Saturday, July 31, 2010

Why you keep getting what you don’t want « Secret Design Creations

Why you keep getting what you don’t want

Posted by Donna DeVane on July 31, 2010



Do you wonder why you are not getting more of what you do want and less of what is unwanted?  The answer is really simple.  What you Really Believe is what is doing the creating for you.  The beliefs running in your subconscious mind are the manufacturing plant always working to bring into form what you really say things are.

You determined a long time ago what your relationship to things, people and circumstances was.  You no longer think through experiences, you simply react.  Actually 90 to 95 percent of all your decisions are made automatically for you by the programs in the subconscious.  Because you have already decided what things mean how you feel is also decided.  This is the energy that creates the physical form referred to as “reality”.

How do you change this you ask.  By working through the subconscious.  Just putting up pictures of what you want, saying some affirmations isn’t working for you as you would like is it?  Recently a lady told me that she had taken down her vision board because after a year and a half she realized it “just wasn’t working for her”.  She then stated that she was content where she was and there wasn’t anything else that she really wanted.  As I pointed that out to her, she finished by stating, “I like being content”.

She didn’t realize that the conflicting messages were the problem, not the law of attraction.  If indeed you are running a background program that has already decided what things are, what they mean, and how they work; a few pictures and good feeling words will not have the energy to override the true beliefs.

The problem isn’t with the law of attraction.  It’s always working on your behalf to bring about what you most strongly say is so.  When there is contrast it’s not the Universal Energy showing you what you don’t want so you will get clear about what’s wanted.  What shows up is always what you are  believing for.. plain and simple.

Changing the program running in the subconscious is simple and easy to do.  Let me help you walk through the steps to transformation.

In an hour we can shift one or two beliefs and you will find a new energy, a new way of thinking, that will help you transform you life.  It works, I know because I’ve used this process with my clients.

You might also find answers through listening to my radio show Empowered Women.

Use the Player to listen, or go to BlogTalkRadio join, make me a friend and listen to your heart’s content.  You can also join me live on the air and we’ll discuss your questions and comments.

Listen to internet radio with Empowered Women on Blog Talk Radio

I love hearing from you, so leave me a comment..

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Thursday, July 29, 2010

What you say it is it is, fear or love « Secret Design Creations

What you say it is it is, fear or love

Posted by Donna DeVane on July 29, 2010



It’s all about perspective.. what you say things are, they are.  The value you give things is the value they have for you.  What you say is true, is true, for you and everyone who agrees.  That’s exciting news.  What it means is that at any time you can change what is for something else just by making another choice, adding a new value, a new meaning.

Some of the “hardest” experiences can be shifted in a flash of an eye by simply changing their value, their meaning, to you.  Challenges can be either hard bumps in the road or a jumping off place for new direction, an inspired way to do something else, or to change how you are doing what’s already in play.

You are never stuck in a creation, nothing is cemented in place.  You always have the power to shift gears and do something else.  One of the easiest ways to change things in an instant is to simply change what you say things are.  A hard place softens when you shift your perspective of what it means.  Rather than being something painful, it can at once, become an aha moment, moving you forward to the next step of bringing your dream into form.

Think about Edison and all the times he didn’t get the light bulb to work out the way he wanted, thousands of times.  He didn’t stop, he didn’t give up, each “failure” provided insight into what to do next.  He knew what didn’t work so there was no reason to repeat that.  How he saw failure in inspiring as it reminds you to just do something differently. 

Every possibility is waiting for  your command to unfold exactly as you say it is.  Have fun with the process of changing perspective.  Feel your way through and discover what you really do want things to mean in your life.  The meaning you give them is the way they shift to accommodate your perspective. 

A fearful event takes on a whole new meaning when you change the meaning of the event.  Simply moving your thoughts and feelings, the depth of what you say is over to something else shifts the energy.  Now create from the new meaning.  No need to get stuck in something you are not enjoying.  Decide what it means, the message it offers you and create from that new insight. 

You are the power of the law of attraction, it’s not separate from you.  You don’t have to line up with it, or learn how to use it.  It’s always working, you are always creating according to creative principles.  It’s how we set things up. You knew you’d have fun with this process.. so go ahead.. change the meaning.. change the energy.

Get Your Shift Groove On!

I love hearing from you.. so leave me a comment.  How are you shifting the meaning of things and shifting the reality? 

Coaching With Donna DeVane

Join me on the air, Empowered Women Radio

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What are you afraid of? Go ahead and BE You

What are you afraid of? Go ahead and BE You

Posted by Donna DeVane on July 28, 2010

golden leaf 


Stop holding back who you are, what you think, what you know.  You have a message for the world that is best delivered through openly being yourself.  So what not everyone will hear, understand or appreciate your message.  Those who want the message you bring will hear you, they will appreciate that you are loving enough to share it with them.

Perhaps you’ve tried Being Yourself before and people have made fun of you, criticized you, come against you.  These folks were good friends, they were there to remind you to always be true to your message, that’s it important.  Great people throughout history have been criticized, persecuted for the truth they brought mankind, yet those very people and their truths are shared all over the world today.

You have a great message.  Your life is that message, not just your words.  The truth that you’ve come to share through the living of it.  You have a new way of seeing things, new options to point out to yourself and others.  This is important. 

Don’t let fear stand in your way any longer.  You and your message are important.  You and your message are needed today.  Many are feeling fearful, lost, and want a message of hope.  You have that message. 

