healing tourm001
$ 9.99 USD
Amber Double terminated Tourmaline REiki Healing This is an amazing piece of Tourmaline. Mostly we see black tourmaline.. this is outstanding .. Amber , Gold, Greenish
I found this to have the properties of other tourmaline as it does offer properites of protection, grounding and cleansing.
Add to that the activation of crown chakra energies, allowing for the release of limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and love vibrations.
Placed anywhere on the body it moves energy in a positive flow, moving out density and bringing in a positive state of wholeness, remembrance of Perfection.
The double termination is a perfect formation as it moves energy in all directions.. establishing a perfect flow of energy.
Use on all chakras to establish a positive flow of energy, in specific areas to release density and blockages.
Reiki healers and those involved in their own healing will much appreciate the wonderful energy and healing power of this stone.
Measures 1/2 inch each, two pieces
$12.99NOW $9.99
Bottle of Blessings Let all the Good Come in
$ 19.99 USD
This is a bottle of blessings..
Filled with little crystals, gemstones and prayer.. each one represents opportunity for blessings, answered prayers and good times.
Law of Attraction Reiki Healing Feng Shui Bottle of BlessingsThis little bottle contains an assortment of Golden Healer and clear Quartz Crystals and assorted gemstones to bring the energy of well being, healing, abundance and prosperity into your life and home.
Place on a table to attract a positive flow of energy.
Perfect as a Feng Shui cure to enhance the flow of well being, healing, prosperity and abundance in your home.
Place on desk or in work space to enhance flow of abundance.
Bottle measures 3 inches.
This is the last one of this style that I have.
Bottle measures 3 inches tall
Bottle shape my be different from one shown.Was $24.99
NOW $19.99
Purple Fluorite Healing Stone Soft loving energy 6955
$ 19.99 USD
Every one needs fluorite in the healing bag. It's such a wonderful and powerful stone to bring balance and harmony to your experience.
Whether you place it on your body to negate toxins, help with dis-ease,ie, colds, flu, etc. or place in your home.. you will love the properties of fluorite.This fluorite is still seated in the "mother matrix".. so you get double restoring energy.
Measures 2 5/8 inches long
NOW $19.99
Rainbow Hematite Stone of Joy Balance 6954
$ 12.99 USD
This is a natural Rainbow Hematite. Such joyful energy.. it opens you up to bliss and wonderful feelings.Hold it in your hand, place it on your body.. sleep with it, carry it around with you to remind you to live a joyful and blissful life.
Measures 1 1/4 inch
Now $12.99
Pair Amber tourmaline crystals Reiki HealingAmber Double terminated Tourmaline REiki Healing This is an amazing piece of Tourmaline. Mostly we see black tourmaline.. this is outstanding .. Amber , Gold, Greenish
I found this to have the properties of other tourmaline as it does offer properites of protection, grounding and cleansing.
Add to that the activation of crown chakra energies, allowing for the release of limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and love vibrations.
Placed anywhere on the body it moves energy in a positive flow, moving out density and bringing in a positive state of wholeness, remembrance of Perfection.
The double termination is a perfect formation as it moves energy in all directions.. establishing a perfect flow of energy.
Use on all chakras to establish a positive flow of energy, in specific areas to release density and blockages.
Reiki healers and those involved in their own healing will much appreciate the wonderful energy and healing power of this stone.
Measures 1/2 inch each, two pieces
Bottle of Blessings
$ 24.99 USD
This is a bottle of blessings..
Filled with little crystals, gemstones and prayer.. each one represents opportunity for blessings, answered prayers and good times.
Law of Attraction Reiki Healing Feng Shui Bottle of BlessingsThis little bottle contains an assortment of Golden Healer and clear Quartz Crystals and assorted gemstones to bring the energy of well being, healing, abundance and prosperity into your life and home.
Place on a table to attract a positive flow of energy.
