Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Journey Back to Self What a Wonderful Experience « Secret Design Creations

A Journey Back to Self What a Wonderful Experience

Posted by Donna DeVane on May 31, 2010



IT’s time.. you know it is.  You feel it..

Things are changing. The Earth Mother is shifting, we are shifting.  Energy is moving in a new and often quicker way.  Thoughts are becoming things much faster than before.  Your fears are showing up almost instantly.  Dis-ease is surfacing in your body, reminding you to heal.. heal.. heal….

You’ve been feeling this energy, this shift, this “Quickening” for a while now.  you’ve resisted, pushed against it.  You are beginning to feel that you can not resist.  Things will happen, they are happening.  It’s time to Change.. it’s time to Heal..

Now is the time to remember.. to self realize.. to BE who you Are…Things will change with or without your consent.  Life does this.. always moving forward to replicate itself in greater expression of itself.  Always life moves forward, building on the energy that was first set in action.

Now you can join your energy to the Whole, the One.  Together we are making a difference.. the question really is.. what kind of difference are you, am I making?

Now the Earth Mother is asking our assistance as midwives as she rebirths herself and us.  We are all being reborn, coming more fully into our Beingness.  We move forward either easily or with fear and resistance.  You do get to decide.  Now is the time of choosing.  You can decide to heal, to flow with life, to create from the inner to the outer illusion. 

Join hands and hearts as we shift, as we transform.  This is the most exciting times we’ve ever lived.  We have created so much contrast to get our attention.  Now that we have our attention it’s time to decide.  Is this what we want?  Is this what you want?  If not simply release your hold on the illusion and create again with the energy you desire to experience yourself as.

Remember your thoughts, feelings and actions are the building materials you use to create with.  The energy of the finished creation with reflect the energy you used to create with.  At any time you may release your illusion by simply changing directions with your thoughts, feelings and actions.  It’s easy and simple.

Create with focus, with pure energy and intention.  Play, have fun with it.  It’s not real.. so enjoy ..


I’ve been asked to create and teach a class on healing, the self and the world, understanding chakra energy, stones and crystals and I am delighted to announce a great offer for you.  Visit my site by clicking here, scrolling down to the part that says, special price $39.99. You get a life changing course with membership in a support group, plus much more.  This is your chance to get on board with the changes happening all around you.. and work with that change to bring about healing in your body, your life and our world.


Posted via web from Earth Mother Self Heal

Friday, May 28, 2010

If we don’t want to become fossil fuel we’ve got to evolve « Secret Design Creations


Is this what we really want?  Do we want things to stay the way they are just so we don’t have to leave our comfort zones and change a danged little bit?  I don’t understand.  We have so many advances in technology, medicine, communications, yet we insist on oil.  We just plain and simply don’t want to take our heads out of the sands of denial.  How much sense does it make to destroy the very planet which is our home just so the corporate fat cats can keep making their billions in oil profits? 

I am just danged tired of it, sick and tired, if you want to know the truth.  I’m tired of hearing people talk about all the problems we have today.  I’m tired of think tanks, intellectual masturbation that is presented in order to look so smart.  Yea, we’re smart alright.  We are poisoning the ocean, the rivers, the streams.  We are blowing up the planet for more gold, more coal, more diamonds.  E Damn Nough!

Those who read my blogs and listen to my radio show know that I don’t normally use strong language.. but I am just fed up with all the jibber jabber.  I’m tired of those of us in the spiritual community putting our heads up our metaphysical butts so we don’t attract any “negative” stuff into our lives.  Have you watched the news lately people?  Do you not see what’s going on?  Are you just bind, deaf and plain dumb?

It’s time to wake up, to evolve.  If we don’t want to become the fossil fuel of the future we’ve got to.  There are other options to the way we are currently doing things.  Stupidity, greed and ignorance are in the way of real solutions.  Take hemp.  Do you know it could easily replace most of our dependence on oil?  I bet most people don’t know that.  Why don’t you know?  You’re not told by those who want to keep their billions in profits each year nor are you told by the media who is owned by big daddy bucks either.  You must take responsibility for your own ignorance.  Get on the net, research.  Check out alternatives.  Email, call, petition, visit your state leaders, the president; form groups with others. 

