Tuesday, April 22, 2008

You Have the Power

You have the power

What if I were to tell you that you have the power right now to change how you feel?

That no matter what is going on in your life, no matter how unpleasant and unwanted your present circumstance might be, you DO have the power to not only change how you feel, but to change what is going on.

I know, I know, you're thinking that I just don't understand this hard place you are in right now. You have a right to feel angry, frustrated, discouraged.. and you are correct. You do have the right to feel bad, but as Abraham says, “why would you want to exercise that right”?

What if I were to tell you that what you are experiencing right now is mostly due to how you have been thinking and feeling for years and years?

Your thoughts and feelings work like a giant magnet attracting more of the same energy, experiences into your life over and over again.

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Even the writers of the Bible knew the principles of co creating. You reap what you sow.

If you have ever planted a garden or a plant you saw that you don't get corn from a rose bush, you get roses from a rose bush and corn from a corn plant.

One plant also bursts forth with many roses or kernels of corn, you get more than you first sowed.

This is the natural order of growth. When we apply this to our thoughts we realize that thoughts bring forth a harvest of feelings in line with our thoughts. These feelings then bring forth a harvest of experience in line with the feelings.

Now for the exciting part, when you choose our thoughts in line with what and how you wish to feel, you set in motion the manifesting magnet to attract more of the same energy.

This always works, all the time, every time. You can't get around it. So, work with the principles

yo co create what it is that you really wish to experience.

I know that sometimes it feels really hard to shift emotions. Things just are not the way you want them to be. Ok, that's what you are experiencing right now. It's proof that the Law of Attraction is at work in your life. Use this as you inspiration to experiment with different thoughts and feelings.

What can you think differently so that you can change your feelings even a little bit.?

Perhaps you can find one thought that feels better? The exciting thing is once you find that first thought that feels better another better feeling thought comes more easily to you. Stay with that one a bit and an even better feeling thought comes your way.

See where I'm gong with this?

Just like one bad feeling thought gives way to an even worse feeling thought and state of mind.. good feeling thoughts grow and bloom, bringing a harvest of good feeling emotions which in turn bring about experiences in line with what you are thinking and feeling.

Play with it and enjoy the power that is yours to change how you feel and what you experience by choosing thoughts that feel good.

You'll soon see that you are indeed a powerful creator and you will smile.

Love yourself well,

Visit my website for Ebooks that will hwlp you chanfe your life

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Heal Your LIfe With Law of Attaction

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Somewhere In, Alabama, United States
Donna DeVane is a certified GIYAME energy healer, teacher and author, and life coach. Her work inspires and empowers women to live life fully and blissfully. Her book Creating Yourself A Mini Guide to the LOA takes you step by step through the principles of the Law of Attraction. Change your life from the inside out. A Journey Back to Self is the result of 12 years of real time and online classes with lessons which heal your emotions and restore balance and well being in your life. Her special line of gemstone jewelry combines her knowledge of the metaphysical energy of stones and crystals to provide jewelry that really makes a difference. Native American style primitive dream catchers and booger masks are created to bring powerful energy of healing and balance into your life. Gemstone and crystal Feng Shui cures and suncatchers promote positive energy and rainbows. Donna is 4th degree recommended black belt in Tae Kwon Do and encourages all women to learn this powerful art of mental, physical and spiritual balance. Her books on healing and working with the principles of Law of Attraction are life changing.