You bear a new idea, a new way of seeing things, of doing things.  You bring hope.  You bring courage.  You bring inspiration.

Don’t hold it back from the world.  We are all waiting for you to share.  We are watching to see how much joy you embrace, how you celebrate your life, this reminds us that we too can do these things.

You and your message are important.  You and your message are needed right now.

Will you share with us? 

We are waiting.

Shift Your Beliefs Today

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Learning something new you expanding your horizons « Secret Design Creations

One of my absolute joys is a human being, is to learn something new and expand my own horizons.  Each time all our new skill whether it be a Computer skill, playing a new game, or stretching myself with a new physical activity, it absolutely thrills me.

Recent research has shown that learning something new you helps you to retain mental cognizance and stay more youthful.  Another added benefit is helping you to express more and more of who you really are.  Life is always on the path of expanding and experiencing itself more fully and completely.  As we work in conjunction with life to expand and grow, allowing ourselves to enjoin more and more of our own creative powers and physical strength spiritual awakening happens more rapidly.

In today’s rapidly changing times it is essential that we stretched out beyond our ordinary activities and think new thoughts, expand our emotional base, and increase are intuitive understanding of who and why we really are.  Only by doing the us will we continue to coke reunite with life itself in such a way that the highest good of all mankind, indeed all creation will be enhanced in benefited.

Doing simple things like developing a new athletic skill, reading books in a different genre a than you were accustomed to, and having discussions with people with differing views will help you to grow spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  Doing something different, or at least doing everyday things differently expand your horizons and open you up to greater possibilities of discovery.  Personal discovery is a joyful process whereby you understand more and more of the I Am presence which indeed is your true expression.  With each new discovery of just how powerful you are as a creator you will find yourself moving more easily into experiences and relationships in line with your newfound understanding of self.

Reaching out to do something different gets the creative energy flowing so that you more easily embrace change, you see it as a friend not a foe.  Changing by choice becomes joyful and exciting, opening the way for more and more creations that bear that energy.

Ready to Shift?


Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Monday, July 26, 2010

You are as free or oppressed as you believe yourself to be « Secret Design Creations

You are as free or oppressed as you believe yourself to be

Posted by Donna DeVane on July 26, 2010


Whether you believe that outside forces are working for you or against you; you are 100% correct!  You are just as free as bound as you believe yourself to be.

This Spirit Message is about oppression and your relationship to it.  We’ve all had moments when we felt that the outside was pressing in on us or that things just were not working in our favor.  But many people actually believe that because of their gender, their race, who their parents are etc, that they just can not succeed in life.

This belief is the creative material that life is built with.  It’s the energy used to bring about conditions, opportunities and hardships with.  It’s not any more true than you believe it to be, but it’s a power that is always at work in your life.

Realizing that you are as free as you believe will bring about experiences that are equal to the belief.  Change the belief to one of freedom and opportunities being based on your thoughts and actions and your life opens up to a new direction.

This is how people born in poverty, sickness or abuse are able to move forward and create wonderful lives for themselves.  They realize that they are as able, capable, talented, free, as they see themselves as being.

Let go of the beliefs that limits and set your sites on freedom.  Beliefs can be changed, it’s a little effort but well worth the prize of an empowered life.

Watch this video I made on this card and topic.  Follow my YouTube channel for updates on Spirit Messages.

To get your own personal Spirit Message reading visit here.

Watch the video on this subject.

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Spirit Message Surrender to Love Transform Your Life

Spirit Message Surrender to Love

Posted by Donna DeVane on July 21, 2010




Today’s Spirit message is to surrender to love.  Love is who you are, it’s what holds the universe together, it’s life itself, powerful, creative.  You are this energy. Stop seeking for love outside yourself, giving your power away to others.  Look within to discover the power of life, love.

The changes you are feeling in your life right now are a call from love.  Love asks you gently to remember who you are, your creative powers, your ability to transform thought into physical form.

Those situations you are seeking to force into being are waiting for love.  When you wrap yourself in love, apply it to relationships with others, to your job, your home, the world, creation comes more easily and more quickly.

Resistance in not love, it is the flip side which is fear and doubt.  Love always moves your forward, gently and with expectation of all good things coming into your path. Love reminds you of your power to Be your way into a new reality.  Stop forcing, stop begging; come back to who you are and create with that energy.

When you know yourself as LOVE the energy of gratitude flows from you and touches everything and everyone in your path.  Even those situations that are not pleasing take on a new light, they become messages of the next direction to take.

Discover the power of love that you are by taking time throughout the day to be still and using the breath proclaim on the exhale, “I AM Love”.  Doing this several times a day reminds your conscious mind of who you are, loads subconscious beliefs in line with that truth so that transforming your physical life is easy and enjoyable.

Resistance is not part of love.  Love embraces everything, knowing that it is the power to transform and re create itself.

Love invites life in, love creates in it’s own image, more love.  Be love, express love, embrace life and watch in amazement as your life is transformed.

Get your personal Message from Spirit Today

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Message from Spirit About Changes « Secret Design Creations

A Message from Spirit About Changes

Posted by Donna DeVane on July 21, 2010

I was talking with a client recently and was asked what in the world is going on?  People are angry, frightened, things seem to be coming apart at the seams. What is happening?

Things are in upheaval, we’ve created so much contrast that it’s beginning to knock against itself.  Know we want better, easier, more jobs, the oil to stop messing up the gulf.  People want jobs, security.

