Thursday, August 20, 2009

Let it all point back to what you do want

You know what's happening, don't you?

The reason things are the way you don't want them to be over and over like and endless loop of OH NO, not that again?

It's because your attention is on what you do not want more often and with more passion than it is on what you do want.

Try this for today and see what a difference it makes in your emotions and attracting...

Everytime you see or think about something not wanted let it be your "jumping off place" to inform you consciously of what is wanted.

Each time you catch yourself feeling something that isn't in line with your desires, let it direct you to what you do want and then you can focus on that.

No one wants bills they can't pay.  If you stay focused on all the bills you can't pay.. you just get more of the same.. bills you can't pay.

There isn't a NO to the Universe.  Everything is a YES!.  Thinking and feeling about something is always you saying yes to that thing.

You can change it by seeing what is and letting it be your indicator of what really is wanted.. like road signs when you travel.

Notice what you don't want, then ask yourself what it is that this situation is showing you that on a soul level is wanted.  Now focus on that.

With practice you will begin to enjoy the road signs of life knowing they always are directing you to what you really want to experience.

Have fun with this today.. and come back here to tell me all the exciting news.

Remembering perfection,


Posted via web from donnadevane's posterous

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Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

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Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.

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