Turning Challenges into Opportunities
Posted by Donna DeVane on August 12, 2010
Right now many people are really concerned with the problems they face and that the nation is facing. Unemployment, wars, rumors of more war, wall street playing a money game; it seems almost overwhelming sometimes. It’s really about how we look at and think about these challenges that determines how we feel about them. If you think worrying pays your bills you will keep on worrying and having plenty to worry about. That’s the way the law of attraction working on your behalf all the time plays out.
What you give your attention to with strong feelings get turned into stuff for you to interact with. The real key is in seeing what’s going on then looking for the answers to those very problems within the problem itself. You know that you don’t enjoy being broke, you don’t enjoy worrying about money either. So what is the answer? The answer is hidden in plain sight. You want to experience yourself as prosperous. Now just how do you do that when you don’t have the money to pay your bills?
Reach for the answers hidden in the problem. Start by shifting your thinking pattern. Look around you at all the abundance you are experiencing. Pay attention to that and the feeling of it. Now you are ready to begin putting some thoughts, feelings and actions into use. How can you do something differently than what you’ve done so far? Be creative, let inspiration guide you. What’s that one thing you’ve been thinking about and wishing you could do? Now is the time to give it a whirl.
When you start looking for the answer to the problem within the problem, seeing the opportunities for doing it differently, being different, it gets fun. You are now ready to take some risks, to reach for the stars, to follow those dreams. I heard about a young man who was thought to be the one to win a major race. During the race he injured his leg. As other runners passed him he slowly got to his feel and began hobbling towards the finish line. His father came to help him stand up. When at last the finish line was in sight his father release him and the young man hobbled across the finish line to a standing ovation from the watching crowd.
Sometimes it’s just about going on, moving towards the goals and dreams. Obstacles don’t mean the end of the journey, sometimes they are just the opportunity to do it differently and still cross the goal.
You are the power of change within your own life. Don’t stop. Don’t give up. Keep moving towards those goals, you will achieve them.
Shift Your Beliefs towards success
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Turning Challenges into Opportunities « Secret Design Creations
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Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

- EarthMotherSelfheal
- Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
- Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.
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