It’s the energy of “The Tower” in the Tarot.

tower   The tower shows things falling away, that which no longer serves you leaves in a big rush of energy.  In order for the new to come in the old must leave.  Because you and we as a society have held onto things, ideas, ways of doing things far past their usefulness, they are being ripped away.  This feels frightening and upsetting.  You can help the changes by making a choice to let go.  Take inventory of your beliefs, actions, friends; those that are not moving you forward in the direction you know you need to travel, let go of.

As the old moves out in a huge rush and sometimes a furry of energy, new comes in behind it.  There is no end without there also being a beginning.  This is the way of life.  The cycle of living, old, new, old, new.  As you work with this energy you will begin to recognize the things that are moving out of your experience.  Breathe deeply, wish them well, thank them for the messages they’ve brought you and then let them go.

We are changing, our planet is changing.  It’s a time of upheaval, great energy bringing about great new opportunity.  What will we do with it? What will we create now?  These are the questions that this card encourage you to ask and answer.

What we’ve created thus far needs to be recreated.  We are being asked to let go of fear, lack, hatred, division and come into awareness of our ONENESS.  Each of us is a part of the whole.  What is done to one is done to all, whether it be for good or naught.  As we move through the energy of these powerful changes we will see rips and tears in our beliefs.  This is natural during this time as the old has to be released in order to create a new reality.

I am here to help you through these changes with your personal Messages from Spirit.. three types of card readings, and coaching to help you move forward in hope, courage and love, creating a new you, a new reality.  Get your Spirit Message today!

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Monday, July 19, 2010

Take stock of what you are creating Spirit Message

Take stock of what you are creating Spirit Message

Posted by Donna DeVane on July 19, 2010


Do things feel like they have come to a stand still in your life right now?  This is a time of Appraisal, taking inventory of what you’ve accomplished and what’s next.

This Spirit Message reminds you to balance work and play.  Work when enjoyed is a powerful creative energy, bringing more to enjoy as you accomplish one dream after another.  Too much work brings stress, worry, anxiety and fear.

Too much play leaves dream in limbo, there is not enough focused energy to bring them into form.  Balance is the key to creation.  When you balance the physical; material, money, work, with the spiritual; quite time, insights, dreaming, then the finished creation comes into a beautiful form reflecting what you really are desiring to experience.

If you are feeling in between right now, take an inventory of your accomplishments.  Write down all the things you have finished.  Now line up with what direction you want to move next.  Those things already done point the way to your next thoughts and actions.

List the changes in your thinking as accomplishments too.  Don’t leave out all the changes taking place in new thinking, new dreams, new self awareness.  Appraisal is about more than just the physical, notice the shift in your emotions and thoughts.  How have you changed in your core beliefs?  What is next for you?  Who do you want to experience yourself as now?

Work is paused because you need a moment to reflect on what you’ve done and where you want to go next.  The path is open before you, waiting for your next inspired thought and action.

Get a personal Spirit Message Reading Today

Answers for YOUR questions.

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Sunday, July 18, 2010

It’s time to think something else and create something new « Secret Design Creations

It’s time to think something else and create something new

Posted by Donna DeVane on July 19, 2010

Small White butterfly (Pieris rapae)

Image via Wikipedia


It’s time to change.  Change thoughts, beliefs, actions, creations; change them all into something new, more alive with love and hope.  We’ve been creating the same way for many years, many generations and look what we’ve gotten for our effort.

  We have a world where people go to bed hungry, some die from lack of basic health care, politicians protect corporate profits over the needs of citizens, oil covers the shorelines and rivers while other toxins spread through the air and ground.


We’ve done this lack, poverty, fear creating long enough and it’s about to bite us in the butt.  It’s time to change your beliefs.  Question each one that you hold dear.  What do you believe about money, food, poverty, wealth, health, the planet, politics, religion?

These beliefs are the most important thing in your physical life.  They are what you are creating experiences, physical realties with and it’s time to change what you are creating.

While the country, the world even, is focused on economic upheavals, wars, disease and famine, we react.  We either hide our heads in the sand pretending it’s not going on or we deny and or try to push it away, warring against the very energy we end up creating with.

Big things are in the creative stages right now.  It can go either way.  We can work together in love to bring about a life for us all that believes in plenty or continue pushing against each other in our competitive fight against not enough. The law of attraction, creative principle, has brought us a perfect reflection of our thoughts, fears, hopes, and worries.

Are you weary of the fighting?  Have you had enough contrast of not enough, of what you don’t want?  Are you ready to deal with your beliefs head on and change them in order to create a new reality for yourself and the world?

It’s got to happen, if we want to change things, then we are the ones who have to change.  We must embrace our true selves.. the divine creative nature that we are, one unit, each with a unique expression, all working together for the highest good of All.

It’s time.

You know it is.

Are you ready to change?


Now that you are ready to change, I am available to help you.  Find out how easy change really is.  I’ll help you.. do it easy.. and fun.. but change.. you, your life.. the world.

It’s time to Shift!   Make a Change today!

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Spiritual Evolution is NOW Are you ready? « Secret Design Creations

Spiritual Evolution is NOW Are you ready?