Perfect as a Feng Shui cure to enhance the flow of well being, healing, prosperity and abundance in your home.
Place on desk or in work space to enhance flow of abundance.
Bottle measures 3 inches.
This is the last one of this style that I have.
Bottle measures 3 inches tall
Purple Fluorite Healing Stone
$ 24.99 USD
Every one needs fluorite in the healing bag. It's such a wonderful and powerful stone to bring balance and harmony to your experience.
Whether you place it on your body to negate toxins, help with dis-ease,ie, colds, flu, etc. or place in your home.. you will love the properties of fluorite.This fluorite is still seated in the "mother matrix".. so you get double restoring energy.
Measures 2 5/8 inches long
Rainbow Hematite
$ 14.99 USD
This is a natural Rainbow Hematite. Such joyful energy.. it opens you up to bliss and wonderful feelings.Hold it in your hand, place it on your body.. sleep with it, carry it around with you to remind you to live a joyful and blissful life.
Measures 1 1/4 inch
Lapis Stone of Intuition
$ 19.99 USD
Natural Lapis is the perfect stone for enhancing your intuition and psychic energy.
Just holding this raw piece floods your third eye with energy.
Lapis is also good to balance over active, hot chakra energy, bring tempers and fevers down.Place in your room to be more in tune with your inner voice and speak truth with gentleness and love.
Measures 2x2 inches
Rainbow Hematite
$ 14.99 USD
Here is another joy stone.. rainbow hematite.
Perfect to keep you open to joy.
Measures 1 7/8 x 7/8
Rainbow Hematite
$ 19.99 USD
Here is another beautiful and powerful Rainbow hematite.
Live joyfully
Measures 1 3/4 x 1 inch
Sunstone Energy and Happiness
$ 9.99 USD
Get ready to fill your life with energy, happiness and total well being.
Sunstone brings a delightful energy of hope, empowerment and success.
These two tumbled sun stones are a joy to hold.
Sunstone Two pieces
$ 9.99 USD
Two pieces of Sun Stone.. perfect for energy, joy, happiness.. self empowerment.
Tourmaline Crystal
$ 12.99 USD
Tourmaline crystal Reiki HealingAmber Double terminated Tourmaline REiki Healing This is an amazing piece of Tourmaline. Mostly we see black tourmaline.. this is outstanding .. Amber , Gold, Greenish
I found this to have the properties of other tourmaline as it does offer properites of protection, grounding and cleansing.
Add to that the activation of crown chakra energies, allowing for the release of limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and love vibrations.
Placed anywhere on the body it moves energy in a positive flow, moving out density and bringing in a positive state of wholeness, remembrance of Perfection.
The double termination is a perfect formation as it moves energy in all directions.. establishing a perfect flow of energy.
Use on all chakras to establish a positive flow of energy, in specific areas to release density and blockages.
Reiki healers and those involved in their own healing will much appreciate the wonderful energy and healing power of this stone.
Measures 1 inch
Tourmaline Crystal Amber Colored 7130
$ 12.99 USD
This beautiful piece is more amber colored when held to the light.
Same properties as others.
Measures 5/8 inch
Tourmaline Crystal Healing Energy 7131
$ 12.99 USD
Same properties as described above.
5/8 inches
Tourmaline Crystal 7132
$ 12.99 USD
5/8 inch
Lapis, stone of intuition 7134
$ 19.99 USD
Natural Lapis.
Use for gaining wisdom, clarity, intuition, balancing of third eye and throat chakra fo calm angry speech.
2 1/2 inches long
Magical natural Lapis, Stone of Intuition 7135
$ 19.99 USD
Beautiful natural lapis for third eye, intuition, psychic energy.
Measures 2 x 2 1/2 inches
Friday, February 19, 2010
Reiki Healing Energy Stone Special prices.. marked down for new Earth Keepers
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Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.
Law of Attraction Jewelry Spirt Dolls Dream Catchers
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