One of my absolute joys is a human being, is to learn something new and expand my own horizons. Each time all our new skill whether it be a Computer skill, playing a new game, or stretching myself with a new physical activity, it absolutely thrills me.
Recent research has shown that learning something new you helps you to retain mental cognizance and stay more youthful. Another added benefit is helping you to express more and more of who you really are. Life is always on the path of expanding and experiencing itself more fully and completely. As we work in conjunction with life to expand and grow, allowing ourselves to enjoin more and more of our own creative powers and physical strength spiritual awakening happens more rapidly.
In today’s rapidly changing times it is essential that we stretched out beyond our ordinary activities and think new thoughts, expand our emotional base, and increase are intuitive understanding of who and why we really are. Only by doing the us will we continue to coke reunite with life itself in such a way that the highest good of all mankind, indeed all creation will be enhanced in benefited.
Doing simple things like developing a new athletic skill, reading books in a different genre a than you were accustomed to, and having discussions with people with differing views will help you to grow spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Doing something different, or at least doing everyday things differently expand your horizons and open you up to greater possibilities of discovery. Personal discovery is a joyful process whereby you understand more and more of the I Am presence which indeed is your true expression. With each new discovery of just how powerful you are as a creator you will find yourself moving more easily into experiences and relationships in line with your newfound understanding of self.
Reaching out to do something different gets the creative energy flowing so that you more easily embrace change, you see it as a friend not a foe. Changing by choice becomes joyful and exciting, opening the way for more and more creations that bear that energy.
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