Posted by Donna DeVane on July 19, 2010



The shift is happening right now.  You feel it, we all feel it.  Some are reacting with fear, anger, resentment and finger pointing.  This is the result of a thought, feeling, reaction habit practiced for many years. You see all the things your fears have brought about and you don’t like them.  You keep resisting and the same stuff just keeps showing up.  It’s happening all over the globe, we are getting whomped upside our heads with what our fear, belief in lack and not enough have brought us.  Now it’s time to do something different.

In order to do different we’ve got to line up with thinking, feeling and believing differently.  That’s the way changes come about.  You change and then what’s in your life lines up with the new version of you.  When you get ready to experience something different you only have to be different to bring it about.  Molecules come together to reflect what you believe in, how you think and feel your world experiences into physical form.

 Now that you’ve created so much that you don’t want, you don’t enjoy, it’s time to change you.  This is the really fun part.  You have ideas of how you wish to experience yourself and now is the perfect energy time to get started on that.  What do you want to do?  What do you want to experience?  Line it up in your imagination, run with it letting it grow and more details show up to fill in the details.

Next determine what actions can you take to experience yourself as different that what you’ve been feeling and doing before.  The really fun part is getting to let loose and be the you you’ve always wanted to be.  Try a different look in clothes.  Get a new hair style, wear a new kind of jewelry.  The more actions you make that are in line with the “new you” the more programmed these new thoughts become, the deeper they are rooted in the subconscious as beliefs. 

Rewiring the subconscious is a simple process of thinking, feeling and doing in line with the thinking and feeling.  When you start “doing” in line with the new thinking the subconscious starts working to store a new program or belief.  Once you have a new belief and you prove it to yourself with actions it soon becomes automatic.

Have fun with the process.  Enjoy the new you.

I’m here to help with Spirit Messages Card Readings.  Get your reading today.. get your answers, move in the new direction.

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Don’t worry be happy Consciously Creating and new Reality

Don’t worry be happy

Posted by Donna DeVane on July 17, 2010


People are unemployed.  That’s true.  It’s also true that most people are employed.  Some people don’t have much money.  That’s true.  It’s also true that trillions of dollars circle the globe every day being exchanged for goods and services.

My point is that it all depends on what you are looking at.  Whatever you say is true, is true for you.  What you pay attention to is what you get to experience.  So, it makes sense that if you are not enjoying what your attention has brought about that you would shift your attention to something more pleasant.

What is it that you want to experience?  How does that look, how does it feel?  Can you picture it in your imagination?  That’s really all it takes to bring it into form.  Think it, feel it, be it, move in the direction of it always.  One step at a time brings you to the physical manifestation.  You can’t give up.  Giving up is the only failure.  Everything else is forward movement, bringing you and your dreams into the same space.

Staying focused on what you want, how it feels, is conscious creating.  It’s a natural process that always works.  This conscious creating is working with the law of attraction to bring into form what you want.  That’s simple and easy.  The key is to stay aware of what your want.  You decide over and over again to look at the glass half full, being filled to running over. 

The only trick is staying focused on what you want.  Things around you will be different than what you want due to other people’s creations.  You choose whether or not to get involved with those creations.  You decide to stay the course with your dreams, bringing them into form through thought, feeling and action.

You will know when you’ve been sidetracked due to your feelings.  You will notice when those old thought habits are kicking in again because you will be paying more attention to what you don’t want than what you do.

This is when you take a moment to go within, shift that thinking, get the feelings involved and then take another step forward to your dreams.  The process is simple, easy even.  It just takes practice and constant forward motion.  Thoughts are energy, feelings are energy, they are bringing molecules into shape according to your instructions.

Staying focused can be turned into a fun exercise.  Paint a dot on your fingernail or the back of your hand.  Tie a string around your wrist.  Each time you see it you will be reminded to take stock of what you are creating.  It’s fun and it works.  Laugh your way to a new reality.

Want to get tips especially for you? Check out my Spirit Messages Readings.  Thirty minutes to help you change your thinking, get on track and create what you want.


Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Friday, July 16, 2010

You can live free you have the power « Secret Design Creations

You can live free you have the power

Posted by Donna DeVane on July 13, 2010


No matter where you are, no matter what you are experiencing, you have the power to change it.  Really, you do.

See it’s more than just how others help or don’t help you.  It’s more than what’s happening in the economy right now.  It’s really all about you.  Your attitude towards life, towards your value, that’s what really counts for things.

Realize that what you are experiencing right now you have helped bring into your life.  Wow, see how powerful you are.  If you can do that, just imagine what else you can do. 

Release the emotions of fear, helplessness, and anxiety about what is.  I know that feels hard, but if you grab onto a more entertaining idea, it gets easier.  Just imagine what you would be doing if you could do anything.  Play with that thought for a few minutes.

Now use that feeling to start creating something new.  What is it that you want?  What’s holding you back from your dreams?  What thoughts, beliefs are keeping you in place?

Go with it.  Play with the mental and emotional images for 15 minutes or so.  Take those limits and flip the over.  Now you are getting the idea.  It’s really about what you pay attention to that brings those molecules together forming the next “reality”.  What do you want?  How do you want to feel?  Go ahead and feel that way right now.

Each time you catch yourself back over in the worry camp laugh a bit at yourself and make a conscious choice to think in line with what you want to feel, be and do.  That’s the way.  Have fun with it.

At the end of the first day you will be enjoying your emotions and thoughts much more through this process.  Continue it for 30 days and your whole life with change.. promise.


Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Being happiness is the fastest path to happiness « Secret Design Creations

Being happiness is the fastest path to happiness

Posted by Donna DeVane on July 15, 2010


You want to feel happy don’t you?  Of course you do, we all want to feel happy.  How about Being Happiness?  Think about it for a moment, if you are happiness then feeling happy would be a cake walk. 

Most folks think things have to line up outside of them in order to be happy, to feel good.  This is the quickest way to not be happy because you are always dependant on something or someone to do something in order for you to give yourself reason fo happiness.

When you realize that you ARE the energy of Happiness, of Joy.. then it’s easy to be focused on the feeling and use that energy to create with.  The energy that you use to create with is always the energy of the creation.  So if you are looking for something to make you happy you are setting up a cycle that doesn’t have a “winners” box.

Being happy, being the energy of happiness is a different matter.  It’s a choice of understanding who you are, an awareness of self realization that is then the energy you use to create “physical reality” with.

See, this is the easy and fun way to Be Happy.

You don’t need anything to Be what you already are.  You are the energy of all potentiality, you have only to realize and accept this about yourself to transform your life and your life experiences follow in line with the new self awareness.

Decide Who You Are, feel that, create with that.  You will really enjoy the experience of Being Yourself in all your glory and powerful creative abilities.

Get your copy of my ebook that shows  you how to decide on happiness

Be Happy Book Coversm


The quartz sphere at the top of page is available on my website along with many other healing energy stones, crystals and gemstone jewelry.  Click here to visit, opens in new page. You can also click on the book or sphere to go to the pages.

Leave me a comment on how you decided to BE Happiness and the difference it makes in your life.

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

The law of attraction and changes It’s how things work « Secret Design Creations

The law of attraction and changes It’s how things work

Posted by Donna DeVane on July 15, 2010

Listen to internet radio with Empowered Women on Blog Talk Radio

Life is always changing.  Life is always seeking to expand in order to experience more of itself.  This is the reason that whatever you set in motion grows, gets bigger, and you get more of similar circumstances.  It’s the law of attraction and it always works.

Whatever you get started the law of attraction will bring you more of it.  Every time, all the time.

The question then is, what are you setting in motion?

Right now, what are you thinking, feeling?  That’s what you are setting in motion.  Once set in motion it will grow, reaching out as long as you pay attention to it, to bring about more similar energy creations, or physical reality.

If you are not delighted with what’s going on right now, shift. Shift those thoughts, feelings and actions.  Law of attraction is movement, creative energy, always at work on your behalf.  In order to get what you want you have only to pay attention to what you want.

That’s really simple isn’t it?  Then why don’t people get what they want more than those dang unwanted things? 

It’s about focus, attention.  What you focus on, pay attention to is what gets created.  Change the focus of your attention and things change to line up with your focus.

It seems like things are showing up more quickly today doesn’t it?  The reason is we are feeling pressured, anxious about our lives.  People are feeling insecure and worried about the change they see all around them.  This focus, this attention, brings about situations of similar energy to interact with.

Shift your attention, shift what shows up.  The easiest and quickest way to shift the energy is to change your feelings.  Changing your feeling state is really very easy.  Think about something that you are pleased about, that excites you, something you really enjoy.

You will notice that your emotional state shifts to reflect the thoughts.  Now use this energy to create something new with.  Stay focused, pay attention to these thoughts, this feeling and watch as something new and in line with it shows up.

Feeling good is a powerful step to creating circumstances that you feel good about.  Being Happy is key.  Discover how easy it easy to Live Happy and Be Happy with my ebook on the subject.

Shift the thinking and feeling and create with that new focused energy.  You will love what shows up.

Leave me a comment on how changing your thinking and feeling changes what you create. I love hearing from you.

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Live Happy Be Happy

I know you.

You want to live happy and be happy.

Each day you seek to feel good and put the past behind.

Things just keep getting in the way of feeling good. 

Things that happened long ago, relationships that didn't work.

You just don't get it.. why aren't you happy?

Abundance and prosperity seem to always be right over the next mountain you must climb.

Physical well being and positive relationships just don't seem to be in the cards for your life.

The Good News is.. you can be happy and live happy.

You can learn how and each day enjoy more and more happiness.

I know how you feel.  I've been where you are right now.

I've learned the Secrets to happiness and joy.

Let me  share with you what I've discovered as a healer and life coach and a person..

You are ready to experience all the good things you see others enjoying.


How to find happiness

Happiness is your natural state, you were born to enjoy happiness. Accepting this fact is the first step to living happy and being happy.

Until you accept that being happy is possible you will find only moments of feeling this way and they will be dependent on something happening.

Every cell of your being cries out for you to be happy, to live a wonderful and joy filled life.

You've spent so many years practicing not being happy that you've forgotten how to BE Happy.

There are steps you can take that will turn your life experience around starting today.

How do I know this you're asking?

As a spiritual healer and life coach for over 15 years, a mom, grand mom and person who has walked this path..

I share with you the tools to change your life.

By starting with yourself you change everything you experience.

I know you've seen, maybe even read hundreds of books on this subject.  

Take a moment right now and be still.  Take a deep breath. Fill up with the breath. As you exhale think and or say softly, Harmony. Now do it again saying joy.

Repeat this just a few times and you will feel a shift take place. Being and living happy is a choice, a state of mind.

My ebook takes the actual experiences of my clients and my own life and puts it in an easy to read, easy to apply and easy to experience form.  As you read through the material you will have many AHA moments.