I’m not asking you to give up your way of life.  That will take care of itself if we don’t change.  I’m asking you to put your love into real action.  I’m asking you to BE the change.  Educate yourself, share information with others, bombard our political leaders insisting on changes that will allow humans to stay on this planet. 

For more information on hemp check out this article.


Listen to my special 2 hour radio show on the subject of how we must evolve unless we want to become fossil fuel for the future.

To help you change you.. get a copy of one or all of my ebooks.  It’s important.. do it today!

Posted via web from Earth Mother Self Heal

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Spiritual Awakening Empowered Living on Blog Talk Radio

You can join me live on the air or in the chat room to discuss law of attraction, spiritual healing and much more. You are invited to call in and join me on the air as well. Join Blogtalkradio, it's free and easy. Then make me a friend and mark my show as a favorite. This way you'll get an email each time I schedule a new show.
Radio is a perfect means of sharing our wisdom.. and discovering answers to life's questions. Join me this afternoon at 4 central time for Looking for change in all the wrong places.

Posted via web from Earth Mother Self Heal

Love money happiness what everyone wants « Secret Design Creations



You want to experience love, have money and be happy.  You are not alone.  These are desires common to mankind.  We yearn to be loved, to feel special to someone, to have money to live well and to be happy.  It’s normal to want these things. The question many people ask is how to find love, get enough money and be happy even until the love and money show up.

The easiest way to find love is to discover self love.  Realize all your gifts and talents.  This isn’t saying to be a snob, but to be aware of how caring you are.  To show yourself respect and love that you would like to experience with another person.  There was a study done a few years ago about what men found the most sexy about a woman.  The winning answer was “a woman who knows she’s sexy”.  The same is true for what women find attractive.  How you feel about yourself is a signal you give out to other people.  They respond to that self worth signal you send out.  Sit down and be honest about what you think about yourself.  What areas can you improve on?  How you feel about yourself will result in who you attract into your life.

Money is another main topic of conversation.  Everyone wants more of it.  Money is energy, the energy of abundance that is all around.  There is only abundance.  There’s plenty of everything.  You are the stream of consciousness that the energy of abundance moves through.  Using  your thoughts, feelings, knowing combined with action opens the windows and doors of your life allowing the easy flow of more money.  Remember, abundance is the natural state of life itself, always seeking to expand and experience more of itself.  By placing your attention on abundance of what you do want rather than paying attention to what you don’t want.. well.. you get the point.  Where your energy goes.. creation soon follows.  So pay attention, notice abundance.  Be aware of how much abundance there is.  Look around you right now.  See the abundance of everything you could ever desire.  Now realize that you are the channel that everything flows through. 

Happiness is another of the main three desires of all mankind.  We enjoy feeling good.  We like to feel connected to life and at peace with our surroundings.  Taking note of all the beauty around you is one way to increase your happiness level.  Picking conversations that uplift and inspire is another.  Movies, books, and music are also wonderful mood elevators.  Going for a long walk to commune with nature or sitting quietly watching the birds and listening to their songs will bring up your level of happiness and connection.

Often there are community activities that you can join to meet others and learn a new skill or hobby.  Check your communities leisure center, they often have classes in yoga, martial arts, painting, dance, etc.  These are a great way to meet new people and fling open the door to opportunity.  The more involved you are in your life the more possibilities you discover. 

Be open to your life.  Live it fully.  Grab each day and dance through it.  You are the only one who has the power to hold you back or move you forward.. What’s stopping you?  Ready Set GO!!!

To help you get going on creating new life experiences I’ve reduced the prices of my life changing eBooks. Law of attraction, simple, easy and workable.  Get a copy or two today.. GO!


Posted via web from Earth Mother Self Heal

Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

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Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.