Goddess Chylorite Crystal Formation Healing Power 7599
$ 99.99 USD
Do you see the Goddess? Arms outstretched.. she stands with crystals around and beside her.
She is a chylorite crystal... the only one like this I've found in all my years of working with the Stone and Crystal People.
She is a major healing crystal. She brings to each person that which they most need to remember in order to experience balance, well being and health on all levels.The bottom of the crystal is covered with triangles, new growth, records.. the energy of the Goddess Crystal is .. well.. you'll just have to see and feel for yourself.. beyond power..
Is she calling you?Measures 3 inches
Do you see the Goddess?
Click on link above to see her and other crystals, stones just listed today.
If you would like a free consult as you shop my site, DM me on Twitter or go to the front page of my website, click on the message me and send me an email. I'll call you and add my intuition to yours as you respond to the calling of the Stone and Crystal People.
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