You are ready for this.  That's why you were led here.  This is the next step on your path to understanding and through that understanding... CHANGE.

Don't wait for happiness another moment.. right now.. get your copy of How to Live Happy and Be Happy.. Yes You Can.. and start creating a magical life.


After purchase you will be taken to a download page.  Download requires Adobe Reader to open ebook.  Save it to your hard drive.



Remember You will be taken to a download page after paying with paypal.  Be sure to save the pdf file to your hard drive.

Thank you!

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Goddess Chylorite Crystal Formation Healing Power

Goddess Chylorite Crystal Formation Healing Power 7599 Do you see the Goddess? Arms outstretched.. she stands with crystals around and beside her.
She is a chylorite crystal... the only one like this I've found in all my years of working with the Stone and Crystal People.
She is a major healing crystal.  She brings to each person that which they most need to remember in order to experience balance, well being and health on all levels.

The bottom of the crystal is covered with triangles, new growth, records.. the energy of the Goddess Crystal is .. well.. you'll just have to see and feel for yourself.. beyond power..
Is she calling you?

Measures 3 inches
WAS $99.99
NOW $79.99

Use the link to scroll down and see the photo of her and other stones and crystals for healing and meditation

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Energy Healing Tools Cross Cluster for travel healing work

She is a beauty. I dug her several years ago and she is ready to go to her next Earth Keeper.
Here is what she has to say.. and as you listen she will reveal more of her teachings.

I am from of the Earth Mother, connecting with Sky, Water, Wind, here, now, forever, eternity, yesterday and NOW>

There is only now no matter the direction in which we move.
My formation of cross is more than healing energy, it crosses all time, all energy, revealing the connection between All That Is and you as All That IS.

You are the energy of perfection, you have only forgotten. I will show you through travel that crossing over to any place, any time, any space is only a matter of Being in Now.


This is a Master Teacher Crystal formation.  She has cross, grooved records and on the underside many, many new crystals in all sizes.  As you work with her she will continue to grow and share with you the records she holds for healing your own life and body.. as well as working with others through Energy Healing.

This is a Lightworker Crystal.  She is what Lightworker means. 

She measures 6 inches long.
You will enjoy your journey with her.. she is a powerful crystal teacher.
WAS $149.99
NOW $119.99
See this and other crystals, gemstone jewelry at my website

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Smile and Laugh your way to a new reality « Secret Design Creations


The easiest and quickest way to create a new reality is to smile and laugh your way there.  Really, it works.  See your body creates chemicals that reflect the emotions you experience which in turn help you to stay in that feeling state.  Feelings combined with thought are what call molecules together to become things.

If you are wanting a new and happier reality simply smile and laugh your way there.  Changing your emotions will also help you to change your perspective on what is already in your life and by changing the perspective you will see it differently, understand more clearly what you really do want.

Creating is a game, fun and satisfying when you know the secret to creating what you want.

By changing your emotions and your perspective you begin seeing your life in a different light.  Things aren’t as serious as you thought they were.  You see all sides of a situation and are not as connected to what already is.  You can more easily move on to the next creation.

As you smile and laugh your way to a new reality not only will you feel better but you will begin attracting more to smile and laugh at.  It’s a wonderful automatic loop, you feel better, more stuff to feel good about shows up.  This is law of attraction in life action.

Creative principle is always working to bring about what you are thinking and feeling about into physical form, knowing this, it’s imperative to be in charge of what you are thinking and feeling. 

Most of the time you create in the same loop of the same energy.  That’s why things don’t seem to change much.  Start a new loop with your smiles and laughter.  Whatever is in your life now, laugh at it, smile.  This act releases your negative emotional attachment to the fear, worry and anxiety and places you in a better feeling place from where you begin to create things you feel better about.

Change your life with laughter, shift your creative energy with a smile.  It works and it’s fun.

Leave me a comment and let me know your adventures with smiling and laughing your way to a new reality.

If you’d like me to discuss a certain topic on my radio show just leave me a comment about the topic you’d like discussed.

Visit my radio show today.



 This dream catcher reminds you that you are the one creating your world, your reality.  See it and my other creations at my website.

Related articles by Zemanta


Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Friday, July 09, 2010

Law of attraction new reality Create something different


Now is the time to create a new reality.  Things are in upheaval all around you.  No matter where you look things seem to be in a state of chaos.  Now is the perfect time to do something new and different to bring about something new and different.

That’s how it works.  Things get crazy, uncomfortable, then you make a change or two and notice how things begin to change. Letting go of what is becomes easy when you grab hold of a new what is.  The process is simple and easy.  Stop paying so much attention to what you are already experiencing and move most of your attention to what you want.

That’s the law of attraction in a nutshell.  What you pay the most attention to is what you get the most of, over and over again. It’s the thoughts combined with emotion that has the most pulling together power to create something new.

When surrounded by things and circumstances you are not enjoying simply shift to thinking and feeling about how you want things, what you want them to be like, look like, act like and feel like.  Keep the majority of your attention in this new place knowing that law of attraction, creative principle is always working to bring into form that which you focus most passionatly on.

As you shift your passion and your attention the old what is simply fades away, something new is created to interact with.  The process is so simple and so easy that many miss it, thinking they must transform what already is into the something new.  That’s the hard way to create.  Start where you are right now to think and feel your way to a new reality.

What already is serves you to show what is wanted by looking for the flip side of the situation.   Poverty and lack remind you that abundance and plenty is your prefered state of being, now focus on abundance and plenty.  Stay with that idea by thinking and feeling strongly about it, know how it feels, looks and then take action in the direction of abundance.  Always move in that direction not looking back to what is that isn’t wanted, focused only on what you are now bringing forth into being.

Letting go is the natural part of the creation process.  As you pay attention to a new creation and let  your attention move from what isn’t wanted it dissapates back into the molecules it’s created from.  A new reality is formed easily and joyfully.

Make up your mind what you want and don’t let go.  Easy, simple and fun to do.



Cleansing of the Sea Goddess

This necklace creation is looking for a new home.

Glorious!  Peacock beads, amazonite and mother of pearl creates a beautiful energy around the Female Energy riding the sea horse on the heart pendant.
You will realize a beautiful washing away of all that binds you and holds you in place.  Click here to see this and other jewelry law of attraction creations.

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

It’s the beliefs doing it all creating it all « Secret Design Creations

It’s the beliefs doing it all creating it all

Posted by Donna DeVane on July 6, 2010

Digitalis purpurea (flowers)

Image via Wikipedia

You know what you want.  You’ve had lots of contrast, you’ve taken notice of what you do want by looking at what you don’t want.  You’ve made vision boards, said positive things, done positive things. You’ve been focused on the good life, good things, refused to acknowledge the unwanted, still .. what you want hasn’t shown up.

What’s going on here?  You are clear, you’ve done all the stuff the books and the teachers say you should, yet very little has changed in your life circumstances, why? What’s not lining up?

Life circumstances show up in reflection to what you “know” is so, not what you say is so.  What comes out of the mouth, the mind is not always the same stuff stored in the subconscious where the whole show is being directed and molecules are being pulled together to create stuff from.

Where did these powerful, stuff creating beliefs come from?  How did they get in your subconscious?  You beliefs were mostly given to you as a child.  Parents pass down their world views to children.  Parents make sure you have proof that these beliefs are true as well as just telling you things that are so.  You ask for money, your parents tell you that money doesn’t grow on trees, it’s hard to get.  You have to work long and hard and may never do more than just barely make it.  They live that way, you see that this is how it works and store this as a belief.

Now you find yourself wanting more of life.  You want more of the good stuff, the fun stuff.  You use mind power to say “things come easily to me, success is easy” yet find that you are caught up in the cycle of working to get by.  You are making it, but not able to get past some invisible line to big success.

Why?  What’s going on here?  The mind doesn’t control the subconscious.  Attempting to change your belief program with just mental power alone is a long task.  You must understand what your beliefs are, and then reprogram a new belief into the subconscious. 

Often what you think is the belief holding you back isn’t all there is to the story.  When you combine beliefs about money being hard to get with not being smart enough, or good enough, or it being sinful to want lots of money; you see how complicated the subconscious programming is that creates your experience.

Tracing your beliefs to the subconscious is the first step to changing them.  Next you need to install a program in line with what you want.  There are several methods to do this, all of them easy and simple to use.

After finding the belief that you want to reprogram make a positive statement in regards to that issue.  Be still and silent for a few moments, clue in to the subconscious by speaking to it.  Explain that the shift you are about to make in your belief program benefits the Whole Self, making life easier and better.

Sit with legs crossed at the ankles,  tap in the center of the chest making the statement softly until you feel release. Now go out and prove to yourself that the new program is true.  Acting on the new belief is important. 

Programming the subconscious is easy and simple to do.  The real key is making sure you are addressing the correct thought/belief program to start with.  As stated above these can be complex.  You need to address the root of the program, not just make statements in line with what you desire.

You deserve to life free, enjoy success and celebrate each day of your life.  To work with me on your very own shift beliefs session click here.  One 1 hour session will change one belief.  You will know the difference.  Do this for yourself today and change your life.

Your life changes ….. When YOU change…

Join me on my radio show for more conversation about changing your life.

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Monday, July 05, 2010

What program is running in your subconscious? Success or Failure? « Secret Design Creations

Picture0013 Within you, running 24/7 is a program that is creating your life experiences.  You may not be aware of what the program is or how it affects you, but it’s there always working with the law of attraction to bring about what you believe to be so into physical form.

These programs are beliefs, they are stored in the subconscious where you don’t pay a lot of attention to them.  They are automatic, bringing thoughts, emotions into form.  If you would like to know what you believe about yourself, life, the world and others take a look at your life.  What is showing up on a regular basis?

When what you say you want to experience is different from what you get, you can bet there is a subconscious belief running in the background creating what you are actually getting.  This program pays little or no attention to what your mind is saying.  It’s like the operating system installed on your computer’s hard drive. There, all the time, running, and it dictates how other programs, i.e., your thoughts, are handled.

In order to discover these beliefs, this hidden operating system you have only to look at the experiences you are having.  If they are in line with what you say you want then your life will reflect what you say you want.  If however, you are saying you want something that doesn’t show up this indicates that your mind and your subconscious are running different programs.

Most people attempt to create a new life experience with mental power alone.  It seldom works and when it does it takes a lot of energy and time to bring about a shift in the subconscious that matches the new desire.

There is a much faster and simpler way to accommodate change.  Locate the belief in the subconscious.  It’s fairly easy to determine what the process is by examining what’s showing up in your life.

Now begin working with the subconscious to change the program.  This is fairly easy to do as well.  Explain to the subconscious that the new thought/belief is for the best of the whole self. Sit in silence saying the new programming until you feel a shift.  Crossing legs and hands is often helpful as well.

When you feel the shift has taken place rejoice.  Now don’t go back to the old way of thinking.  Live the new program.  Take actions steps at once to back up the new program so that you now have “evidence” of the value of the new operating system.  The more you experience the new thought, the more easily it will stay embedded in the programming.

If you would like help in getting clear and shifting your subconscious programming, visit my website.  I promise that within one hour you will know a shift in your internal operating system.  Make your shift today by visiting my website.

Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Live Happy Be Happy IT's a matter of choice

I know you.

You want to live happy and be happy.

Each day you seek to feel good and put the past behind.

Things just keep getting in the way of feeling good. 

Things that happened long ago, relationships that didn't work.

You just don't get it.. why aren't you happy?

Abundance and prosperity seem to always be right over the next mountain you must climb.

Physical well being and positive relationships just don't seem to be in the cards for your life.

The Good News is.. you can be happy and live happy.

You can learn how and each day enjoy more and more happiness.

I know how you feel.  I've been where you are right now.

I've learned the Secrets to happiness and joy.

Let me  share with you what I've discovered as a healer and life coach and a person..

You are ready to experience all the good things you see others enjoying.


How to find happiness

Happiness is your natural state, you were born to enjoy happiness. Accepting this fact is the first step to living happy and being happy.

Until you accept that being happy is possible you will find only moments of feeling this way and they will be dependent on something happening.

Every cell of your being cries out for you to be happy, to live a wonderful and joy filled life.

You've spent so many years practicing not being happy that you've forgotten how to BE Happy.

There are steps you can take that will turn your life experience around starting today.

How do I know this you're asking?

As a spiritual healer and life coach for over 15 years, a mom, grand mom and person who has walked this path..

I share with you the tools to change your life.

By starting with yourself you change everything you experience.

I know you've seen, maybe even read hundreds of books on this subject.  

Take a moment right now and be still.  Take a deep breath. Fill up with the breath. As you exhale think and or say softly, Harmony. Now do it again saying joy.

Repeat this just a few times and you will feel a shift take place. Being and living happy is a choice, a state of mind.

My ebook takes the actual experiences of my clients and my own life and puts it in an easy to read, easy to apply and easy to experience form.  As you read through the material you will have many AHA moments.

You are ready for this.  That's why you were led here.  This is the next step on your path to understanding and through that understanding... CHANGE.

Don't wait for happiness another moment.. right now.. get your copy of How to Live Happy and Be Happy.. Yes You Can.. and start creating a magical life.


After purchase you will be taken to a download page.  Download requires Adobe Reader to open ebook.  Save it to your hard drive.



Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

Declare today Be Happy Day & Change Your Life « Secret Design Creations

  • Tweet Me

  • Declare today Be Happy Day & Change Your Life

    Posted by Donna DeVane on July 4, 2010


    Happy Independence Day.. to our Nation and to each of us.  You are not only an American you are a Free Creative Being.  Wow, that’s exciting isn’t it?  Just think about what being free means to you.  Not only can you work where you please, live where you desire, marry, have children, drive a car and many other “free” things.. but .. much bigger than that.. you can Create Whatever You Desire to experience.

    Freedom is much more than just being able to vote, as wonderful as that is.  It’s more than buying property, owning a business.  It’s about personal freedom.  You get to decide what you will experience.  You get to create it as you go along.

    Using the imagination and passionate feelings you can pull molecules together into forms to interact with.  That’s exciting isn’t it?

    As a free Being you can decide to be happy or sad, angry or peaceful, prospereous or impoverished.  The choices are all yours and no one has any power over you and what you create for yourself. 

    This is true freedom.  Total freedom.  Even when others create experiences you get to decide how to feel about them, what if anything to do.  Whether or not to even get emotionally involved with the creations of others.

    You are so free that you can wake up every morning and decide ahead of time how you want your day to progress, how you want to feel and what you want to interact with.  That’s pure power.  Power to create and it’s all yours.

    You decide whether to go along with the flow of the tribe or strike out on your own and dance to your inner drummer.  You think and feel things into physical form just by wanting them and paying attention to them.  You grow these creations in your imagination and emotions, always bringing into form a reflection of what you’ve already created within you.

    You are so free that no matter what you’ve already created, you are not stuck with it.  You can change your life and your experiences at any given moment just by creating something new to experience.  You know how to do it.  Go within, see, feel, hold onto that seeing and feeling, celebrate the creation, walk in it, play with it.

    You are a FREE creative Being.  You can bring whatever you like into form, relax it and create again if the first creation isn’t to your liking.  It’s fun.  It’s Who You Are.. a Creator.. bringing thought into form over and over again.

    It starts with a thought, then a feeling joins, action soon takes place and before your eyes a new experience has formed.  This is what Freedom Is.  Grab hold of it, create with consciousness and with great joy.

    Your right is to Be Happy is you so decide.  Discover how to take the creative reins and bring forth a Happy Life today.

    Be Happy Book Coversm


    Get your copy of this How to Be Happy Ebook Today!


    Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

    Thursday, July 01, 2010

    Shaman Healing Feathers for your hair

    I love creating and wearing these. you will too.. what a wonderful energy to enhance your life. Click the link to see this and other hair feather creations.

    Posted via email from Earth Mother Self Heal

    Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

    My photo
    Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
    Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.

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